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Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES
Ebook70 pages39 minutes

Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES

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Sunkel and Paz define that the MARXIST METHOD has the following CHARACTERISTICS:

 It is a CRITICAL method. This means that Marxism starts from the knowledge obtained by previous schools of thought but submits them to historical criticism. That is to say, to the verification of whether the propositions of the other theorists resist the test of the historical facts as they have occurred. Marxism selects those aspects of other theories that it considers correct and that can be useful to it (Ricardo's theory of value, for example) and incorporates them into a new synthesis.
It is a HISTORICAL method. Marxism pays special attention to the ORIGIN AND GENESIS OF THE DIFFERENT SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS AND STRUCTURES. Sunkel and Paz exemplify this with mercantile exchange. Marxism differentiates between social structures in which mercantile exchange occurs through the exchange of two products (barter) or merchandise, when the exchange is processed through payment in money (simple mercantile production) and, finally, when to the mercantile exchange carried out in money is added the purchase of machinery and labor power (capitalism). In summary, without failing to see the common characteristics that exist between these phenomena, Marxism is concerned not to mix and jumble all these structures, since what is important is what distinguishes them from one another. Finally, the differentiation between social structures made by Marxism has another very important feature. When studying the exchange process, it is verified that the three detailed structures follow a NECESSARY HISTORICAL SEQUENCE.

Release dateJan 27, 2022
Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz: UNIVERSITY SUMMARIES


Mauricio Enrique Fau nació en Buenos Aires en 1965. Se recibió de Licenciado en Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Cursó también Derecho en la UBA y Periodismo en la Universidad de Morón. Realizó estudios en FLACSO Argentina. Docente de la UBA y AUTOR DE MÁS DE 3.000 RESÚMENES de Psicología, Sociología, Ciencia Política, Antropología, Derecho, Historia, Epistemología, Lógica, Filosofía, Economía, Semiología, Educación y demás disciplinas de las Ciencias Sociales. Desde 2005 dirige La Bisagra Editorial, especializada en técnicas de estudio y materiales que facilitan la transición desde la escuela secundaria a la universidad. Por intermedio de La Bisagra publicó 38 libros. Participa en diversas ferias del libro, entre ellas la Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires y la FIL Guadalajara.

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    Summary Of "The Marxist Thought" By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz - MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU

    Summary Of The Marxist Thought By Osvaldo Sunkel & Pedro Paz




    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. January 27, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU.

    ISBN: 979-8201271596


    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Sunkel, Osvaldo & Paz, Pedro | THE MARXIST THOUGHT

    Sign up for MAURICIO ENRIQUE FAU's Mailing List

    Further Reading: Summary Of Neoliberalism And Pseudoscience By Ricardo Gómez


    About the Author

    About the Publisher

    Sunkel, Osvaldo & Paz, Pedro



    Sunkel and Paz define that the MARXIST METHOD has the following CHARACTERISTICS:

    It is a CRITICAL method. This means that Marxism starts from the knowledge obtained by previous schools of thought but submits them to historical criticism. That is to say, to the verification of whether the propositions of the other theorists resist the test of the historical facts as they have occurred. Marxism selects those aspects of other theories that it considers correct and that can be useful to it (Ricardo's theory of value, for example) and incorporates them into a new synthesis.

    It is a HISTORICAL method. Marxism pays special attention to the ORIGIN AND GENESIS OF THE DIFFERENT SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS AND STRUCTURES. Sunkel and Paz exemplify this with mercantile exchange. Marxism differentiates between social structures in which mercantile exchange occurs through the exchange of two products (barter) or merchandise, when the exchange is processed through payment in money (simple mercantile production) and, finally, when to the mercantile exchange carried out in money is added the purchase of machinery and labor power (capitalism). In summary, without failing to see the common characteristics that exist between these phenomena, Marxism is concerned not to mix and jumble all these structures, since what is important is what distinguishes them from one another. Finally, the differentiation between social structures made by Marxism has another very important feature. When studying the exchange process, it is verified that the three detailed structures follow a NECESSARY HISTORICAL SEQUENCE.

    It is a DIALECTICAL method. This means that it pays special attention to change and that CHANGES IN HISTORY ARE THROUGH CONTRADICTIONS. The dialectical aspect of Marx's theory also implies the INTERRUPTION OF GRADUATION AND CHANGES THROUGH LEAPS. Also the DENIAL of the initial historical moment and the DENIAL OF THE DENIAL. Another very important aspect of dialectics is the idea that it is better perceived by seeing it in operation than by explaining it.

    It is a TOTALIZER method. Marxism does not only study the economic aspects of society but also its political, social and ideological aspects, as well as their mutual relations. This aspect is deeply linked to dialectics and focuses on the INTERRELATIONS BETWEEN THE WHOLE AND THE PARTS. Another issue linked to the Marxist concept of totality is the USE OF UNIVERSAL CATEGORIES. Marxism produced many of them: relations

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