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The Tool: The Ultimate MANipulation
The Tool: The Ultimate MANipulation
The Tool: The Ultimate MANipulation
Ebook129 pages1 hour

The Tool: The Ultimate MANipulation

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About this ebook

As a man of faith, Gavin Campbell believes in the old proverb, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing . . ." He thinks he has found that good thing in his college sweetheart-turned-wife, Beck. It is love at first sight until things start to unravel. Almost immediately, in his pursuit of love, faith, fami

PublisherMacronyx LLC
Release dateFeb 22, 2022
The Tool: The Ultimate MANipulation

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    The Tool - Stan Harrison


    To my fiancée, Angel , I thank you for the question you posed the to me, "W hen will you forgive?" That question was the one that started it all and became the foundation for this book! Thank you, Angel, for your love, support, and patience.

    To my son, Malik: may your journey be as fulfilling and successful as I have always wished for. May God grant you wisdom, strength, and patience to be the best father ever!

    To my Parents, Grandparents, Aunt, and many others who are now looking at us from above: I pray that your spirits are resting well and that I continue to make you proud.

    To my office team: thank you for allowing me the mental space and time to develop, write, and promote this work.

    To my best friends, Eldridge, Kevin, and Cedric: thank you for believing in me when no one else would. Thank you for sharing your manhood truths and being real brothers no matter what.

    To everyone who has ever been involved in the F.R.E.S.H. Book Festival, specifically, Donna Gray-Banks: thank you for the seed of hope and support that was needed. I will never forget the groundwork of protection you laid prior to my arrival. You have been a constant light in my life.

    To my Academic Angler family and Fishing/Prayer friends: John, Tom, Brad Alex, Doc, Boyd, Brent, Bob, and Tom.

    To my entire family, including extended, customers and business clients: thank you for your continued support.

    My thanks go to the multitude of men and women who have cried on my shoulders, and those of you who have poured their hearts out and shared your stories over the years. Thank you for allowing me the strength to share our collective struggle in a manner that I pray will enrich the lives of others.

    To my ghostwriter, turned sister, Angie: you have truly been an inspiration. I thank you immensely for your contribution to making this book possible.

    To the entire ATS agency group and the my personal Fabulous Six: agency friends for life-- Oscar, Nga, Brandon, Rick and Jim. Who would’ve imagined that nearly 20 years ago we would make a real & lasting connection?

    To Momma Vanessa, Momma Jessie, Momma Mary, Momma D, Momma San, HTK, Poppa Herman, Father Mickey, Uncle: Keith, Greg, June, Darren, Anthony, Nate, Bo, Auntie Tammy, Neta, Loretta, Helen, Lois, Debbie, Doris and my dear sisters Sheila, Jessica, Sabrina, Rachel, Sheniqua and Brittnay: thank you for keeping me grounded, our open dialogue and the occasional jolt back into reality.

    My simple prayer is that this book acts as a catalyst for positive change, and that it opens the dialogue for healing and uplifting. Thank you, in advance, for your support.


    As men, we are taught that we are not supposed to cry, and if we do, we should do so in private. To do anything else is a violation of the Man Code . While the adage of rubbing some dirt on it may work for some, it is certainly not a substitution for healing.

    For years, I suffered in silence, trying my best to deal with the pain, trauma, and, in some cases, the humiliation of failed relationships. Like a lot of men, I needed help, but did not know whom, how or what to ask. In my attempt to fix my situation with the tools I had, I developed the dueling personas of "Mr. Macho" and "Stan the Man," neither of whom allowed me to put pride and bravado aside. These personas neither allowed me to humble myself, develop new tools, nor to see the truth right before my eyes. I used these personas as tools of weaponry to guard my heart from future painful situations; they were so strong that they blocked any potential of truth and light. Over the years, I have been blessed with a village of love, though I could not see it at the time. I was challenged to develop new tools: Vision, Forgiveness and Commitment.

