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Trinity Treason
Trinity Treason
Trinity Treason
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Trinity Treason

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More than 1,700 years of Catholic and Protestant lies have derailed Christianity. This is hard for most Christians to hear.
Christ said that the way is narrow and difficult, but many of today's Christians tell us the opposite! They lie, telling us that salvation is a comfortable, easy location—that all we need do is to accept Jesus as our savior, and we're done.
Christ warned us that we could lose our salvation, like the virgin brides waiting for the bridegroom's return, yet many of today's Christians tell us the opposite! They lie, telling us that salvation is permanent.
The church has committed innumerable crimes against its flock:
• Murdered countless thousands who dared to get closer to God without its permission.
• Declared Christ to be God—a claim Jesus never made for himself, despite the clever interpretations of the Modern Pharisees.
• Taught scripture for over a thousand years in a language the parishioners didn't even understand.
• When an Englishman dated to translate the Bible into his own language, the church had him kidnapped and murdered.
• Today's liberal pope suggests that atheists—blasphemers against the Holy Ghost—can get into Heaven. Nonsense! Sacrilege! Treason!
• And the church, long ago, declared the Holy Spirit to be God, and by doing so, committed the only unforgivable sin!
Why can God and Jesus forgive us for blaspheming against them, but the Holy Spirit cannot forgive us?
The answer is as astounding as it is simple, and it reveals the "trinity"—a term that does not appear anywhere in the Bible—as a source of the only unforgivable sin.
Trinity Treason reveals the Bible in a way no other book has ever done. This is not about fixing the meaning of scripture as the know-it-all scholars have erroneously attempted to do for nearly two thousand years. Instead, this book invites you to realize that God's Truth is never written in ink, just as 2 Corinthians 3:3–8 had warned us. The letter leads to death, while only the spirit leads to everlasting life. Truly, the meek shall inherit the Earth, because they know the dangers of pretending omniscience when it comes to scripture.

Release dateJan 25, 2022
Trinity Treason

Rod Martin, Jr

Rod Martin, Jr. was born in West Texas, United States. He has been a Hollywood artist, a software engineer with a degree summa cum laude, a writer, web designer and a college professor. Rod Martin's interests have ranged from astronomy to ancient history, physics to geology, and graphics arts to motion pictures. He has studied comparative religion, worked as a lay minister and spiritual counselor, and taught ethics in college. While doing graphic arts in Hollywood, he also studied electronic engineering. In 1983, as Carl Martin, he published his first novel, "Touch the Stars: Emergence," co-authored by John Dalmas (Tor Books, NY). He continues to write science fiction under that pen name. Later, switching careers to computers and information technology, Mr. Martin worked for Control Data, Ceridian Payroll, Bank of America, Global Database Marketing and IPRO Tech. He also created "Stars in the NeighborHood" 3D astronomy space software. He currently resides in the Philippines with his wife, Juvy. He has taught information technology, mathematics and professional ethics at Benedicto College, in Cebu. He continues to teach online and to write books and blogs.

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    Trinity Treason - Rod Martin, Jr

    Trinity Treason

    How the church betrayed its flock with the only unforgivable sin

    Rod Martin, Jr.

    "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5).

    Dedicated to all Christians who ignore the temptation to pretend omniscience with scripture, and who, instead, aim their humility to God and to His Truth, for no one knows the full mind of the Heavenly Father.

    Smashwords Edition

    January 2022

    Published by Tharsis Highlands Publishing

    Copyright 2022 Rod Martin, Jr.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof in any form.


    Cover painting: Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) by Antonio Ciseri, c. 1870 (PD); a painting depicting Pontius Pilate presenting Jesus Christ to the crowds of Jerusalem. Cover design by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Image Preparation: No adequate, digital reproduction of this beautiful painting could be found online. Of the two best images, one showed the background with rich detail, but the foreground was dark with subdued colors and a significant reflection in the pigments on the far left. Christ and the Roman governor, in the middle ground, were clearly visible, but, like the foreground, were missing details and depth of color. Another version displayed half the resolution, but slightly more of the image on all four sides. This second version exhibited far more detail and depth of color in the foreground and middle ground, but the background was washed out, much of the detail missing in the low contrast brightness.

