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Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing
Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing
Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing
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Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing

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Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing The Light Cooking Meals book covers two diet plans that are considered to be light and healthy, the Green Juice Diet and the Quinoa Cookbook. This book gives you quick healthy meals and cooking recipes to help you stay on a light and healthy diet. There are enough healthy cooking recipes t
Release dateJan 4, 2014
Light Cooking Meals: Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing

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    Book preview

    Light Cooking Meals - Altagracia Summerall

    Light Cooking Meals

    Tasty Quinoa Recipes and Green Juicing

    Altagracia Summerall and Gricelda Galan

    Copyright © 2013 Altagracia Summerall and Gricelda Galan

    All rights reserved




    Section 1: Green Juice Diet

    Chapter 1: What is the Green Juice Diet?

    Chapter 2: Benefits of the Green Juice Diet

    Chapter 3: Helpful Tips for Dieting Success

    Chapter 4: Delicious and Nutritious Green Juice Recipes

    Recipe #1 - Kale and Cucumber Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #2 - Pear Apple Papaya Green Juice

    Recipe #3 - Spinach and Kale Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #4 - Simple Green and Garlic Juice Recipe

    Recipe #5 - Carrot Cucumber Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #6 - Energizing Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #7 – Sweet Mint Infused Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #8 – Fill Me Up Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #9 – Romaine Lime Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #10 – Vitamin Rich Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #11 – Beet and Cilantro Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #12 – Broccoli Wheatgrass Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #13 – Easy Cucumber Salad Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #14 – Celery Cucumber Spinach Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #15 – Zucchini Cucumber Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #16 – Cabbage Broccoli Green Juice Recipe for Better Digestion

    Recipe #17 – Watermelon and Cabbage Green Juice Recipe with Honey

    Recipe #18 – Easy Apple Wheatgrass Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #19 – Spinach and Orange Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #20 – Antioxidant Citrus and Spinach Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #21 – Tropical Sweet Kale Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #22 – Carrot and Kale Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #23 – Italian Style Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #24 – Bell Pepper Beet and Kale Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #25 – Delicious Watercress Green Bean and Spinach Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #26 – Tangerine Broccoli Green Juice with Ginger Recipe

    Recipe #27 – Strawberry and Tangerine Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #28 – Pineapple Orange Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #29 – Sweet Cucumber Apple Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #30 – Mint Pineapple Kale Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe # 31 – Body Restoring Green Juice Recipe with Coconut Water

    Recipe #32 – Watermelon Ginger Cooling Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #33 – Celery Watercress Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #34 – Cleansing Swiss Chard and Collard Leaf Green Juice Recipe

    Recipe #35 – Dandelion Green and Basil Green Juice Recipe

    Chapter 5: Your 7 Day Green Juicing Diet Meal Plan

    Section 2: Quinoa Cookbook

    Introduction: Do we grow old too fast?

    Suggestions and compilations



    Breakfast Version 1

    Breakfast Version 2

    Warm Quinoa Cereal

    Quinoa with Raisins and Cashew Nuts

    Quinoa with Fruit

    Quinoa Pancakes

    Scrambled Eggs with Quinoa

    Gourmet Breakfast

    Athletes Breakfast

    Mixed Quinoa Salad

    Quinoa Salad with Bread


    Quinoa and Cheese Soup

    Quinoa Soup with Peas

    Quinoa Leek Soup

    Quinoa Vegetable Soup

    Vegetable Soup with Quinoa

    Main Dishes

    Quinoa with Meatballs

    Quinoa with Beef and Broccoli

    Pork Chops with Quinoa

    Quinoa with Meatballs, Version 2

    Quinoa, Spanish Style

    Quinoa Casserole with Pineapple

    Paprika Quinoa

    Quinoa Vegetable Casserole

    Quinoa Mexican Style

    Spicy Beef with Quinoa

    Quinoa Frittata

    Stuffed Peppers with Quinoa

    Quinoa with Pork

    Roast pork, Thai style with Quinoa

    Pork Medallions with Quinoa

    Pork with Gorgonzola and Quinoa

    Jalapeno Hamburger with Blue Cheese and Quinoa

    Cooked Ham with Quinoa

    Roasted Quinoa with Lemon

    Quinoa with Roasted Pineapple

    Taco Quinoa

    Honey Quinoa

    Mushroom Quinoa with Scrambled Eggs

    Quinoa with Chicken

    Chicken with Quinoa and Asparagus

    Spring Onions on Toasted Quinoa

    Quinoa with Eggplant

    Quinoa Casserole with Eggs

    Quinoa with Seafood

    Garlic Chicken with Quinoa

    Quinoa Chicken Biryani

    Chicken with Almonds and Quinoa

    Tuna Quinoa Casserole

    Grilled Tuna with Quinoa Steaks

    Tuna Meatballs

    Tuna with Quinoa, Japanese Style

    Halibut with Ginger and Cranberries

    Quinoa with Black Beans:

    Quinoa Tuna Casserole

    Herbs Quinoa with Salmon and Asparagus

    Quinoa And Spinach Salad

    Quinoa Tuna Salad

    Tuna Salad with Quinoa

    Quinoa Salad with Raisins

    Special, Kid-friendly Quinoa Recipes

    Quinoa with Mixed Vegetables and Cheese

    Quinoa for Young and Old

    Quinoa Cheddar Casserole

    Quinoa Bread

    Roman Bread

    Garlic and Herb Bread

    Quinoa Herb Bread

    Quinoa Pizza

    Quinoa Bites

    Afternoon Refreshment

    Quinoa Cookies, Version 1

    Quinoa Cookies, Version 2

    Quinoa Cookies, Version 3

    Quinoa Bars

    Energy Bars, Version 2


    Both the green juice diet plan and the quinoa offers you a choice of healthy recipes that are light because they contain only healthy ingredients and nothing that is considered junk food.  Below are tips for eating a healthy light menu with success.

