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Explosive Encounters: Vol 1 - 4: Explosive Encounters, #1
Explosive Encounters: Vol 1 - 4: Explosive Encounters, #1
Explosive Encounters: Vol 1 - 4: Explosive Encounters, #1
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Explosive Encounters: Vol 1 - 4: Explosive Encounters, #1

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Four explosive passion filled steamy short stories guaranteed to get you hot under the collar!

Juliette's Journey
Juliette takes a brave yet treacherous journey to visit her best friend. But what will happen when disaster strikes?

Fiery Fiona
Fiona is left disappointed when her friends change their plans and leave her alone. She makes a decision to have some fun...will her fun filled night lead to regrets and more longing?

Lustful Lucy
Lucy needs help and is left with only one choice. A choice she doesn't want to make. Will she over step the invisible boundaries?

Adventurous April
Join April and Josh when they fulfil some of their wild fantasies.

Release dateFeb 14, 2022
Explosive Encounters: Vol 1 - 4: Explosive Encounters, #1

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    Explosive Encounters - C H Thomas

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    Juliette’s Journey

    Fiery Friday

    Lustful Lucy

    Adventurous April


    About the Author

    Other books by C.H. Thomas


    Juliette’s Journey


    Who in their right mind has an engagement party right after New Year?

    Helena, my best friend from school, that was who. Was I happy for her? Hell, yes, I was. She deserved to be happy, especially after the crap men have thrown at her over the years. I was chuffed to bits for her. But really? A party three weeks after New Year’s Eve, and she sprang it on everyone at the last minute. The impatient cow. I just hoped this new bloke of hers was a keeper and treated her right. If not, he’d have me to answer to. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him yet as Helena lived just over an hour away from me on the East Coast of England. With work and both our commitments, we haven’t seen each other for a while. 

    Anyway, I finished work just over an hour ago, rushed home to shower and get ready for this damn party. I couldn’t not go. She was my best friend, and to be honest, I could do with a few drinks and a good night out. I just came off a ten-hour shift at the hospital emergency room department, and now I had to drive nearly ninety minutes across the county to have some fun. I wouldn’t mind in the spring or summer, but it was January, for fuck’s sake. It was freezing during the day, never mind at night. I was sure it hadn’t got above one or two degrees during the day today, and to top it off, the weather forecast was shocking. Snow and ice made for great driving conditions. 

    The buzzing of my phone broke me from my thoughts. 

    Helena Are we still on for tonight? Party starts at 8pm. Drive safely see you soon xx

    Replying quickly so I could set off, I hoped I’d given myself enough time for the journey. I didn’t want to rush if it was going to be as cold as the newsreaders said.  Grabbing my overnight bag and coat, I left my nice warm cosy flat, only to be met with an icy cold blast of air that took my breath away as I walked to my car. The news broadcaster lied. It wasn’t cold. It was fucking freezing. My lips would turn blue in no time outside on a night like this. 

    Why I thought it would be a good idea to wear a dress I would never know. That was a lie. I did know. It was a damn party, and I wanted to look my best. I didn’t get to go out at New Year’s or Christmas due to being on shift. So, I was pulling my big girl panties up and braving this drive to get my groove on and celebrate with my best mate. 

    Starting my little car, I let it warm up while I sorted out my music selection and plugged my phone into charge. Setting off on my travels, I listened to the local radio station for travel news, just in case I had to change my plans and go a different way. The motorway had a habit of being at a standstill early evening, and the last thing I wanted was to be sat in traffic going nowhere for hours. But the motorways would have been gritted with salt. It would be safer and faster to get to my destination. 

    My hopes and dreams of an easy journey were wiped away within ten minutes of being in the car, as the irritating radio DJ announced the motorway was closed due to a major traffic incident. 

    Just great, I muttered to myself. Bloody perfect. Long, winding country

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