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School in the Little Town
School in the Little Town
School in the Little Town
Ebook418 pages5 hours

School in the Little Town

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About this ebook

Alexandra Da Palau, a teen girl who had just graduated from a favorite high school in the big city, died on her school farewell night, and then the people who were close to her were terrorized.
Her boyfriend was kidnapped and killed. Then Alexander Da Palau, her younger brother, even her mother experienced various threats and intimidations. So, to anticipate the worst, Alex was forced to continue his High school education in the small town of his grandfather's hometown.
But what happens when the terror against him continues?
How can Alex overcome the terror that threatens his safety while his new simple friends can not expect to help him either?
It is a story about Alexander Da Palau, a high school student who teaches the Drug Cartel not to underestimate the trivial when they hunt him down in a simple school in a little town.

Release dateFeb 27, 2022
School in the Little Town

Yusak Kantadjaya

I’m Indonesian author.I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, and work also as script writer, producer and director tv programs.

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    Book preview

    School in the Little Town - Yusak Kantadjaya

    School in the Little Town

    2022 © Yusak Kantadjaya

    All rights reserved.

    Published by Yusak Kantadjaya at Smashwords

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    I dedicate this novel to my beloved wife and daughter:

    Tarotji Tjung and Brigitta Natasha.


    to my beloved father and late mother:

    Buntaran Kantadjaya and Lidya Permatasari,

    The most special two Personals give me the freedom to choose a field of study that I am interested in I finish high school.

    Thank you very much for supporting me with your

    understanding, attention, and love.

    Special thanks to my special friend since we are still teenagers until now:

    Johannes Masehi,

    who is often helped me to discuss and review my stories.

    And for my excellent friend.

    Gular Cahjadi,

    Cover designer this novel.


    Today modern society prefers and admires something big, majestic, and fantastic. So little things and ordinary tend to become underestimated.

    Today, modern society prefers and admires something big, majestic, and fantastic, so small things and ordinary tend to become underestimated.

    It is the same in education, especially in the little towns that will be ignored if have no achievement great.

    For some people, now the small town is more often just needed as a retreat place.

    They think about the small town when they miss enjoying life with the little things. To them, the small city is identical to breathing fresh air in the morning, feeling the grass between your toes, listening to birds singing, and enjoying the beautiful sunset.

    However, this novel is the story of a group of high school students in a small town who are 'lost' in an adventure they never imagined they would experience.

    And the story begins when Alexander Jeremiah Palau, a very handsome teenager whose accompaniments his mother, comes to a hospital in the early morning.It is the same in education, especially in little towns. There is ignoring if have no achievement's great.

    For some people, now the little town is more often just needed as a retreat place. So, they think about the little town when they miss enjoying life with the little things.

    For them, the little town is identical to breathing fresh air in the morning, feeling the grass between your toes, listening to birds singing, and enjoying the beautiful sunset.

    However, this novel is the story of a group of high school students in a small town who are 'lost' in an adventure they never imagined they would experience.

    They seemed to want to remind their fellow generations and modern society's era now to respect something that looked little, simple, and not extraordinary.

    And the story of this novel begins when Alexander Jeremiah Palau, a very handsome teenager whose accompaniments his mother, comes to a hospital in the early morning.

    Happy reading.

    Warmest regards,

    Yusak Kantadjaya.


    Chapter One

    Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself,

    quoted (George Bernard Shaw).

    Alexander Jeremiah Palau is a very handsome teenager.

    He seemed hurried when he and his mother entered the hospital in the early hours of the morning.

    Lexy. Let us hurry! shouted Karin Irina Palau, her mother, who is so pretty.

    She seemed to slip when she got out of her car because she was in such a hurry to get to the Emergency Room of a downtown hospital.

    So, Alex felt the need to comfort his mother while helping her up.

    Feeling very anxious and worried, Karin came to this hospital because she received information that Sandra, the older sister of Alex, had been rushed to this hospital in an unconscious state.

    She looked at the watch on his left hand: it was 2:00 in the morning, so no wonder the hospital was so quiet.

    The two of them immediately entered and walked quickly to the doctor on duty.

    Then the two immediately followed the instructions given by a doctor and the guard, those on duty. It made it easier for Karin and Alex to find their destination.

