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In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
Ebook95 pages1 hour

In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...

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A story about the intertwining of destinies, different eras and rebirths. And also this story is about the girl who found out that she was not human.

Excerpts from the book:

... And then, the other day, there were those very events that changed the life of young Williams. It all started with the fact that Lucia decided to see Leon in the late afternoon. She knew that he liked to walk along the coast at this time, and headed there.
Approaching the coast, Lucia suddenly heard a strange sound, like an electric crackle.
Pushed forward by strange feelings, the girl moved closer to the source of the sound. She saw what appeared to be a light purple energy barrier. Several young girls passed by the ‘barrier’: they laughed merrily and did not notice its at all.
“I must be dreaming...” Williams decided, realizing the unrealism of what was happening. “And in a dream, as it is known, you can do anything. So I can pass through this barrier.”
And the young lady, obeying an incomprehensible impulse of feelings, resolutely stepped forward. While passing through the ‘barrier wall’, she felt a slight electrical tingling and... Leon appeared before her eyes, talking about something with an unfamiliar fair-haired girl.
Lucia felt curious and hid behind one of the massive coastal rocks that lay in abundance around. Leon's words reached her sensitive ears:
“Marianna... I didn't expect to see you here.”
The stranger, whose name was Marianna, snorted in displeasure and replied:
“I remember how I killed you a year ago... How did you manage to survive?”
“Did you seriously think it was that easy to kill a Pixie? I have told you several times before that this is not so.”
Lucia, watching from her hiding place at such a strange scene, was completely sure that she was dreaming. “I'm definitely asleep,” she decided. “Strange barriers, some kind of pixies... It’s all a dream!”
The girl wanted to leave, but, alas, an incident happened. She accidentally stepped on a dry branch that had fallen earlier from a short tree that grew nearby. The branch crackled. Leon and Marianna, distracted from their conversation and turned their eyes to the source of the sound.
“Lucia?” Leon said in amazement when he saw the troublemaker trying to sneak away unsuccessfully. “How did you manage to get into subspace?”
“Subspace?” Williams asked incredulously.
In her mind, the thought that it was all the dream became even stronger.
Meanwhile, the mysterious Marianna asked her interlocutor, pointing at Lucia with her eyes:
“Is this really the same girl for the sword of Caliburn, about which we heard vague rumors? I expected more... But anyway, I won't just let her go!”
In the hands of the mysterious person, as if by magic, a long spear with a wide silvery tip suddenly appeared. And she quickly rushed towards Lucia...

Release dateFeb 1, 2022
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Book preview

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story That Began a Long Time Ago... - Elena Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer.

    Book 1.

    Sword of Legends and the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Elena Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Written by Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2020 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover - Image by peter_pyw from Pixabay

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 1. Sword of Legends and the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Prologue. Past


    Part 1. The Sword from the Legends

    Chapter 1. Pixie and Fand. Leanan sidhes

    Chapter 2. The Sacred Sword

    Part 2. Genesis 1

    Chapter 3. The Past. Octavia and Rin

    Chapter 4. The Past. Aruru's Diary. Danu's Diary

    Chapter 5. The Past. Leon from Cornwall

    Part 3. The Agony

    Chapter 6. The Queen and the Nun-Galene

    Chapter 7. Avalon. Lost memories. Lachesis — ‘the Fate’


    Lucia lived a normal life. Almost normal, except for a few family oddities. But one day her life changed a lot — she saw a battle between her friend Leon and the girl Marianna. And Lucia found out that she wasn't really human at all. And from now on, she is drawn into the centuries-old conflict of the cosmic races: the Leanan Sidhes and the Ishtars, the causes of which are hidden in the mists of time...

    This story is fiction and any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    The characters of mythology are also changed: their characters, relationships and family ties are fiction. This story is completely fiction.

    Prologue. Past

    In ancient times, there was one now forgotten myth about how young men and women who came from Heaven took daughters and sons from the human race as wives and husbands.

    And from these marriages were born those who were called Pixies1.

    But the legends do not mention the children who were born from the Pixies and the girls or young men of the human race connected with them by the blood.

    Children whose bodies decayed alive every two moons, and whose flesh was restored again...

    Doomed to a life of eternal pain and suffering...

    The unfortunate children, doomed to almost immortality, received the name ‘Nagas’2, because they shed their skin like snakes, and it appeared again.

    451 AD, England

    The lands that would become known in the future as the county of Cornwall in Britain were located in the southwest of the British Isle. In the past, during the reign of the Celts, these lands were inhabited by the Dumnones tribe. During the years of Roman rule3, Cornwall underwent minimal Romanization, and all its economic activity was limited to the extraction of tin and its export through small ports.

    The Dumnones retained their usual way of life and their rulers, who then became the kings of Dumnonia (as these lands were called in the Celtic manner). But there was another name, this time of Saxon origin — Cornwall.

    Cornwall was washed by the English Channel in the southeast, and the Celtic Sea in the northwest.

    Compared to the rest of the island, the weather conditions were the most mild and sunny, and frosts in winter were rare. But the summer was not at all as warm as it might seem at first glance. And the rains were frequent guests in these places.

    ... With the fall of Roman rule at the beginning of the century, a number of independent regions formed in Britain. Kings and lairds, some of whom converted to Christianity, and others still loyal to pagan Celtic traditions, often fought each other for lands. For, everyone sought to expand their possessions.

    Laird Neil Phelan4, set up his ‘castle’ in a former Roman fort. It should be noted that, despite its impressive age, the building was distinguished by its quality factor, and its walls, if necessary, protected from enemies.

    Neil lived here with his beloved wife Rowena, widow of Laird Agro, whose estates were located nearby.

    As soon as the Laird died of a cold (which he caught during a military campaign) twenty years ago, Phelan, who had long been in love with the beautiful Rowena5, proposed to her. And having endured mourning for decency, the Lady became his wife.

    Neil loved his wife so much that he even took care of her daughter from her first marriage, Mavella6, who at that time was barely four years old.

    The Laird sincerely became attached to the girl and treated her like his own daughter. Mavella herself also treated him like a father.

    However, the deities sent Neil and Rowena another child. And about a year after the wedding, in due time, they had a son, who was named Leon7.

    Leon grew up as an active and intelligent child, with blue eyes and wonderful golden hair.

    Later, the Laird had a daughter from his mistress. The girl was named Jonah. A few years ago, she successfully married one of her father's warriors, Nevlin.

    ...Because Neil did not have other sons, he intended in the future to declare his son from the legal marriage as his heir.

    And entrusted his upbringing to the court magician Taranis8. He taught the boy various sciences, military affairs, strategy and the use of the sword.

    Several years ago, they left Phelan Castle and went on a journey at the urging of Taranis. The young man's father initially opposed this, but the magician motivated by the fact that it would not hurt the heir to learn about the world outside the castle. The Laird finally agreed, and Leon, along with his teacher, went on the journey.

    ... And now, a few years later, on a wonderful spring day, when everything around comes to life, and the aromas of field herbs and melt water are in the air, the travelers returned to Phelan Castle.

    Taranis hastened to appear before the Laird to announce his arrival. And young Leon, despite court decency, hastened not to meet his father, but to search for his beloved older sister Mavella. She was a pagan Priestess (Christianity had little influence in Phelan's land).

    And she always got along well with her younger brother.

    Mavella, being not Neil's own daughter, could not claim his lands or other privileges. But still, the Laird successfully married her several years ago to one of his closest neighbors, Laird Boyd, and gave her

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