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Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness: Introduction to Holographic Psychology
Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness: Introduction to Holographic Psychology
Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness: Introduction to Holographic Psychology
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Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness: Introduction to Holographic Psychology

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Holographic Psychology is the birth of a revolutionary course of understanding that all comprehension and associated behavior is being subjectively determined and manifested as part of the individual’s psychological dynamics. It presents a giant leap in awareness, recognizing that all language is a symbolic means that reflects people, plac

Release dateAug 1, 2018
Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness: Introduction to Holographic Psychology

Margrit Spear

Margrit Spear has a PhD in Counseling Psychology, is a California-licensed Marriage and Family therapist, and is the vice president of CCRS, an independent research group that has vested fifty years in mind/body/spirit integration.

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    Life-Changing Explosion of Consciousness - Margrit Spear

    Reader’s Information

    This book was first printed in 1999 and subsequently in 2005. The principles of Holographic Psychology have not changed, exposing the important psychological, innate, and transcendent nature of the human. During those previous years, it was very apparent to our research team that the essence of the Holographic Psychology principles was still too avant-garde for most people, but we believe that humanity may now be ready to gain the invaluable benefits this psychology offers. It is based on the potential of the person, not his or her pathology, and exposes the role the individual plays (mostly unknowingly) in experiencing a happy or unhappy life. It reveals how our thoughts and feelings not only influence our lives beneficially or detrimentally, but the world at large.

    My mentor, Dr. James Pottenger, died in 2015 at the age of eighty-seven, and I have taken over the role as president of our organization, which was established in 1961. I joined his organization in 1993 and, with the help of his principles, created Holographic Psychology, a synthesis of behavioristic, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.

    These principles changed my life, and sadly, in all my schooling earning my PhD in Counseling Psychology or getting licensed as a Marriage and Family counselor, I never learned about them.

    Keep in mind that the mentioned tapes and CDs do reflect the times this book was originally written.

    An update was added to include the possible self-reflective ability of certain animals and a new book cover and professional graphics to invite the reader to learn more.

    It is my hope that humanity will test these principles and that they will be taught in every school throughout the world. The principles do not lend themselves to customary blind and controlled testing models (as still taught in many schools) because the awakening for understanding its essence has to take place within the individual and is not based on rote learning.

    May we all live consciously happier, healthier, and in peace.  May humanity become aware of all the magnificent preexisting potentials awaiting their own actualizations.

    The best time to start is now.


    Engraved in Holographic Psychology are the principles of universal laws governing every human being. Just as a hologram retains the entire image within each part, universal principles function within every person as immanent and transcendent consciousness, whether the person is aware of this interrelationship or not. We can state that the part is in the whole and the whole is in each part, a type of unity in diversity and diversity in unity. Holographic Psychology, an integration of ancient wisdom and leading-edge discoveries, is the brainchild of Dr. James Pottenger, president of an independent research team in Southern California. He and his research team have spent almost fifty years developing the dynamics of Holographic Psychology by examining psychology, philosophy, and religion, thus creating a synthesis of behavioristic, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology. Their system exposes that the above-listed psychological schools correlate with paradigm shifts within human consciousness, bringing into existence new levels of understanding that alter the individual’s worldviews. These paradigm shifts expose three different levels of comprehension in which humans express their reality.

    Our research labels these steps. First, the reactive or physical stage based on behavioristic psychology or first level of comprehension; second, the mental or psychological stage that first became psychoanalysis focusing on the individual’s past and his/her condition or inherent pathology, which later became humanistic psychology or second level of comprehension; and third, the transpersonal or spiritual stage that became transpersonal psychology or third level of comprehension, focusing on the location of a human’s preexisting potential pushing for actualization.

    Within these three worldviews, levels, or stages, the observer sees his or her world from differing perspectives. Many people have experienced some of these stages at one time or another; however, we find that currently on planet Earth, the majority of individuals express their lives from the reactive or physical stage of first-level comprehension.

    Within this reactive or physical stage, the object of blame is outside the individual where someone or something else is responsible for our circumstances and our feelings. Realizing that the causal factor to reaction is an internal psychological evaluation is new to a first-reality understanding, yet it was practiced centuries ago by giants like Buddha, Jesus, and later the philosopher Spinoza. For example, Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within, but first-level people are not sufficiently developed in their awareness to comprehend and test his true meaning. Realizing where comprehension takes place will change our therapeutic approaches to healing and will eliminate victimhood. Location of Comprehension is our internal or inner realization referred to in German as Feststellung. This shift in perception will change our world because it makes available the unlimited potential of the collective consciousness from which we are never separated. Our focus is utilizing the potential lying within the individual that is unlimited in its expression and is encoded in universal consciousness.

