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Jennifer's Christmas Daddy: Holiday Daddy Doms, #1
Jennifer's Christmas Daddy: Holiday Daddy Doms, #1
Jennifer's Christmas Daddy: Holiday Daddy Doms, #1
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Jennifer's Christmas Daddy: Holiday Daddy Doms, #1

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Santa isn't the only one who knows a good girl when he sees one...


With no two-legged companions to share the holiday, veterinarian Jennifer Dane volunteers to take the Christmas shift at the clinic. She's got naughty books, a fridge full of treats, and some furry friends to keep her company. Things couldn't get much merrier. That is, until Kaden McLeod wrecks his car near the hospital, and it's Jennifer who patches the former military man up. In the process, it quickly becomes obvious that the two have a chemistry hot enough to singe mistletoe.


A daddy with all the best sugar for good girls, Kaden quickly earns Jennifer's trust and submission, making her purr like a kitten with his demanding but tender affection. But when an unwelcome visitor puts an end to their idyllic holiday, Kaden will be forced to do a little chasing in order to salvage the duo's New Year.

Release dateFeb 12, 2022
Jennifer's Christmas Daddy: Holiday Daddy Doms, #1

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    Jennifer's Christmas Daddy - Raisa Greywood





    Raisa Greywood LLC

    © 2019 Raisa Greywood LLC

    All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise - without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is unintended and entirely coincidental.

    Cover art by Wicked Smart Designs.

    Editing provided by Maggie Ryan.

    Ebook ISBN: 978-1-952596-36-0

    Print ISBN: 978-1-952596-05-6



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    A Valentine for Chelsea


    About Raisa Greywood

    Also by Raisa Greywood

    Wicked Truth - Minette Moreau


    Through the fogged window of a rural vet clinic, Miz Lulu peered at the woman she’d been assigned to watch. The snow fell hard, obscuring her vision, but thankfully didn’t mess with her best Sunday hat. That was one good thing about being dead. She wouldn’t ever have to worry about her hats being damaged by unruly weather.

    Whoo boy, it was cold as Beelzebub’s backside here, too. Lulu missed her Baton Rouge home something fierce. How did these northerners get around in such snow?

    She wiped the glass to clear it. The little girl inside the clinic was barely bigger than a minute, but she sure was a pretty thing. Lulu tutted under her breath. That girl needed herself a man, for sure.

    The file said Jennifer Dane was fast approaching her thirtieth birthday. She had no family to speak of, excepting for her no-account mama in Florida. Why, when Lulu was her age, she’d had a passel of kids, a good, God-fearing husband, and a boisterous house full of love and happiness. Jennifer had nothing but a clinic filled with other people’s pets and some tired decorations. No cakes or bourbon balls, or champagne punch…

    Her mouth watered at the thought of all the treats she’d never taste again. Patting her rounded midsection, she reminded herself that if she’d done a little less sampling of Miz Francine’s sinful amaretto cake and her ‘pray to Jesus’ punch, she might not be wandering around as an angel-in-training right now.

    Still, Jennifer was a good girl. She was sweet-natured and funny, and loved those mangy critters. She didn’t care none about what they were, neither. Jennifer was likely to doctor a possum like it was someone’s purebred dog, and she always had animal treats in her pockets.

    Clicking her tongue, she turned away from the clinic and floated away. By George, she’d find that little girl a man for Christmas, or her name wasn’t Lulabelle Penworthy.

    There was one problem, though. Where was she gonna find a man good enough for Jennifer in a raging snowstorm forty miles from anywhere?

    She followed the road leading to town. Most of her friends, other angels-in-training, earned points toward their wings by helping stranded motorists. It took forever to earn wings that way, but everybody did it. A stranded motorist was like a penny dropped into a jar. Though that path was a sure thing, it took a whole lot of them to amount to much, and Lulu had a better idea. Forget pennies, she was looking for a lottery win.

    True love. If she could get two folks together into the bonds of true love like she’d shared with her Remy, she’d get her wings.

    Lulu was about to give up when she saw headlights flashing ahead. In a blink, she was next to a car parked off the road, its engine whining as the driver tried to start it.

    Suddenly the car coughed and rumbled to life, and without Lulu’s help! She stood there, hands on her hips, as a man got out and brushed snow from the glass.

    The man wore snug jeans, the fabric tight over a gorgeous backside. Muscles on muscles swelled, making ripples in his sweater. He had dark hair cut very short, and was as pretty as a fallen angel. He had a few scars on his face, but if you asked her, they only added to his manly appeal.

    She fanned herself with a white-gloved hand. Whoo, sugar! You’re a tall drink of water, for sure.

    Sorry, Miz Lulu. Captain McCleod is mine.

    Lulu turned at the sound of her friend Devin’s voice. Devin had died young of the cancer, and he always looked frail, like a good gust of wind would blow him clean off his feet. He was the closest of all of them to getting his wings, but she didn’t hold that against him none. He deserved them, maybe more than the rest of the angels-in-training did.

    Lord knew she hadn’t been such a great candidate for wings when she’d first started, but Devin never missed a beat. Lulu reckoned when the cancer took you at seventeen, you didn’t mess around when it came to helping other folks find happiness.

    Aw, dang it. I was figuring on getting him started for a piece, then letting him break down at the animal clinic over yonder.

    Devin frowned. What for? Let him get somewhere warm.

    Biting her lip, Lulu looked at the man, then at Devin. An idea blossomed, but she wanted to make sure she wasn’t wasting her time. What’s your Captain McCleod about? she asked. Is he a good, upstanding gentleman you might introduce to a fine woman?

    The file says he’s a military hero, and saved a bunch of people from a bomb. I just took the case over, so I haven’t spent much time at it, but you know we don’t get files on underserving people.

    True. Is he married or got a girl somewhere?

    Devin grimaced. No. He had a girl, but they broke up today. And if you ask me, she didn’t deserve him. She was embarrassed that his face is a little scarred up.

    Damned stupid woman, if you ask me, she muttered, wincing as a trickle of icy snow dripped on her nose, punishment for her swear word. Sorry.

    Devin chuckled as the moisture dried. It’s okay. I agree with you.

    Coming to a decision, Lulu asked, What would you say if I told you my file is for a sweet little girl in that animal clinic? She’s all by herself on Christmas Eve.

    Looking doubtfully at his charge, Devin said, I dunno, Miz Lulu. He’s awfully angry right now.

    Leave everything to me, Lulu replied, a wide grin on her round face as she rubbed her hands together. We’re gonna make some true love happen.


    Kaden had no idea where he was going, but wherever it was, it was going to be far away from Montgomery, Vermont, and a certain red-haired snake of a woman.

    Looking back on things, he had to wonder what he’d seen in her. Sure, she was hot as fuck and had the right mixture of brat and sweet little girl that got his motor running, but when push came to shove, she wanted someone who looked good on her arm and catered to her whims.

    And Brittany Carter had a lot of whims that had turned into demands when she realized how much money he had. He’d made the mistake of mentioning his family home in The Hamptons when they’d started going out.

    Because he was lazy, or maybe just that stupid, he’d put up with

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