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Dawn of the Age of Pyrates
Dawn of the Age of Pyrates
Dawn of the Age of Pyrates
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Dawn of the Age of Pyrates

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YOUR DESTINY IS CREATED, NOT DICTATED. The year is 3525 and humanity is in the midst of the new Dark Ages. The Centurion Reich rules the galaxy with an iron fist. Everywhere you look is corruption and despair, thanks in large part to the new overly ambitious Emperor Titus the Mad. The only thing standing between the emperor and the complete

Release dateDec 21, 2021
Dawn of the Age of Pyrates

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    Dawn of the Age of Pyrates - Russ Storm



    our destiny is created, not dictated. That was my father's favorite saying when I was growing up. He always bristled at the idea that our life was not our own to command. His theory was always ‘why would we ever want to waste the one life we get following someone else's idea of how it should go. Your destiny is created, not dictated. It's a powerful idea that just happens to be very dangerous in an authoritarian society like the one we live in now. It was that idea that may have led to my parents’ death but they understood something that I struggled to understand for a long time after their passing. The fact there are principles in life that are worth dying for. In my grief, I couldn’t see it clearly then but considering the fact we’re about to attempt another death-defying rescue at a heavily armed, incredibly dangerous government run slave mine on one of the moons of Mars would indicate I finally figured it out. Captain, we’re about to reach the moon's orbit in 20 minutes." Oleg explained. Oleg is one of two pilots in my crew. The other being Rueben who is convinced that we need his weird sense of humor on the crew. There's Akeem, my best friend and gunner. Mo, (short for Dr. Maureen Walker) the ship's doctor, resident scientist and my secret crush according to my daughter Oren. Oren is my other gunner and the fiercest young woman in the solar system. Akeem trained her from the age of 8 in every fighting style known to man and alien. By the age of 16, she had mastered most of them. My beautiful little hothead. Last but not least is ZX-72. He's an obsolete humanoid A.I. soldier bot from the great A.I. war or as some like to refer to as World War 4. We helped him become sentient and he decided to join our crew to further his study of humanity.

    The year is 3519 AD and we are smack dab in the middle of the new Dark Ages. The most corrupt era in human history. It could be worse, I guess. We could be dead. Approaching orbit, El Capitan. Rueben announces on the ship's comm link. Ok, this is it! I yelled back into the comm link to get everybody ready. We do this by the numbers and grab as many people as we can! Yes sir! they shout back in unison. Akeem and Oren, take first position on the ramp. Even at 16, I trust her just as much as I trust anyone else on our crew. More importantly, I trust her training at the hands of my best friend Akeem. He has become her sensei and has motivated her in ways I never could. The 2 of them are joined on the ramp by Crystal, Akeem's daughter. She's 19 at this point and just as good as Oren when it comes to her mastery of the martial arts. You know the name of this moon, Phobos, means fear. ZX-72 announced over the ship's comm link. That doesn’t really help right now. I remind him for what feels like the millionth time. He's literally a fountain of useless knowledge. Reuben points out while trying to keep the ship below the traffic controller's radar. I humbly disagree, ZX-72 retorts. Knowledge is always useful. Not now, ZX. pleaded Mo anxiously. The med bay is prepped and ready, cap. Thanks, Mo. I replied as I made my way downstairs to the ramp as well. You can cut the tension in here with a knife. Hey, Finn!’’ I shouted into my comms. ``Try to keep this rust bucket together until we get back. I ain’t making no promises! he shouts back. Finn, the ship's engineer and one of the most sarcastic men alive. I love him like a brother but he's not the most positive person in the world. We are the very definition of a ragtag crew and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Society calls us pirates because we refuse to follow the rules. We refuse to let them tell us who we are and what we are capable of. We are round pegs that don’t fit into their square holes. I’ve always hated that word…pirates. To be honest, I feel like it's not even accurate. It's just some media spin term they came up with to scare the average citizen from wanting to come join us, just an excuse to demonize us.

    Reuben and Oleg slip past the radar detectors in orbit and on the ground as well. Their experience as former government pilots help us to avoid detection on the way in. Unfortunately for them because of that experience, they also both prefer a crew cut hairstyle and oversized pilot jumpsuits as part of their everyday fashion sense. Typical flyboy attire, I guess. The only real difference between them is Oleg is a pale, lanky quiet Russian guy with sandy blond hair and Reuben is the opposite side of the spectrum: boisterous, short, burly, dark skin Latino with thinning black hair. As much as I love to give them a hard time but if I was being honest, after all the things we’ve been through, I love these guys like a brother. So, I ran out of the elevator to the ramp area as quickly as I could. Alright, everybody. Let's get in and out. I said as they gradually brought the ship to a stop hovering above the ground on one of a million canyon plateaus that litter the surface of the moon. The artificial atmosphere makes it possible for humans to slave away their lives here for the Centurion Reich. They were an evil, ambitious group who rose to power through fear and intimidation. Taking advantage of a vulnerable and damaged populace, the first emperor Titus stepped up to fill the leadership void by creating fear and hatred of any and all aliens. Then used that to intimidate any and all opposition. This era is commonly referred to as the post-post apocalyptic period in human history. They began mining each planet in the solar system for its resources. Then they used those resources to finance the new empire as well as create six massive space stations strategically placed throughout the galaxy. All under the guise of doing it for the betterment of humanity. As you would expect, these community stations became extremely popular but equally as dangerous. Not only for humans but aliens as well. Each one has several large cities containing millions of residents, some cities containing as much as ten million citizens. These community stations or man-made moons (as they’re more commonly referred to) are used for everything from merchant to residential services and all of these transactions are being taxed by the new government in place. These stations are about half the size of the earth's moon. A total of eight exist in this solar system including the imperial research and design lab outside one of Saturn's moons. As their wealth and influence grew, so did their power and cruelty continuing to grow until their stranglehold on the solar system was complete. It was then that the creation of the Statutes of Humanity was born. It made freedom outside of the richest 5% of the population basically illegal. All lifestyle or career choices are decided by the results of an aptitude test taken by all humans at age 8. No matter the social class or gender, compliance is required. The results of this test determine the future of the participants: soldier, lawyer, chef, pilot, teacher, sanitation, etc. Eventually in time some came to resist or abandon their preset roles. At which time those who escaped their preset roles in life were considered outside of the law or one of ‘the undesirables’. Anyone caught or arrested as one of this class were sentenced to a lifetime of indentured servitude in the slave mines of Mars, Neptune or Uranus. Outside of mining for the traditional precious metals, the most precious material in the universe that really boosted the financial aspects of the empire was mining for star killian. A new mineral discovered in the space dust of asteroid belts that powers everything from kill star laser pistols to rocket engines.

