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Embracing Your Pain
Embracing Your Pain
Embracing Your Pain
Ebook247 pages3 hours

Embracing Your Pain

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Your life is created by your choices, no matter what your situation, you have the choice. You are the one who controls your thoughts.

It's time now to embrace your pain and know it empowers you.

It's time to let go, forgive and break free from an egoic mind.

It's time to give yourself love, b

Release dateFeb 15, 2022
Embracing Your Pain

Priscilla D Rouillon

Priscilla. D. Rouillon, aged 47 years, is a mother of 3 grown up kids; Alex, Brandon, and Stephanie. Now living the most simple but extraordinary life with her fiancé Marc Schembri. After living many years of pain and suffering, she started to experience the beginning of her spiritual enlightenment around 2012. With many teachings and more mistakes, she began to discover her true self to live the life she always dreamed of. After discovering many lessons from her own endeavours, she is willing to teach to others, so they can live their best life. She always knew within that she was here to help other people. She finally found what fulfils her life. To become inspirit together with everyone, this is her life's purpose.

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    Embracing Your Pain - Priscilla D Rouillon




    Embracing Your Pain Copyright © 2021 Priscilla Rouillon.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    This is a work of nonfiction. The events and conversations in this book have been set down to the best of the author’s ability, although some names and details may have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. Every effort has been made to trace or contact all copyright holders. The publishers will be pleased to make good any omissions or rectify any mistakes brought to their attention at the earliest opportunity.

    Printed in Australia

    Cover design by Shawline Publishing Group Pty Ltd

    Images in this book are the copyright of Shawline Publishing Group Pty Ltd

    Illustrations within this book are the copyright of Shawline Publishing Group Pty Ltd

    First Printing: February 2022

    Shawline Publishing Group Pty Ltd

    Paperback ISBN-9781922701022

    Ebook ISBN-9781922701138




    priscilla d rouillon

    I dedicate this book to my three amazing kids, Alex, Brandon, and Stephanie, and to my very supportive and loving fiancée Marc. To everyone who has been a part of my life and to all my spiritual guidance and angels from above. I would also like to dedicate this book to my spiritual teacher Wayne Dyer. You inspired me to write this book and to keep the greatest teachers close to my heart. I will continue to carry on our teachings about life. Thank you, because without you all I would not be my true self. God bless you all.



    Thank you mum and dad for bringing me into this amazing universe. Thank you to all my brothers and sisters for being a part of my life. I love you all.

    Along my journey I have met many individuals with whom I am grateful for because this is where it has led me to be. A big thank you to my supportive fiancé Marc. Your love has allowed me to pursue my dream. My kids Alex, Brandon, and Stephanie. You have all become independent so early in life which has encouraged me to shine my light so bright.

    To my brothers Bradley and Daniel, losing both of you was hard but you have given me the courage and strength to achieve this for myself. To all my teachers that I have listened to along my journey, all that listening pays off. I am grateful for all your knowledge. I am very grateful for Wayne Dyer and his spiritual guidance which is a big inspiration in my life. I am also incredibly grateful to all my readers because truly you are all the reason why I have written and shared my book. We are all one and are here to help one another.



