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Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1: 4 Fantasy Short Stories: Whiteley Fantasy Short Story Collections, #1
Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1: 4 Fantasy Short Stories: Whiteley Fantasy Short Story Collections, #1
Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1: 4 Fantasy Short Stories: Whiteley Fantasy Short Story Collections, #1
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1: 4 Fantasy Short Stories: Whiteley Fantasy Short Story Collections, #1

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4 enthralling action packed fantasy short stories in one great collection!


Dragon Rider

An Exiled Prince. A New Problem. A Dragon Training Facility.

Dragons need Riders.

Exiled Dragon Rider Cato loves dragons. He trains them. He waits for a recruit.

But what trouble does the recruit bring?

If you enjoy enthralling unputdownable epic fantasy short stories with a wonderful romantic twist, you'll love this!

Emissary of Blood

A Diplomatic Mission. A Lust for Blood. A Cult to Kill them all.

I always serve my Empress. I love my country. 

When a mission goes wrong, all seems lost. Can I survive and stop the threat? Or will I lose everything to the Bloody Hand?

The Bloodied Rose

An old man. A dead body. A conspiracy to burn a country.

Alvis always serves his Empress. Regardless of the trouble he finds.

Discovering a dead body is normal for Alvis. Especially on a diplomatic mission for his Empress. Yet the Bloodied Rose on the body is weird.

Can Alvis unravel the conspiracy before war is declared and innocent people die?

If you love action-packed urban fantasy adventures. You will love this fantasy short story.

Feline of The Lost

An exiled soldier. A land of enemies. A Feline his only hope.

Trevis loves his country as a soldier.

Trevis walks the desert alone. He knows he deserves it. Trevis disgraces his country with his actions. Can he find salvation?

Can he fight for his country a final time? Or will he die forgotten and unloved in a hostile country?

If you love action packed, page turning fantasy short stories with twists giving you the perfect escape, you need this great short story!


Release dateFeb 1, 2022
Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1: 4 Fantasy Short Stories: Whiteley Fantasy Short Story Collections, #1

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    Book preview

    Fantasy Short Story Collection Volume 1 - Connor Whiteley


    Feeling the cold bitter wind brush past his smooth skin, Cato felt a small shiver run down his spine. As the wind continued to blow constantly, he could feel his skin become dry and harsh. But that was life out here.

    In a corner of the Realm where problems that needed to go where sent. To a normal man that fact would make them rageful but not Cato. 

    With the cold wind continuing to brush his skin, Cato kept looking out over the immense cliff edge. Smiling as he looked out over the thousands of kilometres of lust green forests, farmlands and rivers.

    He supposed this was a perk of his banishment. At least Cato could wake up to this stunning view each morning. There was just something magical about how the immense thick green trees blow in the wind and the river swirled and twirled that made Cato have a moment of peace. Just for the briefest of times. As Cato moved his feet, he felt the smooth rock beneath him crack a little from the movement. 

    Deciding his time of looking aimlessly over the cliff was over, Cato turned around, feeling the rock under his feet chip as he turned.

    He smiled as he looked back at his home in these harsh mountains. Before Cato was banished or exiled here, he never would have understood how people would love the cold, damp mountains. But after being here for five years, he could understand it now.

    Cato rolled his eyes as he saw a broken slate tile on the floor instead of being on his little stone hut about a hundred metres away. Something else he would have to fix later on. 

    The howling of the wind calmed a little. Allowing Cato to hear the laughter and talking of young men and women on the other side of the little outpost or home. He had no idea what this place was actually called. 

    Turning his head ever so slightly to the left, Cato smiled a little to see the men and women waking up and coming out of their own little small stone huts with their thatch roofs. Then he cocked his head at the sight of all of their chimneys puffing out smoke. They must have gotten up early to have a raging fire already going.

    At least he wouldn’t have to do a wake up call like he did a few times a week. That was a positive. Cato hated wake up calls with a passion. He might have been the Lord Dragon Rider, in charge of these trainees, but to have to wake them up? Really? 

    Shaking the thoughts away, Cato turned around once again to look out on the stunning view. Then he realised why the trainees were awake so early. They probably wanted to see the new person as soon as they arrived.

    King Only Knows why this newbie wanted to arrive at the crack of dawn instead of a normal time. Granted Cato was usually awake at this time already but he would rather clean out the Dragonlets styles. Or talk to his own dragon then wait around for some newbie. And why would the trainees be so interested?

    It's not like they don't see new people here often. They had ten new girls join last week to replace the twenty Dragon Riders that departed to go off with their dragons to some far away battle. 

    The thought of battle made Cato touch his forehead as the large scar across his forehead and face pulsed with pain. That was a battle and half alright. Cato smiled as the lust for battle flooded his body. Yet it died quickly as his mind became flooded with the faces of his dead friends and soldiers. 

    The sound of claws hitting rock caught Cato's attention. Making him turn around and beam with delight as he saw an immense, majestic dragon with stunning shiny blue scales land. Her head majestically rose in the air and stretched before she lowered it down to Cato's level.

    He stroked his beautiful dragon's stout as she smiled. Showing all her mighty yet terrifying rows of sharp dagger like teeth. Cato definitely loved this dragon. He knew that for sure. 

    Morning Catty, the stunning dragon started to speak in a voice that did not match her majestic nature in the slightest.

    Morning Pendra,

    Why ya trainees up earlier, gov?

    I think I should be asking you that. What did you tell them about our new arrival?

    You know me. Ma lips are tight and sealed. I don't tell them a thing,

    What did you tell the other dragons and dragonlets?

    Pendra tried to rub her snout into Cato's warm stomach but Cato pushed her away.

    What did you tell them? 

    I could have told them that ya newbie is gay, exiled and a Former Commander

    Cato had to smile and run his fingers over Pendra's smooth shiny snout. 

    They wanted to know if me and the newbie would hit it off?

    They are ya words, not mine

    Cato did have to cock his head for a moment at the thought of meeting another gay person after years of being isolated and stuck teaching young people about how to become Dragon Riders. 

    But really did everyone need to come out to see this, everyone knew Cato was gay. It was the reason he was exiled and sent to this place. Not the worse place because Cato did have an uncanny ability to match and train dragons and humans. But

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