    We’re putting you down right here in the middle of their radar's dead zone. Oleg informed us as the ramp begins to lower. Start the clock. Akeem said, syncing his time piece. Weapons on stun. The ramp lowers and we spring into action. Akeem and Oren take out the first two guards at the entrance to the mine. Meanwhile, Crystal and I try to free everyone we come across in the mineral mines. Who-who are you? one of the malnourished kids we find just lying on the stairs leading down in the mines. I’m Captain Storm, Jason Storm. And I need you to get outside to our ship as quickly as possible. Outside the cave, Akeem and Oren quickly blasts every armed guard in the vicinity of our starship but eventually have to run for cover due to the sheer overwhelming numbers of their opposition. Wow! Oren yelled over the gun fire. These guys sure are feisty! She lets off a couple of shots before ducking behind the nearest man-sized boulder. Yes, it appears these guys don’t know when they’re beat. Akeem jokes from behind another large rock about 100 feet away from her. Despite looking like a bodybuilder from ancient Earth, this ebony skinned, blue eyed warrior has dedicated his life to the study of martial arts, not just martial arts but the mastery of any and all human forms of combat as well as most of the known alien practices as well. For him this wasn’t just a hobby but a lifestyle. He is of course, not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination. Inside of him burns an insatiable fire that threatens to roar out of control, if not for his Zen-like self control. I must set an example; he would tell himself whenever he felt like the fire inside was getting the best of him. The ones I care about the most are watching me and the way I handle myself. First and foremost, my daughter Crystal, my reason for being. And then later my surrogate daughter and prized pupil, Oren. he reminds himself daily in an almost ritualistic chant. The only child of my closest friend, Jason Storm. He entrusted me with all that is important to him. I shall never betray that trust. I’d rather die first considering all the times he's saved my life. Especially after he rescued Crystal and myself from these same slave mines years ago. That is a debt that cannot be repaid.

    This group of recently freed men and women come to a stop once they reach the mouth of the cave because of all the crossfire. In truth, the slaves aren’t chained down to anything because there isn’t anywhere for them to run away to on this Martian moon. Each mining encampment is protected by a field of artificial atmosphere which provides oxygen and gravity inside the perimeter. Because of that, should anyone venture too far away from the mining site without a nano suit, they wouldn’t last long. Hey cap! Akeem shouted into his VNC (Virtual Net Communicator.) We’re pinned down pretty good out here. The VNC is the most popular communication device of our time because it's a thin tube you wear around the back of your neck that uploads holographic images and communication directly into the brain stem. The VNC is the pinnacle of human/computer interface technology, one of the earliest dreams of the first computer programmers where the screen is uploaded into your brain. This concept was so popular that it made the parent company one of the most successful corporations of all time. That is until it was assimilated by the Centurion Reich as part of its new imminent domain campaign. Ok, I got you. I answered then switched over to the ship's comm link. Hey, Mo! Can you give them a little cover fire? They seem to be struggling with their part of the assignment. I chuckled to myself. I tend to laugh at my own jokes more often than not. Alright, cap. I’m on it. she said calmly as she instructed the pilots to swing back around.

    Mo isn’t just the crew's doctor, she's also my second in command due to the fact she's almost as big a badass as I am. No matter the situation, her hand never shakes. If I kick down a door, she's the first one through the door and an amazing brunette with beautiful blue eyes. She's also incredibly smart. She has several science degrees along with the one specializing in medical science. Ok, fine. Maybe I do have a crush but I’m alright with it. Anyway, they seem to always have a ridiculous number of stairs to run down in these slave mines. The stairs are built into the walls of the cave in a circular motion leading down to the moon's core. The farther Crystal and I go down into this massive cave, the more intense the heat is. When you combine that with the constant physical abuse and only one meal a day, you can see why being sent here is generally considered a death sentence. As I come around the corner on the stairs, Whoa! I shouted as I barely duck a laser shot to the face. As I dodge the shot, I continue towards him and catch him with an uppercut to the chin knocking him backwards into the wall. After he hits the wall, I grab the back of his head and slam it down onto my knee. KERRUNCH! Nice combo, Capt. Storm. Crystal compliments me as I shove his unconscious body over the rail. Thanks sweetie. I chuckled to myself. This old guys still got a few tricks up his sleeve. Instead of responding, she gets a dead serious look on her face and sprints toward me. I wait until the last possible moment before I bend down to my knees and allow her to leap over me and catch my would-be assailant in the chest with a well placed front kick. What do ya think, Uncle J? she asked as she watched the slave driver fall backwards over the railing. Your dad would be so proud of you, baby girl. I shouted down to her, beaming like a proud parent. But we’re running out of time. Never longer than 5 minutes. Crystal shouted, running back up the stairs repeating a mantra that she has heard countless times before. I’m right behind you! I called out to her as she was streaking up the stairs to the entrance of the underground cave. Don’t leave the cave until Mo gives the signal. I barked into the VNC as I followed behind her up the stairs.

