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I Testify the Truth About the Truth: And the Prophetic Revelation
I Testify the Truth About the Truth: And the Prophetic Revelation
I Testify the Truth About the Truth: And the Prophetic Revelation
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I Testify the Truth About the Truth: And the Prophetic Revelation

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About this ebook

Martineau Dimanche received a special gift from God, collecting messages, visions, wisdoms, and revelations. In I Testify, he offers insight into these communications, helping humanity understand God’s wishes for his people.

Dimanche addresses a wide array of subjects in his mission to encourage Christians to be true disciples of Jesus to glorify God:

• the visions, dreams, and his mission;
• the reality of God’s word;
• God’s nonstop daily miracles;
• how to inherit the kingdom of God;
• law, grace, and the consolatory; and
• unity statement and parables; and more.

I Testify provides a host of testimony and examples to help people to glorify God, his word, and his Holy Spirit. It seeks to strengthen the faith of those who want to be saved.
Release dateJan 26, 2022
I Testify the Truth About the Truth: And the Prophetic Revelation

Martineau Dimanche

Martineau Dimanche is a Christian who received a special gift from God, receiving messages, visions, wisdoms, and revelations.

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    I Testify the Truth About the Truth - Martineau Dimanche

    Copyright © 2022 Martineau Dimanche.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3915-5 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-3927-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021923132

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/24/2022


    1 Dreams

    2 Mission

    3 Unity Statement

    4 A Cold Church in a Weak World

    5 I Testify, Continued

    This book is a warning. Caution should be exercised against a tricky, greedy merchant of lies and death who is encountered throughout the entire world.

    He’s looking for poor and rich, uneducated and learned people of all ages to make business with. In this book, the author testifies about what has been revealed to him. It begins with the story of a potential merchant, his tricks, his greed, his authority, where his wealth comes from, and his mission.

    This book also offers an opportunity to its readers to know the author of this book, his experiences of life, and his encounter with God’s Word. He also shares God’s messages with you in the book. The visions, dreams, and his mission (4)The reality of God’s Word—His nonstop daily miracles (5) Be HAPPY for who you are. How to inherit the Kingdom of God. (6) Law, Grace, the Consolator (6-2) When did I meet Him? (7) Unity statement, and parables (8) Wisdom and counseling (9) Games changes- Why are the righteous people persecuted/ Why the storm comes anyway (10 a, b) The world, or non-Christian questioning. Above all, this book is also an opportunity to testify about Jesus Christ and His continuing love message for humanity.

    I apologize that there may be some teaching repetitions here. I began to write this book more than ten years ago, and some points come up in more than one context. However, just remember: the best method of learning is by repeating!


    I am blessed to have this opportunity to express God’s truth with all readers of this book. It is also dedicated to all my children: Dutchnider S, Orialandra, Bendia, and Melinda, who name Shermiha Dimanche, and also my mother, Natile Dimanche, and every single person who is suffering in this world in any way. I continue to dedicate the book to my lovely wife, Marlene Dimanche, and the two babies God has given us: Dayvict and Victoriaday Dimanche.

    This book is also dedicated to everyone who’s working in our community to support those who are in need, or working in support of those who say that they work for the good news of Jesus Christ.

    I just want to remind you that your suffering is for only a little time, and I hope you look for the Word of God, who will end your suffering.




    I want to introduce human beings as the genesis of this book. Who are we? Who created us? And why have we been created?

    We are servants of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and humanity has been created to serve Him. Because of our ancestors’ disobedience to our Creator, we became slaves by inheritance; therefore, we are subject to adoption by any of four possible masters. When someone chooses to serve God, that person should become God’ slave, but because God is our lovely Creator and Father, instead of treating us as His slaves, He treats us as His children. Whoever chooses otherwise becomes the slave of three other masters: the devil, sin, and money. Therefore, we have been created to serve no matter what choice or choices we made. It is up to us to decide to go with the Creator or the three other masters. So I encourage everyone to choose wisely because if we make the wrong choice, we will be persecuted and punished by the Creator who created us for His purposes.

    I wrote this book for a few reasons:

    1. To encourage my fellow Christians to be true disciples of Jesus, meaning: Go, evangelizing! (Go, beginning from your neighborhood through all around the world, spreading the Word of God.)

    I see the darkness coming to cover the whole world. We must do it now, because when it is dark, no one will be able to do it (John 9:4).

    2. The second reason is to glorify God, as He chose me to be a witness of His wonders. I testified to His reality through His miracles; why not do it on a bigger platform? God is still operating through His miracles on a daily basis nonstop. God has done it through me and through other people all around the world. As a witness, I have to testify. All the visions, miracles, and other events I wrote in this book are true and trustworthy. I say that in the name of Jesus because He is the truth, and the truth comes from Him, and Him alone.

