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Sweet Bitterness
Sweet Bitterness
Sweet Bitterness
Ebook189 pages3 hours

Sweet Bitterness

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First love can be wonderful—albeit at times tortuous. Rarely does it last, and at times is so painful it brings nothing but heartache. Often it is the girl who has a passion, but in the case of twenty-year-old Tony, his feelings for seventeen-year-old Melody become what can probably be termed an obsession. An obsession that stays with him as years pass and their lives go in different directions.

Sadly, often a third party steps into the mix, diverting the course of the lives of young lovers. In Melody’s case, it is her father who shatters the hopes and dreams of this pair. Not only is Melody’s parent an overbearing and obstinate man but he happens to be an unprincipled police inspector who does not hesitate to use the power his position entitles him to exercise.

Shattered by the events that ensue, Tony takes off to the other side of the world and makes a successful life in Australia. Always the dream of returning to England and claiming his lost love stays with him. Many obstacles crop up, making his dreams seem impossible. Meanwhile Melody is left to face a loveless life forced on her by her father, where escape to happiness drifts further away as the years pass.

Release dateJan 30, 2022
Sweet Bitterness

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    Sweet Bitterness - Tricia McGill

    Sweet Bitterness

    By Tricia McGill

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 9780228620099

    Kindle 9780228620105

    PDF 9780228620112

    Print ISBNs

    Amazon Print 9780228620129

    LSI Print 9780228620136

    B&N Print 9780228620143

    Copyright 2022 by Tricia McGill

    Cover art by Christine’s Designs

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter One

    Australia. You must be mad!

    As Tony placed one folded shirt carefully on top of another in his suitcase, the angry words of his father reverberated around in his brain. Now that the time of his departure was so near, he sincerely believed his father was right. He must be insane. But what was the use in remaining here? Melody would never love him. He doubted if she could ever love anyone but herself. His plane ticket was securely tucked into the inside pocket of his jacket which hung on the back of the bedroom door.

    Ah, Melody! So beautiful, so vibrant, like a white rose in full bloom, skin so pale yet translucent, and hair that enticed his fingers to entwine themselves in its lushness. With a heavy sigh of regret, Tony closed his suitcase and fastened the catch.

    While preparing for bed he tried his best to thrust all thoughts of her to the back of his mind, but as he tossed and turned beneath the covers in the bed that had been his all of his mature life, memories of Melody came rushing back to torment him as he guessed they always would.

    Their first meeting, coincidentally on Valentine’s Day about two years ago, was so imprinted on his brain that he could play it back minute by minute to torment himself. Snow had fallen overnight, blanketing the area around Hampstead Heath, where he had lived all of his twenty years. Like the first wonderful day of spring after a long and bitterly cold winter, this vision blew into his life.

    * * *

    The local dancehall contained the usual Saturday evening crowd. For a while, Tony watched a vision of perfection as she danced—not with everyone who asked her, he noticed. The two mates he came along with had disappeared, probably gone off with the girls they danced with earlier, but Tony suddenly had no desire to hold anyone in his arms but this raven-haired beauty with the figure of a goddess. Dare he ask her—his world tilted when she accepted his offer. Above average height himself, she reached his chin and felt like a delicate porcelain doll as he pulled her as close as he dared.

    After dancing without speaking, apart from exchanging names, the bandleader announced that they were taking a break, so Tony asked tentatively, Can I interest you in a drink? To his great delight, she accepted with a nod. That’s an unusual name, by the way, he commented as they stood side by side with their drinks—no fancy tables and chairs in this place. Is it your real name or did you choose it?

    Of course, it’s my real name, silly. She nudged his arm. My mum chose it, after seeing a movie where the leading lady was called Melody; she said she decided to call her daughter that, if she had one.

    So how old are you, Melody? Tony had a feeling she was not quite as old as the persona she showed the world. When he first spotted her at the other side of the dance floor, she had been laughing with a group of girls who all appeared to have overdone it with the make-up. His mother was a touch critical about what she called young trollops who painted their faces and wore low cut blouses. Not that he shared all her views. Right at this moment, he could not care less what his mother, or anyone else thought of the girl who was the answer to all his fantasies.