    Wait….please. I barely hear the weak voice behind me a couple of levels down the stairs. Please don’t leave me. he begged. He looked like a really malnourished teenager. We really don’t have time for me to run back down to get him but the look of fear in his eyes as he tries to get my attention to save him almost breaks my heart. Isn’t this why we risk our lives to do this? To protect the innocent? I take a deep breath and just say, Screw it! under my breath as I run down the winding stairs of the mining site to reach him. I’m moving as fast as I can down the stairs but I know time is not on my side here. Can you stand, kid? I asked him as I looked around for any guards or slave drivers. Uhh, I don’t think so, he said weakly. I’m sorry, sir. Well on the positive side, I responded, You don’t look that heavy. He smiled as I picked him up off the ground and threw him over my shoulder. KA-BOOM! What was that? the kid asked. That is the signal we were waiting for. I said, straining to run up the stairs with this kid draped over my shoulder.

    Several laser blasts fly past my head from the guards on the lower levels as I make my way back up the stairs. Unnh! I grunted while trying to carry the poor kid as fast as I could without getting shot. On second thought, You’re not as light as I thought! I joked to keep from crying. Hey cap, we gotta go! Reuben warned me on the VNC. They’re mobilizing air support as we speak. I’m…coming! I struggled to say, after carrying him up three flights of stairs. I got one more kid on my way to you but I’m gonna need a little help. We made it up to the ground level before I had to put him down to rest a minute. What's wrong, sir? the kid queried anxiously, clearly terrified at the idea of being caught. We can’t stop now. They’ll kill us both. I turned back to look down the stairs behind us. I’m sorry, kid but this is as far as I can make it. My legs gave out on me not soon after I reached the top stair. I had to lower the kid to the ground to keep from falling on my face. I wasn’t prepared for a leg workout tonight. I reached down to grab both pistols from my holsters, waiting for the eventual trouble to come up the stairs behind us. My legs hurt so bad that I can’t even stand anymore, let alone run away. Is this how I’m supposed to die? I think to myself. Dying while trying to save someone else's life is how my father passed away, maybe it's fitting that the son would follow his father's demise. Stay behind me, kid. I whispered to him, waiting for the next guard's head to peek over the top stair so I could give us a fighting chance. If we can just delay the inevitable a little while longer, just long enough to get the feeling back in my legs. Ok, new rule. If I ever get outta here. Before we do any more missions, I gotta make sure I stretch first. Are your thighs supposed to burn this bad? Suddenly, a huge shadow appears over my left shoulder. What are you doing down there? Akeem asked, looking puzzled at my condition. It's a long story… I answered, relieved to see him but still in pain. Can you carry us? Us? he repeated. You know what, I responded a little frustrated at my predicament. Just get us back to the ship and then you can make fun of me as much as you want to. Oren scoops up the kid behind me and drags him toward the mouth of the cave. Ouch! the kid whines as she drops his legs to raise her rifle. We’re gonna need that backup ASAP! Akeem yelled into his VNC as he swept me up from the floor almost effortlessly. The starship quickly descends to the cave's entrance. Less than a minute later, ZX-72 comes flying down the ramp of the Corsair, tiny rockets protruding from the sides of his feet. Oren guides the crowd of grateful people towards the starship's ramp. ZX-72 flies past us to cover our departure, firing laser blasts from both hands and his chest cannon back into the entrance of the cave forcing the remaining guards back into the tunnel. Okay ZX, we’re in now. Mo shouted, standing on the ramp firing shots into the cave as well. The combination of ZX and Mo's blasts cause the arch above the entrance to collapse, buying them some extra time as the final former slave makes it up the ramp. What happened to him? she asked as Akeem walked by carrying my semi limp body. Oh, wow. That's not embarrassing at all. she chuckles as ZX-72 zips up the ramp before the Corsair begins to rise slowly into the air. Ok, the ramp is closed, guys! Mo reported into her comm link. Rueben, do your thang! Reuben then makes the jump to DM light speed (Dark matter enhanced light speed jump) just minutes before the Reich gunships arrive on the scene. Captain Storm? one of the escaped men asked. You’re Captain Storm, you’re the one who goes around freeing the slaves? No duh, kid. Akeem answered, dropping me on the floor without warning. Hey, man… I complained, rubbing my back side looking up at him. What? Akeem asked, trying not to smile, We’re inside now. I wasn’t gonna carry you around all day… Thank the anime gods! We’ve been praying for you to find us. the grateful man proclaimed, rushing over to shake my hand. How can we ever repay you? You’re welcome. I replied humbly. I still have a hard time accepting compliments. It's something I’ve struggled with since I was a kid. I mean, seriously. What are you supposed to say to some of the things people say when they’re thankful? We don’t have much food but you are all welcome to it. We have IV stations already set up for those that need it in the med bay. Then I turned towards the kid who I carried up the stairs. Especially you. You need to be at the front of that line. You all can stay with us until you get on your feet. All of us? another woman repeated. Yes, I smiled to myself as I crawled over to the nearest chair, But you have to carry your own weight around here. Whatever it takes, sir. the young man replied. You just saved my life. I owe you the ultimate debt. I like your attitude. I chuckled to myself, I’m Captain Jason Storm. What's your name? They call me Yamamoto, he said proudly. That's cool. What's your name, kid? I asked the one I had to carry up the stairs. My name is Adam, Adam Garrison. he struggled to say floating on a med gurney towards the med bay. How can we repay you for this? he asked gratefully. Well, we do take checks. Reuben suggested, passing by on his way to the upper deck. Needless to say, he was the comedian of the crew. After we all share a laugh, I move to explain why we’re one of the few who risk their lives this way. Just do me a favor. I begin to say while struggling to rise to my feet. If you guys ever see anyone in trouble or they need some help, just pay it forward. Done! the young Yamamoto proclaimed. That's it? Adam asked in disbelief. That's all you want from us? Yeah, I smiled to myself while Mo hooks him up to an IV tube. And try to make your life mean something. I understand after all you went through that it's a little hard to trust anybody anymore but paying it forward gives hope to those who need it. Hope is something that's in short supply nowadays. This is a second chance for all of you. Don’t waste it."