    Be Sure to Drink Plenty of Water

    Water is vital to your health and you should consume plenty of it daily.  You can get water from fruit juice, milk, coffee, tea, and other natural drinks, but you also need to drink plain water too.  Your water consumption should be more than the other beverages you drink in a day's time.  Water helps the digestive system to function properly.  It acts as an internal cleanse and shows up in clearer healthier skin. 

    To figure out how much water you must consume in a day's time take your weight in pounds and divide it by two.  That number is the number in ounces you need to drink.  For example, a person weighing one hundred and eighty pounds would divide that by two and get ninety.  So a person weighing one hundred and eighty pounds would drink ninety ounces, or a little over eleven cups of water a day.  If you exercise, you may need to increase that by a bit.

    Keep a Food Journal

    A food journal is an excellent way to figure out where you are not eating right.  Notate the time of day you eat, what you eat, and how much you eat.  Keep a journal for a week or two and notate what is going on, for example, are you stressed?  Busy?  Upset?  Happy?  You can see patterns in your eating habits by doing this.  Are you a bored eater?  Do you eat when upset?  Some people do, some people don't. 

    Wean From the Junk Food

    Now you can take the information you gained from your food journal and wean from the harmful junk food.  Eating junk food is a bad habit much as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol is.  Junk food causes real addictions in the body and these should be broken in order to make a successful lifestyle change to eating better.  The recipes in this book are a great start to starting a nutritious diet and making a lifestyle change for the healthier.  If you have an addiction to junk food you need to wean from it first or you will have unpleasant side effects and cravings.

    Give yourself three weeks to wean from the junk food addiction by replacing one snack or meal with a recipe from this book every three to five days (depending on how bad your cravings are.)  If your cravings are very bad, give yourself five days before stopping another junk food.  If you are okay, three days will do.  By the time you reach three weeks you should have broken the junk food habit.  If you still find you have big cravings for junk try to eat right and allow yourself one or two junk food snacks a week.  In time, those will change and you will instead crave healthy nutritious food.

    It is wise to take this step if you truly want to make a positive lifestyle change with your health and diet.  Junk food addictions are strong and cause many people to stop their diets because it is simply too hard to diet and deal with the side effects and cravings.  Weaning slowly like this, gives you a greater chance at sticking with the healthy diet indefinitely without risk of slipping back into your old eating habits.


    Exercise or physical activity is very beneficial to your health and your body.  While you can lose weight and be healthier with a diet change alone, you are healthier for adding exercise to your weekly routines.  The body is meant to be in motion.  However, a body that is not in motion will become accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle.  This type of lifestyle grows.  The more you are not physically active the more you do not want to be.  Exercise can be difficult at first, especially if you feel lethargic and fatigued at first.

    It does not require a lot of exercise to make a difference in your health.  Just commit to being physically active at least three times a week for at least half an hour.  The exercises do not need to be complicated. You can do a gentle walk and eventually increase it to a jog.  You can take a swim, do low impact aerobics, lift weights, dance, ride a bicycle, or even hop on a treadmill or any other exercise machine.  The point is in being physically active for a solid half of a hour at a time.

    When you first begin an exercise routine, you may not feel like doing it. You need to force yourself to make and stick with this commitment.  Exercising works with a healthy light diet in making the body fit.  If you go ahead and exercise even when you feel you do not have the energy do so anyway and you will notice a remarkable change.  After a few times of working out you will begin to feel more energized after exercising.  You will find eventually that you will crave the physical activity.  Remember, the food you eat from the recipes in this book will give you energy.  Dieting and exercise works together to make a healthy and fit body.

    Disclaimer About the Helpful Information in this Book

    Always seek the advice and counsel of your health care provider before taking any advice on your health and on a diet change or adding exercise.  The content in this book is not meant to diagnose or be a replacement for the advice from your health care provider; it is for information purposes only.  Make sure you are okay to go on a green juicing diet or a quinoa diet.  Make sure you are safe to exercise or to do any of the things suggested in this recipe book.

    Section 1: Green Juice Diet

    More than likely, you have heard the term, green juice diet. However, you may not even be sure what green juice is, much less how to follow this type of diet. Big names, such as Dr. Oz, often refer to green juicing diets. Of course, you may be left wondering what this diet is all about. Why should you even consider this diet and what benefits can a green juice diet offer you? If you decide to go on the diet, how can you ensure that the diet is successful?

    This ebook is your perfect guide to

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