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Held: Blessings for the Depths
Held: Blessings for the Depths
Held: Blessings for the Depths
Ebook119 pages45 minutes

Held: Blessings for the Depths

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

An anthology of blessings for the depths in four sections: space, sea, soil, spirit. Blessings are interspersed with art pieces and introspective prompts for reflection directly in your book or as a partner to your favorite journal. Includes blessings from a variety of traditions, spiritualities, and frameworks of meaning by Bayo Akomolafe, Catherine Keller, Dori Midnight and Randy Furash-Stewart, and 49 additional authors.

Release dateJan 13, 2022
Held: Blessings for the Depths


enfleshed creates and facilitates spiritual resources for collective liberation through prayer, liturgies, art, meditations, teaching, and other resources. enfleshed was birthed in 2017 out of a deep longing for engagement with the Sacred through collective, liberative, creative, and nourishing practices and ideas unencumbered by dogma, religious respectability politics, or denominational ties.Our intentions and efforts are to center the wisdom, experiences, and desires of those traditionally on the fringes of dominant institutions, theologies, and politics. Our values align with the poets, the healers, the truth-tellers, the tender and fierce, the messy and untidy, the seekers, the queer, and the strange ones across spiritual traditions. Inviting transformation – internal, material, and collective – we share offerings of nonconforming embodiments of faith, ancient and unfolding. With attention to the Sacred in the flesh of the earth and all creaturely forms, we find Divinity in the entangled, fleeting, beautiful and aching nature of this “one wild and precious life.” (Mary Oliver)You can reach us at

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    Book preview

    Held - enfleshed


    blessings for the depths

    edited by m jade barclay & anna k blaedel


    spiritual nourishment for collective liberation

    Iowa City, Iowa

    the logo for enfleshed - a purple circle with a grey wavy tree and a single bird in flight, as if leaving the tree.

    Published by enfleshed - ebook edition

    Print version available at enfleshed

    Copyright © 2021 enfleshed All rights reserved.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021949950

    Cover art by Joanne Shih

    Layout and Design by M Jade Barclay & Anna K Blaedel

    enfleshed is located in Iowa City, Iowa on land that was first home to the Bah-koh-je or Ioway, Otoe, Omaha and Ponca, Pawnee, Sioux, Sauk, and Meskwaki peoples. Our presence here today is the result of the ongoing dispossession of the original tenders of this land. It is only by way of Indigenous practices of care that restoration of this land, our relations, and planetary flourishing is possible. This manifests through local, Indigenous leadership; we are specifically indebted to the work of the Great Plains Action Society, resisting colonization and indigenizing the world.


    for you, because you believe us into becoming

    for you, because you whisper possibilities through mystery and dream

    for you, because you can make magic through movements, and labor, and rest

    for you, because you can feel, and care, and tend, and imagine so beautifully, so necessarily, so deeply

    for you, because we all need to be reminded we have something to offer

    for us, because as we are held, we hold each other

    table of contents


    section art - Colin Laurel

    There are always other questions - Bayo Akomolafe

    Another Truth - Molly Housh Gordon

    Illuminated Letters - January Jaxon

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Annie Ruygt

    a conversation. - Michaela Atencio

    Radiant Energy (Radiation Treatment) - Elizabeth D. Barnum

    Blessing Over Emptiness - Rev. Alaina Kailyn Cobb

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Hannah Minchow-Proffitt

    A Shared Hunger - Amanda Thrasher

    Found Feather Blessing - Naomi Ortiz

    Blessing for someone dying - Rev. Nikkeya Berryhill

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Joanne Shih

    When The Past Is Present - Angela Pupino

    Beyond Our Boxes - Emily DeTar Birt

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Colin Laurel

    QUEER MORNING BLESSINGS/birkot hashachar - Dori Midnight & Randy Furash-Stewart

    our yet again yes - anna k blaedel

    reflection & response


    section art - Joanne Shih

    The Unknown - Goddess

    For the Courage to Sail Off the Map - Sarah Karber

    All the Way Down - Sarah S. Howell-Miller

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Annie Ruygt

    Maybe [a reframe] - Baylee Smith

    My Maiden Voyage to Sodom - Mark Gorsuch

    When weren't we - Catherine Keller

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Hannah Minchow-Proffitt

    The Monthly Blessing - Victoria Gaile Laidler

    En temporada de desaliento/In times of despair - Tania Yadira Martínez Tadeo

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Joanne Shih

    the fall - Cassidhe Hart

    Pregnancy - Alice Watson

    I Call Her Beloved - Meta Herrick Carlson

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Colin Laurel

    The Waters (an excerpt) - Brenda Vaca

    Blessed Be the Tree - Henry Holub

    reflection & response


    section art - Hannah Minchow-Proffitt

    Pathways - Adrian White

    Bless Yourself - Trischa Goodwin

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Annie Ruygt

    For a difficult parental relationship - Holly Chetan-Welsh

    A Blessing for My Nonbinary Child - Lisa Lundeen

    Be - Walter Canter

    reflection & response

    visual meditation - Hannah Minchow-Proffitt

    Invocation of Re-composition - A.O. Monroe

    souls of the soil - Minenhle Nomalungelo Khumalo

    Beans - Rev. Rachael Hayes


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