    Six years later, people have come and gone in our little crew but the core members remain the same. It is now 3525. A few years ago, Crystal left to start her own crew. A group of young freedom fighters called the Silverbacks. They run around the galaxy creating problems for the Reich everywhere they go. I was more nervous for her than her own father was. At least in my head but I was never more proud of her than I was when she left to start her own crew. She was like a sister to Oren. Watching her follow in her father's footsteps still gets me a little choked up. I still keep tabs on her just in case.


    The Corsair


    onor….such a small and seemingly insignificant word but strong enough to live your entire life by. Sometimes when people who don’t understand or don’t remember the true meaning of the word ask me why I risk my life to save others from a fate worse than death or we raid and generally disrupt the Reich's cargo transportation routes. I just laugh to myself in response. Most other pirates assume it's some type of adrenaline rush thing or secret death wish but truth be told, I’m just following in my father's footsteps. He believed in justice or at the very least, balanced and fair treatment of everyone. He believed that all life is precious and should be treated as such. To a point, that is. He wouldn’t allow someone to attack him without defending himself but he would never intentionally seek to end someone's life. Maybe he's a little old fashioned in that way because nowadays most people willfully, almost joyfully kill without hesitation. But that has never been my way. Oren says I get it from my father, that I’m trying to honor his memory. She might be right, all I know is that in this universe everyone is always taking the easy way out. Never considering the cost of taking someone's life. No wonder the previous emperor's regime didn’t understand him and immediately considered him a threat to the Reich. And what people in power don’t understand, they destroy. He spent his life devoted to a set of moral principles. A life spent trying to fight against the corruption and greed that plagues humanity like a virus threatening to destroy us all. In truth, that's why I do this. To push back against the unstoppable tide of evil that is infecting the human race. If that means I’m the only thing standing in the way of this diabolical empire then so be it. I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees, period. To be honest, I’m very lucky to have found a group of people who feel the same way. They are my crew…closer than family to me.

    Statute enforcement officers patrol the solar system and especially the community stations for the Centurion Reich. These space stations are where many of the ones who would not succumb to the rule of the Centurion Reich come to do business. While most of us are considered outlaws or traitors to the Reich, the media as part of their smear campaign to discourage regular citizens from joining our cause started to call us pirates. But deep down most citizens admire us, some even call us the true heroes of our age. The ones, not afraid to live life on their own terms. They travel around together in groups called crews made up of liberated undesirables. This story is about one of the greatest crews of their time……the crew of the Corsair.

    Vanowen is the most popular man-made moon. It is home to pirates, weapon dealers, underworld figures, statute enforcement officers and various government officials. With all of those different types of interested parties all occupying the same space at the same time. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before that extreme mixture of diverse chemicals would explode all over the galaxy. In order to avoid this, it was eventually agreed upon by all interested parties to consider this planetary station as an intergalactic neutral zone. Since so many transactions are processed here both legit and not so legit, the resident crime lord Ania-sin declares this area off limits to fighting of any kind due to violence being bad for business. Once that was declared an unofficial law of the community station, business started booming there. Each financial transaction conducted there and on every planetary station is taxed twice: once for the government and once for the organized crime family that runs the racketeering on that man-made moon. It's part of a centuries-old agreement between the Reich and organized crime allowing the mob to handle law enforcement on a local level. The Statute enforcement officers main priority is the collection of said taxes. Heads up, cap! Reuben announces We’re approaching the northwest hangar bay. Okay, guys, I said on the comm link throughout the ship from my captain's chair. Time for a little R&R until ZX can find us our next assignment then it's back to work. No problem, cap. Rueben assured me happily. In other words, I continued, No Farookian scotch, no Cadras wine. I need you to be lucid when it's time to go. Don’t worry, boss man. Oleg chimes in. We know our night ain’t over yet. Because of his constant jokes, it's easy to forget how dedicated a pilot Rueben really is. He was never a tall or particularly athletic man so he had always relied on ‘his strong Latin wit.’ At least that's what he calls it. But if I were being honest, we wouldn’t have made it this far without his wacky sense of humor. He smoothly glides the starship into the docking bay after receiving authorization from the traffic controller.

