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The Dark Place
The Dark Place
The Dark Place
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The Dark Place

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When asked about an old shipmate by the newest crewmember, Santiago agreed to share the story of the dark place. He had no other name for the place, for nothing else had been given to him. He knew little of the other man before the journey, but they were to retrieve items for the Captain. Santiago went to ensure they got back out.

When that companion told him to take one of the items and tell no one, he'd agreed. He'd kept that secret for a long time now. The young man who asked deserved some of the tale, but how much? The nature of the spirits within? That he didn't quite know himself. What that companion had told him on the journey? Some might be relevant, but certainly not all. How did he get them out? Well, to explain that, he might have to uncover something he'd kept hidden for a long time.

PublisherDavid Langer
Release dateJan 30, 2022
The Dark Place

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    The Dark Place - David Langer

    The Dark Place

    by David Langer

    Copyright 2021 David Langer

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    Cover Image Copyright 2021 Katy Langer Blow

    Table of Contents

    The Dark Place




    About the Author

    The Dark Place

    'We picked up the wizard out in Tibet somewhere. This was shortly after I came on board, and before I had really known what I was getting into. At the time the ship seemed impressive, and the Captain was persuasive. The coercion... that came later.'

    'So, the wizard, he was a small fellow, but powerful. And intelligent, but I guess you'd figure that, since we call him the wizard. His name was Chogyam, never really found out his last name. He was a recluse, even on board. He worked with us, but he never got into the banter. Kept to himself. I suppose it's a wizard thing. The Captain does it too.'

    'The Captain brings him on board, after going out into the town to inquire after him, and then is gone for quite a few hours. Sometimes it happens, it can take more convincing for some people. He tends to try and get you on board first, he has ways of keeping you here. And really, who wouldn't want to stay on board Missy, here.'

    'Well, it went okay for a while. Chogyam, the wizard, he talked little, but showed off sometimes. Light shows, small creations, making shapes in the clouds. But I don't think he really knew what the Captain was doing with all of us. The Captain, he really isn't up front with anyone. Just wants to get you on board. Look what he did to you.'

    'Anyway, first time the Captain comes to the wizard, and asks him to go do something for him... Chogyam asks why. Bad question to ask the Captain. He doesn't answer 'why', just not his style. He's got some purpose, most of us think it's sinister at some level, but no one has figured it out. He's not a big hinter, and doesn't mix well, but I suppose you know that by now.'

    'Now, there isn't a shouting match. Chogyam, you might imagine, is not a loud guy, he isn't big on demonstrating stuff. The shows, shapes, that was just a little entertainment, and he didn't do it often. I think it was mostly for Ria, most of us have a soft spot for her.'

    'No, this was quiet, but forceful. And everyone who was on deck when they started staring at each other moved off fast! Those of us who didn't know yet, well, Ria and the others, they pulled us away. They knew what was coming, and none of them wanted to be around.'

    'The Captain, he doesn't like challenges. Not one bit. He will put up with them, if he thinks he's in control. With most of us, he is. Not so with Chogyam, the wizard was something of a match for his power, and I think the Captain had to share something of his wants with the small man.'

    'And everyone else knew that he would not be happy with the rest of us for hearing it.'

    'There were no thunderclaps, no powerful magic going back and forth, but there was a static in the air, a charge. I felt it, don't think anyone could have missed it. It hung over us. In our rooms, the galley, everywhere. And it hung for hours.'

    'Eventually though, it did fade, and the Captain got what he wanted. I don't even recall what it was, that first time.'

    'But that was before the Dark Place. It took a couple years before we went there. Mostly Chogyam was fine, kept to himself a lot, but was pleasant enough to be around. But when the Captain asked him for anything... we all left. It got to the point where the Captain would actually invite him to his cabin. We'd still feel it, and he was the only one I ever saw go into the Captain's cabin, but we'd be able to move around the ship.'

    'Everyone walked carefully when it happened, me included. The forces at play there seemed immense, even for me. And you know what I can take.'

    'So, one day, the Captain tells me that I'm going with Chogyam into a place, to retrieve something for him. I shrug, because I've gotten used to the idea of doing things for him, and I'm not worried about it. You know why. But later Chogyam knocks on my door. He'd never visited me, or anyone else that I was aware of.'

    'What could I do but let him in. He had this quiet way about him that made you respect him. It was like he showed everyone respect, and you almost felt you owed it to him in kind.'

    'He told me then what the Captain really wanted him to do, and the place we were going, as much as he knew about it.'

    'And he told me he would not return.'


    'Why are you going at night?' Ria asked.

    Santiago looked at the eager, young woman. Her dark eyes sparkled in the light of the Lady's globes. Ebony skin, smooth and flawless, a hallmark of her constant youth, showed out in the glow cast across the deck of the ship they stood on. Eagerness and curiosity emanated from her, now as most times.

    'No particular reason,' Santiago replied. 'But that's what Chogyam decided.'


    Silence descended as Santiago turned to look out from the Lady's rails, between the globes that rose from the sides of the ship. No mist surrounded them, and he felt only a portion of the usual motion of the Lady they rode upon. Her hull

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