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The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality: African Spirituality
The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality: African Spirituality
The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality: African Spirituality
Ebook146 pages3 hours

The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality: African Spirituality

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Do you feel like you are in a rut or not progressing as you should in life?


If you answered "yes", then you will benefit from the spiritual guidance of the orisha.


You must first learn to see your femininity as your superpower. Only then can you find your power and activate it.


In the Yoruba religion, the seven powerful orisha are thought to bring about miracles and change a person's life. They can help you cross the divide between the natural and spiritual dimensions.


The orisha are compassionate beings who can bring healing and protection.


But these are not the only benefits. Guidance in the world of romance is also offered.


Particular benefits for women include guidance in romance, motherhood, female sexuality, and abundance.


Resting in this abundance allows women to nourish themselves, their family, their friends, and all living beings. The orisha bring love and compassion.


With the help of the orisha you can live a calm and peaceful life.

Inside The Secrets of the Orisha, discover:

  • An African approach to spirituality
  • The traditional concept of God among the Yoruba
  • How to connect to spiritual entities
  • How to communicate with your ancestors
  • The use of altars for offerings and sacrifices
  • Divination practices

You will learn how to make requests for guidance from spiritual entities by opening spiritual pathways that allow them to engage with you and intervene in your affairs.

All this is taught with both instructions and examples, drawing from African mythology.


There are also rituals for fertility and prosperity, such as instructions for a sacred bath. But the author does not stop there.

It is explained how the orisha can be manifested within the body in multiple ways: how you walk and talk, by appreciating your body, in how you sleep, by being mindful of what you say about yourself, and by making an effort with your appearances. The ultimate goal is to connect with your spiritual head, who is responsible for the unfolding of your destiny, so that you can be reminded of your destiny and work towards it.


The Secrets of the Orisha inspire women to see divinity within themselves. To see their bodies as sacred and their lives as holy. To see their aggression as healthy and their anger as purifying. Women can find their power to nurture, create, limit, and destroy as needed.


Goddess spirituality empowers women to connect to a deeper part of who they are. But awakening this goddess energy is not easy.

Every single day, remind yourself of the freedom gained in your femininity.


Let acts of love and pleasure become your rituals.


You can learn how to connect with your divine nature!

PublisherKara Lawrence
Release dateJan 25, 2022
The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality: African Spirituality

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    Book preview

    The Secrets of the Orisha - The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality - Kara Lawrence

    The Secrets of the Orisha

    The Pathway to Connecting to Your African Ancestors, Awakening Your Divine Feminine Energy, and Healing Your Soul Through Ancient Spirituality

    Kara Lawrence

    © Copyright 2021 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

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    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Spirituality in Africa

    The Concept and Worship of God in African Life

    Divine Order and Connecting to Spiritual Entities


    Chapter 2: Yoruba Religion and Spirituality

    The Yoruba Creation Myth

    Olodumare and the Orisha

    The Seven Powers

    The Concepts of Ori and Destiny in Yoruba Religion

    Chapter 3: Spiritual Goddesses and Goddess Power

    What Is Goddess Spirituality?

    What Is Goddess Energy?

    How to Awaken Your Goddess Energy

    Chapter 4: Oshun—Goddess of Love and Beauty

    Oshun Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Oshun

    Five Ways to Manifest the Energy of Oshun

    Chapter 5: Yemaya—Goddess of Healing and Nurturing

    Yemaya Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Yemaya

    Seven Ways to Manifest the Energy of Yemaya

    Chapter 6: Oya—Goddess of Change and Protection

    Oya Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Oya

    Nine Ways to Manifest the Energy of Oya

    Chapter 7: Nana Buruku—Goddess of Wisdom and Divinity

    Nana Buruku Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Nana Buruku

    Seven Ways to Manifest the Energy of Nana Buruku

    Chapter 8: Aje—Goddess of Wealth and Economic Prosperity

    Aje Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Aje

    Five Steps to Manifest the Energy of Aje

    Chapter 9: Oba—Goddess of Self-Sacrifice and Seduction

    Oba Myth and Personality

    How to Invoke the Spirit of Oba

    Eight Ways to Manifest the Energy of Oba

    Chapter 10: Embracing Your Divine Feminine Energy

    What Is Divine Feminine Energy?