    Once the Corsair comes to a stop on the elevated landing bay, we are greeted by several Statue enforcement officers. Stats are dressed in standard armor infused military gear except instead of wearing Reich standard issue black and silver, it's a two tone blue camouflage uniform. What's the purpose of your visit to Vanowen? the lead officer asks. What the hell do you think? Reuben asked, walking down the ramp as we exited the ship. Watch your mouth, pirate scum. another one of the Stats officers barks out. What are you doing here? The lead officer asked, growing more impatient. Relax, we’re just here for a little R&R. I explain, trying to deescalate the situation. Is there a problem here, officer? Mo asked, in her most professional voice. Your starship's register has come up on our watch list of possible unapproved criminal vehicles. the lead officer explains, completely disinterested in this aspect of his job. And? Oren fires back, starting to lose her patience. And we want you to know that we will be keeping an eye on you during your stay here. He said, trying to sound menacing. In other words, you ain’t got shit on us. Rueben laughs, starting to walk away before he is confronted by one of the officers. We’re gonna need to search your ship. the lead officer responds. Seriously? Oleg asked incredulously. Yes. the lead officer answered in a strict matter of fact tone. There's always some type of harassment from stats officers once they see our trademark trench coats wherever we go in this solar system but in order to really arrest us, they have to catch us in the act according to the Statute of Humanities Act. After the Reich decided to look the other way when it comes to organized crime, there was really no need for local law enforcement outside the earth's moon where the galaxy's wealthiest citizens reside. Especially since there are only two crime families that run the galaxy, with the Chan cartel and the larger Ania-sin crime organization enforcing the rules of law throughout the solar system. No one is crazy enough to try to cross either one of those syndicates. So these stats’ main job is to collect and secure taxes for the Reich with their main emphasis on making sure those cargo ships transporting the funds make it to the tax depots spread throughout the solar systems. Now to be fair, there are some pirate crews that make a pretty good living off hijacking these types of ships but we as a crew tend to avoid those types of suicidal heists. Every now and then, you hear stories about other crews either getting desperate or reckless but generally speaking that's a death sentence.

    They know who we are and what we do but they don’t have anything on us like Rueben stated earlier or we would be in the middle of a fire fight right now instead of just getting frisked for weapons that are clearly visible to the naked eye. I guess you can say there's always been animosity between the crews and the stats. The stats consider themselves overlords of the galaxy, answering only to the emperor himself. So, of course, they’re gonna feel a little more entitled than most. But if being harassed, over policed and provoked is the price of freedom in this society then so be it. We do what we have to do until we can do what we want to do. After the stats are satisfied that we aren’t the crew they’re looking for, they leave abruptly without explanation. Alright, we’re done here. The lead officer commands the others. Wait, that's it? Oren asks the handsy officer who frisked her as he leaves with the others. You ain’t even gonna buy a girl a drink? Damn, I love my kid. Watch yourself! shouts one of the stats in the group as they leave the hangar. Alright guys, let's get some drinks. Oleg said gleefully as we made our way out of the hangar and into the night air.

    As we make our way through the crowded streets of New Sydney to our favorite bar in this area, I can’t help but think back to all the good times we had here. All the impromptu alcohol infused celebrations that usually lasted three times longer than the actual mission or battle. When we enter through the saloon's front door, we’re immediately greeted by a cheer from all the other members of the different pirate crews in the loud, crowded bar. My crew then splits up to greet their fellow pirates spread throughout the establishment as I get closer to the bar with eventually just Akeem and ZX by my side. So what are you drinking? I asked. My treat, Akeem. Well, you do seem to owe me since I literally had to carry you through another job… he teases. I sigh deeply. Never gonna hear the end of that, am I? I said to myself walking up to the bar. Find us a table, funny guy. Hmmm, get me a Placca flavored hookah. he shouts as I try to get the bartender's attention. Hey. buddy! I shouted over the din of the crowd. When he turns toward me, his eyes widen at the sight of ZX by my side. Oh, hell nah. the bartender reaches under the counter for his fusion plasma rifle. Your A.I. is gonna have to wait outside. What? Why? I asked, as he pointed the rifle in ZX-72's direction. My great-great grandfather died fighting those sons of bitches in WW four. I’ll be damned if I am gonna sit here and serve those soulless cowards. Potential hostile activity detected. ZX-72 announces as a cannon protrudes from his chest and both his hands morph into kill star pistols. Suddenly, several of the bartender's coworkers in the crowd pull out their weapons as well, creating a huge standoff in the middle of the saloon. Whoa, whoa! I shouted with my hands in the air standing between ZX-72 and the angry mob forming against him. No need for gun play here. ZX, will you please stand down? I need you to go back and watch the ship for us. Everyone else, please put your guns away. It's just a misunderstanding, that's all. Nothing like a standoff against an angry mob in your leisure time. Affirmative, captain. ZX-72 answered cautiously, gradually withdrawing his weapons back into his torso causing the waiters and other workers in the cantina to put their weapons away as well. As ZX-72 makes his way through the crowd towards the door, the hush over the room slowly disappears and the music returns. Sheesh. Akeem said, putting his plasma pistols away. It appears a peaceful night on the town is definitely out of the question. I don’t know if peace was ever an option in this life, buddy. I remarked, returning to the table with my beer and handing Akeem his hookah cartridge. I’m just happy Oren didn’t overreact and wipe out half the bar. She's a good kid, Jason. Akeem retorted, once again defending his prize pupil. She's just a little impetuous like we all were at that age. True. I replied, as I worked my way through the beer mugs on my tray. Hey, Wendell! Akeem shouts across the table. That bum owes me 20,000 titans. Excuse me, cap. He quickly jumps up from the table to pursue his former friend. You need back up? I asked, finishing off my mug of beer. Ha, ha, Akeem chuckles. Nothing I couldn’t handle myself, little brother. Alright, happy hunting! I shrugged, slamming down the empty mug.

    Meanwhile across the bar, Finn is leaving the restroom with his head down crunching numbers in an equation on his virtual data pad. Ooof! he says after bumping into a Selaki Morphan goon so hard that Finn is knocked off his feet. Oops, sorry about that little human. The goon says, helping him up off the floor. It's ok, I have a bad habit of getting caught up in my work. Finn says sheepishly. Good lord, how tall are you? I’m about 9 feet tall on a good day. the incredibly muscular goon says slowly walking closer toward Finn. Soooo, what are you doing over here all by yourself? He says looking around suspiciously. Why don’t you let me buy you a drink to make up for knocking you down? Selaki Morphans are humanoid aliens with large shark-like heads. According to legend, ancient Farookian scientists spliced Neanderthal human DNA with prehistoric shark DNA and then placed them on an aquatic planet they named Selaki Morpha.

