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Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact
Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact
Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact
Ebook211 pages3 hours

Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact

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About this ebook

Our society is an ever-changing reflection of what we buy into—from our deepest fears to our greatest hopes, from the companies that fail to the ones that thrive.

If your business is on a mission to provide authentic value and achieve a positive impact, society doesn't just need you to think about sales and marketing. It needs you to be great at them.

Attention is hard to come by in today's hypercompetitive world. It takes real effort to earn it. Don't let companies that lack integrity continue to dominate the conversation.

Selling with Love is designed to shift your way of thinking about sales, unlocking your ability to further your mission without hesitation and without compromise. Achieve results and do it your way.

Once you know how to do it and you truly understand why it's so important, you'll be unstoppable in your growth and impact—and even more aligned with your core values.
Release dateFeb 15, 2022

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    Book preview

    Selling with Love - Jason Marc Campbell


    Earn with Integrity

    & Expand Your Impact

    Jason Marc Campbell

    copyright ©


    jason marc campbell

    All rights reserved.

    selling with love

    Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact


    ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁵⁴⁴⁵-²⁶⁸⁹-⁸ Hardcover

    ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁵⁴⁴⁵-²⁶⁸⁷-⁴ Paperback

    ⁹⁷⁸-¹-⁵⁴⁴⁵-²⁶⁸⁸-¹ Ebook

    I’d like to dedicate this book to my mother and father.

    They brought me into this world and shaped me into

    the man I am now. I am eternally grateful.



    Let’s Look at Sales from a Different Lens

    Why You Hate Sales

    The Case for Liking Sales

    A New Definition of Sales

    The Understanding of Value

    Let’s Start Talking about Love

    Love Your Impact

    Love Your Client

    Love Your Product

    Love Your Process

    Love Yourself



    About the Author


    Wow, I can’t believe how selfish you are by charging people so little for your event.

    I remember saying this as a guest on a podcast where the host was struggling to sell her event. She was shocked. She had never thought of herself as a selfish person. She was out there, doing her best to serve the people. Yet, as she explained to me the challenges she faced with selling tickets to her event, she also felt bad because she was struggling to stay true to her conflicting values. She wanted to pay the speakers a fair fee out of integrity. She recognized the value of their content. But she was barely breaking even already. She couldn’t run ads for her event, and she didn’t want to raise the price of her tickets. Her reason? I don’t want to make my fans pay too much.

    That’s where I was quick to intercept. To assume your fans are going to pay too much is to lack clarity on the impact you’ll be making on their lives. This comes from confusion on what problems you will solve for them and a lack of confidence in the product you’ll deliver. It’s also because as business owners, coaches, or salespeople, we often choose comfort over conversion.

    We talked some more. I explained to her that even though she was trying to be considerate to her fans, she wasn’t thinking about how to maximize their benefit from her event. If she had truly been understanding of their needs, she would’ve realized that it didn’t compromise her values at all to raise the fees of the speakers. If the ticket price increased, she could give her fans the best possible content, making her event worth the money. More importantly, a better event would justify the time and faith her fans had already decided to give to her. In the end, she realized that her event was incredible, her clients would get genuine transformation, and the impact would be incredible. We used her current internal struggles as a way to authentically communicate to her clients why the price for the event was about to go up—significantly.

    She still had weeks to go before the event started. A simple email was sent out to her list of potential buyers:

    "Hey, fans,

    As you know, I put together this event by making sure you get an amazing transformation and truly find the solutions to the struggles you face right now. As such, I’ve gone out and found some of the best speakers. I will be making sure they get paid well so they share their best content (as opposed to simply delivering a tease to their content and telling you to buy more). This is why I want to raise the price of the event. Because I care about bringing to you the best experience you’ve ever had at a live event, and I know this to be true. Now, because you are a fan, I’d love to give you one more chance to buy the last ten tickets at the current price. After this, prices will double, and it will still be a bargain for what you’ll be getting at the event. And if it’s a bargain you enjoy, then the best one you can get is by getting your ticket right now before I sell out. You don’t want to miss this, and as always, you can always get a refund by the end of the event if it wasn’t the best experience of your life."

    Not bad? She sold out the event. She was able to raise the prices, too. And from what I know, no one asked for a refund.

    This woman is one of many individuals and companies that have worked with me at solving a key issue: how do I continue to make the impact I want to make in the world and keep the integrity in my way of selling?

    People come to me usually with a sense of defeat. They started out with an idealistic view on how their business was going to be different. Yet, the pressures of the market have made it difficult. They are at a crossroads, thinking that their values must be compromised. They must start to sell in manipulative ways like the other people in their industry.

    I get excited when they come to me for help because I get to show them that there is another way. A better way. You can have it all.

    I’ve loved sales for as long as I can remember. From the very first jobs I had as a teenager until now, running a consulting company on sales and marketing, I’ve always had a strange love for selling. Everywhere I’ve worked, I’ve been referred to as the guy who can sell anything. Yet, the way I do it is a little different. It comes with a large portion of integrity. Call it a sense of humanity in the process. This is what I wish to show you along the way.