    The cover designer considered not using the painting, but became inspired to experiment with filters, including filtering one image against the other. First, the smaller image needed to be enlarged to match the scale of the darker copy. Then, the brighter image needed to be rotated slightly to match the other’s orientation. After testing a number of filters, the designer was left with three images that were close to perfect in the foreground, middle ground or background, but no single image held such perfection in two or more regions. Finally, the designer decided to use a mask to extract each of the perfected portions, reassembling them into a representation with virtually no glare, with high chroma colors and the maximum possible detail in each region.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Other books by Rod Martin, Jr.

    Spirituality and Religion

    The Bible’s Hidden Wisdom: God’s Reason for Noah’s Flood

    The Logical Christian

    Enemies of Christ

    Proof of God

    The Science of Miracles

    Four Elements of God

    Spirit is Digital, Science is Analog

    Climate Basics series

    Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear—an Amazon #1 Weather Bestseller

    Deserts & Droughts: How Does Land Ever Get Water?

    Shining a Light Series

    Dirt Ordinary: Shining a Light on Conspiracies

    Favorable Incompetence: Shining a Light on 9/11

    Thermophobia: Shining a Light on Global Warming



    Abbreviations Used


    Introduction: It’s Not in the Bible

    Part 1: God—Creator and Owner

    Chapter 1: God’s Traits

    Chapter 2: Man’s Relationship

    Part 2: Christ—A Son of God

    Chapter 3: Mission

    Chapter 4: Not God

    Part 3: Holy Spirit—The Purpose of It All

    Chapter 5: Purpose

    Chapter 6: The Only Unforgivable Sin

    Part 4: Cutting the Trinity Knot

    Chapter 7: Corruption and Resolution

    Afterword: Christian Originalism




    About the Author

    Other Books



    Abbreviations Used

    ACoV—A Conflict of Visions, by Thomas Sowell

    CBNtF—Climate Basics: Nothing to Fear—an Amazon #1 Weather Bestseller

    EoC—Enemies of Christ: The Need to Protect Our Own Salvation from Ravening Wolves

    FA—Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson

    FEoG—Four Elements of God

    KJV—King James Version of the Holy Bible

    MaCC—Meaning and Context: Creation

    NCV—New Century Version of the Holy Bible

    NIV—New International Version of the Holy Bible

    PoG—Proof of God

    SiDSiA—Spirit Is Digital, Science is Analog: Discovering where miracles and logic intersect

    TAoF—The Art of Forgiveness

    TBHW—The Bible’s Hidden Wisdom: God’s Reason for Noah’s Flood

    TLC—The Logical Christian: Handbook of spiritual reasoning in an unthinking, secular world

    TSoM—The Science of Miracles: How Scientific Method Can Be Applied to Spiritual Phenomena

    TSoSR—The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn



    God loves you.

    That one Truth is the foundation for everything else.

    God wants you to be strong and competent as His spiritual child. And that competence requires that you be severely tested by subtle lies that have the ability to trick you; severely tested by an intelligence that is equal to your own, including knowledge of your every belief and attitude. The devil knows your heart, inside and out, and uses every scrap of that knowledge against you.

    If we had to describe what is going on in the simplest of terms, we might say that God points toward Truth, Love and Light, while the devil points toward lies, trickery and darkness. But everyone who currently lives on the side of darkness—everyone who resides in this physical universe—cannot see Truth clearly. Christ can see Truth, for he lives in Spirit; he even lived in Spirit while his body lived on Earth, some 2,000 years ago.

    No doubt, there are some things upon which the reader and your current author can agree. Perhaps some of that agreement covers a few of the facts already described. But most Christians have been tricked into believing lies that keep them trapped on the side of darkness. And this is a most unpopular view, for the devil loves popularity, instead of Truth.

    Holding an unpopular view is never the most comfortable of conditions. But when you value the views of the Owner of this entire universe above those of the mob, the lack of popularity becomes insignificant in importance.

    Your current author has always had a penchant for logic and reason. But God did not limit His gifts to merely one side of the brain. He also gave him a wholesome portion of creativity. Between the two, this author has been able to see a great many things other people have missed. But God’s wisdom is great, even when doling out talents. He gave this author just enough intelligence and just enough creativity, but not more. In the realm of raw intelligence, he is at the bottom of a few of the more generous scales defining genius. At 139, his IQ is in the top 1% of all humanity, but far below each of his younger brothers, and below most everyone he respects in all of the fields which interest him. He has had sufficient creativity to write several novels, to produce background art for a Hollywood film by a two-time Academy Award-winning designer, and to have had several one-man shows of his art. But he is sufficiently outclassed to stand in awe of other artists for their enormous talents.

