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The Career Woman's Secret Playbook
The Career Woman's Secret Playbook
The Career Woman's Secret Playbook
Ebook151 pages3 hours

The Career Woman's Secret Playbook

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Did you know that if you were to type in "career tips" into Google, you would get over 4.79 billion results? Well, if you are a career woman who doesn't have time for all of that, but still wants to make sure that she's doing everything she can to have a fulfilling career, then this book is perfect for you. The Career Woman's Secret Playbook is packed full of the kind of insider-secrets that you can only know if you had the experience of hiring employees, offering them promotions, and sometimes having to let them go. Why take this career journey alone, when you can have your very own career coach, who's been there/done that, share all the secrets they've learned along the way? Whether you are a young professional who is just starting out, a career woman who's been in the trenches for years, or one of those fabulous men out there who wants to support these amazing career women, this playbook will give you the behind-the-scenes game plan you need to creating a career you absolutely love. These same career secrets can unleash your personal and professional power in a whole new way, making your possibilities endless...Here's to you! 



Dr. Dawn

Release dateJan 11, 2022
The Career Woman's Secret Playbook

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    The Career Woman's Secret Playbook - Dr. Dawn Hamby

    This book is an original work and publication of Dr. Dawn Hamby. 

    The publisher and the author have made every attempt to ensure that the content within this book is correct at the time of release. This book is designed to provide information with regard to the subject matter covered, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. The publisher and author will not and does not take any responsibility of content for any third-party website.

    The publisher and the author make no guarantees concerning the amount of success each reader may experience by following the advice, strategies, and content contained within this book, and each reader accepts the risk that results will be different for each individual. The information provided in this book show exceptional results, which may not apply to the average reader, and are not intended to represent, promise, or guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.

    Copyright © 2022 Dr. Dawn Hamby

    All Rights Reserved 

    This book may not be reproduced, scanned, copied, or distributed as in part or in its entirety in any type of format such as print or electronic format without the sole and written permission of the author and publisher. 

    This book was created and printed in the United States of America.  

    How the Career Woman’s Secret Playbook Began

    Here’s to Career Women Everywhere...

    Introduction to Your Secret Game Plan...

    Chapter 1: Shhh...Don’t Tell HR!

    Chapter 2: Starting Your Journey...

    Chapter 3: Mindset

    Chapter 4: Passion Rediscovery

    Chapter 5: Uncovering Your Grit

    Chapter 6: Time Management Know-How

    Chapter 7: The Importance of Branding

    Chapter 8: Your Next Steps

    Chapter 9: My Wish for Your Future...

    How the Career Woman’s Secret Playbook Began

    Let’s start your secret playbook with a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at how the idea for this book began...

    To two of my favorite Career Women out there... my beautiful daughter Savannah and my beautiful stepdaughter Laura. Savannah, I thought that as your mom I was supposed to inspire you, but instead, you inspire me every day by serving our country in the Air Force and choosing the very male-dominated field of weapons. I still can’t believe that my baby loads bombs on the F-16 fighter jet. You’re living proof that I gave birth to a bad ass! Laura, I could not be more proud that your servant’s heart led you to therapy, and that through your knowledge and grace, you’re able to help people who are struggling with mental health. The world is a kinder place with your life’s work... and to a future career woman, our adorable two-year-old granddaughter Molly Grace...Lollie (me) and Pop (my husband Mark) hope that you always remember one of our favorite quotes by Winne the Pooh..." You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you will ever know."

    To the women in my life that paved the way in me picturing myself as a future Career Woman... my mother and grandmothers.  To my grandmothers Enriquetta and Ana...back in a time when most women weren’t encouraged to have their own career, you were both brave enough to face the many challenges starting your careers in New York City in the 1950’s as Puerto Rican women would bring...I was in awe of Momita when I got to visit her at Southwestern Bell where she worked as a telephone operator. I still don’t know how you knew which cable went where, as calls came in and you had to speak to the callers in both English and Spanish. I thought my Grandma had the most glamorous job, getting to travel around the word as a travel agent...I still remember how sophisticated I thought all of that was, especially when I got to see you get dressed up for an event.  And to my beautiful blue-eyed mother Frieda Frances, who always made me feel like my boring brown eyes were just as beautiful as her blue ones... Your eyes aren’t brown Dawny, she would say. They are the color of sherry. Mom, I didn’t know what sherry was at the time, but I remember thinking that sounded really cool. You’re a force to be reckoned with, and a prime example of strength and determination. After becoming a pharmacist and supporting Dad as he went to medical school, you went back to school, got your MBA, and became Dad’s office manager. As if that wasn’t enough, you then started your own consulting business helping other doctors run their offices more efficiently and then moved on to renovating some incredible buildings downtown, which was another passion of yours You inspired me to have faith that I could do anything I set my mind to AND thanks to you and my Puerto Rican lineage, I learned quickly that my message to others would be "I will cut you," if they messed with me OR my peeps. 

