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Early 18th century, Loth, Scotland. A time fraught with fear, as witch trials subdued for years return.

In Elspeth's community, women were often the target of these accusations. Now twelve, Elspeth learns that she is a witch - like her mother - and with it comes a life that will bring them great loss.

Journeying to the Highlands, they follow an omen through a path of dark visions and danger. Soon, Elspeth will need to prove her worth in battles both internal and external.

But in a world dictated by fear, can she win the biggest conflict she has ever faced, and take back what she thought was lost forever?

PublisherNext Chapter
Release dateFeb 5, 2022

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    Elspeth - Sue Mydliak



    The veil between us runs thick, but our connection is strong. I made it so. Ye see I am gone from her. In a realm where peace transcends.

    I’m afraid though …

    She was born on the ninth month, of the ninth day and after nine years of our separation, her craft will meet completion.

    Elspeth’s thirst for knowledge will break habit and convention. Her path will be wrought with passions; she’s oversensitive, emotional, and sometimes unpredictable. If she should find a mate, he would need to understand and trust her. Perfect detachment will be hard for her, for she loves to be needed. Wants to be needed.

    This I fear, will be her undoin’.



    The year, 1700 …

    When I turned 12, my mother sat me down after dinner and told me that I’m different. I’m a witch. A Green Witch.

    We were by the hearth, as always after our evenin’ meal. It was there that we’d discuss the day’s events, or Father would tell us wonderful stories. He had such a great imagination. I think that is where I got mine from.

    He, Father, sat in his rocker chair, smokin’ his pipe. I loved its smell. Woodsy and a little bit spicy at the same time. I just watched, as smoke floated lazily upward and then poof! Gone. It held magick. The kind of magick that would take all his thoughts from the day, drift them toward the ceilin’, and be lost forever. Then, when the sun rose the next day, everythin’ would be fresh. No mistakes in it.

    My mother made a noise, bringin’ me out of my dreams, and back into reality. The darkness of the room called to me. It truly did. Mother started to tell me about our family and all I could think of was how cozy and warm this obscurity felt. Like a warm, woolen blanket. Heavy. Soothin’. It brought comforts and with the flames dancin’ about the hot embers … well, it just made me smile.

    "Elspeth, really now. How are ye to learn if yer eyes are shut and yer off in your little world? You must ground yourself and be present at all times. Is that understood?

    I nodded and sat up with purpose. I peered over at my father for approval and he winked at me.

    It was then that she began once more about being a Green Witch.

    Witch, I said out loud. It felt wonderful to say. It was the most magickal moment of my life. I said it again and again. Both times with eyes shut so that I could feel the magick seep into my soul. Oh, it was a wondrous thing. I felt all tingly that I started to giggle.

    There ye go again!

    I’m sorry, but if ye could feel what I feel, ye’d want it to go on forever and ever!

    Elspeth Ainslie Horne!

    I‘d done it again. Full name means best be quiet, now.

    I was about to say somethin’ again, when her hand shot up, silencin’ me.

    "Now, there are rules of conduct that we must follow and I mean follow. First, be careful what ye do. Now that ye know ye are a Witch, no one else can know. Just act yerself … let me say that differently ─ blend in. Dinna stand out.

    I wasna sure why I couldna be myself. The kind who loved to go out into the woods with my friends and tell stories. They loved my stories! They said they were … magickal.

    I think I understand. But mother, why though?

    Because people are afraid of things that are different. The unknown. We must act accordingly.

    I didna like being like everyone else. Plain, borin’, and stiff. What was so wrong with being … ?

    Mother, ye always told me to be myself.

    Aye, but I think from now on, ye be yerself here in our home. Outside … not so much.

    Just then, she touched and caressed my cheek and for a moment she looked sad.

    What is it, mother? Why so sad?

    Father put down his book and looked at her as well. He too looked concerned.

    I’m not sad. Not really. Elspeth, we live in a time ─

    No more questions. Do as ye are told? Father said, in a tone that meant no more.

    Again, I nodded and listened.

    Secondly, be careful who ye trust. Not even in the woods.

    The woods?

    "Especially the woods. One day, I’ll take ye to a special place, hidden deep within. Ye mustna take anyone there. It is our secret. Yers and mine. Alright, my love?"

    I nodded.

    Good, and smiled. They are warm, her smiles. It is hard to explain, but it’s like a part of her seeps into me. It also reminds me of when the sun rises, by the river, and its painted beauty is reflected off of the water. Such magick. My mother is magick.

    Elspeth, are ye off in yer world again?

    Sorry, mother. Go on.

    Thirdly, do not use the Power to hurt another, for what is sent comes back, she sighed when she saw my puzzlement, Ye have a wondrous gift, Elspeth. Here … and placed her palm on my chest, It is a gift. It will serve ye well.

    I looked at my father and he nodded in agreement. I didn’t need any explanation for this.

    The next one is the most important Elspeth. Ye mustna use the Power against someone who has the Power, for ye draw from the same well.

    I wasn’t sure what she meant, but I tried to explain to her, what it meant to me.

    I canna use my Power on anyone who is like us because they have the same gift as I and … and …

    And it could mean great danger to ye if ye should ever.

