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The Birth of Your New Man
The Birth of Your New Man
The Birth of Your New Man
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The Birth of Your New Man

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Why the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Before we experienced salvation, we were prey to Satan. After we were saved, his threats persist. For this reason, God gave us the Holy Spirit, who, against all manipulative wiles of the enemy, has remained our helper and defense.

The Holy Spirit is an invaluable guide, a counselor, an intercessor, an

Release dateMar 9, 2022
The Birth of Your New Man

Bishop Duke Ruyi David

Bishop Duke Ruyi David shepherds the Lord's flocks at the Rockwater Church. He is a preacher and a teacher of the true gospel of Christ. He has the mandate to take the message of salvation across the world. Bishop Duke Ruyi David is also the author of My Gift, My Character.The author can be reached at

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    The Birth of Your New Man - Bishop Duke Ruyi David

    The Birth of Your New Man

    by Bishop Duke Ruyi David

    The Birth of Your New Man

    Trilogy Christian Publishers A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2022 by Bishop Duke Ruyi David

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1977 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. Public domain.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN: 978-1-63769-884-6

    E-ISBN: 978-1-63769-885-3

    The earth is God’s gift bequeathed to us all. Each one of us is a custodian of this gift. Sow your seed. Wait, with patience, the earth’s womb will nurture the seed you sowed.

    Heavens will give the rains, and harvest will follow. And this, too, is a mystery.

    Bishop Duke Ruyi David


    A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it; whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.

    Proverbs 17:8

    Dearly beloved, I am most delighted to partner with you on this journey concerning your search for truth. And quite frankly, I do sense that this endeavor has not been fostered on a chance meeting but by the hand of providence.

    On my part, with the Lord helping me, I promise to do my utmost best to efficaciously expose you to the truth about the Holy Spirit. But before we get started on the journey, there are quite a few things I thought you should know about this book. And for the record, let me now lay them out:

    In this book, you will never come across anything indicative of a promise of material wealth.

    You will not read about the steps to discover a hidden pot of gold or unlock the door of prosperity.

    And you will not read about that Holy Spirit who will ferry money to you or bring you a get-rich-quick formula.

    Concerning the Angels

    And about the angels? This book is not about angels but the Holy Spirit, and, truth be told, the Holy Spirit is not an angel. Angels are emissaries sent into the earth for quick intervention in human affairs. Angels protect and guide humans, as does the Holy Spirit. But angels do their work most times, either wearing the face of men or operating through humans. But as for power and authority in the realm of the spirit or heavenly, there is a hierarchical system and protocol that the angels cannot usurp, no matter how highly or lowly placed with power as they may be. They are subject to hierarchy and protocols without exemption.

    Please note that there is a difference between the Holy Spirit and an angel. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. And concerning the Godhead, He is God. You cannot see the Holy Spirit, but you can feel His presence. But the angels are created by God. Though they are spirits, they can manifest as humans or through men to carry out heavens delegated duties. In other words, angels are messengers sent from divinity to humanity. They convey messages, which include providing the insight into resolving mysteries for the good of the man. See Acts 8:26, Acts 10:1–7, Acts 12:1–11.

    Do you remember Prophet Daniel, who prayed to God on behalf of his people? In responding to Daniel, God sent an angel with a message for him. But the message did not reach Daniel because Satan had arrested the angel. For twenty-one days, Satan apprehended the angel. You would wonder why the angel, despite the sacredness of his mission and not to mention his power, yet Satan prevented him. Satan was successful at his ploy not because the angel had no power but because he was subject to the rules concerning hierarchy and protocols. It was a thing of a territorial boundary. To deliver the message to Daniel, the angel had to cross a territory for which he had no jurisdiction. He was stopped by Satan. Hence, the angel could do nothing, not even to put up a fleeting resistance. Notice here that though the angel had power, he had not the authority to exercise his charted power in that territorial space over which Satan and his demons had taken jurisdictional authority. And since power and authority must yield deference to a hierarchical order, the angel had to suffer an arrest because he encroached without any spiritual license. He would remain held until Archangel Michael came to his rescue. Although Archangel Michael had the power and authority to intercept and disrupt every protocol and set aside any hierarchical system, he had limits. Though he could go after Satan in his turf and trouble his kingdom of darkness, dismantling it was not part of this deal.

    Think about Archangel Michael’s dispute with the devil concerning Moses’ body. Even while their encounter lasted, Michael could not get the devil hushed. And all that Michael could say to Satan was, Satan, the Lord rebuke thee. Michael’s deflection was in deference to God’s wishes. And though his measured word spewed at Satan had nothing to do with vexing a fragrance of his power. Instead, it had much to do with the heavenly hierarchy system of which God is supreme and superior to all. Archangel Michael compliantly was obedient to God.