    1 My Personal Letter Just For You

    3 Introduction

    PART 1

    7 Life Is A Blessing

    9 My Poem- ‘My Simple Poem’

    10 Chapter 1- Turning Darkness To Enlightenment

    18 My Wise Words To You

    20 My Poem- ‘In The Dark Dark World’

    21 Chapter 2- Talking To My Angels

    26 My Wise Words To You

    28 My Poem- ‘Find Your Bliss’

    29 Chapter 3- 222 A New Beginning

    36 My Wise Words

    38 My Poem- ‘Your Life Purpose’

    39 Chapter 4- The Power Of Visualisation

    45 My Wise Words To You

    47 My Poem- ‘The Power Of Now’

    48 Chapter 5- Say Goodbye To Fear & Doubt

    53 My Wise Words To You

    55 My Poem- ‘Let It Be’

    56 Chapter 6- Infinite Limits

    64 My Wise Words To You

    66 My Poem- ‘Thank You’

    67 Chapter 7- Feel, Know & Love Yourself

    73 My Wise Words To You

    75 My Poem- ‘Self Love’

    76 Chapter 8- Silence

    82 My Wise Words To You

    84 My Poem- ‘Meditate’

    85 Chapter 9- Miracles Do Happen

    90 My Wise Words To You

    92 My Poem- ‘The Most Magnificent Picture’

    94 Chapter 10- The Greatest Perpetual Minds *Wayne Dyer

    96 The Analogy Of Ourselves As Beautiful Vases Wayne Dyer

    97 ’You Must Die While You Are Alive’- An Ancient Parable

    Illustrated From An Indian Spiritual Master

    99 Poem By Mother Teresa- ‘Do It Anyway’

    101 Quotes From The Great Ancient Minds

    102 Letter Of Appreciation To All My Teachers

    103 Love After Love (Poem) By Derek Walcott

    104 Books I Have Read And Highly Recommend

    106 Teachers

    107 ‘The Lock’- From The Book 3 Magic Words

    From Uell S Anderson

    108 My Poem- ‘Your Message’

    PART 2

    109 1 1 . 1 1

    I Am - Imagination - Inspiration - Infinity

    60 Messages To Living An Inspiring Life

    110 Introduction

    112 1) I Am

    113 2) Imagination

    114 3) Inspiration

    115 4) Infinity

    116 5) Affirmations

    117 6) Appreciation

    118 7) Angel Numbers

    119 8) Age Less To Live Longer

    121 9) Aspiration To Your Significance In Life

    122 10) Big Q&A

    123 11) Divine Love

    124 12) Don’t Ignore Your Impersonal Self

    125 13) Emotions

    126 14) Equal Love

    127 15) Excitement

    128 16) Free Yourself

    129 17) Give To Receive Abundance

    130 18) Get A Life

    131 19) Get Yourself Into The Receiving Mode

    132 20) How Do You Look At Yourself Everyday

    133 21) I Wander If!

    134 22) I Believe In Meditate Over Medicate

    135 23) Joyfull

    136 24) Let Go

    137 25) Listen

    138 26) Living A Life Of Imperfection

    139 27) Love & Peace

    140 28) Lol Everyday

    141 29) My Thoughts To You

    142 30) May Peace Be With You

    143 31) My Words Of Wisdom

    144 32) My Steps To Having A Strong Mindset

    145 33) My Pointers To Happiness

    146 34) My Happy Vocabulary

    148 35) Never Stop Dreaming

    149 36) No Dramas

    151 37) Only You

    152 38) Outside In

    153 39) Once Upon A Time- There Was A Roller Coaster

    155 40) Patience Is The Key

    156 41) Small Changes Are Bigger And Better

    157 42) Satori

    158 43) Shhh

    159 44) Should’ve, Could’ Ve And Would’ve

    160 45) Self Love

    162 46) Trust

    163 47) The Power Of Synchronicity

    164 48) The Power Of Empowerment

    165 49) Truth, Dare, Kiss Or Promise

    166 50) We Are

    167 51) Worried About Something

    168 52) Whats Your Ritual

    169 53) We Are Not Robots

    170 54) Your State Of Mind

    171 55) You Are Worthy No Matter What!

    173 56) Mmm=Mysterious Magical Monday

    174 57) Task Tuesday

    175 58) Wednesday Why Day

    176 59) Tranformation Thursday

    178 60) Forgiving Friday

    179 My Poem- ‘Smile And Be Happy’

    180 Just A Little Something Extra!


    182 Monday And Friday

    183 Wednesday And Sunday


    185 Breakfast Options

    186 Lunch And Dinner Options

    189 Random List Of Foods

    192 My Poem- ‘Your Life Is Very Precious’

    193 Thank You!


    My personal letter just for you

    To my dearest reader,

    Firstly, I would like to say a very big thank you, for you taking action for yourself and deciding to read my book.

    This book was never meant to be about me. I have written this for you. I want to help you to learn to worship your true beauty beyond your personality. Before I began to write, I thought, how can I write this book from the bottom of my heart without it being about only me? When I started to write I honestly allowed whatever was meant to come out to tell you how I feel and what I willingly wanted to teach. This book contains many stories, Some being heartbreaking and painful and some being joyful.

    My stories of my life wanted to come out to express the actions and all the emotions, simply to help you to understand the reasons why I chose to go down this pathway on my own journey.

    I have a very deep knowing within myself that I travelled down these roads to discover my true inner self. I know that I was chosen for this purpose, so I am able to help to guide you also to discover your inner self. I understand that for you to be reading my book, you may be experiencing some heartaches and pain which may have happened to you sometime along your journey or may even still be happening now.

    I am writing directly to you my dear, I understand the pain and hurt you have dealt with or may be still going through. I have so much compassion for so many people’s emotions. Honestly, even if I do not know much about someone, I do feel their pain, and this is the reason why I wrote this. I want to help you to find your true self again. I have the deepest sympathy towards everyone, regardless of what everyone’s pain is.

