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10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You
10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You
10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You
Ebook40 pages28 minutes

10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You

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About this ebook

Trying too hard to make a guy love you back NEVER gets the job done


Ever wondered why the bad girls get the good guys?


Trying too hard to prove to a guy that you are the ideal girl for him will never make him love you back


Yes, he may show up temporarily, but only to dump you after taking advantage of you.

This is why a lot of good girls with good intentions are usually taken for granted by guys. And this may as well be the reason you've not been so lucky with guys. 

You gave him a lot of sex and maybe, money yet he still took you for granted.

Things turned out that way because you applied the wrong tactics. 


Guys, by nature, place a high value on girls who they work hard to get and take for granted, those rolling on the ground to please them.

How sad…

But the GOOD NEWS is…

  • The 10 steps of attraction contained in this book will equip you with highly effective seduction and attraction techniques that you can apply to make any guy addicted to you.
  • You will learn in this book how you can make a guy fall in love with you without trying hard to please him.
  • This book will also show you how you can become desirable and attractive to guys, not minding whether you are fat or ugly.
  • In this book, you will also learn how you can make a guy become loyal and committed to you.
  • You will also find in this book how you can have an evergreen relationship with a guy.
  • This book will also expose you to how you can keep a guy hooked up.



Get this book now and make that guy ADDICTED to you FOREVER.

PublisherFelix Agbodji
Release dateJan 22, 2022
10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You

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    Book preview

    10 Steps to Get a Guy Addicted to You - Jessie Addison


    Have you ever wondered how to make a guy addicted to you? Well, there is no need to worry. You will discover in this book how to become the girl who will make any guy cling to her like glue!

    It’s amazing how many ways there are to make a man want you and how many pieces of advice there are. But most of them belong to the 19th century. Yes! They are no longer effective.

    Today, many girls still make the mistake of changing themselves drastically just to make men like them. This hardly stands the test of time.

    So, are there ways you can make a guy become addicted to you and never stop thinking about you without drastically changing who you are?

    Emphatically, YES...

    Being yourself, being self-confident, and not caring about what other people think are some of the keys to making a guy addicted to you. Never become a fake version of yourself because you want someone to like you. Be original.

    You can make a guy miss you, appreciate you, cherish you and become addicted to you without necessarily changing your identity.

    Be the girl other guys want

    It is always going to be a very big mistake for you to give a guy the impression that you have completely settled for him.

    Prizes won through tense competitions tend to be more respected and cherished than the ones gotten as gift items. This is why you need to improve your personality.

    Become a valuable asset that will instigate competition between your boyfriend and other guys. Good products always have a way of selling themselves.

    When other serious guys start fighting for your attention, the pressure will be on that guy to act fast and take you more seriously so he doesn't lose you to another guy.

    Believe you are good enough for any guy

    If you want to be attractive to high-status guys, confidence is that irresistible trait you cannot afford not to have.

    To project confidence as a lady, you have to stay calm and have the self–belief that you are good enough for any guy, no matter how handsome or classy he may look.

    The feeling of inadequacy is among the enemies that destroy confidence and self-esteem in ladies. They see a nice-looking guy and immediately think they are not good enough to

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