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Hotel of Horror
Hotel of Horror
Hotel of Horror
Ebook219 pages3 hours

Hotel of Horror

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Hotel Of Horror is an Anthology of short horror tales and excerpts by the Author.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 31, 2022
Hotel of Horror

Re'Dina L. Frazier

Re'Dina L. Frazier is a North American Businesswoman, Philanthropist, Theatre Director, Acting Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Playwright, Novelist, Editor, Producer and Director. Re'Dina is the CEO of a Nonprofit Organization whose core beliefs are founded on the practice of humane treatment and service to all living creatures. ° Re'Dina L. Frazier is the Author of over 300 written works of art. ° Of Which Includes: ° • Sadie, The Purple Butterfly • The Spiritual Covering • Rejection Is A Blessing • Mrs. Tatterbaum • Born For This • Operation: Save Halloween • Drag Me • Narcissist: The Soul Hunters • Zion •Eugene •Decadence •LuAnne : A Soldiers Story •Madam Ezekiel ° Stage Plays: • The Plight For A Higher Calling • After The March • Angels and Demons • Blood Stained Hands •Satan On Trial ° Serving as Writer, Director and Producer. ° Contact Information:

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    Hotel of Horror - Re'Dina L. Frazier

    Copyright © 2022 by Redina Frazier. 835532

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



    Rev. date: 01/29/2022



    The Hunting of Diablo

    Nature Disturbance

    The Meaning Of Life

    Hiss and Herss

    Plant Life

    Sticks And Kay-Boy

    The Intruders

    Sam Cuttey


    A Gangsta’s Tale

    Brian Casiler

    Portrait of Murder

    A Witch’s Tale

    Veteran Affairs



    Ouija Games

    Paranormal Activity



    3:33 A.M.


    Your Story

    The Keychain

    Dedicated To,

    Darius E. Frazier.

    Thank You.




    Hello. My name is Abon Shariff. I’ll be your personal Concierge for the duration of your visit here at Hotel of Horror. You need only ask me and I’ll make sure your request are handled in a precise manner.

    The Stories you’re about to read are based on actual events. The names have been changed to protect those involved and the innocent. As you visit each of our rooms in Hotel of Horror it’s up to you to determine which room is Fact, or Fiction. Remember, Facts always hide behind Fiction. And, Fiction is always created out of Facts.

    Allow me to introduce you to our Bellhop, Sereen. He’ll assist you with your luggage and escort you to your assigned room. Number 23. This is after you’ve made it passed the 22 Rooms of Horror. I apologize in advance for Sereen’s insatiable urge to overshare. I assure you, he’s harmless. Feel free to roam around and explore our vast amenities. We’re here to cater to you.

    Sereen, when you’re done helping our Guests settle in, take this keychain to the basement and place it inside of the vault.


    As Concierge Shariff stated, my name is Sereen. Nice to make your acquaintance. As we ascend to the 2nd Floor you’ll notice the flickering lights. I assure you, there’s no need to be alarmed. It is apart of the experience of being a VIP Guest here at Hotel of Horror. As we work our way along the corridor, you’ll see each room has its own unique story attached with it. You may hear noises coming from the otherside of the door, but you needn’t be frightened. It’s a rare occurrence for the Occupants to roam the hallways. It’s interesting you’d choose this Hotel when there’s so many others along the strip. Don’t get me wrong, we welcome you and appreciate the opportunity to serve you. However, I can’t help but wonder what’s the story behind someone choosing a place such as this. As for me working here, it’s an assignment for my course studies. And, extra cash only sweetens the deal.

    Let me ask you. Are you a Believer, or none Believer? Looking at your facial expression, I’ll peg you as a none Believer. I know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But, I’ve seen your look a thousand times before. I’m not one to tell someone what they should, or shouldn’t believe in. I can only speak for me. Maybe share with you my own thoughts on the matter. For instance, the times when I’m alone in my room. Which happens to be on the 9th Floor of this Hotel. It’s where many of us who work here reside - even your Concierge Abon Shariff.

    So, I was lying in my bed late at night with nothing left to do but go to bed. right? wrong. First off, let me ask you something, Am I the only one still afraid of the dark? Yeah, yeah, I know you’re saying to yourself, Pssh, afraid of the dark? It’s so Elementary to be afraid of the dark. Great, well aren’t you one of the lucky ones who get to sleep sound at night without a care in the world. As for me, I need a night light in my room to give me a small sense of comfort. Unlike you, the one who isn’t afraid of any creatures underneath your bed, or the Big Cheese himself - the Boogeyman. Of which I know for certain is going to jump out the moment the lights go out.

