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About this ebook

For the past few decades, vampiress Erin Morana has mourned the death of her sire, Jon. She’s done her best to move forward, and now she’s renovating the mansion once used by a psychopathic vampire. Between her magic lessons with the mage Lazarus and the anticipation of the birth of her best friend’s baby, Erin has her hands full.

An attack on a dark street, however, changes everything. Now she’s caught in the middle of a fight she has little hope of winning, but she isn’t alone.

She’s never been alone.
Release dateJun 26, 2021

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    Devotion - Carys Seraphine


    Should something ever happen to me --

    No. Erin placed finger over her sire’s lips to silence him. He smiled. Don’t say that. Nothing will ever happen to you, Jon.

    Jon gently gripped her hand and kissed her fingertips before speaking. I hold no illusions, pet. I have enemies; many of us do. I just want you to be aware should anyone decide to take matters into their own hands.

    Erin wanted to go back to the mood from a few hours ago, when her sire had her pleading for release as he toyed and tormented her body in ways only he ever could.

    I know you don’t want to discuss these things, but it’s important. There are those who would gladly steal this from me, from us.

    Jon had been around far longer, so it made perfect sense the man would have many enemies. He’d never told her just how old he truly was, or how he’d amassed such an unpleasant following, and Erin had never dared to ask. She sighed and slumped back in her chair. She tried her best not to pout, but it wasn’t easy. Why couldn’t they just go on with their lives without worrying about such things?

    Jon chuckled and cupped the back of her neck, luring her into a drugging kiss that made her wish once more for a return to what her sire had dubbed their playroom.

    Later, pet, he murmured. I promise.

    Before Erin could reply, someone knocked on the front door of the house her sire had owned for countless years. Jon pressed a kiss to her lips and stood. Erin stayed put, not one to interfere in her sire’s private affairs.

    A moment later, Jon’s voice rose, as if he was agitated. Erin bit her lip when a slow but steady sense of anxiety crept through her. Then came a command, loud and clear, in her head: Run!

    Erin did, slipping into the secret entrance Jon had shown her years ago, hidden behind one of his many bookshelves. She ran down the cobwebbed corridor, forcing her fear down until she was safe. She couldn’t hear anything or anyone behind her. Just before she reached the safe room at the end, pain shot through her head in blinding waves. Erin bit back a cry and crumpled to her knees. Tears flowed down her cheeks as the connection to the man she loved more than anything in the world snapped without warning.

    Aware she had only a few feet to go, Erin forced herself to stand and stumbled toward the room. She sealed herself inside and fell again. Anguish more than anything she’d ever felt swept through her, tearing her heart into pieces.

    Somewhere, beyond the safe room, her sire lay dead at the hands of the enemies she’d tried to ignore.

    Chapter One

    Fifty years later…


    Erin Morana grinned and let her best friend, Dana Reid, into the newly renovated mansion. Like it?

    Dana wandered from room to room on the ground floor, stopped before Erin, and gave her a tight hug. Oh, my God. It’s gorgeous. I can’t feel even the slightest hint of Harlan Yates here.

    You can thank Lazarus and Jessie for that, Erin said. The mage and his lover had been instrumental in fixing the atmosphere of Yates’ house of horrors.

    Dana bumped Erin’s shoulder. From what I’ve heard, you’re no slouch in the magic department.

    Erin shrugged. I’m still learning. It’ll take years before I even come close to Jessie or Lazarus, but I love it.

    Dana nodded. She walked up the stairs, exploring more of the house. After their little group of vampires, demons, and mages had destroyed the last of Yates’ followers, Erin set about changing the house into an actual home for donors and vampires alike. She hated the word coven and chose to just call the place a safehouse instead. It was the kind of refuge she’d hoped Yates offered, only to find things under his rule vastly different and far from safe.

    Have you claimed a room yet? Dana called from the railing above.

    Not yet. Erin headed upstairs and met her friend. I’ve been sleeping in the library downstairs. Feels too… weird when I’m here alone.

    Dana nodded. I get that. If Saul hadn’t left his loft to me, I’d join you. Maybe I still will, though. I don’t know.

    You think Haez will care?

    Dana snorted. As long as we have our privacy, I don’t think he gives a damn. Of course, we’d need a second room for the baby when he gets here. Dana rested a hand on her belly. The child was the result of Dana’s previous boyfriend, not the demon she now dated. But after one of Yates’ offspring bit Dana, there was no telling how the child would turn out. Up to that point, Dana had solely been a psivamp, but now she and her baby were hybrids, though, thankfully, he would only need energy. As far as she knew, anyway.

    I’m sure we can arrange that, Erin said.

    The front door downstairs opened, and they both looked down.

    You should keep your door locked, my dear, Lazarus said by way of greeting. Many thought the mage to be a bit snobbish and coarse, but Erin liked him. He glanced up and waved. Good evening, ladies.

    Erin smiled and hurried down the stairs. If anyone else had seen the hug they shared, they wouldn’t believe it. Lazarus felt like a father, not the magical mentor he’d become to her. I’m sorry. Dana just got here, so I didn’t even think about it.

    Lazarus tsked but smiled. Noted, but please, lock the door at all times.

    I will, Erin said. I promise.

    Very good. Lazarus nodded at Dana as she came down the steps. I believe Haez is returning this evening.

    Dana’s eyes lit up, and she smiled. I know. She practically bounced. I need to go back to the loft before our gig. Then it’s showtime!

    Erin laughed as her friend left. Then she made a point of locking the front door. She turned to find Lazarus watching her. What?

    "Are you certain

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