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Metaverse of Mind: The Cosmic Social Network
Metaverse of Mind: The Cosmic Social Network
Metaverse of Mind: The Cosmic Social Network
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Metaverse of Mind: The Cosmic Social Network

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Everything that exists - atoms and cells, energy fields and ecosystems - is constantly processing information. Everything - photons and planets, microbes and mammals - is constantly moving to a goal, advancing from one state to another. Everything - from particles to butterflies - is constantly causing

Release dateJan 8, 2022
Metaverse of Mind: The Cosmic Social Network

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    Metaverse of Mind - Roy Abraham Varghese


    Metaverse of Mind

    The Cosmic Social Network

    R.A. Varghese

    R.A. Varghese is the author and/or editor of various books on the interface of science, philosophy, and religion. His Cosmos, Bios, Theos, included contributions from 24 Nobel Prize-winning scientists. Time magazine called Cosmos the year’s most intriguing book about God. Cosmic Beginnings and Human Ends, a subsequent work, won a Templeton Book Prize for "Outstanding Books in Science and Natural Theology." His The Wonder of the World was endorsed by leading thinkers include two Nobelists and was the subject of an Associated Press story. He co-authored There is a God—How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind with Antony Flew (a book translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, and Arabic). His The Missing Link (2013), includes contributions from three Nobel Prize winners and scientists from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and Yale. Varghese was a panelist at the science and religion forum in the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in 1993 and an invitee and participant in the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders held at the United Nations in August 2000. Varghese has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV shows. He has also been profiled in different print publications.

    For Yohan, my beloved grandson

    Table of Contents

    Definitions ix

    The Metaverse Mystics of Modern Science xiii

    I From the Tree of Life to the Metaverse of Mind 1

    A Network of Networks 3

    Kinds of Minds 11

    User Login 23

    II MindScape – A Walk in the Park 27

    III Metaverse of Mind – Cosmic Social Media Platforms – The Domains of Mind 29

    Mind 1 – Energy/Mather 33

    Mind 2 – Life 41

    Mind 3 – Consciousness 47

    Mind 4 – Thought 53

    Mind 5 – Non-physical Cognitive Self 59

    IV MindField – Cosmic Social Media Users – The Kingdoms of Mind 29

    Mind-cloud – Particles, Forces and Laws 67

    Mind-bots – Microbes and Cells 73

    Mind-pods – Plants 79

    Mind-lings – Insects and Reptiles 87

    Mind-lets – Birds and Fish 93

    Mind-forms – Non-human Mammals 99

    Minds – Homo Sapiens 103

    V MindSpace – The Evolution of Evolution 111

    Mind-Less – The Funda-materialist Superstition 113

    Mind-Full – De-deifying Evolution 119

    Mind Map 123

    VI Mind Matrix – Metagenesis 127

    Origins 129

    gods of the Gaps 133

    Godless Gaps 137

    The Central Order of Things 139

    The Four Horsemen of the Metaverse 141

    VII The Mind-Finders 149

    Physical Scientists 151

    Mathematicians 157

    Life Scientists 159

    Neuroscientists 161

    Infinite Mind is BEING and Not a Being 163



    Anything that

    processes information

    causes effects by acting either on its own or through ordered laws of nature

    moves toward a goal going from point A to point B

    adapts to its environment

    interacts with other entities

    Metaverse of Mind

    There are five kinds of minds – mind platforms – that appear in a sequence in cosmic history, each an advancement on the one before. They make up the Metaverse of Mind, the infrastructure of the Cosmic Social Network. The mind platforms of the Metaverse (Minds 1 through 5) may be compared to the various domains of the tree of life (archaea, bacteria and eukarya). As in the tree of life where kingdoms fall under domains (monera, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia), there are kingdoms of mind under its domains. The kingdoms of mind (MindCloud through Minds) make up the MindField.


    The cosmos, the Metaverse of Mind, is a network of networks. The users of this network range from the MindCloud to Mind-bots, Mind-lets, et al. Collectively, the users of the Cosmic Social Network, classified under various mind-kingdoms, constitute the MindField. The Metaverse is made up of mind-platforms. The MindField is made up of the users of the mind-platforms.

    An energy field is a region in which every point is affected by the operation of a particular kind of physical energy such as gravitational or electromagnetic energy. The MindField is a region in which every point is affected by the operation of a particular kind of mind, for instance a Mind-bot or a Mind-let. You can explore a digital version of the MindField at

    From Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality 
to Ultimate Reality

    There is a metaverse that transcends the digital metaverses of Big Tech. It is the Ultimate Reality that lies beyond the virtual reality and augmented reality of the technologists.

    It is the Metaverse of Mind manifested in nature.