    However, Karin immediately looked very nervous and more worried when she saw Linda, the best friend of Sandra, and her other friends, who looked crying.

    So, Karin stopped for a moment and took a deep breath because she felt uncomfortable and tense.

    What's wrong with Sandra, Mrs. Lena? Where is Sandra now? How is she? Karin asked Magdalena, her daughter's homeroom teacher.

    Feelings of worry, anxiety and fear clouded Karin's mind, who was worried about her daughter.

    Her feelings of panic grew even more when she saw two paramedics visibly pushing coffins while a nurse came out of the emergency room and give information to waiting families, who responded with hysterical voices and sobs from several people who seemed to understand that the information they received was a bad sign for them.

    Amid the sudden commotion, Karin, Alex, and Mrs. Lena peeked into the open emergency room to find out Sandra's condition.

    However, they received information that Sandra had been moved to the ICCU.

    What happened to my daughter, she has no history of heart disease, Doctor?

    On arrival, the patient has difficulty breathing, is pale, and has a very weak pulse and heart rate, ma'am.

    Linda, what happened to Sandra? Karin asked her daughter's friend as they rushed to the ICCU room.

    "Tonight, before the farewell party ends, Sandra goes to the toilet, Aunt. But long time no return. Even though Sandra must be ready to sing again.

    So I went to the toilet to pick her up, and in the toilet, I found Sandra lying on the floor, and she was convulsing, Aunty."

    Meanwhile, in the ICCU room, a doctor looked very concerned about Sandra, who was lying weak with a very weak pulse.

    He asks the doctor who first treated Sandra about her condition when she came.

    "When she came in, the patient was very pale and the pupils of her eyes had shrunk.

    The first aid given is to resuscitate the patient because the eyes of the patient are closed, and there is no response when examined.

    She doesn't even react to light."

    Pulse and heart rate?

    Her pulse and heart rate are very weak even though first aid has been given to her. There is a note on her heart record status.

    Look, there is swelling on her lips. This is an indication of possible poisoning.

    According to a friend who brought the patient, when the patient was found, it was like shortness of breath.

    Something containing poison may have entered her stomach, then absorbed by the blood and binding oxygen. So, the oxygen supply produced by her blood could not be distributed to all of her organs.

    By peering through the open door as a doctor came out, and another doctor entered, Karin could see the tension of the doctors whose treating her daughter. A doctor looked very serious looking at one monitor and operating several other devices nearby.

    The waiting room in front of the ICCU room, which felt very cold in the morning, make a tense atmosphere in the hearts of Linda and some of her friends, who seemed to be on guard very tense.

    Part of them seems to fall asleep on a bench or floor from exhaustion.

    Have you all told your parents that you are here?

    Yes, Auntie.

    Miss Lena, excuse me. Alex and I will find food outside for all of us.

    No need, Auntie. Thank you, said Linda.

    Let me just look for food, mama, suggested Alex.

    Let me, Aunty, suggested Nelson, Sandra's boyfriend, who then went looking for food and drink, accompanied by Alex.

    But they were not far yet when Miss Lena shouted for Nelson, and when the two returned, the situation had changed.

    Karin looked sitting on the floor and crying, with Miss Lena embracing her.

    Meanwhile, Linda seemed to be crying with tears in her eyes.

    Lexy, your older sister, is gone, Karin said after Alex approached her.

    She hugged Alex while crying.

    "Your sister has left us, Lexy.

    She died, my son. Your sister left without us having a chance to meet and see her one last time.

    God, why so soon? Why did something like this have to happen to my daughter, God?

    Patience Mrs. Karin, patience. Mrs. Karin must be strong, said Mrs. Lena while hugging Karin, then they both cried.

    Sandra, Sandra... we were both still singing goodbye together a few hours ago, and now we were apart for good. Why did you leave so soon, Sandra, lamented Linda who then was hugged by her friends who now also looked crying.

    Sandra, leave me, this strange last message via WhatsApp, and it turns out to be his last message, Miss Lena, said Linda tearfully.

    I don't fully understand the meaning of this message, but I feel there is a deep feeling of love from her for me, her closest friend, said Linda, crying and showing last WA from Sandra for herself.

    "Linda, my dear friend. Our friendship has brought me into a new world. Yes, a new world seems to exist after we meet and establish a relationship.

