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REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law
REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law
REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law
Ebook122 pages1 hour

REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law

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Is an 85 year old; uneducated man, capable of rational thought? I Await Your Decision !

Though born and raised Texan, Wendall, and Leota, my lovely, and loving wife and bride of very nearly sisty years, now call the Lewis Clark valley of Idaho home.

In the late nineteen forties, “pulling bolls” in Mr.Rays cotton patch, in

PublisherAuthors Press
Release dateFeb 20, 2020
REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law


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    REPULSIVCAN DAMN O CRACY - Wendall E. Dennis

    Copyright © 2020 by Wendall Dennis

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    California, USA


    Purpose of Writing?


    Happy Days Were Here Again!

    What a Sweet Deal!



    An Introduction Is In Order !


    My Subsequent Life?


    The Choice Is Ours!



    The Law And The Constitution!

    What Would Jesus Do?

    Wittenberg, Germany October 31, 1517:



    A New Man For A New Age!





    Well Guess What?


    A 4000 years old, Levitical

    Priesthood proclamation:

    Now a question!

    Have We Set The Stage For Armageddon?


    I Pledge My Devotion to My God--The Flag--The Cause of Liberty--And the Nation, Dedicated by Our Forefathers; Purchased With Their Lives; And Nurtured With The Blood of Following Generations, Too The Securing of Individual Sovereignty For All.

    As will become very apparant, very quickly, I was no professional writer at 25, and neither am I one at 85. By the way: President Trump is not the source of this government mess: Contrarilly, he’s the result.

    The professional currency manipulator beat the professional law manipulator in, the law manipulation presidential auction - err election. His $billion besting Hilliaries mere $Hundred&Twenty Million.

    The focus of this book is the exploration of the possibility, and the postulation of the probability, that the financial system and the US government, as we know it, is destined to either collapse, or, at least experience massive change.

    If this indeed proves to be the case, the manner and focus of its rebuilding will determine the fate of our freedom. We, the citizens of the time, must dedicate our lives to, and accept nothing less, than individual sovereignty, or learn to live in captivity!

    The degree of sovereignty an individual or nation enjoys is directly dependent upon the money at their disposal. A system designed to pyramid wealth by manipulation of the law and currency, at the expense of productive labor, destroys that incentive, in addition to the financial security of the nation.

    I, as well as many of my fellow citizens, have developed a sever skepticism concerning the course upon which our nation’s government has embarked within the last forty years.

    Many of us have reached the conclusion that the experts whom we have relied upon to chart the course of our ship of state, could not find their butts with both hands. Others see outright betrayal, within the highest office in the land.

    It is my conviction, that unless I, and a large number of my fellow travelers begin to spend less time enjoying the natural beauty and recreational opportunities of our respective areas, and more time supervising and reassessing the role of our representatives to government, that very soon we will no longer be free to go where we want, and do what we please.

    As it relates to government, it seems that each generation insists upon making many of their own decisions from scratch, repeating many of the errors, and suffering the same consequences.

    My only desire is to hold the mirror of history for our nation, allowing the concerned among us to compare the reflections of our current problems face to face, with the problems faced by our ancestors.

    We may then draw conclusions and formulate actions to be taken, utilizing lessons of the past. Without question, many of these answers will dictate change in government policy, as well as personal attitudes and life styles.

    This spawns an interesting question: Do enough of us really desire the answers, or will we wait until after we, as a nation, have been required to reclaim the freedom that many of us now take for granted?

    This observation springs from the fact that it has been neither easy nor pleasant for me to unlearn ancient truth, thus, I realize that it is going to be even harder and more unpleasant for many, and even impossible, for some of my fellow citizens to accept these conclusions.

    I, more than anyone, recognize my limitation of education and seeming lack of qualification, however, because many of the educated members of our society appear to be dismayed by the conditions--and the analysis of those attempting to find answers appear lacking, my hope is that my conclusions will be read, and any deserved merit added to that of the better educated.

    We each harbor our own unique perspectives and definitions of freedom; for too long we have taken these blessings for granted. However, there exist now, as never before, a concerted effort to rob us of the right to these definitions, and to replace them with state imposed mandates.

    Patrick Henry, an original patriot, recognized the fact that unless the right of self determination existed, life had no value.

    A portion of a speech made to his fellow delegates at the founding convention, has been repeated by teachers to students in classrooms throughout this nation, for over two hundred years.

    Quote: Gentlemen may cry Peace--Peace But there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others my take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death." Close Quote.

    The connotation of this speech, figuratively speaking became a guidon--leading generation after generation of our youth onto battlefields around the world, in an effort to aid our fellow mans struggle to attain the blessings of liberty.

    Many Now Lie in Cemeteries in Foreign Lands.

    From all appearances, a very large number of our current populace have either forgotten the speech, have never been exposed to it, or have written it off as no longer appropriate in our day and age.

    I’m not one of them!

    I am prepared, as have been many of my contemporaries, and as was the founders of our nation, to place my personal welfare in the hands of our creator.

    Although I will never gain their stature, there are far worse things to aspire to than the courage displayed by George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Martin Luther King, and Medger Evers, to name just a few.

    I obviously have written from the only perspective which I know, a lifetime of hard work, and a view from the trenches.

    If I am successful in my efforts, many of you within my peer group are going to observe that I could have written that book. You are absolutely correct.

    Drawing from past experiences of myself and others, encompassing many generations, and embracing many centuries, it is nothing more than common sense comparisons of what has and hasn’t worked, and why.

    Higher education has been held in high regard by most of the nation’s citizens for a very long time. We have given credence to the credentials of education to determine our representatives of delegated authority for generations.

    The troubles facing this nation today are calling these individual credentials, and the institutions from which they were obtained, to account.

    It is very troubling to many of us to

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