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About this ebook

We must understand that we cannot truly know who the LORD God really is, without experiencing Him as a person! Often, people hear about Him and talk about Him and yet, lack the experience of who He is. There is tremendous need to know Him today than ever before! We are in a time that the truth will be harder to find as gross darkness cover &ndas

Release dateNov 15, 2019

John King Hill

Apostle (Dr.) John King Hill was ordained by the world-renowned servant of God, Rod Parsley, Pastor of World Harvest Church, Columbus, Ohio. Apostle John King Hill holds the following degrees: Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies, Master's degree in Theology, Doctorate of Divinity, and PhD in Ministry from Canon Bible College and Seminary, Orlando, Florida, USA. Apostle John King Hill is the founder of World Harvesters Outreach Ministries Conferences & Crusades, Inc. Apostle John King Hill is the Host of the Power&Glory World television and radio broadcasts, and has appeared on many Christian Network Televisions around the world: WHT, WHNO 20, The Word Network, Oracle Television Network, The Miracle Channel, Sky Angel, TBN, The Church Channel, Impactv, BellTV, ShawDirect, TelusSatTV, SaskTel Max, TelusOptik TV, and several others. World Harvesters Outreach Ministries Conferences & Crusades, Inc. produces conferences and crusades dedicated to reaching the world with the Word by the power of the Spirit. The call upon this ministry is to reveal God to suffering humanity through the Word of God, and by radical demonstration of His glorious power, until people's heart-troubling questions and circumstances are laid to rest, and they find genuine confidence and good courage to overcome life's obstacles, difficulties, provocations, aggressions, challenges, confrontations, demons, and elements of God's creation.The goal of this ministry is to reach the world through providing education, leadership training, mentorship, media outreach programs, worldwide evangelistic conferences, and crusades; caring for the needy and less privileged; supporting other organizations of like faith; and showing an example of Christian life.

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    © Copyright 2013—John King Hill

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    Due to the revelatory content of this material and because of the author’s commitment to preserve the integrity and personal reading experience, editorial license was taken to maintain the spiritual and physical impact of the underlining subjects revealed in this book.




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    ISBN 13: 978-1-0878-4106-9

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    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Talents, Gifts, Anointing and Glory

    Empowering People is Building the Kingdom

    Chapter 2

    The Failure of World Domination

    The Glory Offers More than History can Tell

    Unlocking God's Hidden Identity

    Chapter 3

    The Great End-times Escalation

    Experiencing Heaven

    Chapter 4

    Authority, Power and Freedom

    Authority and Power Wants to Dominate

    Chapter 5

    The Glory and Transparency

    Majestic Colors of the Glory

    The Secret Life of the Glory

    Church as a Living Temple of God


    The end-times are a time bomb waiting to explode. The world powers are consolidating their focuses on dominating the world through the formation of alliances and entering treaty agreements. They are using threats, aggression, provocations and wars to draw the red line. Sanctions and embargoes also serve as unilateral or collective bargaining tools. The end-times present the world with difficult challenges – some will lead to temporary success, while others will open to the greatest downfall of nations or kingdoms and peoples. The end-times is about who will rise and who will fall: empires, nations, kingdoms, people, and even the elements. Everything will play pivotal roles, both spiritually and physically, to precipitate the end. Forging alliances are like signing a balloon loan, which is why defeating the alliance is crippling the others. The end-times is all about joining together, but unity cannot stand the pressure of the weight of the unified fronts that will oppose the world. The kingdoms that will emerge to exercise their full authority and power will be more than the world can deal with. Therefore, it will lead to premature ends rather than happy endings. A spark of world war will put the world in a precarious situation, and no matter the outcome, the world will not be any better or safer than before. This is part of the end-times catastrophe that the world is not fully prepared for. Regardless of the claims of economic, scientific, and military superiority, the war will reduce the world's capability.

    The case of superiority in the world is a shifting balance; therefore, it will be difficult to call a spade a spade until the clock stops ticking and the smoke clears. Empires rise and fall, and history has proven that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Dominance takes great power struggles, and in some cases, great wars. The cost of war is not always recoverable as the damages of war are not always repairable. Wars also have short and long-term effects, which is why predicting the eventual outcome is often difficult. Because struggle is a tussle and war returns blow for blow, it is not simple to estimate the real-time profit and loss. We need to know that both victory and defeat carry a price. The big question is, what will be the cost? What you are fighting for is not always what you get, so there is a turning point in every war.

    The glory of God is overtaking the earth and creating a great atmospheric pressure, which is impacting every sphere of life. Nature is responding, and contractions are forcing a major unbuckling as foundations and structures are parting ways. What we must know is that the pressure will not subside and we must expect to see even greater devastation. The enemy is using every occasion to make matters worse for humanity. It is a boiling point that will oblige many entities to attempt to rise up to the occasion. Tensions will flare in the world arenas as nations or kingdoms collide spiritually and physically to mark the incredible experiences of the end-times.

    We are seeing global trump cards being played around the world to create the staging platform. We are at the time of the highest spiritual and physical alerts because unusual warfare is breaking out on every front. The end-times is all about domination and supremacy, which is why nations or kingdoms will flex their muscles economically, militarily technologically and otherwise.

    The Church will see increased spiritual visitations that will open to invasions of the supernatural, and the kingdom of satan will choke down on the world. Authorities and powers will display their true characters and demonstrate uncommon resistance to stand and rule. The LORD God will show vengeance that has never been seen for ages as He moves to cap off the end of all things. There will be trampling of nations and peoples. The slaughter has already begun and the wild beasts are gathering for the great feast. Things will go so fast that it will be impossible to sit down and reason, and that is when the terrible miscalculation will come.

    The end-times is all about dangerous risks. Glory Heaven Rulership is written by the revelation of God to unearth the hidden mysteries of the end-times, and to show you the power-players, and reveal how the events of the end-times will unfold.

    You will see why the LORD God is Almighty and All-powerful, and why He rules supreme with all authority and power – in heaven and the earth and below. You will find unusual secrets that will transform and revolutionize your life.

    In His Love,

    Apostle (Dr.) John King Hill

    Chapter 1


    And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness (Genesis 1:26a).

    To unearth the hidden work of the anointing, we must understand how God made man from the beginning. The LORD God Almighty and All-powerful in all His glorious splendor appeared to create all things. We must know that the glory is the greatest move of God beyond anything the gifts, impartation and the anointing could offer the Church. The making of Adam in the image of God showed a distinction between humanity and the LORD God as well as other created works. An image is just a typifying object, and it is used as a reference point. Adam was made/created by God. God is self-existent. God is a Spirit being. God is life. God is Knowledge. God is Understanding. God is Wisdom. God is Counsel. God is Might – Mighty or Almighty. God is Judgment. God is to be revered above all. God is Joy. God is Peace. God is Love. God is Goodness. God is Faith. God is Gentleness. God is Meekness. God is Longsuffering. God is Temperance. (See Isaiah 11:1-3; Galatians 5:22-23).

    If we cannot separate the work of God from who He is, then we are in trouble. If we cannot separate the power of God from Him as a person, we will miss everything. If we cannot separate God from what He can do or what He

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