    This book is the culmination of years of pain transformed into promise and purpose, but as you will see, the journey is not mine alone. The characters you will meet, and hopefully attach to, represent a multitude of male friends, family members, clients and colleagues who have collectively shared the experiences of being hurt by someone they loved. 

    At one time or another, most men have been used as tools, whether it be for a quick fix or a full repair, only to be tossed out of sight until needed again. And while it is an uncommon and unpopular viewpoint, and as a modern society something we do not discuss enough, men are often used to: fix, finance and be available at a moment’s notice to the women in our lives – just like a tool. It is the ultimate price we sometimes pay for our need to not only show love, but to be loved. 

    What I, and many others, have learned in the process of overcoming the devastation of failed relationships, is that there can be healing after feeling, which is one of the reasons I decided to author this novel. Many who know me, know me as Stan the Money Man since much of my life revolves around finances and financial security. And while this is true, it is also true that relationships are a type of currency, too. To grow any portfolio, whether financial or relational, you must invest in them. Investing mind, body and spirit was one of the most valuable lessons I learned throughout my relationship experiences, and I am grateful.

    This book is written from a man’s point of view; however, it is written for the purpose to improve the personal relational lives of both women and men.

    Lastly, I want to use this book as a creative platform to honor close members of my family who are no longer with me in the physical, but whose spirits are alive and well within me. Their love, words, and collective show of support served as the flashlight that helped me to navigate some of my darkest days. 

    I thank you in advance for your support of this work. I pray that it is an adventure, a blessing, and a conversation-starter to all who read these precious pages.

    Stan The Man Harrison


    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9
    Chapter 10
    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12
    Chapter 13
    Chapter 14
    Chapter 15
    Chapter 16
    Chapter 17


    The Ultimate MANipulation


    The morning started off like any other – scenic, warm, and partly cloudy, just like most days in beautiful Orlando, Florida. But as Gavin sits, head in hands, he feels nauseous and numb!

    The oversized, cushioned bay window in the kitchen nook offers a panoramic view of a lavish paver stone pool, spacious lanai, and the lush grounds of Casa Campbell, the 2-acre estate that Gavin and Beck call home. The bay window has always been Gavin’s safe haven, but now his favorite place in the house has become his escape room. The custom wood shutters behind him are cracked and disheveled. The earth-toned cushion has tinges of blood. His blood! As he sits, raking trembling fingers through his thick mass of jet-black hair, he replays the events of the morning and thinks, How did this shit happen?


    His plan was to get to work at the university early, right after he delivered the twins safely to the bus stop. But those plans were thwarted by the unexpected chaos that transpired between him and his wife of nearly fifteen years, Mrs. Beck Yvonne Campbell.

    As he did most mornings, Gavin walked his six-year-old twins Brooklyn and Piper to the bus stop, which was only a stone’s throw away from their front door. It had always been their thing and his pleasure to escort his princesses to their post. It was how he started each day. 

    As he trotted back to the house, he heard the squeal of the bus doors closing and instinctively turned to wave to his twins. In unison, they waved back from the bus.

    Back inside the house, Gavin brushed past Beck who stood at the foot of the stairs. She wore a sheer nightie that revealed her ample breasts and small waistline accessorized by the C-section scar that marked her entry into motherhood. Amazingly, she had the same girlish figure that sucked Gavin in seventeen years ago. The kitten heels she wore accentuated the long athletic legs that he once enjoyed having wrapped around his back while they made love. He never understood why she wore shoes in the house, but like many of his wife’s idiosyncrasies, he never questioned it. 

    Good morning, Beck offered, sarcastically. 

    Good morning, Gavin replied. 

    Beck had become especially bitter since she had served him with divorce papers three weeks prior. Since then, they had become the proverbial strangers and roommates that most married couples dread becoming. They had barely spoken a word to one another unless in the form of a cordial request or a closed-ended question. Not in front of the children had become the golden rule. But once the twins were out of sight, the gloves came off.

    Following his reply, Gavin continued his trek up the stairs to their master suite to lay out his clothes

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