    I know for a fact these things are real. Those who choose not to believe are the ones who come up missing. Snatched straight up out of their bed never to be seen or heard of again. The things which go bump in the night have a sworn code amongst each other. One such code being, they’ll only kidnap, maim, torture or kill those who doubt their existence. For those such as myself, who respect the power of the unknown, we understand things don’t just happen for the sake of just happening. You may call it paranoia, but I call it common sense. Intuition doesn’t lie. Believers are aware doors don’t slam on their own. Water faucets don’t turn on by themselves. Staircases don’t begin creaking because they’re bored.

    Believers understand the cold breeze we felt pass through our bodies is the spirit of someone who once dwell on this side of Eternity. We’re aware white noise operates as a Cellphone Tower to create the frequency needed for the deceased to communicate with those they’ve left behind. The louder it becomes, the more they’re trying to make contact with us. They have a thing about phones. Let’s say, the phone rings and there’s no one on the other end. You hang up. It rings again. This time there’s breathing and static. Yeah. You guessed it. It’s someone you knew who has gone on before. It happens all the time.

    You got to pay attention to the happenings going on around you:

    •Those pennies, or dimes in your path.

    •The beautiful butterfly flying overhead. •The knocking on the walls, or doors.

    •The familiar odor pervading the room.

    •The surreal dreams of the deceased.

    •The voices calling out your name.

    •The stroking of your hair.

    •The gentle touch on your hand.

    •The weight shift on your bed.

    These are all signs of paranormal activity. Physical death doesn’t mean the end of existence for a person who has transitioned. Physical death means they’re operating in the Spiritual Realm. Energy doesn’t change - even after death. The person’s ability to maneuver about as though they’re living is the same. The only difference is they’re not bound by physical limitations.

    Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I awake. I pray to the Lord my soul to take.

    There’s a reason this is the most popular prayer for a young child. It’s the first prayer we learn before graduating to the Major Leagues with the Lord’s Prayer.

    Death doesn’t frighten a young child. Those things which dwell in the dark is what children fear the most. The things which can drag you to Hell. We, the adult population of Believers in the paranormal realm applaud those who are able to sleep in total darkness. What brave souls you are. Spirits of the dead cleave to dark, cool spaces, it makes them braver - more powerful. The darker - the better.

    I’ve found whenever people say they’re not a Believer in the Boogeyman, it’s not long before a situation presents itself to make them a Believer. My hope is they become more aware of their surroundings, in order for them to witness first hand what we, who believe, already know. And this is, there’s life beyond what our physical eyes can see. A whole world where the unexplainable resides and thrives. A world where Angels and Demons co-exist. A world where the Spiritual Realm is able to tap into the Physical Realm - if only for a moment in time.

    Before I go any further, I’ll tell you a little secret. Just in case you’re ever face-to-face with one of these creatures. You know, those things which go bump in the night.

    Lean in closer. They frown on having their secrets exposed. A little closer. A little more. Okay. Now listen up and never ever times infinity forget what I’m about to tell you. They’re afraid of light - any light. Yep. That’s it. It’s the big secret they hope no one ever finds out about. Man, if people knew they could drive out darkness with light the monsters of the world wouldn’t have a chance. My suggestion to you, stay in the light. If you don’t have immediate access to light, say your power goes out because of some rain storm, keep a flashlight, or candle handy. If you find you don’t have either of the two, allow your inner light to shine bright. Hey, light is light. Right?


    The Hunting of Diablo

    Cindy Peterson became the twenty first victim of Diablo in the Summer of 1982. She’d been taking night classes at VSU studying in Criminal Justice and due to graduate in under two weeks. After dinning with her younger sister in Brown’s Hall, she’d excused herself to the restroom complaining of stomach upset. This would be the last time anyone had seen Cindy Peterson.