    We might infer that the devil cannot be decommissioned by anyone else except God, who also made him. So, if the angels cannot stop the devil, Archangel Michael can stop the devil but cannot destroy him. Not that archangel had no power to do so, but because he could not go beyond a constituted authority. What makes you think you or your guardian angel could stop the devil? Nevertheless, because Christ dwells in you, you are more than the angel, and you have the power and authority and more than enough faith to stop the devil. Yes, you have God enough, you have Christ enough, and you have the Holy Spirit, and they all indwell you (Colossians 3:3). You can break all hierarchies, set aside all protocols, and disrupt the kingdom of darkness, and you can stop the devil by resisting him. Therefore, it is sufficient to say that no angels can do what you can with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit on your side. This much, I would say, concerning the angels.

    Now that I have addressed the above, let us begin.

    The message in this book is essential for everyone. It does not matter whether you are a saved born again or not. This book is designed deliberately to sustain readers’ interest even of those who are comfortable in the abyss of nothingness and have seldom cherished a kind of knowledge whose fountain is pristinely divine.

    If you would spare me a little of your time, I will do my very best to unravel to you the mystery of the Holy Spirit and what He is about. Every believer ought to desire this superior enlightenment and awareness as it is central in our quest to know God through the prism of Christ, the pillar of our Christian faith. But we grimace not lightly at those Christians who have remained complicit in their oppression despite their depth in Christ. These folks have gotten so gullible nearly to the astonishment of even the enemy who, though not slightingly amused, is glad that they choose ignorance over knowledge. So much that their minds have turned into a spool of debasement. And their blight has been to fancy darkness over light. Of these lot, my desire, using this as a tool, is to deconstruct their minds and reacquaint them with the truth that should bring them into liberty. After all, God moves in human affairs, and He has no desire to destroy a people He so dearly loves.

    The moment you encounter Christ, you become saved, and you get born again after you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit from God. But at this post-intervention stage in your Christian experience, you are a babe in Christ. You are with many flaws concerning which Father God overlooked. As you start to grow in Christ, it is expected that you desire the deep things of God. In other words, there should be a noticeable growth progression in your Christian life as well. But no worry, you can lean on me for the wealth of knowledge that you are about to receive. As concerning the Holy Spirit and the mystery of Christ, the access that I have obtained in grace is more than sufficient and does have depths. I will lay to your advantage the revelation of the mystery and the insight for which if you can grasp these secrets, you will undoubtedly be built up to become a mature Christian because the truth contained in this book will make you feel breathing down your neck.

    Understand that God’s space is far beyond the terrestrial and the celestial, and His positioning is beyond human comprehension—it is unabridged and past decerning, and no radar of this world can detect Him. Through His Spirit, He indwells all, yet He is before all tellurians. God is ever-present. God is in yesterday, today, and tomorrow—the past, the present, and the future. And at His behest, time and space exist, rest and inhere. As the omnipresent, He is not limited by them. And as the omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, God sees the future that you cannot see; He knows the devil you do not see and sees the devil you do not know. Think about it. As humans, we cannot catch the slighted glimpse of what God sees far off sitting close by on His majesty’s throne—and reclining in the glory of His majesty; God saw far off what Abraham could not gain sight of up close from the vantage ground of Mount Moriah. And what did God see? God saw disruption. He saw far beyond 400 years into a future that lay ahead of Isaac’s descendants. The same Isaac who was not born when God saw what He saw and knew what He did know.

    God saw the challenging times ahead for Jacob, the house of Isaac. God saw war, peace, sadness, joy, triumphs, and failures. He knew that each incidence would coat-tail on the other, climaxing in a life of servitude for the children of Israel. Yet, God would be unfazed by the trepidations because He knew from the onset that Israel would overcome the obstacles and be victorious in the end. Likewise, God foreknew our triumph over the devil and his kingdom of darkness. He foresaw us in His plan. Hence, He was strategic in giving us the Holy Spirit. A gift that is so unusual yet necessary for us who are overcomers in Christ.

    Before we get started, I would like to talk about the gift itself—that is, the person of the Holy Spirit and His work. Otherwise, it would be remissive of me to not say the real reason for this project—why did God prefer the gift of the Holy Spirit upon men. The Bible teaches about the love of God and that God, Himself, is love. For the same reason, God chose to reconcile with us. Not that God in any way had wronged us; instead, it is us that have sinned against Him. As sinners, the law was against us. And God cannot go against His law. Despite this, God yet loves us some much that He desired reconciliation. How then can reconciliation be possible without the forgiveness of sins? And how can God reconcile with the sinner knowing such would run only contrary to His law? These are the questions for God. And He answered them unflinchingly by the unusual love He expressed for man. And being resolutely committed to saving us, God endured even as He shows kindness He engaged patience that for love’s sake, His grace submerged our hopelessness till His mercy forgave our sin despite the law that opposed us.