    Oh, no thank you. Finn answered politely. I have to get back to my friends. He said, starting to notice that the goon in front of him is slowly backing him up from the restroom towards a not so very well lit corner of the cantina. Don’t be silly, the goon countered, looming over Finn while continuously walking him backwards towards a booth in a dimly lit area. I insist, my new human friend. What's your name? I’m Finn. He replied nervously. Mmmm, sounds delicious. Err, I mean, that's a wonderful name. At this point, Finn notices out of the corner of his eye that they’re no longer alone in this creepy situation. Come join me at my table, he suggested. I prefer a little privacy when meeting new friends, don’t you? he queried, slowly circling Finn as closely as possible. I don’t know. It's pretty dark over here. Finn said, trying not to offend his large new friend with a massive mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. Don’t worry, it’ll just be me and you. No one else is around so we can get to know each other a little better. the goon reasoned, gently nudging him further and further into the darkest area of the most popular cantina in the galaxy. Are you sure? Finn asked nervously. Wait, are those red eyes in the dark over there behind you? Hmm? the goon replied, absentmindedly. It's okay. Don’t worry about those eyes over there floating around in the dark. Just focus on me. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Selaki Morphans are their glowing red eyes which helps them to see effectively in the dark. Finn read out loud, quoting directly from the virtual encyclopedia he pulled up on his VNC. Ohh, you mean that guy over there. Never mind him. The goon said, trying to change the subject. I’ve never met a human with such red hair and pale skin before. Does it change your taste? I’m just asking for a friend. So, what do you like to do for fun? Selaki Morphans like to hunt in packs. Finn continues to read from the extremely accurate if not fear inspiring description. Despite their humanoid looks, one of the most popular delicacies on their home world continues to be terrans. Finn gulped hard. Well, I don’t know about that. The goon retorted calmly. You can’t believe everything you read nowadays. Besides, I believe the most popular dish on my home world is actually…baby terrans. Finn looks up at the goon who is now flanked by three sets of red glowing eyes in the dark behind him. At this point, Finn starts to realize all four of them are standing in the way of him reaching any exit from this room. Oh wow, would you look at the time? Finn remarked, trying to act casual. My friends must be worried sick about me. I better hit the road. Nice meeting you all. It is nice meeting you. a faceless voice in the dark answered. Definitely my pleasure. said another voice ominously in the dark. Or it will be my pleasure. Sit down, take a load off as you humans like to say. adds another voice whispering in the dark. Great idea, the lead goon agreed. Look, since we’re all friends here now. Do you mind if I just take a quick nibble? Just on your arm or leg. No vital organs or anything like that. My friend Tigra prefers the leg but I’m more of a wing man, myself. Yeah, I don’t think so. answered a clearly shaken Finn. Come on, my buddy Hammer says that humans taste better when you’re scared and considering how much your hand is shaking right now… the lead goon implied. You must be delicious. another voice in the dark whispered in his ear, this time clearly much closer than before. Are all your friends about your size as well? asked, a different voice in the dark. Hey, Finn! Oren called out from the hallway. Is there a problem here? Mmm, more humans. whispers one of the sets of glowing red eyes that continues to circle around poor Finn. Oren breathes deeply as she slowly unsheathes her favorite weapons of choice: her ninja Sai swords. Both made of the strongest metal in the universe: Farookian steel, which cost a pretty penny but was worth every single titan (Titan is the most popular form of currency in this solar system.) Oren opens her eyes and stares at the lead goon intensely. Get lost, human girl. warned one of the sets of glowing red eyes. Before we decide to eat you as well. Keep talking to me like that and I’ll start to develop a taste for sushi. she responded, casually walking toward Finn. What did you say, little human girl? growled one of the faceless voices suddenly behind her. Wow, you’re pretty fast. Oren remarked, sarcastically. I wonder if you’re faster than a Farookian steel blade, though. Easy there, Hammer. the lead goon advised, moving between her and Finn. I can’t allow you to take our new friend away, especially since we’re all just getting to know each other here. Is that right? Oren questioned ominously, staring up at the imposing figure before her. Ok, I’ve had enough already. With her favorite swords in her hands, she slowly goes into her fighting stance. Hmm, do you see that? the lead goon asked, feigning fear. That is a traditional Selaki Morphan martial arts pose. You see, she's implying that she's quite familiar with our various fighting styles. It's a bluff. I don’t believe her. grumbled one of the voices in the dark. She's just trying to intimidate us with our own culture. another voice whispers. It’ll cost ya to find out. She smiled at the lead goon. I’m not just implying, fish face. The room goes completely silent as each party considers their options. After what feels like an eternity especially to Finn whose main weapon has always been his knowledge of starship engineering, Oren is the first to talk. Finn, get your ass over here. she said impatiently. The lead goon and now two of his friends block Finn's path to Oren. No, we were in the middle of a very tasty conversation with him. the lead goon explains. Do you have any idea who I am? she asked, If you did, you’d leave here while you still can. In the background, the red piercing eyes continue to move ominously. Who is she? one of the voices in the dark whispers. That's Oren Storm of the Corsair pirate crew. Finn answered, matter of factly. A hush falls over the room as the tension increases exponentially. I always thought she’d be taller. the lead goon replied, looking her up and down with contempt. Oren glares at him while he contemplates his next move. They all stand there motionless, ready to attack until finally the lead goon speaks, Fine, take him. He was too skinny anyway. Finn…let's go. she insisted quickly, waiting for him to go around the three intimidating goons. Once Finn reaches her, she puts herself between him and the Selaki Morphans slowly walking backwards out of the room. I’ll be seeing you soon, little human. The lead goon blurted out, staring angrily at the two of them as they slowly exited the banquet room. Promises, promises…" She blows a kiss at them before closing the door and taking off down the hall back to the main dining area of the saloon.