    Dr. Pottenger has been involved in metaphysical teachings for decades. He was a personal student of Ernest Holmes and his brother Fenwicke Holmes. He is continuing their research and is bringing to light the complexity interwoven within the individual’s psychological dynamics. He holds a doctorate in metaphysics and an MBA in systems analysis. He has been CEO of numerous businesses.

    As a teenager, he spent nine months in a coma, and if it had not been for his mother’s unrelenting search for alternative treatments in the metaphysical field, he would probably never have recovered. Experts in traditional medicine had no solutions and provided no hope for him to ever recover from his comatose state of being.

    Holographic Psychology is a revolutionary change from traditional psychology as its focus lies in the potential of the individual instead of on his or her pathology. Included is an invisible element called universal consciousness that can be empirically tested.

    Most of the world’s population today still lives in a first-level comprehension where discoveries of second- and third-level comprehension are unknown and cannot be understood until a shift in awareness takes place. Consciousness interrelated to universal laws is excluded from a first-level vocabulary. Consciousness is still mostly misunderstood in our culture as this aspect of human nature is invisible, has no tactile construct, is not part of an audible format, and has been largely labeled unscientific because it cannot be duplicated in a traditional laboratory setting. It can, however, be tested and verified by the individual.

    When we begin to comprehend that consciousness is the foundation of all existence, our lives will drastically change. Consciousness or the mental aspect of a human becomes significant with second-level comprehension because the individual is awakening to the mental realm existing within his or her physical body.

    Third-level comprehension exposes consciousness through involution and evolution/teleology as preexisting potentials within a human being. This means that when third reality or the transcendent aspect of consciousness is discovered, it is realized as a universal consciousness expressed according to the different levels of understanding.

    In this book, we will answer many questions humans have argued about for centuries and explain the difference between innate versus environmental causes. As consciousness evolves, so does our current level of understanding. As we become familiar with these universal principles governing our existence, we begin to realize the complexity contained within ourselves and our universe. Our biggest change in comprehension will be the realization that meaning in life is expressed subjectively and not objectively as believed for centuries. The subjectivity will be recognized as psychological dynamics of a human being, expressed at his or her current level of comprehension. When this realization dawns, our research labels it Location of Comprehension or Feststellung. This realization presents a quantum leap in understanding in which the individual becomes" aware that language is a symbolic means that is interpreted subjectively and is not based on other people, places, or things as it is based on the individual’s current self-image. The individual realizes where any word or feeling interpretation takes place (meaning inside him or her) and is consequently no longer a victim of his or her environment.

    Self-help systems have contributed significantly in empowering individuals by changing culturally adopted beliefs that formed our habit patterns. Few of these self-help systems include the monistic principle of third reality in which the potential is actualized as preexisting within a human being. What has rarely been realized before by mainstream Western cultures is that our beliefs shape our reality, and how we express this reality has to do with whether or not we understand how we work psychologically. When there is no awareness that our life is more than multiple biological functions directed by the brain, it is impossible to integrate preexisting mental or transcendent principles governing our existence.

    The importance one’s mind plays is discovered when the individual awakens to second-level comprehension. Prior to that level, the individual operates in the behavioristic stage that is based on an objective (external) world believed to be the cause of his or her state of being. In this first level, mind is a synonym for the brain. The belief system of the individual is heavily based on cultural indoctrinations where the individual is trained by his/her primary caretakers and mentors.

    In this book, the principles contained within Holographic Psychology are explained in detail and a glossary is provided defining the specific levels of comprehension and particular word meanings, including functional definitions that are empirically testable.

    As we begin applying second-level comprehension in our daily lives, enormous changes affecting our relationship to the whole world are noticeable. Experimenting with these principles provides a way of living an actualizing life of empowerment. When these principles are fully integrated into our daily existence, they provide the basis for a healthier, happier world in which the individual thinks and acts with multiple options. I-thou becomes a common practice facilitating a win-win situation for all.

    Author Acknowledgments

    My heartfelt thanks to Dr. James Pottenger for changing my life and for giving me the opportunity to create a book inspired by his life’s dedication to research into human potential. I would also like to express my gratitude to my first editor, SS (who does not want her name mentioned), for accepting the challenge of editing my work.

    Many thanks to the talented Stratton Press editors for their professional work.

    Also a special thank you to my former cover designer, Paul Lloyd Warner.

    Thank you, Dr. Louis Nitti Jr., for letting me share your Sam graphic.