    No doubt, the inability of mercy to erase the power of the law made grace necessary. Thus, grace was the unfailing boost for mercy. Yet grace was spurred by God’s love to help mercy annul the law that stood in the way, preventing the forgiveness of sins. God gave grace because He loves us. Of course, it was His love that appealed to His mercy. And God did it, but not without a price. Though mercy remains central, it is doubtful if the enterprise to forgive sins would have been possible without God’s inherent love for humanity. As difficult as the operation for our salvation was, we could not exclude the God’s factor in the scheme of things, knowing that God is never short on options and no circumstance limits His capacity to deliver.

    For God to do what He has to do, He will disrupt your peace and tranquility if only to expose the charade you thought was comfort and pleasure. At the same time, God will burst that bubble of your falsity on whose altitude you have stayed afloat, only to prove that life without Christ is faulty and profoundly inadequate. And the path you think is leading you unto life is indeed a one-way ticket to hell and destruction. That is why you may have remained shrouded in a haze of ignorance and unable to see how far drown you are in the abyss. But with that covenanted gift of God, should you get it, it will shatter the froth and crush the kernel of your ignorance.

    As I am, you, too, are about to receive something unique, the gift of the Holy Spirit, whose type bears no resemblance to none. It is an unusual gift, which you never could have qualified to receive, but for His grace. For this, I count you favored and blessed. Outside of other gifts from Christ, the gift of the Holy Spirit is yet a priceless gift that God and His Christ could ever give to us. Without it, none of us could ever approach the heavenly throne of mercy to worship Him. We also know that there are specific protocols to God that we are eternally deficient at observing. But God’s mercy by grace (God’s grace) makes way abridging the gap and removing every huddle for us. Thus, as saved and sanctified, we come before His holy presence not operating out of ignorance but with superior knowledge. For God never indulges ignorance. He abhors it.

    Now, let’s consider the above and address them in their order of relevance and preference. First, the way is the path to God. You need the Holy Spirit to find the way. The Holy Spirit will lead you to Christ, the way, and it is Christ that reveals the Father to you. But you cannot get to God bypassing Christ. For Christ is the Word and the power of God, sent of the Father to everyone He chose to save. By this, I mean to everyman who God appoints eternal life He gave His Word, the gospel. In other words, Christ is the only medium available to us to access God and eternal life. None of those who He saved earned their salvation on their own strength, and neither was eternal life granted through work to them. Salvation is the gift of God according to the plan of His will. But our salvation, which for God is gain, has left us vulnerable before the enemy. And Satan is not about to give up on his chance to cause chaos, disorder, and disrupt our peace by exploiting our weakness. God knew that Satan’s plot against us is with a sinister intent, a type that bespeaks danger for you and me. Thus, God fills us with the Holy Spirit. And this Holy Spirit will help you and me stay the course and weather through turbulent tides on our Christian journey. We shall get to this presently.

    The Holy Spirit is your teacher and counselor. Within the limit of your gifts in Christ, the Holy Spirit will collaborate with you to perform your assignment, fulfilling God’s eternal purpose on earth for the good of humanity. Therefore, consider yourself blessed that God chose you to be a chamber for Christ and the Holy Spirit. And, concerning which, you have more than enough graces to last you for a lifetime.

    To everyone who, by faith, believed in the gospel of Christ is grace made available because they are saved. In the sense that when we yet lived in sin, God of whom forgiveness is high on the list of His attributes could do no otherwise. He paid the debts incurred through our sins. How did He do it, you would ask? The answer is simple yet complicated. Simple for the reason that it is love. And on the complex side, it is a mystery. In that, God gave His only Son. Allowed him to be stripped naked and made to face a public execution on a tree. And God accepted for our atonement the death of Christ on the cross. And consequently, the label of sins, which was an albatross around our necks, was lifted.

    So, we were adopted through the mystery of God’s operation despite our shortcomings. For Him also is our salvation gain. And though the process by which we attained this justification remains a puzzle whose drift far exceeds the theology of the letters of the scriptures. And we are not so naive that we do not know who we are now in Christ Jesus. After all, the gospel certifies us so and that we have the mind of Christ. Spurred by the blood of the Lamb, God delivered us from the clutch of the enemy and redeemed us. And for Christ’s sake, He also adopted us unto Himself. But the truth here is that our salvation would have been uncertain had Christ not met all the conditions to justify it.

    After God took the Israelites out of the land of bondage, He did not leave them in a lurch. Instead, God settled them into a land He promised to Abraham. And to them also, He gave a prophet in Moses by who they received the law. Like the veil on Rebekah’s face, the first time she met Isaac, the law was meant to be a veil upon their faces till the Savior, the bridegroom, should come and uncover it. But the law was not a deliberate effort to mask their shamed history of servitude, but that with it, Israel might find herself negotiating for a relationship with the God of Abraham through worship. Instead, they sought God from the letters of the law and blood sacrifice, which could not abridge the distance between them and their God.

    In the same manner, God delivered us and gave

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