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The Enslaved Mind: The Blessing of Suffering and Pain
The Enslaved Mind: The Blessing of Suffering and Pain
The Enslaved Mind: The Blessing of Suffering and Pain
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The Enslaved Mind: The Blessing of Suffering and Pain

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The world and its simplicities are often nothing more than an illusion, hiding the mysteries from plane sight. This very World from the mind of a bipolar person is one that is plagued with challenges, but his view and perception is often unadulterated and perhaps that can only be the source to deciphering our purpose, happiness and thinking. Come join me as I take you on a journey through the divide in my mind and show you the world in a context you might not have even know possible. Life is double sided coin; it is predictable and yet unpredictable, there is despair and yet there is hope, where there is sorrow there is joy and where there is darkness, there is light. Our brains can interpret as such because we can have the view from both the sides, our internal conflict for answers and the fight between good and bad results in our existence questioning a lot more than what you might be used to. How we can cope with having a positive outlook at life and how we can fuel the fire of ambition so that in this journey through my mind, we can have a slice of my life and grow together towards richness that awaits us.
Release dateFeb 3, 2022
The Enslaved Mind: The Blessing of Suffering and Pain

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    The Enslaved Mind - Nidal Odat


    In one stage of our life or another, we witness ourselves enslaved by an overwhelming struggle between our thoughts, desires and actions. This book is about this conflict, its inherent consequences, and various ways to tackle it. When I started writing this book my intent, like many authors, was to give it an elegant name. Yet, after I started, I found myself intrigued that the name and the ideas of this book emerged from my day-to-day inner psychological sufferings, both during and after struggling with ‘a blessing’ journey of mine with bipolar II. Hence the name was a plethora of constant change, almost like water falling from a cliff. Bipolar II, is a relatively common mental conditions that when not treated could be a devastating mental suffering. Bipolar II, however, is not the enemy that I lived with, as indicated in the title of book, but rather the enemy was the resultant distorted Self and its relationship with Consciousness.

    My professional work as a professor of biology and interest has certainly not only given me plenty of opportunities to write this book but also motivated me. The chief causes of mental health conditions are a combination of mental and behavioral conflicts occurring between the conscience and the selfhood. I will not be describing, in this book, any medical aspects of bipolar disease but rather I will talk about its symptoms, namely the emotions of anxiety, depression, frequent and excessive anger, and other feelings that ruin the taste of enjoyment from life and destroy our inherent powerful activities and mental energy.

    My intention concerning this book is morally driven because I wish to share with you the experiences of my inner world. Knowledge of these experiences is useful, not only for intellectual understanding but also the for practical purposes of layman. The book will describe the dynamic link between the Self and Ego under both neurotic and common conditions and shed light from different perspectives of the human mind and will seek to guide the reader towards a higher motive.


    "Whatever is rejected from the self,

    appears in the world as an event."

    The world is a collection of events, physical and nonphysical, that of either constructive or destructive nature. These events are originally started as thoughts and then expressed as a desire by our selfhoods. The selfhood is the center of human psyche and it the agent that regulates and controls our consciousness or awareness. For many of us the events of current life are frightening and scary. Human being is continuously suffering from a deteriorating psychological wellbeing and integrity. Depression and other mental disturbances become among the most rapidly increasing health issues. In pursuing daily life human being becomes glutted with mental pain and distress. Success and happiness become rare and one become more and more discontented with life. Human being in modern civilization is not a whole. He is mental faculties are fragmented and distorted. His inner world, or psyche, is divided and in deep conflict with his outer physical world. Human’s vision of success and prosperity become blurred and vague. Man’s ego, consciousness, unconsciousness, and the Self, the crucial components of his inner world are shattered and not interconnected.

    These frightening and scary events that we witness in the outer world are the direct products of the divided and distorted inner world of a man. Man with a distorted inner world becomes the origin of all destruction and misery in life.  However, this same inner world when pure and a whole becomes the center of creation and lead to success and all great achievements. We are created with an immense and unlimited power of inner world to achieve great success in life. In fact, we are created to achieve whatever we desire and to live free of any sense of deep frustration and mental disturbances. Inside the Self of each of us there is a stream of desires for unlimited prosperity of money, health and all aspects of richness. Human being existed in this earth to accomplish these inborn Self-desires of prosperity. To realize these desires not only our inborne unlimited power is set serve us but the universe with all its contents has been equipped with liveness and power to serve us. To achieve what you desire is to be your true selves. 

    "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

    This book addresses the effect of the enslaved consciousness, i.e., the one glutted with pain on your self-realization of your desires. This book is about the relationship between Self and consciousness, self-conscious relationship, that is of immense power of both construction and destruction of the individual and the society. The book will teach you the facts of human nature upon which success and persistent happiness and are grounded. This book is very valuable for everyone as it outlines the necessary steps for liberating the super power of human Selfhood. Understanding yourself is the road map for your success, mental liberty, and happiness.

    "The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want you already are".

    - Rumi

    Chapter One

    To Be More Than Human

    I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human

    - David Bowie

    Human being should aim very high because he is a unique species that is equipped with inborn faculties of immense and unlimited power. The selfhood of every one of us is inherently in constant repulsive desires of realization of this inborn power that is required to transcend our consciousness beyond its limitation, beyond its constraints. The need to be more than human as David Bowie, a rock star and actor, expressed in the above quoted sentence is likely not meant to be limited to the needs that are of physical and bodily nature. The desire for sex, food, shelter, security and other biological needs are logically necessary for physical growth but do not lead into mental and spiritual evolution that would result in persistent success and happiness. What determines mental and spiritual evolution of man is only the self-realization of our desire for great prosperity and deep riches. The self-fulfillment of the desire for prosperity and riches is not only essential for happiness but also is of a blessing for human beings. Frustration, pain, depression and all other negative states of humans (or most thereof) are the direct products of poverty.

    For a human to achieve mental and spiritual growth, he must aim high and think big to be prosperous. Prosperity not only to meet essentialities of daily life but rather to be prosperous means to have plenty of money that is necessary to transcend your conscious and fulfill your true ‘Self’ that is always naturally in a state of repulsive need for the materialization of his desires that empower humans and leads them to be their true self. The extra accumulation of wealth hence provides him with not only the time for self-realization but also because the desires of humans can never reach a state of satiety.

    "Give a man everything he wants and at that moment

    everything is not everything"

    Transcending the consciousness and the realization of the desires of the true ‘Self’ are achieved only when these two components of the inner ‘world’ are not enslaved by ego and the uneasiness or troubles of the ‘outer’ world and its events and circumstances. For many people their enslaved consciousness is the result of their attachment and mutual identification with ego. The ego is nothing but a bundle of thoughts, mainly negative, of the past experiences and future fantasies. It is this part of our psyche

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