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Dying Inside
Dying Inside
Dying Inside
Ebook44 pages39 minutes

Dying Inside

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About this ebook

Childhood can be so very difficult! What is supposed to be a period in one's life defined by innocence and happiness can alternately become a living nightmare for unlucky souls. Imagine being in foster care. Imagine not feeling loved or connected to anyone. Imagine lonely Christmases, birthdays, Mothers' Days, and Fathe
PublisherRose Janus
Release dateJan 1, 2022
Dying Inside

Rose Campbell

Rose Campbell is a clairaudient channel/medium with 30+ years of experience. Through this gift she has written several books, delivered thousands of private sessions and created a YouTube channel to help dispense the wisdoms gleaned from the celestial realms and others.

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    Book preview

    Dying Inside - Rose Campbell


    Generational patterns or curses, if you will, are where you don’t know what you don’t know, and you won’t know until you are either taught or are forced into someone else’s pattern.  Even when you do choose to grow within yourself the generational patterns are still hard to overcome.  Here in this story you will see how the lack of knowledge, and sometimes the blatant disregard of the truth, from my parents and grandparents, resulted in tossing me into a whirlwind of trauma.  

    I have chosen to change the names of the victims not because we don’t matter but it matters less of our names than the stories we’ve lived through.  For others, I simply cannot explain the events that took place without giving you a pseudonym.  But you know who you are. 

    We all know who you are.

    The story begins here:

    Shelly’s Story: 

    Chapter 1: 

    Stop, she cried out, You’re hurting me! 

    Struggling to break free from his grip. The 250-pound Goliath of a man was determined to control her and his brute strength would do just that.  

    Fearing the pool behind her she tried to redirect the assault. Still a child at only fourteen years old, she never had the privilege of someone taking the time to teach her to swim. 

    What was worse, a few broken bones or knowing that taking this violence to the pool meant almost certain death?

    As she continued to fight against her attacker, the more she fought the more aggressive and irritated he became. His intensity grew, his rage more evident as each moment passed. In a bout of pure strength, he picked up her small frame as her body went limp with fear. 

    You’re nothing but a whore! I could never love you!  With ease, he tossed her beaten, bruised, and broken body into the cold waters. Her worst fear was coming true.

    He turned and left her for dead, deaf to the struggle mere feet away. 

    Displacing the cold water she submerged deeper into the darkness. Coming to, Shelly frantically floundered in the depths searching for the edge of the pool. Finally, feeling the smooth tile along the pool's wall against her fingertips she found a glimpse of hope.  Exhausted she continued to kick her battered legs under the water. It's funny how when one’s body enters survival mode things like kicking to stay afloat become instinctual.

    By now her lungs were burning from all the water inhaled in her struggle. Shelly began to gargle as she gasped for air.  She may have found the wall but her strength had vanished long before she hit the water. 

    Bobbing up and down she placed one hand in front of the other and tried desperately to use the wall to guide herself to the stairs. Every inch of her body was either numb or cramping, and the icy waters were not making things easier.

    After what seemed like hours she felt something different. The smooth tile had morphed into a slippery metal. Shelly moved her right hand a foot further and brought her left hand to the first pole she found. Finding the ladder was a victory but now she needed her legs, the same cramping legs that had just fought so desperately to keep her alive were again being asked to force her out of

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