    Death? I asked warily.

    Sometimes. Sometimes it might wound ye grievously. Either way, it’s somethin’ you mustna do ever. Understand?


    Lastly, and I believe ye already know this one. To use yer Power ye must feel it in your heart and know it in your mind."

    "Oh, aye! I do know this one! I felt it when I called myself a ─ Witch!"

    The tinglin’ ensued and found its way up my arms. I giggle for it tickled me. Then, in a most worshipful way, I lifted my arms toward the ceiling and said, Witch! It became more intense and I looked to see if I could see the tingles. Nothin’.

    I kept it up and started to swirl, slow, and easy. My arms this time out to the sides as I repeated, Witch! swirling, Witch! Swirlin’, Witch!

    Elspeth, enough!

    The tinglin’ stopped right away. Dead. When father told ye do somethin’, ye listened.

    Aye, sir.

    Off to bed, Mother chimed in, I think we both have had enough for one evenin’, and she looked at Father, Am I right?

    Most assuredly. Come. And motioned for me to hug him.

    I ran and hugged him as tight as my arms could, nestlin’ my face in his shirt. He always smelled like his pipe and a bit of the outdoors. I always sniffed him when we hug. It’s my way of making a memory.

    Off ye go.

    As I headed toward my room, verra softly I whispered,






    The next mornin’ mother called. I didna know if I was dreaming, but it sounded far away.

    Elspeth, breakfast.

    I began to wake, but not entirely.

    With eyes still shut and my red hair tousled around my shoulders, I mumbled, Aye … mother … I’ll … And dozed off.

    Elspeth. The garden won’t weed itself.

    What? Garden … messy … weeds, aye …

    Then a loud noise shot me out of bed. I ran to the sittin’ room and there stood mother.

    Ah, I see ye have decided to grace us with yer appearance. Sit. Eat and whatever you do, don’t dawdle. You have work that needs to be done.

    My woolen feet shuffled across the wooden floor to the chair and I plopped down. Head back and eyes shut once more. Father sat across from me. I sensed he wore a smile. He always smiles when I come into a room.

    I’m so … and stretched a wee bit, tired. Why?

    That’s because ye used magick. And continued bustling about.

    I spread freshly churned butter onto a piece of bread and yawned some more.

    As I ate, the richness of the butter on warm bread tasted heavenly. Chewing, I couldna help but wonder, if using magick makes a person tired? Then why do it?

    Mother …

    She set a mug of hot tea down, Don’t speak with yer mouth full. Drink.

    I took a big gulp then, Mother, how does usin’ magick make ye tired?

    The magick is inside you. When ye use it, you use what energy ye have to waken it. Ye’ll be tired at first, but as ye become better at the craft ye’ll grow less tired. Eat.

    Just by saying the word, witch, made me feel this worn out, I don’t think I want to learn anythin’ else.

    Finish yer breakfast then get dressed. The garden is a bit weedy. When ye are done with that, make teabags. This will be yer second lesson. Ye’ve seen me make them aye?

    Aye. Ye take pinches from each bowl and place it on the cloth and tie. Right?

    I’ve been waitin’ for this day to come and now that it’s here, I’m verra excited. Even my stomach is crinklin’ up.

    I looked at the clay bowls. They were dark brown, with flowers etched in them ─ I remember watchin’ mother make the tea bags herself. She said I needed to grow up first before I could help. I guess that time is now.

    Then, as usual, I got to thinkin’ about how to do this better. Faster.

    Why not mix the herbs together, then spoon a bit?

    Elspeth, I give you instruction to teach ye a craft. If you don’t heed what I say, it won’t turn out. Ye don’t mix them all, because ye might miss an herb and its properties won’t be achieved correctly.


    She sat next to me, Aye. Ye are making teas for those who are sick. This tea is for fevers. In this bowl are black tea, next cinnamon, third, marjoram, and last, thyme. I have to go to market now.

    Aye, mother.

    She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders, picked up her basket of tea bags, and kissed father.

    I’ll return before sundown.

    She kissed my forehead and smiled before she left. Her eyes were soulful. Deep. I often wondered what stories laid behind them. She knew so much. There must have been adventures that she had seen.

    I looked at the individual bowls again and I imagined them with sad faces, waiting for me to sit with them.

    Aw, wee lambs?

    Wee lambs? Father asked.

    Aye. And pointed to the bowls, They have such sad faces. I need to cheer them up.

    You are the silly one. How did ye come to be so?

    I leaned forward, beckonin’ him to come closer. With a hint of mischief in my eyes, I said, Ye!


    Aye. Ye’ve got that spark too. I’ve seen it. Especially when ye look at mother.

    His eyes got big and he cleared his throat a bit, I ─ dinna ye have things ye need to be doing?

    I have, but let me tell my sweet lambs something first.

    He just shook his head at me and smiled.

    I put on my happiest face and said, Dinna worry my wee lassies, I will sit wi’ ye as soon as I’m done outside. Aye? Their faces became full of smiles. I stretched one more time and headed to my room.

    Now, my room used to be our pantry. Mother said when I got older, I am to have it as my verra own room. At first, I didna like it. I mean, it’s where our food was stored and it didna look verra

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