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The Unstoppable Christian Business: Seven Steps to Your Seven-Figure Business with Purpose, Passion, and Profit
The Unstoppable Christian Business: Seven Steps to Your Seven-Figure Business with Purpose, Passion, and Profit
The Unstoppable Christian Business: Seven Steps to Your Seven-Figure Business with Purpose, Passion, and Profit
Ebook231 pages2 hours

The Unstoppable Christian Business: Seven Steps to Your Seven-Figure Business with Purpose, Passion, and Profit

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About this ebook

The Unstoppable Christian Business helps Christian business owners grow and scale a highly profitable business that maintains Kingdom purpose. 

Anyone can start a business, most fail to achieve their potential and either struggle to survive or fail. Building a purpose driven, highly profitable business, requires 3 key ingredients:

  1. A solid business structure
  2. An optimized leader
  3. Holy Spirit lead life

Dr. Ron Eccles designed The Unstoppable Christian Business to help people build a solid foundation (spiritually, personally, and professionally) to take their business to heights most never dream of. Those business owners committed to building a highly profitable business, that operates from a greater purpose, will find all the necessary ingredients they need inside. The Unstoppable Christian Business contains powerful information that has the potential to maximize one’s business and personal life. The only thing missing is the action. Taking this information and putting it into action…changes everything!

Release dateJan 4, 2022
The Unstoppable Christian Business: Seven Steps to Your Seven-Figure Business with Purpose, Passion, and Profit

Dr. Ron Eccles

Dr. Ron Eccles is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and business coach. He has built multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses over the past 4 decades. Dr. Ron holds a BS in Human Anatomy, a Doctorate in Chiropractic, and Board Certifications in Orthopedics and Neurology. He has published multiple professional articles in healthcare and co-authored several best-selling books. He has appeared on Fox News, ABC, ESPN, and The Word Network. As a professional speaker he has emceed over 50 events and presented on more than a hundred stages. Ron and his wife Johanna founded ROAR, a community of Christian Business Owners, the Unstoppable Christian Worldwide and he currently is CEO of Going Vertical Coaching.

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    The Unstoppable Christian Business - Dr. Ron Eccles


    The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 12:15 (ESV)


    It was 4:30 a.m. I had just finished my devotions and Bible study, put on my sneakers, connected my headphones to my iPhone, and headed out for my morning power walk. Social issues had altered many daily routines for most people. Since the gym I worked out at (daily) was closed, I shifted to three daily cardio activities each day, stretching, and some resistance training at home. My early morning walks became my favorite time, when it’s dark, quiet, and peaceful.

    I always use my workout times to consume audiobooks, sermons, or worship music. This particular morning, I was listening to Traffic Secrets, an audiobook by Russell Brunson. I’m a huge fan of Russell and his team at ClickFunnels. This was the second time I was going through this audiobook (yes . . . it’s that good). Russell was sharing a story about Garrett White and how ClickFunnels changed everything for his business. White told Russell: I already had the fire but you (the ClickFunnels software) provided the framework.

    Then it hit me!

    You know those times when the Holy Spirit ignites something in you and your mind locks in on it, processing and reshaping it into something really powerful?

    I immediately stopped walking, pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and captured these ideas in my notes. (I need to document ideas immediately or they’ll escape me.) It started as the fire and the framework, and over the next day, I had another epiphany.

    The next morning, during my power walk, I was listening to a teaching series by Dr. Tony Evans. Dr. Evans used a story from the 1986 movie (that I love), Top Gun, starring Tom Cruise as Lieutenant Pete Maverick Mitchell. I couldn’t wait to get back home to my computer and search for scenes of this awesome film. While searching, I came across the trailers for the soon-to-be released Top Gun 2: Maverick (some 34 years following the first Top Gun). I could feel the adrenaline surge as I watched the F-18 Super Hornets burst with speeds up to 1,190 mph and perform mind-blowing aerial maneuvers with ease. The little boy in me couldn’t wait to see this film.

    I began to see a direct connection between Russell Brunson’s story about the fire and the framework and the F-18 Super Hornet in Top Gun 2, except now I saw something new that got me even more excited. Do you ever get that feeling when you know you’re onto something so amazing? Well . . . that’s exactly what I was experiencing.

    The F-18 Super Hornet was obviously made for a purpose—to be a highly specialized weapon capable of offense and defense in times of war or peace. It is one bad mamma jamma. This was an epiphany moment!

    Just think of it, maximum effectiveness for the F-18 can be reached only when three key elements are present, all at the same time. It requires (1) the correct fuel to power the jet, (2) a properly constructed and mechanically sound craft (the framework), and (3) a pilot adequately trained for peak performance (the fire).

    This now completed my mission objective. If I am going to facilitate your journey to building your Kingdom-purpose-driven, six- or seven-figure business with massive profit, I would need to include THE FUEL, THE FRAMEWORK, AND THE FIRE.

    This book is appropriately divided into three sections with

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