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Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and E
Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and E
Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and E
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Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and E

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Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and Eating Clean The Meal Plans for Weight Loss book covers two very healthy weight loss plans the clean eating diet and the quinoa cookbook. Each of these sections offers diet meal plans that will lead to healthy weight loss by eating the right weight loss foods. The best weight loss diet is one that co
Release dateJan 4, 2014
Meal Plans for Weight Loss: Superfood Quinoa and E

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    Book preview

    Meal Plans for Weight Loss - Rebbecca Goodnight

    Meal Plans for Weight


    Superfood Quinoa and Eating Clean

    Rebbecca Goodnight and Marisela Meidinger

    Copyright © 2013 Rebbecca Goodnight and Marisela Meidinger

    All rights reserved.



    Section 1: Clean Eating

    Chapter 1:  The Clean Diet

    Chapter 2:  Benefits of Clean Eating

    Chapter 3:  Alternative Food Types

    Natural Home Made Mayonnaise

    Chapter 4:  Tips for Eating Clean and Healthy

    Chapter 5:  5-Day Sample Planner for Day to Day Meals

    Chapter 6:  Breakfast Recipes

    Breakfast Fiesta

    Rise and Shine Banana Bread

    Sweet and Zesty Pancake Apple Rings

    Healthy Granola Breakfast Cereal

    Springtime Baked Omelet

    Chapter 7:  Quick and Easy Lunches

    Reuben Supreme Sandwich

    Creamy Albacore Pita

    Touch of Italy Cheese Quesadillas

    Greens and Berries Super Salad

    Marinated Salmon with Cucumber Salsa

    Chapter 8:  Main Meal Recipes

    Beef Asparagus Stir-Fry

    Home Made Beef Tacos with Salsa

    Crispy Fish Fillets with Lemon Dip

    Thick and Chunky Oven Chili

    Savory Scallops with Zesty Spinach

    No Problem Grilled Jerk Chicken

    Chapter 9:  Side Dishes

    Cauliflower Fanfare

    Quinoa Corn Salad

    Stuffed Zucchini Boats

    Sassy Apricots and Sweet Potatoes

    Spring Pea-Cheddar Salad

    Green Bean Casserole Supreme

    Chapter 10:  Desserts

    Original Angel Food Cake

    Raspberry-Peach Crumble

    Classy Carrot Cake

    Lemon Bundt Cake with Poppy Seeds

    Peanut Butter Cookies-Hold the Flour

    Perfect Strawberry Parfait

    Chapter 11:  Snacks

    Caribbean Fruitsicles

    Snackin' Cranberry Granola

    Vanilla Lovers Granola

    Bugs on a Log

    Apple-Cinnamon Chips

    Fruit-Nutty Trail Mix

    Chapter 12:  Beverages

    Green Tea/Mango Surprise

    Homemade Honey Lemonade

    Peachy Spritzer

    Famous Fruity Smoothie

    Chocolate Covered Banana Milkshake

    Honeydew Delight

    Caribbean Cooler

    Clean Eating Conclusion

    Section 2: Quinoa Cookbook

    Introduction: Do we grow old too fast?

    What is quinoa?

    Requirement of modern food

    Nutritional value of quinoa

    How does quinoa actually taste like?

    Let’s put the ideas into practice

    The sweetness in life

    General tips for preparing quinoa

    Suggestions and compilations



    Breakfast Version 1

    Breakfast Version 2

    Breakfast Version 3

    Warm Quinoa Cereal

    Quinoa with Raisins and Cashew Nuts

    Quinoa with Fruit

    Quinoa Pancakes

    Scrambled Eggs with Quinoa

    Gourmet Breakfast

    Athletes Breakfast

    Mixed Quinoa Salad

    Quinoa Salad with Bread


    Quinoa and Cheese Soup

    Quinoa Soup with Peas

    Quinoa Leek Soup

    Quinoa Vegetable Soup

    Vegetable Soup with Quinoa

    Main Dishes

    Quinoa with Meatballs

    Quinoa with Beef and Broccoli

    Pork Chops with Quinoa

    Quinoa with Meatballs, Version 2

    Quinoa, Spanish Style

    Quinoa Casserole with Pineapple

    Paprika Quinoa

    Quinoa Vegetable Casserole

    Quinoa Mexican Style

    Spicy Beef with Quinoa

    Quinoa Frittata

    Stuffed Peppers with quinoa

    Quinoa with Pork

    Roast pork, Thai style with Quinoa

    Pork Medallions with Quinoa

    Pork with Gorgonzola and Quinoa

    Jalapeno Hamburger with Blue Cheese and Quinoa

    Cooked Ham with Quinoa

    Roasted Quinoa with Lemon

    Quinoa with Roasted Pineapple

    Taco Quinoa

    Honey Quinoa

    Mushroom Quinoa with Scrambled Eggs

    Quinoa with Chicken

    Chicken with Quinoa and Asparagus

    Spring Onions on Toasted Quinoa

    Quinoa with Eggplant

    Quinoa Casserole with Eggs

    Quinoa with Seafood

    Garlic Chicken with Quinoa

    Quinoa Chicken Biryani

    Chicken with Almonds and Quinoa

    Tuna Quinoa Casserole

    Grilled Tuna with Quinoa Steaks

    Tuna Meatballs

    Tuna with Quinoa, Japanese Style

    Halibut with Ginger and Cranberries

    Quinoa with Black Beans:

    Quinoa Tuna Casserole

    Herbs Quinoa with Salmon and Asparagus

    Quinoa And Spinach Salad

    Quinoa Tuna Salad

    Tuna Salad with Quinoa

    Quinoa Salad with Raisins

    Special, Kid-friendly Quinoa Recipes

    Quinoa with Carrots

    Quinoa with Mixed Vegetables and Cheese

    Quinoa for Young and Old

    Quinoa Cheddar Casserole

    Quinoa Bread

    Roman Bread

    Garlic and Herb Bread

    Quinoa Herb Bread

    Quinoa Pizza

    Quinoa Bites

    Afternoon Refreshment

    Quinoa Cookies, Version 2

    Quinoa Cookies, Version 3

    Quinoa Bars

    Energy Bars, Version 2


    Good Diets For Weight Loss

    This book is all about giving you a big selection of recipes for losing weight.  The two sections in this book, the clean eating diet and the quinoa cookbook contains recipes that are highly nutritious calling for ingredients of healthy whole foods of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.  The clean diet is foods that are free of additives, dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives, and free from saturated fats and unhealthy while flours and sugars.  The quinoa portion contains recipes that are also considered great for a clean eating diet.  Quinoa is considered a super food and is packed with nutrients.  All the recipes in this section contain quinoa.

    Making the Weight Loss Dieting a Success

    Certainly, you hold some of the incentive for successful dieting in your hands with this book. You have enough recipes here to cover several weeks worth of menu planning without repeating recipes.  Here are other things you can do to make the weight loss diet a success.

    Make it a Lifestyle Change

    If you are changing your diet to lose weight then you are bound to have issues with what you currently eat.  You may have gained the weight because of your current diet because perhaps you eat junk food.  Maybe you do not exercise.  Whatever the reason you gained the weight and now find you need to go on a diet to lose it.  If you want to diet to lose the weight and keep it off you need to make the dieting a permanent lifestyle change and not just short term fix.

    If you go back to your old eating habits after you lose the weight you will find the weight will come back.  In order to maintain weight loss you must make the dieting change a lifestyle change and stick with it.  Make that commitment now and you will have success.

    How to Make the Dieting Lifestyle Change a Success

    If you are really serious about making this change, losing the weight and keeping the weight off you need to first deal with the reason you put the weight on in the first place which are your eating habits.  If you can successfully wean from the foods that make you fat before you start the diet you have a better chance of sticking with the diet indefinitely.

    Keep a food journal so you can see where you are not eating right.  By knowing how many times a day you skip nutritious food you can then know what you need to do to wean from the bad eating habits.  Once you have a handle of your eating habits you can then work to turn them around to better eating habits.  It takes a good three weeks to make and break physical habits.  If you want to break the junk food habit, wean from the junk food over a three week time span.  Replace one snack or meal of junk food every three to five days and repeat by adding another snack or meal until you have reached all of them.  This process should take about three weeks to complete.  Once you do this, you should not be plagued with withdrawal or horrendous cravings for the junk.  If you do experience it, maybe allow yourself one junk food snack a week, if you behave the rest of the time. 

    Did you know that if you do this eventually your body will crave the nutritious foods more.  Your body will stop craving the junk food altogether.  You will be able to make this a lifestyle change without much struggle.

    Weight Loss Dieting and Exercise

    Dieting works even better to help with weight loss if you are exercising too.  Exercise is so beneficial to the body.  With exercise, you can boost your metabolism, which will give you additional energy.  If you are physically active, you will lose the weight faster.  Physical activity helps to burn calories, which helps to melt the body fat.  This is your goal so you should seriously consider adding exercise to your weekly routines.

    Exercise needs to occur at least three times a week or every other day to help with weight loss.  That is not a huge commitment, but the impact of such a commitment is very beneficial.  You will lose the weight and fat much faster than with dieting alone.  Exercise does not need to be complicated either.  You can do something leisurely like a stroll in the park, as long as you are moving for thirty minutes at a time.  Eventually you may wish to pick up intensity.  The more intense the more weight you will lose, but only in moderation.  You want to keep it at half an hour and every other day for a while.  You can do any kind of exercise you like; you can run, jog, ride a bike, take a swim, do aerobics, join a gym, and lift weights, or even dance.

    The best thing about physical activity is if you do it enough you will experience the release of endorphins.  This is also known as the runner's high, but you can achieve it with any physical work out if you stick with it long enough.  Normally a half an hour will help you to reach this.  Endorphins are our body's way of giving us a natural high, a mood booster, depression lifter.  Plus the added benefit of exercising, the more you do it the more energy you have and you will want to keep doing it.  Exercise is as addictive as eating.  You will crave the physical activity.  The opposite is true too.

    If you are living a sedentary life then you probably have neither the desire nor the energy to get up and move about and are physically active.  This is not good for your health though.  Get up and get to moving.  You will be glad you did.  If you do this, you will boost your metabolism, so go ahead and get up, and exercise.

    Section 1: Clean Eating

    Have you ever wished that someone would write a cookbook that gives just the facts?    All diets put an emphasis on their particular type of foods and how they are beneficial, but many real factors are often eliminated, in order to promote a specific diet.  Look no further.  The Clean Cook Book is designed to present not only facts about the food you eat, but give you real choices in giving your body the cleanest foods possible, and obtainable.  Learn how flour, sugar, bread, and milk, are not always what they appear, and can contribute to a decrease in the function of your system. 

    In addition, discover how processed and genetically modified products have no real nutrition in the anatomy of humans, but were simply created to preserve and extend shelf life.  Once you realize how one, two, or all of these foodstuffs can play a part in limiting a long and fruitful life, the real fun begins.  Recipes that are unique, tasty, and great for your body, are categorized and presented

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