    The Metaverse Mystics of Modern Science

    "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."¹

    Max Planck, the father of quantum physics

    "A conviction … of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a higher order … a belief bound up with deep feeling, in a superior mind that reveals itself in the world of experience."²

    Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of all time

    I must premise, that I have nothing to do with the origin of the primary mental powers.³ "I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man."⁴

    Charles Darwin, the father of modern evolutionary theory

    "As followers of natural science we know nothing of any relation between thoughts and the brain, except as a gross correlation in time and space. (…) Biology cannot go far in its subject without being met by mind."⁵

    Charles Scott Sherrington, pioneering Nobel Prize winning neurologist who discovered the synapse.

    "Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality (…) It is mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life."⁶

    Nobel Prize winning biologist George Wald

    "[Is mind] primary or an accidental consequence of something else? … Mind was a primary part of nature from the beginning and we are simply manifestations of it at the present stage of history. It’s not so much that mind has a life of its own but that mind is inherent in the way the universe is built."⁷

    Freeman Dyson, Physicist, Institute for Advanced Studies


    From the Tree of Life to the Metaverse of Mind

    Chapter 1

    The Cosmos is a Network of Networks

    The cosmos is a network of networks. A procession of social media platforms and users. This is the picture painted by modern science.

    It’s all here – livestreams and podcasts, tweets and posts, relationship statuses and real-time updates, e-commerce transactions and auction calls, user reviews and blog commentaries, Internets of Things and search engines, smart devices and location services.

    We see this from the very small to the very large.

    Take electrons and their relationship updates and tweets. They are users operating on the social media platform of the atom. At the center of the atom’s social network is the nucleus made up of protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.

    Each electron has a natural life-span of sixty-six thousand quadrillion years (one quadrillion = 1,000 trillion). Electrons orbit the nucleus in cloud-like waves (the electron field). A photon, a packet of light, is an electron tweet. When an electron makes a quantum leap to a lower energy orbit, it shoots out a photon. These tweets have real-world consequences because we would have no life without light!

    Further, the electron’s user relationships within the atom’s social network determines the fate of the cosmos. A proton is 1836 times heavier than an electron but the two have equal yet opposite charges (proton=positive, electron=negative). This electron to proton mass ratio is the exact proportion required for molecules to form.

    Atoms expand their social networks through electrons because different kinds of atoms can form chemical bonds only by sharing electrons. Electrons were also essential for the chemical reactions responsible for forming the universe. For instance. if there was any change in the charge of the electron, stars could not have burned hydrogen and helium – which means there would be no stars and no us because we are made of stardust!

    Turning to the very large, we consider the relationship network that is the cosmos with its 200 billion trillion stars. At any given moment, star systems and galaxies are spinning across the universe. There is a perfect balance between the outward centrifugal force and the inward force of these massive structures. This balance prevents them from colliding with each other or being thrown apart. For instance, galaxies are held together by the gravitational attraction of their stars. Their rotational motion prevents them from collapsing in on themselves. These user interactions were indispensable in creating a habitable universe.

    Social media are just as prominent in life-space, the universe of living beings.

    Consider microbes. Microbes like bacteria have their own messaging and interaction platforms. They focus on nourishment and reproduction. To meet these goals, they put up posts on their networks by releasing specific chemical molecules. These posts enable them to coordinate attacks on targets like plants and animals. Social networks of ancient cyanobacteria created the biosphere required for mammalian life by releasing massive amounts of oxygen. Microbes are social networkers by nature and most live in dynamic communities called microbiomes. It is estimated that some 100 trillion microbes live either within or on the outside of each of us.

    Further up the scale, plants are constantly podcasting, livestreaming and tweeting. They communicate using chemical signals (for instance, volatile organic compounds) via air or soil. They warn each other of impending attacks, say, from predatory pests. Some use forms of mimicry, others manipulate insects with neuroactive substances. Their search engines include their roots that search the soil for nutrients.

    Their e-commerce network enables them to respond to a whole host of sensory inputs from gravity to sunshine to an array of chemicals. The underlying social media platform of different flowering plants includes the reproductive machinery of stamen, petals, pollen and stigma. Fungi have social networks that span the globe and support all other forms of life and this is appropriately called "the wood-wide web."

    Next, there are the invertebrates like insects, snails, earthworms, snakes and others. They communicate through chemical signals like pheromones. These serve as their messaging feed. Insects communicate through emissions of sound and light and chemical odor. Insect direct messaging serves many purposes: reproduction, alerts, defense and more. Beehives and anthills are precisely ordered social networks. And, of course, all invertebrates have their own auction and commerce transaction networks.

    Then we have the aquatic and aviatic worlds where social networks are fundamental. Think flocks of birds and schools of fish. Birds use acoustic communication for various purposes: for courting or warning or even mobilizing their fellows for an attack. They communicate in many other ways such as dancing during mating. Bird e-commerce takes the form of migration. Many species of birds migrate to places thousands of miles away during certain periods of the year to

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