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Waiting While Single
Waiting While Single
Waiting While Single
Ebook44 pages30 minutes

Waiting While Single

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Most of the time we are waiting on God for someone or something in our lives. "Waiting While Single" reveals solutions, and God's word to women that are waiting for someone or something. Whether it's a waiting season for a husband, promotion, or life purpose, we sometimes get impatient while waiting on what we're expecting. The wait can sometimes feel unbearable which can lead us to go ahead of God and try to get it on our own. But after trying to achieve what we're waiting on without God, we tend to repeat the waiting season over and over. What are you doing while you wait? Wait patiently in your season of waiting and try not to proceed expeditiously into the next season. The wait is more important than what you're waiting on. During the weary moments of singleness, waiting, or expecting. God hasn't forgotten your heart desires. There is a promise to single women from God.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires (Song of Song 3:5).

Release dateDec 30, 2021
Waiting While Single

Arnette McFadden

Arnette McFadden was born in 1973. She has three daughters, four granddaughter, and one grandson. Many years after her divorce and raising her daughters she went back to school and earned a bachelor's degree from Judson University in 2016. She is known for her kind heart, pleasant smile, and humorous personality. Her desire is to inspire others through her writing. She recently became an Author of her first book, Chosen on April 21,2021. She struggled with the idea of becoming an Author and talked herself out of it. Along the way she achieved multiple goals that she set out to reach, but she knew she was not living in her purpose. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Arnette realized that it was time that she starts walking in her purpose. Service is important in life, and she wants to use her writing to service others. Arnette is a God-fearing woman and extraordinarily talented with impeccable taste in décor and fashion. She loves to remodel and decorate, but her passion is writing, and she looks forward to writing many more books. She thanks God for allowing her to operate in the gifts and talent that he has giving her. His perfect love and guidance have shown her the plan he has for her life which is a better plan that she had for herself. "For many are called, but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14). She thanks God for vision in her purpose.

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    Waiting While Single - Arnette McFadden



    Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

    —PSALMS 143:8

    ONCE AGAIN YOU find yourself sailing down the river without a life jacket. You’re not alone. Many women have sailed in that same unstable boat, going down that same rocky river, thinking that they would not need their life jacket because they could guide the boat where they needed it to go without crashing.

    You look over at the boat thinking that it’s well-built, looks secure, and has everything you need to get to the other side. You can’t wait to see the beautiful sand, blue waters, and smell the fresh air. But every time you attempt to sail away and get there on your own, the boat fails and leaves you stranded in the middle of the ocean.

    You can’t understand why the boat is stalling. Maybe you need a new boat, or maybe this boat has too many issues, but you believe that the boat will eventually get you where you want to be. You tell yourself that you don’t need a life jacket, that you made it through. Getting stuck in the middle of the ocean multiple times, navigating through stormy rains, and that horrible boat crash, you continue to look back at the boat and say, I will get to the other side soon. I know how to swim if the boat tips over. But you also think, I’m getting sick of this boat going in the same direction and not in the direction I want it to go.

    God never intended for you to go through something and get nothing out of it. He intended that every time you go through something, you will come out of it with something else on your boat that you never had before.

    Let go and let God lead you to love. Allow God to be your love in your singleness. He will not stir you wrong. Single women are covered by their chastity and morality.

    Be careful who you give your heart to. The wrong person will not only leave you stranded and brokenhearted while going down a rocky river but can also drain your strength. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5–6)

    Are you sick and tired of the devil’s same old tricks, lies, living in bondage, painful comfort, and brokenness? Well, it’s time for you

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