    After they reach the middle of the cantina, Oren turns toward Finn. What did I tell you about wandering off in high risk locations? she scolded him. I know, I know. I just got distracted by the numbers again. Finn admitted sheepishly. If I didn’t have to pee, you’d be getting pushed out of the business end of a shark right now. she continued to scold him. I know you’re right, that's totally my bad. Thank you, my little guardian angel. He throws his arms around her neck. I owe you big time, my little sis. Alright, alright. Get off of me, you little weirdo. she laughed, returning her swords to their resting place on her hips. Your next rounds on me. he offered, eagerly running off to the main bar area. She takes a deep breath to relax her muscles from the confrontation. Dammit, I need to get laid. she growled under her breath before finishing off her shot of cheap whiskey. Dr. Maureen Walker, otherwise known as Mo, casually strolls up to my table carrying two bottles of wine and two accompanying glasses. Celebrate with me. she said, putting the bottles on the table in front of me. Ok, sounds like fun to me. I reply happily, reaching for the wine glass closest to me. Do you even know what we’re celebrating? she asked with a smirk. Uhh, is it your birthday already? I responded, slightly panicked. I’m so sorry, my calendar should’ve told me weeks ago. No, silly, she laughs. Thirteen years ago today, I decided to walk away from Omega 12 and my life as a Reich scientist and search the stars for adventure with you. I’m surprised that she kept track of the date, let alone consider it a date worth celebrating. Well, I’ll definitely drink to that. I smiled at her warmly. But seriously, we wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Of course not, she laughs. You guys are idiots. You need me. Well, I can’t argue with the idiots part after watching Oleg get his pocket picked by the same kid three times in the last six months. I replied, jokingly with her. I love to make her laugh. She has the greatest smile I’ve ever seen. Awww, Oleg is so kind and gentle. He may have let the kid do it on purpose. she replied sympathetically. Look, come over here. I whispered, excitedly gesturing for her to scoot over in the booth. I pull her in closer to me and point in the direction of Oleg and the young pickpocket. Almost on cue, there he is again. See that kid behind Oleg at the bar. I whispered in her ear with my arm around her giggling like a school kid. He's gonna get him again. Then just as I predicted the kid slowly reached out and gently slid Oleg's wallet out of his back pocket. The two of us crack up, laughing hard at our teammates’ misfortune. As we continue to laugh, Mo suddenly realizes how close she is to me when she rubs up against the muscles in my chest and pauses a moment before turning her gaze up towards my olive green eyes and curly blond hair. When she stares up at me, I start to realize how close we are physically. Oh, I’m sorry, I whispered sheepishly, still staring deep into her eyes. The look of hunger in her eyes as she stares up at me is so intense that it takes me back a little at first. Wow, what was that? she asked, almost as curious about the awkward silence as I am. Not sure… I babbled, surprised at the feeling of terror gradually creeping up my spine. Oh, that's right. We were gonna make a toast to thirteen years together. I said, failing miserably at trying to change the subject. Ok, Jason…I’ll let you off the hook this time. she whispered seductively, coyly looking over the top of her wine glass. Was she always this cute? I asked myself, smiling at her as I took another sip of wine.

    So, any regrets? I asked her. Hmm, I know this is the part where I usually come up with something sarcastic but honestly, no. I know we’ve had our ups and downs but I feel like we are out here fighting the good fight. I’ve been challenged almost everyday to come up with a new and exciting way to put my skills and experience to good use. Before I met you, I sat in a lab and just dreamed about the universe outside my window. But since meeting you I have not only gotten a chance to explore the galaxy but engaged in the biggest adventure of my life. From the bottom of my heart, I wanna thank you for keeping your word to me. What do you mean? I asked curiously. The day we met, you promised me we would make a difference in the big picture, remember? Yea, I was always such a dreamer. I chuckled to myself. What do you mean, was? she laughed, playfully shoving me. I remember telling you that this was the start of something special. I said in my most seductive voice while staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes. She froze for a minute before cracking up laughing. You are such a terrible flirt. she smiles at me and my heart skips a beat. But seriously, I replied, despite all the adventures and people we rescued and saved from death in the mines, I feel like we are just scratching the surface of what we can do. What else can we do that's bigger than what we’ve accomplished so far? she asked curiously. We’ve freed over a thousand people from slave mines all over the solar system and that's not counting all the people we saved from dangerous situations like shipwreck, space dragons or crazy crime lords. What else is there? I’m not sure I answered, almost as if in the grips of a half remembered dream. I just feel like something bigger is coming this way. Like a huge test, something that's gonna change everything as we know it. There's a great evil coming our way. Something dreadful that could threaten our entire way of life. I don’t know what it is but I can feel it in my bones. I stopped to look down at my glass of wine. Wow, this wine is really good. Thanks, you know I only drink the best! she chuckled a nervous laugh, she was more concentrating on what I said previously than the compliment. Do you really think it will be that ominous? I don’t know yet, Mo. I responded, shifting back into my leadership persona, but I do know we’re ready for it. Hell yeah, cap! she said toasting me, just as excited for the challenge. Bring it on! We share a laugh until ZX-72 breaks in on the comm link from the ship. Captain, I’ve located the desired transmission and decoded it. We now have the coordinates of our next target.