    This is Russ Stansfield, with channel 5 news. Our Breaking story this morning, College Student, Cindy Peterson has gone missing. Her sister, Melissa Peterson, informed our news channel she’d been dining with her sister in Brown’s Hall when Cindy had taken ill and had to excuse herself, but she never returned to their table. The family is asking anyone with information about Cindy Peterson’s disappearance to please come forward. A reward has been set up for Cindy Peterson’s safe return. You can make donations at First Loan and Savings Bank in Peterson’s name. Back to you, Tom. In sport highlights the Celtics...

    It’s been the talk of the town here in Valdosta, local stations, CNN, Nightline, you name it, all have been airing the images of the missing College Student on a continual loop. The whole city’s in a panic, law officials from Atlanta have been here questioning every one. The GBI, FBI, CIA, all of the top dogs been here searching for this mad man. Law Enforcement have set up road blocks through out the state of Georgia and on the borders of Florida and South Carolina. Whoever this psychopath is he keeps escaping their grasp, abducting more and more women, young and old. A clear cat and mouse game. No mention of whether or not the Authorities believe the missing women are dead or alive.

    Me? My name is Dexter, Dexter Seigal. I’m wha’cha would call a Roving Reporter. A Freelancer for the Georgia’s News Affiliates. I know, I know, but it pays the bills. Besides, who can live off of Ramen noodles forever? See, I graduated top of my class from the same University the News Channels have been plastering on television. Six years ago, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with a minor in Forensic Science. I’ve always been intrrested in the human psychic and dead people. Wild combo I know. A bit disturbing even. But, the forensics of a decaying corpse fascinates me. I know stuff, such as how to speed up the decaying process or slow it down.

    My former Teacher, Professor Colbert and I kept up a decent relationship, so I’m able to use the Media Department at my leisure. I use the lab to dabble around with the new media equipment from time to time and keep abreast of the latest tech gadgets. I’d planned on becoming one of those CSI guys you see on just about every network. I had big dreams for myself, but my mother took ill and you know the rest, blah, blah and blah. So, here I am, stuck in Valdosta reporting local stories and interviewing everybody and their mother, with a couple of aunties on the side about the same old small town things. Me, personally, I’m rooting for the Big Bad Wolf to win. I figure anyone with the balls to kidnap so many women in a small city such as Valdosta got to be a really interesting person to interview. He’s proven himself intelligent, because he’s been able to elude the Officials for months. Look, the way I see it, whoever is doing this, their mind has got to be on a whole other level of understanding. This aint no run of the mill amatuer we’re dealing with here.

    I’ve seen it all and I’ve penned it all. If it makes the Headlines, I’m on top of it. Many of my articles have been featured through out Georgia in the Valdosta Daily Times, Tifton Gazett, Atlanta Journal Constitution and the list goes on and on. I’ve even been a featured Guest on major Talk Shows. The most popular being, ‘Inside The Mind of a Serial Killer’. One of the Producer’s of the Show read an article I wrote on the criminal mind and rang me up, asking if I’d be interested in coming on the Show. Beggars can’t be Choosers. I ended up flying First Class and kicking back in a luxury Hotel. As well as copping $5,000 and a chance to tour New York City on their dime, riding in a limousine.

    Right now, as far as the Officials are concerned, everyone’s a suspect. They thought they’d captured their man three different times. The first, a local Barber by the name of Darrell Leigh, he lived alone, a real introvert, only going to work and back home to feed his cats. No female friends, or family visiting. He rode his bicycle with a red Rider Wagon attached to it every where he went. If he didn’t have great alibis during the time of the kidnappings I would’ve thought he was their man, but it was verified he’d been working from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. He ate his meals in the shop and on Sunday’s he attended three Church Services, so there was no way he had any time to come up with a plan to kidnap anyone, much less follow through on it.

    The second suspect, Eric Robertson, they’d detained him for an entire week. He was the usual suspect. Forty something year old white male, married, three kids, your average disgruntled blue collar worker. A Firefighter, no doubt. They found out he’d been setting fires only to have his Unit rush in and save the day. He and his Team won several medals and accomodations behind his treachery. A real scandel. It made National coverage about a few years ago. He did his prison stint and he’s back home with his family. The Officials ended up letting him go because they didn’t have any evidence to charge him with, other than him being a weird guy.

    The third man, Dan Williams, he owned a small business called Danny Boy Autos. A real sleeze bag if ever I seen one. He sold cars to women who were down on their luck, allowing them skip a few car notes in exchange for sex. Dan wore his hair combed back with a perm and dressed in ill fitted,

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