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I Was Unfaithful to My Husband
I Was Unfaithful to My Husband
I Was Unfaithful to My Husband
Ebook22 pages18 minutes

I Was Unfaithful to My Husband

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My eyes couldn't close, I'm sure they were blank as he moved in and out of me. I never imagined that he was so pleasant. The man who rode me at a brisk pace. She was moaning behind me and I was panting like a whore.

Release dateJan 28, 2022
I Was Unfaithful to My Husband



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    I Was Unfaithful to My Husband - Melquicided

    I Was Unfaithful to My Husband

    Sweet sin story

    18+ ONLY


    Copyright © 2021

    In accordance with the US Copyright Act 1976, the

    Scan, upload and electronically share any part of it

    Book without the permission of the author constitutes illegal

    Piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you

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    Contacting the author Thank you for your support.


    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and

    The incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are

    Used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, places, or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental

    My name is Teresa and this story, which I assure you is completely true except for the names that I have wanted to change for obvious reasons, began in a simple roadside bar accompanying my husband as I did many times.

    He is a salesperson for a large company and I am just the wife waiting for him at home, bored and most of the time alone. We are a middle-aged couple from Madrid, my husband is 49 years old and I am already 46, so both of us are more likely to be quiet at home, without too many shocks. Well, one fine day when Alberto, my husband, had to travel to Ponferrada for work reasons, I decided to accompany him, the journey from Madrid to Ponferrada in the province of León, is a few hours, so I am determined and willing not to stay at home. like so many other times, I put on my flashiest dress and got in the car with him. Along the way we began to talk about lost time, about our time as boyfriends, about when we groped in

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