    Not that a gentleman should ask a woman her age—but I turned seventeen just last month. This was accompanied by another soft nudge to his arm.

    Sweet seventeen and never been kissed. He cringed inside at that immature comment.

    That’s for me to know and you to find out. Luminous brown eyes glowed provocatively at him while her red painted mouth curved in a smile so enticing his stupid heart did a somersault. With a toss of her long silky hair, she touched him gently on the nose with the tip of her finger.

    Tony had dated a few girls since leaving school, but none that had come anywhere near to this one who he sensed knew much more about men and their behaviour than he knew about women. Is that a challenge? he found himself asking, as he caught her finger and took it to his lips.

    When she made no move to pull away, rather stepped closer so that their faces were an inch apart, Tony felt so overwhelmed he swallowed hard and dared to lean in for a kiss. But to his dismay she stepped back, a laugh bubbling up as she shook her finger, saying, Let’s go dance, and if you are a good boy, I might let you take me home.

    Tony dared to take hold of her hand as they went back to the dance floor, exhilarated when she made no move to pull away.

    So where do you live? he asked when she made no move to walk away after they had danced to the small bands’ effort at a rendering of a popular rock and roll number and had now slowed it down. His heart began to beat faster when she let him pull her close—so close that he could feel her full breasts pressed against his chest. Just this small contact made his body come to life, and he felt colour rush to his cheeks.

    When she didn’t pull away but with a small laugh, said, It’s all right, I do know the facts of life, you know, rather than take this as a compliment he squirmed inside. Suddenly he felt like an immature boy beside this girl who obviously knew so much more than he did. I live not far away, she said pertly. Just five minutes on the bus. So where do you live? After Tony told her, she said. Sounds good. Some boys don’t like it if they live miles away—too far to get themselves home.

    Tony hated the thought of how many had seen her home in the past but said nothing. Once the band announced they had finished for the night, Tony asked, So are you going to let me escort you to your home? When she laughed at that, he felt a rush of embarrassment flood through him.

    You are a funny one, she said on a small chuckle. Where did you go to school? I went out with one of the high school snobs once and he talked just like you.

    I did go to the high school as it happens—my parents’ choice, not mine. She pointed to the room where he knew the girls kept their coats, so he said, I’ll wait for you near the door—all right?

    With a small flutter of the hand that he took as consent, he hurried to pick up his own coat and scarf, dreading she would run off before he reached the main door. Soon most of the crowd had left and just a few stragglers remained, standing about in groups as if they hated the thought of going out into the cold night. Just when he had almost given up hope, Melody came at a rush towards him.

    Would you believe the silly cow in charge of our coats couldn’t find mine, she spluttered, pulling her fluffy garment closer to her neck. I have a feeling she was going to pinch it, and it cost me quite a good deal of my wages.

    Tony took her hand and looped it through his arm, happy when she made no effort to pull away. There were a few others waiting at the bus stop, and Tony grew annoyed when a couple of the boys about the same age as Melody began to eye her and mutter rude assumptions about her as they giggled. Tony placed himself of front of her and the boys began to laugh louder.

    Never one to like a confrontation, he was pleased when the bus appeared after a short time. Luckily, they all went upstairs while he and Melody took a seat not far from the door. After paying for their tickets, he asked, simply for something to say, Are you warm enough?

    Without answering, she nodded. As she’d said, it wasn’t far until they reached her stop. I live just down here. Melody gestured along the street when they began to walk. She stopped about halfway down, and stared up at him where they stood below a street lamp.

    May I kiss you? he asked and felt sure she was laughing at him.

    You’re a funny one, she said on a small chuckle. Most boys don’t bother to ask permission.

    Have there been that many? He hated them all no matter who, and felt that sudden feeling again, that although a few years younger than him, she was far more experienced in the ways of the world.

    Oh heaps. Saying that she poked him on the chest, and said, A gentleman shouldn’t ask such a question. Ugh oh, I saw the curtain flick. That’ll be my dad keeping watch, I had better go in.

    You haven’t answered my question? Tony clasped her by the upper arms, sure that he would now kiss her whether she agreed or not.