    Because of the deficits in his gifts, he came to realize the immense value of humility, for with humility you can learn almost everything, especially with the level of gifts he had been given. But more importantly, with the attitude of spiritual openness (what we Christians refer to as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost), he has been able to see beyond the literal and into the inspiration of Truth.

    Yet with humility, he struggles to maintain even a modest level of this decent trait.

    Perhaps only time will tell whether or not his vision has been accurate, but he offers this one piece of advice: Hold all knowledge as if it were imperfect, for no one knows all that God knows. We may know an isolated fact with great accuracy, but may not know it in the larger context seen by God. In other words, we need to remain humble at all times. Humility needs to become our lifestyle, not merely a tool we dust off occasionally and apply when we feel like it. Learning this has been a lifelong occupation with new lessons to be mastered every day.

    It was with these considerations that he took on the daunting challenge of correcting two billion or more Christians on church dogma. Who is he to say what is right in interpreting scripture? The ideas in this book are not his mortal thoughts, but inspiration descended from Heaven for the purpose of returning there. Yes, returning! For we are the body of Adam Kadmon—the first Son of God. Let those with an ounce of awareness read these words and understand them fully.

    This person—your current author—has seen countless miracles and has had the intelligence and presence of mind to study them as a scientist might study various phenomena in a laboratory. From those studies he derived the Mechanics of Creation—a pattern which had been hiding in plain sight in Genesis 1 and 2. Your author has identified other patterns in Genesis, discovering the real meaning of the outrageous ages of the early patriarchs. In fact, this humble writer, with the assistance of God and the Holy Spirit, has discovered in Genesis a timeline compatible with—perhaps even superior to—those of science; the Kabbalists’ Tree of Life matrix embedded in two chapters; and the specific identity, from the vocabulary of science, of the Great Flood’s target. From that Tree of Life matrix, your author found the real meaning of the mark put upon Cain and how it relates to the one put upon Lamech, plus how those marks link both men in Genesis 4 to two other men in Genesis 5—Cainan and Seth’s Lamech (Noah’s father).

    Salvation in Jeopardy?

    Most Christians care about salvation. But what if someone pointed in the wrong direction and you followed their instructions? Much worse the crime if you refused to listen to someone who attempted to clear up your confusion, if indeed it was a misunderstanding. With any such warning, the wise man would then consult the Owner of this universe for clarification. Holding onto a comfortable lie will not save anyone. You could not blame your false teacher when you stand before God on Judgment Day. And, you may ask, What if this writer is a false teacher? This is the type of question we always need to ask.

    This writer points to God for all understanding. Consult Him! The ideas within this author’s books are imperfect approximations as seen from his current viewpoint on the path back to God and Heaven. Indeed, all human words are imperfect in attempting to hold Truth. When reading the ink, look past it into the spirit. Do not hold onto any idea as if it were the end—your destination—but as if it were a glimmer of that distant light at which you have not yet arrived.

    Look upon the works! Humble your heart to take in all evidence without prejudice. Clean your mind of all bias. Know this: There is a God and Creator who is the sole Owner of this universe. He loves you. And He created many challenges for you so that you would become strengthened in your ability to discern darkness from the light. If you use the crutches of the literal and the physical, you will be led astray. You need to don the cloak of utter humility, as spirit, and to seek wisdom directly from God—not from man. Sadly, most look to man’s interpretation of scripture and call it God’s Truth; therein resides a most despicable lie, for God’s Truth does not reside in man’s interpretation!

    This writer is here only to shake your tree—to help you see what fruit you have borne. And if you have borne bad fruit, then you need to ask, with the most sincere meekness possible, that you be converted into one that will bear only good fruit. Only the most deeply humble will receive that for which they ask. But also you need to be confident in God, that He will help you gain the competence of spirit, to learn to do as the Father does. After all, we are His children, created in His image, and He is not Homo sapiens.


    In my 71 years, I have seen many things and discarded many lies that I had once accepted. The only hope for humanity is that each and every individual accept full responsibility for choosing wisely the lessons they will carry through life. Fear with all your heart that you could have gotten it wrong, and then know with a certainty that the Heavenly Father can pick you up and set you upon the right course.

    But why this book, and why now?

    I had planned to write something like this in

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