    A friendship that will never end, even after one of us has to end our life in this world.

    Linda, roadblocks may soon be in your way. As I found now. But don't be afraid.

    We just need to be smarter than them.

    The obstacles that stand in your way may be very different from the obstacles that stand in my way.

    But because they're not smart enough, they can't see what we can do.

    This is your time to shine. It is not up to anyone else. But up to us to be who we want to be.

    This is your time, Linda.

    Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. Again, this is your time, Linda.

    With love, Hello Kitty, your friend who loves you very much. Sandra."

    Do you know what Sandra means, Linda? What is an obstacle that stands in her way? Asked Miss Lena to Linda, who answered by shaking her head.

    It's okay, we don't fully understand how Sandra felt when she sent that message. But is good to keep messages from good friends. Not only in your heart but on your phone too.

    Yes, Miss Lena, said Linda while continuing to cry.

    Meanwhile, Alex sat quietly, looking very sad.

    Sister Sandra, so last night you helped me until midnight to do my math homework, that is the last one, Sis, and I have no opportunity to repay your kindness to me, Alex thought while remembering how kind his older sister was.

    Often in the afternoon, little Sandra invites herself, who is also a child, to enjoy ice cream at the food court near her house.

    Little Sandra is very responsible for looking after little Alex, who enjoys ice cream until his mouth is covered in ice cream.

    Alex also remembers, that when he was in middle school, he was invited by Karin, who has already in high school, to go to the Optic Counter.

    Alex was asked to choose glasses frames for his older sister, and then Alex put them on her beautiful face of Sandra.

    Beautiful sis. You are getting more beautiful like mama, said Alex.

    But expensive, Lexy. I don't have enough money.

    Add my money, Sis, said Alex, then took out his wallet from his trouser pocket.

    No, no! Thanks, Lexy. Just find a cheap one. I want to try that one, Sis, her older sister said to the shopkeeper.

    If I wear this one, how about it?

    Sweet too, but cool earlier, Sis.

    But it's cheaper, Lexy.

    It's a little different, sis.

    It's quite different, Lexy. We can use it to buy more books that you like earlier, whispered Sandra.

    Oh, thank you, sis, said Alex, who then smiled at his older sister, who smiled back with her sweet smile.

    Alex, is it still, that there are family members who need to be contacted to be informed about this situation? Asked Miss Lena, which broke Alex's daydream.

    Yes, Miss. My grandfather, Miss. An interior designer and glass painter, who is here on vacation.

    If Alex has his number, please let me know.

    Here, Miss. His name is Rudolf Benjamin Palau.

    Lena seemed to be typing the phone number she saw on Alex's cell phone. Then stood up, walked away, and made a call.

    Sandra Gracia Palau's family! called a nurse gently, but enough to make Linda and her friends startled, then immediately stood up.

    Karin also stood up even though she looked very weak. She stood next to Alex and Linda, who helped her up. Meanwhile, Miss Lena is also looking approaching.

    I'm her mother, nurse.

    Excuse me, do you need a wheelchair, ma'am?

    No need, nurse. Thank you, Karin said, biting her lip, then drooped weakly and fell unconscious.


    Linda also fainted, so two gurneys were immediately prepared to evacuate the two.

    The situation was getting tenser when the door to the ICU room which was not far from the ICCU room opened wide from the inside, and a nurse came out to give announcements.

    Mrs. Ruth Andersen's family! Please come in and go straight to the back. This information directly made some of them hysterical and cry.

    It seems that such a notification has been understood as a bad omen by them. So, they immediately rushed to the ICU in a hurry.

    The flash of lightning and the sound of thunder followed by heavy rain seemed to give indicate, that nature was in mourning. And Alex seemed to see Sandra, his older sister, passing by very quickly.

    "Sis Sandra, why are you leaving us so quickly?

    I still need you, Sis. I will miss you.

    Also, Mom. We are so sad, Sis, and I still can't believe you were gone forever," Alex lamented in her heart.

    After morning,

    Their crying got louder when the parents of Sandra's friend came and tried to calm the crying of their children. But their parents even cry.

    They were all lost in sorrow.

    They seem not to believe that Sandra is now gone.

    They find it very difficult to accept the fact that Sandra, who was so kind, cheerful, and very polite to her friends' parents, is now no longer with them for good.

