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Darcy's Affair in Brighton: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation: Mr. Darcy's Secret Stories
Darcy's Affair in Brighton: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation: Mr. Darcy's Secret Stories
Darcy's Affair in Brighton: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation: Mr. Darcy's Secret Stories
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Darcy's Affair in Brighton: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation: Mr. Darcy's Secret Stories

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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After the disastrous way they parted, can Lizzy reignite Darcy's passion?

Elizabeth Bennet discovers Georgiana Darcy at the coaching inn in Meryton—alone and penniless after her maid absconded with her funds.

Lizzy offers to accompany Georgiana to Brighton. The girl claims her brother is waiting there. But is that true? Or could she be planning to meet up with Wickham—the scoundrel who tried to elope with her once before?

Stopping for the night in London, Lizzy sends word to Darcy. She dreads facing him again. His mortifying marriage proposal is burned into her memory. She refused him in the most insulting manner.

Ashamed of misjudging him, she's determined to make amends. Can he forgive her? And now that her loathing of him has cooled, can she learn to love him after all?

This steamy Pride and Prejudice sensual intimate variation will make you reach for your vinaigrette! It has a happy ending and no cliffhanger.

Release dateFeb 6, 2022
Darcy's Affair in Brighton: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation: Mr. Darcy's Secret Stories

Andrea David

Andrea David is a women's fiction author in Raleigh, North Carolina who writes stories of romantic love and family dynamics. She enjoys gardening, scuba diving, and hiking active volcanoes with her husband. Connect with her on Facebook: Never miss a release! Sign up for Andrea's fan list to be notified of new books, special offers, and exclusive content.

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    Darcy's Affair in Brighton - Andrea David

    Darcy’s Affair in Brighton by Andrea David

    Published by

    Artesian Well Publishing

    Learn more about Andrea’s books by visiting her website,

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination, are derived from the public domain works of Jane Austen, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Darcy’s Affair in Brighton

    © 2021–2022 Andrea David

    First edition, February 2022

    All Rights Reserved Worldwide

    This ebook is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, and subject to criminal prosecution. An ebook format cannot legally be loaned or given to others. No portion of this literary work may be sold, manipulated, transmitted, copied, reproduced, or distributed, in any form or format, by any means or in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the author, except for brief excerpts used for the purpose of review. To request written permission, contact Artesian Well Publishing at

    All trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

    Published in the United States of America.

    This book is set in England and uses predominantly British spelling.

    About the Book

    After the disastrous way they parted, can Lizzy reignite Darcy’s passion?

    Elizabeth Bennet is disappointed when her summer trip to Derbyshire is suddenly postponed. In Meryton, she discovers Georgiana Darcy at the coaching inn—alone and penniless after her maid absconded with her funds.

    Lizzy offers to accompany Georgiana to Brighton. The girl claims her brother is waiting there. But is that true? Or could she be planning to meet up with Wickham—the scoundrel who tried to elope with her once before?

    Stopping for the night in London, Lizzy sends word to Darcy. She dreads facing him again. His mortifying marriage proposal is burned into her memory. She refused him in the most insulting manner.

    Ashamed of misjudging him, she's determined to make amends. Can he forgive her? And now that her loathing of him has cooled, can she learn to love him after all?

    This steamy Pride and Prejudice sensual intimate variation will make you reach for your vinaigrette! It has a happy ending and no cliffhanger.

    Chapter 1

    Elizabeth Bennet descended the stairs at Longbourn. The urgent strains of her mother’s voice filled the foyer. Come, Lizzy, your uncle and aunt will arrive at any moment. You must not keep them waiting!

    Yes, Mama. Lizzy smoothed the skirt of her cotton travel dress, bought especially for this trip. Her trunk waited by the door. Her reticule hung from her shoulder. It was packed with spending money and a book to read on the long trip to the Peak District.

    She took a spencer from the closet. Carefully, she folded it and set it temporarily atop the trunk. The July temperatures would limit its usefulness. But it would come in handy during the cool evening weather.

    Her father, looking unusually dour, emerged from his study. So you are off, then, Lizzy. Let us hope you don’t have occasion to see a certain proud Derbyshire man of our acquaintance.

    Lizzy fought to maintain her equanimity. She knew who he meant, of course. Mr. Darcy. Her aunt had told her they would spend time in Lambton, within five miles of Pemberley, Darcy’s estate. But that was no reason to think they would see him. He might not even be in that part of the country at present.

    Her heart fluttered at the thought. Did she want to see him?

    Of course not. Their last parting had been a humiliating experience for them both.

    But her feelings for him had changed since then. She had not forgiven him for separating her sister Jane from her beau, Mr. Bingley. Yet Mr. Darcy’s letter—the one he had placed in her hand the morning after his failed marriage proposal—had shown he was an honourable man.

    She had wasted so much time by forming a hasty opinion of him. How differently things might have proceeded if she had given him a chance to show his true nature!