    Surprising him, she went on tiptoe and pulled his head down, pressing her mouth to his. Not about to let the opportunity pass, Tony responded, on cloud nine when she ran her tongue across his top lip and then his lower. He never wanted the kiss to end and would have carried on if she hadn’t pulled back, saying with a laugh, My Dad will be coming out here at any moment waving the bat he keeps by the door—oh did I tell you that he is a policeman, an inspector at that. Laughing merrily, she turned and left him standing there on the footpath. At the door, she waved once before disappearing inside.

    Tony trudged back to the bus stop, pulling his scarf about his chin when snow began to fall again. Like a man who had tasted paradise his stride was jaunty. Only as he sat on the bus did it occur to him that he was so besotted by her that he’d failed to ask her for a date. Idiot, he should have asked for her phone number. All he could do now was wait it out until next week and hope she was at the dancehall again. Failing that, now that he knew where she lived, he could always wait there in the hope of catching her.

    * * *

    Tony got to the dance club early, intent on catching Melody for the first dance. It was disco night, and the DJ was already playing a loud track by a popular new group. When Tony caught sight of the bunch of friends that she had been with last week, and Melody was not with them, his heart sank. Casting reservations aside he approached them. Is Melody here this evening? Do you know if she is coming?

    They showed amusement, before one of them shrugged, saying, Who knows. Melody does what she wants—we never know if, or when, she will show up. Saying that, they wandered off, presumably in search of their partners of choice.

    After glancing at his watch too many times, he went to look for his mate, Bob, but saw him dancing with a girl Tony knew he fancied. About to go to the bar, he saw Melody standing by the door, in the process of removing her coat, and his breath caught. In such a hurry to catch her, he tripped over someone’s feet, receiving a few words of reproach. Sorry, mate, he said, his eyes not leaving the vision by the door.

    The figure-hugging red dress she wore was low cut, revealing a good amount of cleavage, and didn’t quite reach her shapely knees. It occurred to Tony that he was surprised her dad, the police officer, let her out of the house dressed as she was, considering she was just seventeen. Already a couple of men were heading towards her, so he made a dash and reached her before them. Her smile of welcome encouraged him to take her by the hand.

    Just let me take my coat into the ladies’ room, she said.

    Like a dumb fool, he simply nodded.

    I’m glad you came, he said when she came back out. Her silky hair looked as if she had crimped it for it hung past her shoulders in gentle waves, and his fingers itched to run through it. I meant to ask you if you would go out with me, so just in case I forget again, can I see you one evening through the week, Melody?

    With a provocative slant of the head she said, Cheeky. Let me think about it. Shall we dance? I love this song.

    Tony took her hand again and led her onto the already crowded floor, pulling her close and whispering near her ear. You look beautiful, Melody. I have been thinking about this moment all week. He was disappointed when she didn’t return the compliment, but at least she made no move to pull back when he pressed her as close as decency allowed. The exotic perfume she wore reminded him of frangipani, adding to her intoxicating allure.

    I forgot to ask, she said as they swayed to the music. Where do you work?

    That was the last thing he wanted to discuss at this moment, but said, My Dad is a chemist, I currently work in his shop. It’s not my dream job, but it will do for now, until something better comes along. He was all for me going to university—you know how fathers like their sons to follow them, but I do not wish to do such a boring job. I am more into technology—and hope to have my own business one day. So, what do you do? You’re pretty enough to be a model.

    With a small laugh, she poked his chest with a finger. Funny you should say that. It is what I hope to do—but I don’t think I am tall enough. I work in a dress shop—well it’s more of a boutique. We get some very rich and snooty clients, and often the boss asks me to try on outfits for them.

    Tony did not like the sound of that at all. If she was not the right size to become a model, then why was he getting her to strut before customers? He doesn’t touch you, does he? The words were out before he had time to consider the fact that she was not his to be concerned about.

    You mean, does he have his way with me? With a toss of the head, she pulled back saying, Come on, let’s go get a drink.

    You didn’t answer my question, he said when they were seated on a small bench along the side of the hall.

    Oh, what question was that? She fluttered her eyes.

    Don’t play games with me, Melody. You know what I meant.

    Of course, I did. The answer is no, he does not overstep the mark. That’s not to say he hasn’t made one or two suggestions—but I can handle the silly old fool.

    Tony had a feeling that he would never be a match for this girl who was not quite a woman but had all the

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