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The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom
The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom
The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom
Ebook177 pages1 hour

The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom

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This is the study of the development of the individual's value and the change of one's own perspective of one's own value as the work implies. The training represents a complete system that can and will alter one's own sense of value that evolves continuously into higher levels of being and further on to the Quantum. This book is a compilation o

Release dateFeb 4, 2022
The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Here's what I think this book is made available and then it's taken away and then it's made available and it's taken away I wish script whose charging and exorbitant amount for their memberships would get there copyright issues straightened out because I'm tired of being able to start this book and then having it taken away and also tired of scribs exorbitant prices without being able to deliver so that's what I think about this book what this book is been made available server time and then it's been taken away only after 8 months for the mayflower again I'm sick of it

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The Ancient Way of the Solar Warrior, Atlantean Temple Wisdom - Michael E Morgan


This information I obtained from my out-of-body journeys in time to the continent of Atlantis. At the time, I did not have a sense of the coordination or sequence. So, the information was somewhat fragmented, confusing, and difficult to understand.

Most of the information was taken from my master’s diary. He left this diary behind before he ascended. His hope was, I would succeed and find it in a hiding place within his last domicile, a cave at the top of Mount Polinar.

Over the years, I have looked back and reviewed the material and begun to reorder the sequence of the training, to put all of it into proper perspective. It is intended to be practiced in the light of one’s own circumstances in life, whether those circumstances are supportive or not.

The work as described is not a linear system that one might expect upon engaging with this manual. Actually, it is designed to comprise one’s own journey or process as one attempts to apply the principles into daily life.

The feelings that arise with both the advocacy of doing the work, as well as the feelings that arise when one does not or cannot do the work, are equally important to the overall view of the real work at hand.

This is the study of the development of the individual’s value and the change of one’s own perspective of one’s own value, as the work implies. The training represents a complete system that can and will alter one’s own sense of value, which evolves continuously into higher levels of being and further on to the Quantum.

The aspirant may be concerned with the seemingly voluminous level of time required to accomplish all that is set herein. I hasten to add, further understanding of the synchronistic and harmonistic laws that apply should be reviewed and understood.

The precise pattern of the practices as performed is completely up to the individual and their own discernment based upon their own experiences. This manual is intended as a detailed guideline to follow. The system is designed to be integrated into one’s life, not as an adjunct to one’s life. Only in this way can one begin to digest the effects of what is developed later.

To begin with, the energy level in the average human being is far below that which is required to maintain a truly healthy existence. The effect of low or poor energy levels defines what is called aging (a form of disease) and illness. Now the average lifespan of a human is between seventy and one hundred years. It is believed by some scientists if a human cell is given adequate nutrition and a pure environment, the probability that the cell will live a thousand years is confirmed. The lifespan, genetically speaking, was originally one thousand years. Canon texts have described Methuselah and others to have lived close to that span of life.

Since the arrival of the Annunaki species, the human span is genetically reduced. The idea of a longer life is not meant to suggest that one needs a thousand years in which to master the system. The effort is not directly proportional to the result desired. In other words, the relative success with the system is dependent on the degree one can allow changes to occur within the body and soul, as well as digest those changes after they have been set into motion.

Much of the work in the system is based upon one’s own ability to adapt to the changes quickly. This will vary from one individual to another. Do not consider the ability or lack thereof to render adequate digestion of the energy and the changes it brings as a way to measure your success with the system, compared with another. Remember, the aspirant is the only authority as regards their development. It is just as important to recognize one’s resistance. The practitioner must be able to sustain a compassionate attitude toward their own lack of passion for the work from time to time. If that feeling emerges, they must realize they are in a state of indigestion. The individual should try to find their own natural rhythm in applying the work in their own life. Their life is the benchmark in this case. If they squeeze themselves into the work and make their life conform by force, they are already creating more effort against themselves in the long run. Always approach the work with a sense of joy around it.

A set pattern of time and place is very helpful and invokes the rule of harmonic convergence, which multiplies the efforts over time. If the time arises that the individual is not motivated to do the work, then they should accept it as a time for digestion, spending the relaxing time reviewing their feelings while resting. If feelings should arise of guilt and/or worry that the practice is not done enough, then try to realize that it reveals intolerance for the growth and the changes happening.

The diary mentions something called ignition. It is necessary and should be sought after before much of the work can be accomplished. Ignition refers to a threshold whereby an internal chain reaction begins. Imagine a room full of ping-pong balls loaded into mousetraps, spring loaded to release. If a few individual balls are released into the room, they will strike some of the loaded balls, releasing them. Those will land on other balls, and in turn release them until the whole room is releasing all of the bound balls. Metaphorically, the energy network within the cells called mitochondria are like this example.

This trigger energy must be had from the life force that surrounds us, not the small reserve that exists within the lower back, which is referred to as the life battery, present to save the life of the individual only in an extreme case. The practitioner will soon see that some of the exercises are designed to build enormous amounts of life force within the cells. This resource can then be used to perform the work, once triggered and stabilized within the body and managed in everyday activities. Though the system utilizes the life force in the form of sexual energy, the practice does not require the individual to abstain or become celibate.

The diary suggests that the Nine Levels of the Dragon’s Breath is the practice that encourages ignition. The Dragon’s Breath is not a prerequisite to ignition but can help to promote the possibility to occur. Specifically, ignition is a matter of vibration. Ignition occurs when all the cells composing the mitochondria network begin to vibrate synchronistically, meaning they all vibrate at the same frequency. This is called singularity.

All the practices begin to train the body to respond to windows of energetic opportunity automatically. This effect brings the body-mind-soul into complete natural balance with nature. This way is the evolutionary way man was intended to be from the beginning. Then, this frees the soul of man to enter the Quantum, leaving the field of the physical at will and engaging with all levels of reality.

In this spiritual system, some basic concepts regarding its application need to be reviewed. In the Atlantean approach, natural forces at play in the earth environment are included in order to understand the basic principles of the practice.

There are three primary forces hidden within the Prime Mover: Agogik, the (male) positive force, Magogik, the (female) negative force, and Peruitii Rogalin, the neutralizing force.

These three forces are primary in the understanding of working with the Prime Mover externally and internally in the Atlantean spiritual system. First, it is important to understand the concept of the soul. The modern belief is distorted. It is incorrect to assume that souls exist for everyone automatically. A soul only comes into being when a sufficient number of positive higher experiences arise through an increase in understanding from many incarnations.

Only when the understanding begins to increase and the individual experiences an urge to question and to seek greater understanding does the appearance of the soul emerge. Before this, any approach to real spiritual work becomes moot.

There are some specific points to take into consideration. There are two primary directions that consciousness can take: what might

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