    Important Message to the Reader

    It is highly recommended that the reader becomes familiar with the word interpretations contained in the glossary as misinterpretations of the words used to explain our principles can create confusion. Holographic Psychology introduces a new belief system that will change the world when the subjectivity of language use (interpretation) is realized. It is our hope that you test and implement the principles that gave Holographic Psychology its foundation and then report the findings to our research department.

    Reports can be mailed, faxed, or sent by e-mail to

    Dr. Margrit Spear

    PO Box 711

    Jamul, CA, 91935

    Telephone and Fax: (619) 468-9338



    Note for the Curious Reader

    In the preface, we have incorporated an abbreviated synopsis of the principles that make up Holographic Psychology.

    Detailed explanations follow the preface.

    Background Information of the Writer

    My personal connection with Dr. Pottenger came as a result of a last attempt I took to reconnect with my daughter on a healthier basis. We three met during a seminar in a mountain retreat in the summer of 1993. At that time, I was a successful psychotherapist, but to my chagrin, I was unable to reach my own teenager daughter. This state of being brought sleepless nights and days filled with worry. I lived through numerous bouts with her running away from home, with abuse, with attempted suicide, and with defiance in general. As a single mother, I was at my wit’s end. None of my coworkers in the counseling field had satisfactory solutions to my problems. The fact that I was able to change countless people’s lives but was unable to help myself and my daughter to a much greater level had a traumatic effect on my life.

    During this mountain retreat, in sheer desperation I hoped that my daughter would be able to connect with her spiritual self and hopefully find a more positive way of living. She attended this retreat against her will and made sure that her interactions with her mother were minimal. What was supposed to be her turnaround became my salvation, which liberated me from my constant worries. The more I had worried, the worse the situation had grown. I had no idea that my worries contributed a substantial degree to our painful situation.

    For years I had been an avid student, eager to learn about psychological advances, new concepts, and advanced studies in general. Metaphysical teachings had always intrigued me, and somehow, I felt intuitively that they could hold the key to a more beneficial life. I had attended countless seminars in hopes of finding the missing piece to the puzzle promising nirvana. I was seeking out leaders in the field and healers of all sorts in hopes of attaining ways that would magically transform my way of life as my life was a bowl of cherries, but most of them were sour.

    As a last resort, I was referred to a renowned psychic reader in hopes of finding the missing piece. Although I was very skeptical, I went, and she told me that there was nothing I would have to do, attend, or see, etc. She stated calmly that when I was ready, it would come to me. I was furious at that time, thinking that this session was a real waste of my time and money. I reasoned that if I weren’t ready, why would I even seek advice? It made no sense at that time, and finally I got to a place where I told myself, The hell with it all. I had been seriously searching for decades in books, in seminars, in tapes, in different groups for a connection that would deliver a so-called nirvana or peace of mind.

    My life up to that point was consumed by work. There was no social life to speak of, and I generally worked seven days a week for years. Often I traded between three different jobs to sustain my family as I had no outside help or any financial support for my kids or my higher education. When this super mother syndrome became unbearable, I became more and more discontented. I blamed the change in the economy. I blamed the lack of money, work situations, and the world in general. The more I worried, the worse my situation grew.

    Help finally came when my latest job ended, and I became unemployed for the first time in my life. Now I was forced to take time to sort through a half century of activities called my life. As I looked at my goal list, I discovered that most of my desires for pleasure had never been fulfilled. Although I succeeded educationally despite the fact that everybody told me what I had in mind could not be obtained in my situation, I eventually made it. After I got divorced, I decided to go back to school full-time to attain a PhD in psychology, a field that had always interested me. As a former pharmacist, I dealt with the medical side and, with time, became more and more disturbed with what I witnessed. Often I felt that the cause of the person’s problem was met with a mere Band-Aid and that the real problem was either covered with pills or was never fully addressed.

    Besides work and school, taking care of my two children, house pets, and garden appeared to be an endless job. In retrospect, I do not know how I succeeded, but with sheer determination, I made it. Thinking back about the struggle I endured for years makes me feel tired today.

    I met Dr. Pottenger at the brink of my collapse. As we began to exchange stories, I became very excited about what he shared because I felt that I had finally found a fellow traveler who had similar philosophies and ideas. I wondered if perhaps he would have the missing piece to my puzzle, and indeed, he did. For the first time he explained to me how psychological dynamics govern my life. In disbelief, I felt as if I had been hit by a brick. Dumbfounded, I wondered why in all my years of study I had never come across these principles. Rather than working on the pathology of the individual, his principles utilized the potential that is lying dormant in most of us. This radical change of approach altered my life forever and also changed my career perspectives. It further improved the interaction with my children and provided a much saner environment. I would have never believed his answer even five years earlier as I was trained to

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