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Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile
Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile
Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile
Ebook110 pages33 minutes

Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile

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About this ebook

Your birth name and date are no accident. In fact, they are your destiny and they hold a unique vibration that represents the mission, unique gifts and challenges your soul came here to experience in this lifetime. The ancient art of Numerology lets us understand these aspects of our incarnation so we can better align with our life purpose.

This book guides you through everything you need to understand your divine Numerology blueprint and manifest it in physical reality as a beautiful cross-stitch pattern you can mount on a wall in your home and see every day. By stitching your Numerology profile into physical reality and having a constant reminder of it, you'll consciously connect more with the unique energies that form your divine blueprint and better understand and benefit from the secrets it holds.

The Numerological system described in this book works for the English language and other languages that do not use ideograms in their alphabet.

Release dateJan 31, 2022
Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile

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    Connecting with Yourself - Daniel Wayne Wright

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    Connecting with Yourself: Cross-stitch your Numerology Profile by Daniel Wayne Wright

    ISBN (Softback edition) 9798406491126

    Copyright © 2022 Daniel Wayne Wright

    All rights reserved.

    Cover by Daniel Wayne Wright

    What is Numerology?

    Numerology is the study of patterns in the numbers that appear across the divine tapestry of life. If you look carefully, you’ll notice that the same patterns repeat at all scales, from the macrocosm (e.g. the way galaxies are formed) to the microcosm (e.g. snowflakes, flower petals). This is in accordance with the ancient hermetic principle as above, so below; as below, so above.

    Numerology is one way (along with Astrology, Human Design and other divinatory arts) of understanding these patterns. In Numerology, numbers (and words and letters, through their numerical equivalents) are observed to have specific vibrations or energies, and understanding these can be used as a key to deciphering the truth of both ourselves and the world around us. The roots of modern Numerology trace back to at least 500 BC and the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, of triangle fame.

    The concept of reincarnation is a crucial component to the Numerologist’s perspective of life, the universe and everything. From this perspective, our immortal souls each choose, before incarnating in a specific form, the journey we want to embark upon in that incarnation, pre-programming some of the types of experiences that we want to have, the things we want to contribute, and the challenges we want to face. As part of this programming, we choose the name we will be born with (letting our parents-to-be know through telepathy) and the time at which we will take our first breath (letting them know through the time we start labor).

    What is Cross-stitch?

    Cross-stitch is a simple form of needlework using thread on fabric, where the most basic (and common) stitch is in the form of a cross. The blueprint for a cross-stitch work is a pattern like the simple examples below.

    Small cross stitch example patterns

    Whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert, cross-stitching is an excellent way of being in peace and getting in touch with your creative side.

    Why cross-stitch your Numerology profile?

    Getting to know my Numerology profile was an important part of my spiritual journey, and I hope that it may be for you too. By cross-stitching your Numerology profile, you will be consciously reweaving the experience you chose in spirit into the material form of the divine tapestry. I hope that this will strengthen your connection with who you are and why you chose this life, and help you to understand yourself more deeply.

    I hope you’ll also join me in giving your completed cross-stitched Numerology profile a prominent location in your home that you’ll see it very often, further connecting yourself with your personal blueprint for life every time you see it!

    Getting to know yourself (working out your Numerology profile)

    In this chapter, you’ll learn about some of the important numbers in a Numerology profile, some of the core concepts of Numerology, and also learn how to calculate your own Numerology profile.

    A full Numerology profile can include quite a few numbers that represent various aspects of your divine blueprint, the path you’ll take through your life and the challenges you’ll face, but a large majority of your overall energy can be represented by just a few numbers, which we’ll discuss in turn:

    Your Life Path number is the primary number of your profile. It represents the main energy that you came here to explore and the main lesson that you’re here to learn.

    Your Expression number represents the most significant skills and abilities that you’ll carry with you throughout your life.

    Your Soul Urge number represents that which your soul wants for you the most.

    Your Personality number represents the major energy others will see when interacting with you. The relationship between the Life Path number

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