    To the incredible examples of fierce, independent and sassy Career Women that are my circle of support... incredible girlfriends! These ladies remind me every day how important it is to cultivate lasting friendships with other women. I am even blessed enough to have one dear friend that’s been a BFF of mine for over 40 years of my life!  I know that I am dating us here Susie, so please forgive me, but being friends that long is just too amazing not to give is some special recognition! We are a circle of sisterhood and are a living example of women helping women...we support each other, love each other, and inspire each other every day to be our best...this sisterhood gives me the foundation to be always be myself and to feel loved for not only who I am, but also, for who I want to be.  Keep in mind that sure, life is easier if you can have support from your family, but you can also create that kind of support for yourself through friendships. I couldn’t be where I am today without my girls, and if you don’t have amazing women in your life that lift you up and see in you what you sometimes can’t see in yourself, then make the commitment today to branch out and find some new friendships to add to your life. It’s never too late to find an amazing girlfriend that you can talk things out with and who get us in a way that the men in our lives just can’t (Sorry guys, but you know it’s kinda true!).

    Now there are the sisters you can make through friendships, and there are the sisters you may be lucky enough to be related to...

    and I am blessed enough to have sister Alexandra and Katie. Alexandra, you’re an incredible role model of career woman badassery—you not only worked tirelessly in your profession, but when you were presented with an opportunity to leave your job and be part of a start-up, you took a leap of faith. Years later, you’re not only a Vice-President of that same company (I did mention bad ass, did I not?), but you also continue to be an incredible wife and mother AND find time to squeeze in a marathon or two (hello...running them MUCH faster than I ever did, by the way. I just wanted to look good for my photo finish!). And to my sister Katherine, a published author herself, a wife, AND a stay-at-home mom to three boys. Not only are you an amazing wife and mother, but you’re living proof that anyone who thinks that running a household isn’t a career in of itself should walk a day in your shoes. Thanks to my beautiful sisters, I am the aunt to four wonderful nephews.

    And last but not least, to the men in my life...  that appreciate me as a career woman and are always so proud: my father, my brother, and my husband. My father Emilio led the way in me believing that a truly strong man would never be threatened by a strong and independent career woman (If you ever met my Mom, you would understand!). And keep in mind, people, that he’s a general and vascular surgeon—this man could really cut you, and by all accounts, could even take out your gallbladder with a spoon if he had to! Instead, you helped my sisters and I believe from day one that we should be treated with love and respect from the men in our lives, and if that didn’t happen, then my brother Emilio Paul could be sent in as back-up. With my Dad’s old-school values, my baby brother (who will always be my baby brother, even though he’s now 35 and can be called in to be the muscle when need be), is one of those rare old souls who knows how to treat a lady and will go to bat for the women in his life if they’re not being treated with respect.  And to my husband Mark, who not only has been my rock and my biggest cheerleader when I decided to start my business, but who is also living proof that you’re never too old for love – because you were willing to brave the world of online dating in your 50’s, we found each other, never knowing that that our greatest loves lived just 12.2 miles apart.  Thank you, sweetheart, for helping me prove that it’s always OK to give love a chance, and that if you have faith, the broken road can lead us to a happy ending.  Thank you for showing our girls that if you truly respect the women in your life, you will lift them up when they need it and be their fiercest defender. Thank you for being an amazing role model for both of our daughters and our blended family. Thank you for cheering me on as I spent every waking minute I could writing this book and building my public speaking and coaching business. And thank you for always believing that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to, and for always believing that I could make my dreams come true...

    I love you all! ~XO Dawny

    Here’s to Career Women Everywhere...

    This book is dedicated to all of the hardworking, smart, dedicated, passionate, and often overwhelmed and exhausted career women out there! Whether you’re a young professional just starting her career, or have been in your career for years, this book is dedicated to you. And if you’re a career mom (and especially a career single mom), my hat is REALLY off to you! You’re the backbone of our society, and I am not just saying that because I was a single mom for 14 years before deciding to give my heart away again at the age of 49 to my now husband Mark. 

    Through all the hard work that we do as career women, we not only bust our butts at our jobs, but we often take the lead in being that confidante at work, we surprise our coworkers with donuts on a Monday, and/or find ourselves taking extra care of our colleagues, coworkers, and bosses. And after working a full day, guess what you do next? You would think you would just open a bottle of wine, put your feet up and say, I am done, right? 

    Nope! Instead, you will often take that same level of dedication and kindness that you showed at work and turn around and do the exact same thing as soon as you get home. You may

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