    Whatever you have been through its time to let go of those past events, or even if you are still hurting it is time to make changes for yourself and start to love yourself. Give yourself what you deserve because you are worthy of living your best life. Your life here was meant to be one to be full of love, joy, and peace. The only one that can help you to get to this place is you. Your thoughts are the key to changing the way you may express your emotions. Become in control about how you feel with every situation. Take a look at yourself, you have your own true beauty within. Do not let anything, or anyone get in the way to finding your true essence.

    This is your life here and now, you need to get yourself out of whatever you feel lost within and become grateful with you, for the person you are right at this moment, and for nature itself.

    You are surrounded by miracles, and you of course, you are the biggest miracle. Your life should be simple, but it is also deep, take a moment for yourself now to sit in silence, breathe deeply in and out and think about what you want for you. I’m talking about the true you, you that is deep down within. I know you can do this. When you are willing to make that break through, you will also learn to embrace your pain and without a doubt, because you no longer need to hold on to fear and doubt, you will discover your inner self, you will figure out what your life purpose is, and you will also live your life fulfilled with continuing miracles.

    Sending you lot of love always,

    Priscilla xxx




    ‘What we think determines what happens to us.

    So, if we want to change our lives,

    We need to stretch our minds.’



    Why would I possibly tell you to embrace your pain, to discover your inner self? Does this sound like something you would honestly think to do? After putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, this book will help to guide you to discover your true inner self!

    What do I mean by finding your inner self? Well, let me explain. Through my many experiences in my life I have often wondered, ‘why am I here?’ From being a foetus in my mother’s womb, I have always wondered why I have witnessed so many dark events in my life. Why? When all I ever wanted was unconditional love, peace, and an exciting, fulfilled life.

    Let me introduce myself, I am Priscilla. I am truly an ordinary person but now living the most extraordinary life through my experiences of embracing my pain. It was not always dark and painful. Today I am 47 years young, and I am a proud mother of my 3 gorgeous grown-up kids Alex, Brandon and Stephanie. My kids are my greatest loves of my life. I also have my amazing fiancée, Marc. I am very much grateful to him for being my oceans of love and my precious knight in his shining armour as we once upon a time, both saved one another in that synchronised moment. I have become extremely grateful for the tiniest things in this miraculous universe. I have chosen to stay young, fit and healthy, becoming a free spirit able to do whatever it is that I want to do and reminding myself how important it is to have self-love.

    The purpose of my book is to help guide you, by sharing with you my many experiences and knowledge. I have also learnt from the greatest philosophers and spiritual teachers especially my most inspirational teacher, Wayne Dyer.

    These teachings have led me to discover my inner self and allow me to remember who I am and why I am here. I now live a humble life and have nothing but divine love for myself and others. I enjoy living each moment by moment and have so much appreciation for life how it just is.

    Most Importantly, I am hoping to help guide you to remember who you truly are! I have personally experienced and still experiencing the blessings of being open to discover my enlightenment. I have learnt that my life’s purpose is to remember the truth of who I am and to help inspire anyone else to do the same. We are here to help serve others and to share the love and to live your most joyful and desirable life.

    I always knew that I was placed on this precious earth to connect and help people. I always felt a fuzzy warm feeling when I could put a smile on someone’s face, and I always knew I had a purpose in being here and so do you! You all have a life purpose to fulfil.

    Meeting my first love at the age of 14 who would later become the father of my 3 kids, later in the years I made the decision to leave my ex-husband. Being someone who craved love I had moved straight into another relationship and then to another. I have always been a sensitive empath also dealing with so many emotions that I needed to process. I have always been able to feel the energies of how certain people were feeling which I noticed affected my own energy levels at times. This did have some effect on me, but it has also led me to do what I enjoy doing today. I have experienced a lot of dark events along my journey, however today with no regrets I have become grateful for all my life experiences.

    With everything that had been going on after my marriage break up, I had the courage to get out of another relationship, only this relationship was very toxic, so I decided I needed some time away and booked myself a little getaway to Broadbeach in Queensland. A few days later my sister Joanne accompanied me and together we experienced the most amazing experience ever. Even explaining it in the first chapter will not fully cover it, as no words could adequately explain what my sister and I encountered.

    Then finally the breakthrough something amazing happened to me and I experienced a spiritual enlightenment. Things for me did not become perfect overnight, but over time my life started to change. I learnt to forgive myself and others for things that I was holding on to for so many years. I also learnt to let go of many things that I could not seem to get rid of in my mind. I then knew that I was being guided and so I started to talk to my guardian angels. I started to listen to my inner self and just knew that from now on it will be new beginnings all the way up.

    Slowly, over time what I would ask for, I would receive, and it kept on coming. I had a knowing that

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