    When the thunder was so loud, with clothes soaking wet from the rain, Nelson, Sandra's boyfriend, came with lots of food packages.

    He seemed to come to Alex and hand over a box of rice.

    Thanks bro Nelson. I'm not hungry.

    Eat Alex. You haven't eaten since last night. I was worried you'd be sick, said Miss Lena.

    When it's noon,

    in one corner of the waiting room, Alex was seen waiting for his mother to wake up, accompanied by Miss Lena, Nelson, Linda, and Sandra's other friends, who still faithfully accompanied him in grief and confusion.

    But the waiting room suddenly became very crowded when suddenly there was a commotion.

    From inside the Intensive Care Unit there was a scream of someone cursing a nurse, who rushed out and asked the security guard to calm the patient, who angrily demanded an immediate lethal injection.

    "I had gallstones but didn't get treatment right away.

    I just asked to be given antibiotics immediately, but so far ignored them!

    Is it because I am a poor patient?"

    A doctor came to explain that he was still under observation.

    "But this is an unnatural period of observation, Doctor.

    I'm already very sick," she complained, whose emotions subsided after the doctor gave her very patient understanding.

    His wife, who had left the room when her husband was angry and asked him to find another hospital, now seemed brave to approach and calmed him down.


    Alex was confused because he didn't know what to do with the sadness he was feeling right now.

    He seemed to change when in the distance he saw his grandfather coming.

    The arrival of Rudolf, his grandfather, seemed to attract many people because of his long, shoulder-length white hair, making him look like a hero figure in action movies.

    Grandpa...! Alex shouted as he ran to meet his grandfather, then was looked sobbing in his grandfather's tight arms who were also seen crying.

    What happened to Sandra, my granddaughter, mother? Rudolf asked to miss Lena.

    Last night was a farewell night for Sandra and her classmates, and at a farewell party, a friend of Sandra's found Sandra convulsing and passing out in the toilet. Doctors indicated she was suffering from poison ivy.

    Is there a friend, who is also into poison ?

    Nothing, sir.

    So, she is the only one who was poisoned, said Rudolf.

    Excuse me, I want to get some information from the doctor, said Rudolf, who then went to the doctor, who was passing by.

    What happened to Sandra Gracia, my granddaughter, Doctor? asked Rudolf, who was then led into a room.

    "When your granddaughter got here, she was already in a convulsive state.

    We did first aid and did a series of emergency checks and an EKG. Because your granddaughter's heart rate is very weak."

    So, what was the real cause of death, Doc?

    To find out the exact cause of your granddaughter's unnatural death, further examination must be carried out, namely an autopsy which can only be done if there are no objections from the family. sir family.

    Are any of his friends also brought here with indications of poisoning, Doctor?

    Nothing, sir.

    That means only my granddaughter fell victim to the poisoning.

    "We have information that this case has been reported to the police.

    So, the police maybe soon will ask permission from the family for an autopsy due to the unnatural death of your granddaughter."

    Well, we will talk about that first, Doc, said Rudolf, who then looked to walk unsteadily. Then was immediately approached by Alex.

    Then together with Miss Lena, they met Karin who was resting in the inpatient room.

    Dad, Sandra is dead, Dad. Sandra is dead, Karin complained.

    Yes, Karin. Yes. Accept it as reality. Even though it must be very bitter and hurt you, said Rudolf quietly while holding his daughter's arm.

    It hurts, Daddy. It hurts so bad.

    Cry, Karin. Cry, because your tears and crying will reduce the pain in your heart, Karin, comforted Rudolf, who understood how much his only daughter loves Sandra, even though Sandra is not her flesh and blood.

    You have to be strong Karin, you have to be strong so that Alex is strong too, whispered Rudolf while holding Karin's hand when the hearse they were traveling in arrived at the cemetery.

    Nature seems to be grieving through the gentle drizzle and thick cloudy skies.

    A condition that makes the atmosphere of the cemetery feel very gray.

    The sound of the hearse siren, whose roar broke the silence, was replaced by the sobs of Sandra's friends, several teachers, and several parents who were already waiting in the cemetery area.

    There is a large tent that provides shelter.

    Some of Sandra's teachers and friends couldn't hold back the tears anymore when they saw Alex, Sandra's sister, walking in front of a photo of her brother smiling sweetly with two deep dimples.

