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In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...
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In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...

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Stories from different centuries are intertwined...

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Leon, indeed, was soon found by the Leanan sidhes. He told Danu, Kernunn and Vivianna about what had happened. They, having learned that Horus had taken Lucia, froze, unable to believe what was happening. It all seemed like a bad dream.
“My daughter is in the hands of Ishtars?” Danu exclaimed, overwhelmed by a sense of anger and the realization of her own powerlessness. “How could this happen?”
Memories flooded over her. Memories that were too painful... Once upon a time, long before the birth of Lucia, Danu had another daughter — Brigita, born from one of the Leanan sidhes. But the girl died during one of the attacks of the Ishtars, and her soul was captured. Danu could not recover for a long time after this. And still didn't like to talk about it. At such moments, she had the feeling that old wounds were reopened, the image of Brigita rose before her eyes...
“Calm down, Danu,” Vivianna tried to reason rationally. “If the Ishtars wanted to kill Lucia, they would have done it right away. So they need her alive.”
“For what? For interrogation? But she knows next to nothing!” the woman was holding back her tears with difficulty. “Or for blackmail? They want to make some kind of deal with us? Either way, we have to save Lucia! We need to gather a squad and go with an assault on the Ishtar point!”
Nobody knew what to answer. Leon sat with his eyes downcast. No one blamed him for what happened, knowing full well about Horus' fighting skills. But he himself reproached himself for not being able to save Lucia...
There was silence in Danu's office, where everyone had gathered. Suddenly, an unfamiliar female voice broke the silence:
“Lucia is no longer on Earth, she is already on her way to the Ishtar planet. But you don't have to worry...”
Turning around, everyone saw with amazement... Clotho! Everyone froze, unable to utter a word.
Finally, Leon, who did not participate in scientific research, and therefore had never seen Clotho, asked:
“Danu, who is she?”
“She is Clotho, created by the Ishtars...” she replied.
“What? But didn’t the Ishtars ban those experiments because they thought they were too dangerous?” the Pixie wondered. “They even destroyed all the research results!”
Danu briefly told him how the Leanan sidhes found Clotho's capsule. The very culprit of the anxiety, all this time, calmly stood and listened to their conversation. When the scientist finished speaking, Clotho said:
“Lady Danu said everything correctly. From myself I can add that I really should have been deprived of my life. But my creator spared me and hid me from everyone. Other Ishtars think that I have been dead for a long time... No one knew about my existence until recently, except for my creator. Until the Leanan sidhes found me...”
Silence reigned in the room. Danu, having recovered a little from her astonishment, asked questions that worried her:
“Okay, let's say... But explain how you were able to leave the capsule? And if you could get out of it, why did you stay in it all this time and transmit some strange frequencies? What made you show up now? What do you know about Lucia? What is your real name? After all, ‘Clotho’ is the name of the project, isn't it?”
“Quite right,” the mysterious person replied. “My real name is Saya. Let me tell you everything in order...”

Release dateFeb 1, 2022
In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago...

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Book preview

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story That Began a Long Time Ago... - Elena Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer.

    Book 2.

    Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Elena Kryuchkova

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Written by Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2020 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover — Image by mskathrynne from Pixabay

    In Search of the Land of the Goddess of Summer. Book 2. Ancient Entities and the Continuation of the Story that Began a Long Time Ago...

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Part 4. Genesis 2

    Chapter 8. The Past. Leon and Marianna

    Chapter 9. The Past. Prometheus. Clotho — ‘the Spinner’

    Chapter 10. The Past. Story of the Netiro Family

    Chapter 11. The Past. Golden Dawn, Forbidden City

    Part 5. The Land of the Goddess of Summer

    Chapter 12. Orio. Caliburn

    Chapter 13. Atropos. The Ishtar Palace

    Chapter 14. The Land of the Goddess of Summer



    Lucia lived a normal life. Almost normal, except for a few family oddities. But one day her life changed a lot — she saw a battle between her friend Leon and the girl Marianna. And Lucia found out that she wasn't really human at all. And from now on, she is drawn into the centuries-old conflict of the cosmic races: the Leanan Sidhes and the Ishtars, the causes of which are hidden in the mists of time...