    Qualities of the Divine Feminine

    Difference Between Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy

    Signs and Symptoms of Divine Feminine Awakening

    Chapter 11: The Purpose of the Soul and Soul Work

    The Purpose of the Soul

    Common Signs of a Wounded Soul

    Toxic Soul Ties and the Impact on Your Well-Being

    The Journey of Healing Soul Wounds and What to Expect

    Chapter 12: Spiritual House Cleansing, Setting Up Your Altar, and Daily Spiritual Rituals

    How to Identify Bad Energy in Your Home

    Five Steps for Smudging Your Home

    Five Steps for Building an Altar at Home

    Four Steps for Setting Up Daily Spiritual Rituals




    When I was in my late teens, I became mentally ill. It felt as though I was no longer in control of my own mind and body. My parents said I was experiencing typical teenage mood swings, but I knew there was more behind the unrest I was feeling. Eventually, my family got tired of hearing me complain about not feeling well and they agreed to take me to a psychologist who could assess my mental health.

    My psychologist, Dr. Amara, was originally from West Africa. She was the third generation of African Americans in her family. Her great-grandmother was only five years old when she came to America with her parents onboard a slave ship. Even though Dr. Amara grew up in the U.S., she was able to maintain deep ties to her Yoruba culture.

    As soon as I sat down on a sofa in her office, Dr. Amara told me to close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. This wasn't the kind of introduction I was used to, but I decided to go along with it. The first few deep breaths were awkward since I was self-conscious of my surroundings, but as my mind followed each intentional breath, I was transported into deeper crevices of my mind.

    In a vision, I saw a 10-year-old little girl who was digging a hole in the garden. As I came closer to the little girl, I realized she was a younger version of me. The girl was wearing a bright sundress and a pair of sandals. Next to her was a beautiful yellow plant, and the flowers of this plant were so radiant and rich that looking directly at them was blinding. Nevertheless, she took the plant, placed it in the hole that she had dug, and covered the area with soil. An old gentleman appeared behind the little girl. He was pacing toward her as though he had something really important to say.

    The little girl heard his footsteps and looked to see who the gentleman was. Papa, she said. It's been five years since I last saw you!

    Did you think I was never going to visit you again? How could I leave you?

    Since I had recognized that I was the little girl, I wanted to see if I recognized the gentleman. I walked closer to get a better look at him and I saw that it was my grandfather who had died when I was five years old. Tears started streaming down my face because I couldn't believe that I was seeing my grandfather again—even though it was in a vision.

    The gentleman told the little girl that he had come to deliver a message for her. Water the plant on a regular basis, he said. Take care of it, and it will take care of you.

    After he had said this, I woke up from my meditative state. As I gently opened my eyes, I noticed my shirt was soaked in tears. I had been crying while I was in my trance-like state and didn't even realize it. Dr. Amara assured me that it was normal to experience a release of emotions after years of bottling things up. She looked at me intently for a few seconds, cleared her throat, and told me something I had not expected. She said that before she became a licensed psychologist, she was practicing as an Iyanifa, a Yoruba traditional healer and priestess.

    She had learned Ifa divination from her father, who was a Babalawo (a Yoruba priest). Although much of her African traditions had been lost since migrating to the United States, her family preserved their Yoruba religion and continued honoring their ancestors and orisha, as well as practicing divination. Dr. Amara asked me to share my vision with her so she could interpret what it meant. She listened carefully as I provided as much detail as I could and then proceeded to interpret it for me. Your grandfather, who is now one of your ancestors, has come to warn you about acknowledging and taking care of your assigned orisha—Oshun—who is symbolized by the yellow plant.

    I had never heard of the Yoruba religion before, nor had I practiced any kind of tradition apart from my Western traditions. How could it be that a Westerner like me had ancestors? Or an assigned African goddess who was one of my spiritual guides? At the end of our session, Dr. Amara said that my mental health seemed fine, but it was my poor spiritual health that was possibly causing my inner conflict, or mental dis-ease, as I like to call it. I agreed to visit her a few more times so she could teach me more about African spirituality and spiritual practices that could help me align my mind, body, and soul.

    About a year later, my mental health was better than it had ever been. I had graduated from high school and begun my degree in psychology. I continued to study African spirituality and how the orisha help human beings elevate to a higher dimension of living and being. My orisha, Oshun, who I had been introduced to in Dr. Amara's office, was now a goddess whom I channeled and would connect to on a regular basis. My understanding of who I was broadened by simply exploring my spiritual side, and now I feel like I am back in the driver's seat of my life.

    This book is dedicated to people, particularly women, who feel as though they are in a rut or aren't progressing as they should in their lives, or those women who sense an inner void or dissatisfaction with their lives. Everything may look good on the outside, but you certainly don't feel good, and you haven't felt good for years. Western doctors and other medical professionals may have prescribed you pills to manage the symptoms of your dis-ease, but these haven't proven successful either.

    By reading this book, your mind will be stretched to consider spiritual ideas, traditions, and principles that you may have never considered before. The aim of this book is not to convert you to a follower of Yoruba religion or challenge your faith and personal beliefs in any way. It is simply to provide you with spiritual knowledge that can potentially offer you answers to some of the complex questions you have had about the meaning of life and your

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