    The atmosphere was even more touching when Karin was walking behind her daughter's coffin, the fingers of her right hand seemed to touch the edge of her daughter's coffin.

    He seemed to want to caress her daughter's beautiful face.

    "Why did you leave so soon, Sandra, my beautiful daughter?

    Why did you leave us so soon who still wants to love you, my beloved daughter?" Karin thought as she sobbed.

    Then when she saw her daughter's friends couldn't hold back their tears, Karin seemed to be biting her lip to contain her deep sadness.

    " Bon, voyage! Alexandra Gracia Palau. Goodbye, our beloved daughter. Goodbye, our beautiful sister and our dear friend.

    Goodbye. What comes from dust returns to dust! But your soul returns to your great Creator, who has prepared an eternal place for you with Him.

    May you be with Him forever!" shouted a Pastor who closed the funeral procession by taking a pinch of earth and sprinkling it in the grave, followed by sowing flowers.

    Then when Sandra's friends sing one of Sandra's favorite songs: I Don't Know About Tomorrow, Karin looks faint, and Rudolf, who is standing beside her immediately hugs her.

    Rudolf understood how devastated Karin felt.

    He knew how much Karin loved Sandra. He also never forgot how the existence of Sandra in their midst began. It started with the presence of a baby in a cardboard box that was thrown into the trash in front of Karin's house, which was still quiet in the new complex.

    A tiny, helpless baby, that Karin so loves deeply and is adopted as her eldest child, whom she loves like her flesh and blood.

    Her love and affection for Sandra have not changed. Even after Karin gave birth to Alex, who now looked crying at the end procession of Sandra's funeral. Then he grabs something from his bag as he approaches his sister's grave.

    Alex looked pulls out a red T-shirt with the words: Love Bali written on it. The same as the white T-shirt he is currently wearing.

    Also, he took out the glasses his older sister wore every day. Then Alex took out two packets of chocolate bread.

    And further,

    Alex asked someone to help place it all on top of his older sister's coffin, which was now strewn with flowers by everyone present.

    That's your glasses, Sis Sandra, and your favorite t-shirt that you bought in Bali, and you bought it for me too. I'm now wearing this same T-shirt, Sis. To remember your kindness.

    "This is our favorite bread that Miss Nanny Demi prepares for us every morning, but often Sis Sandra only eats half of it. Because you often give half of it to me.

    Today, I give all my share to you, Sis.

    Thank you, you always loved me. You always wanted to protect me, and you were always willing to sacrifice for me.

    Thank you, Sis Sandra. Thank you very much.

    I'm sorry, Sis, because I haven't been able to repay your many kindnesses, and now Sis Sandra is gone.

    See you, Sis," Alex said in his heart, then burst into tears and was hugged by Nelson.

    Meanwhile, Miss Lena hugged Linda, who was nearby.

    A uniformed policeman standing a little distance was looked taking a glass of mineral water prepared by the school and then observing it and taking a sip. Then, take four more bottles.

    He gives each to Miss Lena and Alex. then two bottles he gives to Rudolf and Karin.

    Another policeman who was standing with him, but not wearing formal clothes, was seen following someone who suddenly rushed away.

    Meanwhile, a police officer in the parking lot appeared to be approaching the blue car, that had been parked in the cemetery parking lot, even as Sandra's hearse had not yet arrived. Also, there are no other cars.

    The driver of that car, who was wearing sunglasses, briefly exchanged glances with Rudolf as he got off his granddaughter's hearse.

    The man now seems to be arguing with the police who came to him.

    Rudolf, Karin, Alex, and a few others leave the burial area, and that bespectacled driver looked walks away annoyed.

    However, he reappeared on the side of the road, in front of Sandra's school which stood majestically in an elite area.

    A favorite school that has recently become frequented by the police because of the Sandra case. One of the best students in the school.

    Is there another name besides Linda, who became Sandra's best friend at this school? asked a police officer to Mrs. Lena and Linda after reading Sandra's last WA chat on Linda's cellphone.

    As far as I know, the two of them are the closest of friends, sir.

    But it looks like she's talking to another Linda. A different Linda.

    But maybe I'm the only friend who calls her Hello Kitty, sir.