    This story is fiction and any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    The characters of mythology are also changed: their characters, relationships and family ties are fiction. This story is completely fiction.

    Part 4. Genesis 2

    Chapter 8. The Past. Leon and Marianna

    From the memoirs of Leon Phelan Calder. England, late 5th century AD according to the chronology of the planet Marine from the Sol'A System (Earth from the Solar System).

    The ability to change gender, like the rest of the Leanan sidhes and Pixies, manifested itself in me at the age of sixteen. Then Taranis brought me to Caliburn and told me the whole truth.

    I remember when Taranis told me everything (that he was my father, about Leanan sidhes and Pixies), I stared dumbfounded at him.

    Don't look like that, he said, probably feeling uncomfortable under my gaze.

    I can't believe you are my father. And that you're not human… I said in confusion.

    You're not human either, came the reply.

    Why didn’t you tell me this earlier? I asked.

    As I already said, the birth rate among the Leanan sidhes is strictly limited.

    Ah, right...

    For me, this news was a real shock!

    Taranis explained to me that my body had not yet fully developed. Therefore, I cannot reach the highest level of synchronization with Caliburn. And until this happens (the development of the body will be completed by the age of twenty), Taranis cannot officially recognize me as his child. Until then, I will continue to live on Earth as an ‘ordinary human’. An ‘ordinary human’ who can turn into a man or a woman at will! Quite ‘usually’...

    Taranis said that if I couldn't use Caliburn effectively, I would live among humans for the rest of my life.

    However, that didn't bother me much. All my life I considered Neil Phelan my father, and I was satisfied with the life of an Earthly man.

    I did not hesitate to share these thoughts with Taranis. He answered me:

    You don't have to treat me like a father even if you enter the ranks of the Leanan sidhes. The main thing for us is your synchronization with Caliburn. Therefore, I was always so demanding of you in study and training. It is important that you are well trained in the basic sciences and swordsmanship.

    All this time, I was just an instrument, right? I realized. But, oddly enough, I didn't feel offended. Somehow, I didn't care.

    Taranis was silent.

    Am I an instrument? I repeated.

    You can say that… he finally answered.

    But even if he did not answer, everything became clear anyway...

    We could not get closer spiritually. I always perceived him as a teacher: after all, it was he who taught me the sciences and the art of swordsmanship. Yes, I respected him as a teacher. But, as a father, I could not accept him.

    Shortly after that conversation with Taranis, we set off to wander around Britain.

    About six months later, in the spring, it was time for the pagan festival, Beltane.

    Taranis thought this would be a good test of my strength. He invited me to take part in the festival.

    On Beltane, the hunter needs to kill a deer. And the one who can do it will receive the blessings of the Hunter-Maiden.

    I was able to kill the deer. I hoped to meet Mavella at the festival, for she used to be a Hunter-Maiden. But I didn't see her. Instead, another Priestess blessed me.

    Taranis, when we left the place of the festival the next day, said to me:

    Still, I’m surprised you managed to kill the deer!

    Why are you surprised? I was indignant.

    You have always been lazy in your studies, therefore, such a result on the hunt was a pleasant surprise for me!

    Sorry for exceeding your expectations, I frowned.

    For some reason, the feeling that the Hunter-Maiden was not just replaced at the festival did not leave me. And as it turned out later, my feelings were not groundless...

    After several years of wandering, we returned to Phelan Castle. And I was finally able to meet my beloved sister Mavella. In fact, all my life, I loved her not quite like a sister... But of course, I hid these forbidden feelings.

    For a while, I even tried to direct my attention to the wife of one of my father's warriors, pretending to love her. Everyone believed in it, although for me she was just a friend.

    ... Upon returning home, I learned that Mavella had married Laird Boyd. He was a good and honest person. They had a daughter, Marianna. Although, Mavella came to Phelan Castle very often, because she was the Priestess of the old deities. And the sanctuary where she performed the rituals was in the lands of Phelan, not far from the Castle.

    As soon as I saw Marianna and the bandages on her body, I immediately guessed that her condition was the result of my childhood mistake.

    By that time, I already knew about the Nagas — Taranis told me about them.

    Nagas have a genetic error that is formed due to the mixing of the blood of a Pixie and a Fand, which is closely related to this Pixie (that is, like Mavella

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