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Reunified Earth
Reunified Earth
Reunified Earth
Ebook14 pages9 minutes

Reunified Earth

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Addy is a confused young mage that is stumbling along his trials to become a full member of the Mage's Guild. His country has come under attack and he is led by his mistress and trainer Ellianna in search of lost artifacts that may secure victory.
Nightmare creatures and ancient lore will put him on a path that could change more than just his own life.

PublisherRoger Woods
Release dateJan 12, 2022
Reunified Earth

Roger Woods

Roger Woods is an independent writer. His background is in the military and working in telecommunications. He has loved science fiction and fantasy from an early age and now writing about new worlds and characters.Email at:

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    Book preview

    Reunified Earth - Roger Woods

    Reunified Earth: War for Splai

    Copyright 2021 Roger Woods

    Published by Roger Woods at Smashwords

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    The festering stench of death and decay permeated the grime-coated walls. Shadows

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