    I have no doubts about how close you two are, said the police investigator who, as he stepped out into the front yard of Sandra's school, saw a blue car parked across the street but quickly stepped on the gas. and go.

    Rudolf who often comes to Sandra's school and meets Nelson, Sandra's boyfriend, to find out more about his grandson, discovers the fact that Nelson is a typical modern teenager in today's era. An introverted young man whose Rudolf feels very closed off.

    A teenager, who is always ready with a short answer to any question.

    So, Rudolf felt Nelson was not the right person to dig up information.

    Maybe because he still feels very sad about Sandra's sudden death, thought Rudolf who had no prejudice against his granddaughter's boyfriend.

    However, when today he saw a blue car stopped and parked not far from Sandra's school, Rudolf was very suspicious and had negative thoughts.

    Moreover, he saw a driver who seemed to be the same one he saw in the graveyard parking lot.

    Only this time, the driver of the blue car was not wearing sunglasses.

    It made Rudolf think Karin and Alex should be protected, and they should both be extra vigilant.

    Karin, I want to talk about Alex's plans to enter his sister's high school that we have to reconsider.

    Why, Father?

    "Because I saw the same person, in the same blue car, who seemed to be following us.

    He parked his car across the street, right in front of Sandra's school."

    "Pak Josef also gave the same warning, Father. His men also saw the car in front of Sandra's school.

    But Alex is welcome there, Dad and Sandra's classmates are excited to welcome Alex there."

    You also need to inform Miss Lena that her school is being snooped on by someone suspicious.

    Dad have any ideas about Alex's school?

    For a while, maybe a semester or two, how about Alex stay with me, so I can look after him, and you can rest easy here.

    You mean Alex went to high school in our hometown, Dad?

    Yes. In the small town of Sumbre, our hometown, I know a good public high school there.

    What does he want, Dad. State high school. What school?

    Don't underestimate. You haven't spoken.

    But, Dad...

    Their conversation at the dinner table was interrupted because Karin received a call on her cell phone, which she turned on the speaker when she found out who was calling her.

    Good evening, Mrs. Karin. Sorry to interrupt.

    Good evening, Mr. Joseph.

    Mrs. Karin, maybe there will be a little commotion in front of your house. It's better if Mrs. Karin or anyone else doesn't leave the house first.

    Suddenly the phone line was cut off, and from outside the house came a sound like people were having a big fight and the screech of car tires stomping on the gas.

    Then two shots, followed by a commotion, sent Alex out of his room.

    Karin rushed to the second floor to see what was happening in front of her house.

    Meanwhile, Rudolf went into the living room and looked out the window after he turned off the living room light.

    When a man in a police uniform rang the doorbell behind the gate, Rudolf came out to open the door.

    My intuition tells me that Sandra is not the only victim of poisoning.

    According to Mr. Josef, my granddaughter was a murder victim?

    What did my daughter do, sir , to get her killed?

    We're investigating that, ma'am, and in the near future there may be officers who will seek approval for an autopsy as part of our investigation.

    About that, we'll think again, sir.

    Okay Mrs. Karin, but from now on Mrs. Karin and your son have to be very careful because it looks like they are following you and your son, said Josef, a kind police officer.

    Thank you, Mr. Josef, for your warning, said Karin.

    That means y idea for Alex's school, should be considered, said Rudolf after Yosef said goodbye, and Alex seemed to hurry back into his room.

    But… if for example Alex's school is in Daddy's hometown, you'll get in trouble, won't you, Dad?

    It's okay. For Alex's safety, I will do anything. And for Lexy to be more protected, I think the school in my hometown, is a good idea.

    "But, if there is St Peter's school, a good private school there, why does Lexy have to go to a public school, Daddy?

    Okay, Alex goes to school in Sumbre, our hometown, but if he has to, go to a public high school, I don't agree, Dad."

    Sumbre city, our hometown is growing now, Karin. The public school there is good. Don't underestimate it, said Rudolf, to which Karin responded by inviting her father to calm down in his villa for a while.

    Good idea, said Rudolf.

    Yes, Daddy. Retreat when we are depressed by the case of Sandra's death, hopefully it can make us calmer.

    Yes. At the same time evacuate temporarily because both of you are threatened now, said Rudolf, who then remembered Sandra, who most enjoyed relaxing and

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