    Over the last decade, I’ve worked and been involved in some capacity with Mindvalley. This personal growth development company has been a big part of my journey. It’s where I’ve tested and refined my ideas on selling with love. It’s also helped me grow in so many ways through their personal growth programs. I use them as examples through this book not because they are a perfect organization (no one is). It is because so many moments have allowed me to apply what I teach in this book, which you’ll be able to learn from and apply in your life. I’ve been on the sales team and the executive team. I’ve run events and worked with the top authors in the personal growth space. Through these experiences and so many more, I find myself sharing this message with you.

    I’ve also been massively taken advantage of as an individual. I’m talking about being featured in an infomercial at a national level, giving support to an organization that scammed me. I’ve seen what sales can do at its worse.

    Yet my love for sales remains. I’m hoping to share the lessons from the good and the bad. All of it has wisdom to help you grow.

    When you see sales as the amazing tool that it is—a way of getting people to take action on what is genuinely believed to be a great investment for them—you can see it as a source of transformation in the world.

    Our society is a reflection of what has been sold to everyone, including all the ideas we endorse, the products we use, the services we subscribe to, the politicians who get elected, and the businesses that grow and thrive. Everything that is alive and growing in our social and economic spheres is a product of a sales pitch that was successful or not.

    I remember when the internet was becoming a mainstream thing. People were commenting on the glory of having access to all this new information. They were saying it would bring an end to salespeople. Yet, now we face a new problem that only salespeople can fill: we are overwhelmed with information. The salesperson helps the buyer make these decisions so they aren’t paralyzed in decision making.

    See, there’s nothing intrinsically good or bad about working in sales. At the end of the day, it’s a tool. But it’s also a skill that is now more powerful and necessary to the functioning of society than ever. If you have a beautiful vision for how you want to improve the world, it would be a grave mistake not to learn about sales.

    Now, if you’ve ever felt resistance to sell, maybe it’s because you freeze up about the idea of being an aggressive salesperson. Maybe you’ve seen your business fail to reach the growth it could experience, because you’d rather do everything else before selling. If that’s the case, this book is for you.

    You can only imagine how many business owners, coaches, and regular people I’ve met who hold themselves back because they think, Yeah, I just don’t like sales.

    We are all salespeople, whether we like it or not. Sales is the flow of the world. And when you embrace it as opposed to resist it, you’ll have much more alignment, abundance, and authenticity in who you are and in the impact you can make on this planet.

    This book was written with a goal in mind. See, when I went through my own encounters with sales, I had my good and bad experiences. One of the less fun rides, as you’ll learn in the book, landed me as the face of a national campaign in Canada, which prompted people to sign up to the same scam I was duped by. It left me feeling so furious and led me to get extremely passionate about one thing:

    If more people who are working at doing great things in the world learn to sell properly, we will finally get to see that world emerge faster than ever.

    By the end of this book, you’ll have hopefully learned what changes need to happen within yourself to get rid of any guilt or shame from your sales experiences, because you’ll know that you are truly making an impact and serving the client. And when you get there, everything will change for the better.

    I want you to imagine the following way of doing sales. Imagine that you have become absolutely clear on your potential impact. If you are an entrepreneur, you are clear on what happens to the world when your business grows. You know what happens to the people who work for you, the message you spread, and the products you sell. I’m talking about every single stakeholder in the process.

    Let’s use Mindvalley as an example. I’ve had the chance to be a part of the organization for seven years. I’m very proud to have been a part of the goal they set from the start: to positively impact one billion people through transformational education.

    How did we translate this into the way we did business? Well, it required a mindset shift. Revenue and profits of course are necessary, yet during a strategy meeting, we would start with purpose, values, and mission. Starting with this ensured that every decision made would answer the ultimate question: Why? Why do anything? The answer: to support the impact goal of reaching one billion people.

    It would make everyone focus on solving true problems in our industry. For example, online learning had a very low rate of success for people who paid and enrolled. How do we fix that? We initiated product innovations that would make this improvement happen and be measurable. This attitude would trickle down the organization so we would all be empowered to think this way. Impact first.

    Every time I got a chance to work on a project, I’d have clarity of purpose on why it was important to deliver at a high quality. Everything I did mattered. I’ve launched products that generated millions of dollars. I’ve worked with incredible teams to sell out one-month-long events in cities such as Barcelona and Tallinn. It’s been truly an honor to be a part of this team to make it happen.

    Can you imagine the power you have when you take the time to sell to your employees with love? You inspire them to deliver their best; you get them engaged. You recruit the best.

    This also translated in how clients would purchase. Sales numbers would skyrocket as everything was tied to a grand vision. A purpose. Buyers had an understanding of the movement and impact that fueled every dollar they spent.

    Through this book, I’ll share more about how important this clarity of impact is and how it will translate to feeling amazing about every sale you make.

    With this clarity, you explode in motivation to do what is required to grow. That is a love-based reason for existence. And you’ll learn how to love your impact, too.

    Now let’s look at the individual customer/client/buyer. Imagine being so crystal clear on who this person is and what they are looking for. Imagine you know their daily struggles, their fears, their aspirations, their limitations, and their potential. You know what they dream about. And you absolutely know the problems they have and how motivated they are to see themselves without that problem.

    I can only think of my client Lucy. She is a mother of a nineteen-year-old, yet her relationship with her daughter isn’t as good as she would hope. She owns a small flower shop that is doing okay, but it’s hard work. She loves watching the movie The Secret and is very aware of the law of attraction. She has, however, felt like the law of attraction has never really worked the

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