    Ok, ZX, I responded excitedly over the prospect of a new score, Great job. We’re on our way back to the Corsair. Are you ready, Mo? I’ll send everyone else the alert. I said, jumping up from the table. Jason, I trust you. I mean, we all trust you to do what's best for the crew. If you believe we can do it, they will follow you through the gates of hell itself but it's my job as second in command to challenge you from time to time on your decisions to ensure the crew of your best intentions. So please don’t take it personal when I question your motives. I smiled at her, Don’t worry, Mo, I said casually. I won’t embarrass you. I then forward the alert to everyone else in the crew. But seriously, I hear you Mo. We want the same thing for the crew and as my first mate sometimes you’re not always gonna agree with me. But, I promise, I won’t let you down. I smile and kiss her on the forehead before leaving the table and gesturing to the bartender to total up the check. As he walks toward the bar to settle the tab, Mo thinks to herself, Hmm, that kiss is new. Then almost immediately she tries to ignore those warm happy thoughts because it's almost game time now. If she's being totally honest with herself, she hates the risk involved with going on these missions because her expertise is in the medical and scientific field so there's not much she can do directly but tend to the wounded and get them back in the game. But as Jason had told her many times, that makes her job the most important because if we can’t complete these little jobs then we don’t eat. Also, no matter how tough you are, we will all need medical attention at some point. So she races back to the ship's med bay which she has worked closely with Finn to upgrade over the years to the point where it's literally a mini hospital/science lab onboard.

    After running up the ramp into the Corsair, she silently checks the first aid room to make sure it's appropriately stocked with anything she might need. Eventually the rest of the crew stumble up the ramp underneath the ship and report to their stations prepping for the next foray into adventure. Wassup, cap? Rueben asked, trying to regain his wits as he slid into his pilot's chair. Well, ZX has pinpointed the delivery of a Reich shipment of government weapons and a shipping container of kill star raw material in its purest form. How much are we talking about? Oleg asked, suddenly excited about the prospects of going on this job for the first time. Apparently over 200,000 units are sitting in an empty hangar warehouse. I replied excitedly. An audible gasp overtakes the captain's bridge. Are you kidding? That's gotta be worth over a billion titans easily. Reuben replied gleefully. Yep, already working on a buyer for around 1.2-1.4 billion titans. I gushed proudly. Wow, that could buy a whole bunch of upgrades around here! Finn suggested from the view screen in the middle of the room. Exactly, that's why once ZX downloads the schematics of the secured cargo hold in the warehouse then we can adjust the plan to extricate that beautiful treasure. Awww, man. Oren interrupts. It's on Winnetka, that's the most remote space station in the solar system. It’ll take forever to get out there. Not with some of the upgrades that Finn has been working on in the DM hyper drive. (short for Dark Matter hyper drive which uses the dark matter energy of space to propel objects faster than the speed of light.) Right, Finn? I asked, winking at the virtual image of Finn down in the engine room who's too busy running diagnostic checks on several instruments in the background. Hello, Finn? I repeat. Uhhh, ok…gimme a second. Finn answered, scrambling around trying to fix several things at once. Can we take off now, boss? Oleg asked, growing more impatiently. We’ve been ready for a while now. What do you think, Finn? I asked, trying not to rush him. Can we take off while you continue to work on it? Huh, what? he asked, clearly distracted. Yes, yes. No problem. Let me get back to you on the hyper drive thing though. Uhh, ok. I said, not entirely reassured by his response. ZX, could you go help him out? I turn toward my AI friend. And also forward the map of the hangar bay and security area as soon as possible, I need to know what we’re getting into before we get there. The Corsair gradually rises from the floor of the hangar bay and heads toward the space ports’ opening. It pauses momentarily waiting for authorization from the traffic control towers before flying through the portal like a bat out of hell. Fashooom! Goes the technologically advanced engines of the Corsair as it blasts out into the endless darkness of space. A few hours later, I called down to the engine room. Hey, Finn! What's taking so long down there? Well, technically it's quantum astrodynamics, so it's not necessarily basic math. It's literally rocket science. I pause for a moment. Okay, I guess we’ll give you a little more time with this. Well, gee ya think? Finn countered with a bit of frustration. Okay, maybe we’ll give him a little more time down there. I replied, sheepishly turning off the Corsair's comm link.


    The heist


    tealing is like breathing. I know, I know. That sounds bad but anyone who tells you differently is a terrible strategist. It's all about planning. If you plan it right, you could steal anything, even a planet. Actually, many have done it over the course of history. Hell, how do you think we got the Corsair? The hardest part of being a thief is dealing with your conscience. Which means you gotta pretend you don’t have one. Captain Henry used to say Don’t despise the thief who steals to satisfy his starvation. Maybe because he knows of my love for history, he tells me it was a famous quote from centuries ago. But as I was saying before, it's all about dealing with your conscience because that shit will distract you. Even a moment's distraction can get you killed out here. Our home base, so to speak, is really a couple of oxy-dome tents in a network of underground caves. Such is life when you’re living off the grid. You try to survive anyway you can.

    The kill star pistol, the most popular handgun in the known galaxy, is powered by a new mineral that was discovered by Dr. Rose Cillian in a deep space asteroid belt. The one between Mars and Jupiter, one of the largest in our solar system. This new mineral, nicknamed kill star, was named after the doctor who discovered it. It powers everything from pistols to rocket engines. A very explosive mineral, when placed under extreme heat, it discharges a concentrated laser blast. Unfortunately for Dr. Cillian, she never lived long enough to see her scientific discovery become the most popular invention of the last millennia. She died in an explosion at her lab, experimenting on her invention which later led to countless other inventions. Needless to say, it makes any shipping container filled with it in its pure form extremely valuable. That's where we come

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