    But she had not, and now that chance was lost. She would likely never see him again.

    A stab of pain pierced her heart. Surely it was not affection that made her feel so. Only regret that she could not apologize for the wrongs she had done him.

    The thought had haunted her since they had parted three months ago. Even through her dislike, she had noticed his handsome face—his broad shoulders—his keen intelligence. Had he not been so cold in his dealings with her, she might have chanced a flirtation.

    Yet all the time he had seemed so distant, he had been falling in love.

    If she had known, would she have behaved differently? It was a pointless question. She could not go back and change things. She could only move forward. And that meant accepting the past as it was, not as she wished it could have been.

    At the faint sound of hoofbeats, her stomach tumbled. She walked to the front door and looked out the sidelights, expecting to see her uncle’s carriage. Instead, a horseman came into view, approaching the house.

    As he came close, Lizzy did not recognize him. Her father stepped outside and exchanged words with the man. The stranger handed her father a missive, and her father gave him a few coins, before he went on his way.

    Mr. Bennet came back inside, saying, An express from London. It is for you, Lizzy.

    Her heart turned to a leaden weight in her chest. She broke the seal and checked the signature. As expected, it was from her aunt.

    Dear Lizzy,

    Your uncle awoke feeling poorly this morning. He has a fever, and the doctor cannot say when he will be well enough to travel. We have decided to postpone the trip for at least a week.

    I will write again once we know more. You must not fret, my dear. I am sure this is but a brief delay.

    Your loving aunt,

    M. Gardiner

    Lizzy communicated the contents of the letter to her parents. It took a solid five minutes to convince Mrs. Bennet that her brother did not lie on his deathbed. Lizzy’s younger sisters, Mary and Kitty, alarmed by the commotion, helped their mother to her room. Jane, the eldest, comforted Lizzy over the change in plans.

    A walk into Meryton will cheer you, Jane said. Or perhaps we could take the carriage, in case we want to shop.

    I’m afraid I cannot spare the horses, her father said. Besides, I have spent enough money outfitting Lizzy for this trip. There is nothing left for fripperies.

    Yes, Papa, Lizzy said affectionately, kissing his cheek. Then, she and Jane went out for their walk.

    "I hope you are not too disappointed, Jane said. You have been looking forward to this trip."

    Unfortunately, the delay will cost us time. My uncle must return to London by the middle of August. We will have to shorten our trip.

    In fact, if her uncle did not make a speedy recovery, they might have to divert to the Cotswolds. Or cancel the trip altogether.

    Her heart sank at the prospect.

    But it was not in Lizzy’s nature to be morose. The sun was warm, the breeze cool, and the sky cloudless. The scent of roses hung in the air. No point wasting a beautiful day on regrets.

    They reached the coaching inn on the outskirts of town. A young woman in fashionable dress ran out of the yard towards the street. Valise in hand, she chased after a carriage. The mail coach, Lizzy surmised by the size and speed of it.

    Wait! the girl cried, waving her free arm above her head.

    The coachman must surely have heard, yet he kept moving. Dust rose as the horses sped up and disappeared around the bend on their way to the main road.

    The young woman stood watching as if stunned. Then, reality seemed to hit, and her shoulders slumped.

    With Jane at her side, Lizzy approached the girl. Up close, she appeared younger than she had at a distance. Though tall for a woman, she might be no older than sixteen or seventeen.

    Something about her face seemed familiar, though Lizzy could not place her. Miss, are you well? May I fetch your maid?

    Tears sprang to her eyes. My maid is on the coach that just left. Along with my reticule and all the money for my trip to Brighton.

    Oh, dear! Jane cried. How dreadful!

    Puzzled, Lizzy asked, Do you mean the maid stole from you?

    The girl gave a little nod. I asked her to hold my reticule while I used the necessary. I came out to see her sitting next to the driver as the coach pulled away.

    Pondering the maid’s audacity, Lizzy’s mind worked rapidly. The girl was in trouble indeed. Even if she had funds—which apparently she did not—a young woman of her station could not travel alone.

    Might we assist you? Lizzy asked. My name is Elizabeth—

    Lizzy coughed, suddenly realizing why the girl looked familiar. Until she understood the young lady’s situation, she did not wish to reveal her identity. I am Elizabeth Gardiner, and this is my sister, Jane Gardiner.

    Lizzy gave her sister a pointed look. Jane raised her brows but did not contradict her.

    Pleased to meet you, the girl said. I am Georgiana Darcy.

    Jane’s jaw fell slack, but Lizzy felt no shock at the mention of the name. The girl bore a strong resemblance to her brother. A brother who might have mentioned Lizzy’s name to Georgiana at some point.

    A brother who would surely have provided his sister with a companion—and two sturdy footmen—while she travelled.

    Lizzy looked about, seeing no one else coming to the girl’s aid. How strange! Have you no manservant with you?

    Georgiana shook her head.

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