    What I share in this book is true whether you believe me or not. Do not believe me because of who I am or who I was, but believe me for who He is. He has the power to do wonders for anyone He may choose. It is also okay if you don’t believe me; you don’t have to believe me, but believe Him, and you will live. If it is God’s will, He could do the same things through you, and you will believe that what I wrote about Him is true. As one of God’s believers stated, Do not try to understand in order to believe, but believe, that you may understand (Augustine).

    3. The third reason is to denounce and tackle the wrong practices organized by the enemy in the church assemblies and to help people who are in need in order to glorify God, His Word, and His Holy Spirit.

    I also believe that helping or encouraging people as they carry their burdens is giving justice to them as God accepts us as just through Jesus Christ, even though we didn’t work for it. He freely accepts carrying our burdens, so we should also help carry our neighbors’ burdens who are in need. Remember: sometimes it is not just because of their errors, but it is because of either our errors or our ancestors’ pressure that they are in need. Whatever the causes might be, they need our hands, our words, and our prayers, always done for the glory of God.

    We always need to ask this question: what can I do, or how can I help? If we keep our silence, we don’t differentiate between us and the high priest and the Levite in the parable of the good Samaritan that Jesus Christ related in the gospel. We also need to carefully try not to change Julius Caesar’s system, because it was set to be like that until the time is up, if you know what I mean. Otherwise, instead of being a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, one might easily become a follower of Jesus Barabbas!


    The Potential Merchant Story

    There was once a man who was the handsomest and most awesome orchestra conductor in that kingdom. He had many servants. He was so proud of his job and felt comfortable. One day he decided to plot against the king. The plot was revealed to the king, and the king then chased the traitor and his servants out of his kingdom.

    After falling away from the kingdom, the traitor felt miserable and desperate for what he had left in the kingdom. He said to himself, I am going to rebuke all the king’s children and stop them from having a good relationship with the king. And I will even do all I can to stop them from living in that lovely kingdom that I left. He took his servants with him, spreading them out all around, and he began aggressively mistreating the king’s likeness. He went to a special place where the king had his first two likenesses. They were in charge of a treasury, which is rich with everything where wealth comes from.


    One day the king left his likeness for a short time, and left them in charge of the treasure. The traitor came during the king’s absence. He tricked and convinced them to disobey the king. They listen to him instead of obeying what the king had ordered them to do. Their disobedience to the king’s order caused them to lose their treasurer’s place. The king was so upset with them for not obeying his command that he made them leave right away.

    The traitor knew about the king’s decision. He claimed now to be in charge and appeared as a wealthy businessman. He threw them into slavery by making them work for him instead. He spread out his agents and his servants wherever the king’s children lived to spy on them. He bought the most precious gift that the king made them with for a few abilities to survive. He bought from some of them for pleasure, sweet-talking, food, a raise in pay, promotion, power, knowledge, sex, and other inducements. Some of them he offered large or small sums of money, based on their business ability and their understanding level. He hired people from the street, to sell, to prostitute, to steal, to kill, to spy, and so forth. In homes they gossiped by spreading his lies; in school they were puffed up with fake knowledge. In church gossiping, and trading of the truth to promote themselves. He kept them busy at work so they wouldn’t know when the king was coming to rescue them, as he had promised to send a rescuer to save them from that merchant.

    The traitor offered them pleasure to make them satisfied with their current lives and heedless of the king. He even made some of them idle, reduced them to poverty, and led them to kill themselves or others, offering him themselves or others. He made them feel hopeless and desperate in order to sell their precious gift that the king made them with. For he knew that without that precious gift from the king, none of them would be able to go to the king and live in his kingdom, as the king had already warned them. That precious gift is worth more than the entire world. The tricky merchant also knew about it. He made a big offer to those who wanted more. His offer to people was based on how much they wanted and how many people they could deliver to him!

    The king, aware of that sucker’s merchant plan, destroyed all of his likenesses. He sent his only precious servant to rescue his children from that greedy merchant. But unfortunately, some of his likenesses have been already accepted to contract with the merchant and refused to break their relationship with him. They plotted and killed the king’s servant to stop him from rescuing his likeness. Fortunately, that wasn’t for long, because the king with his great power intervened to rescue his servant and put him in charge of everyone and everything.

    The story continues. Read on, and you will find out who that merchant is. The book will inform you what the king’s children should do to beat the price of this merchant, which may help them to break the relationship with the merchant by making him afraid of their business.

    My Allegory Quotes

    The world is replaying what was already done, but with a remix attitude that will lead to a radical change and will be the end of his reputation’s chapter. (Martineau D.)

    Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve always believed that an individual life is considered as a movie déjà vu that has been viewed by someone, which I called

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