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Summary: Faucian Bargain: Steve Deace: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History
Summary: Faucian Bargain: Steve Deace: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History
Summary: Faucian Bargain: Steve Deace: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History
Ebook47 pages46 minutes

Summary: Faucian Bargain: Steve Deace: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History

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This is a synopsis of Steve Deace's original book. Purchase it as a supplement, not as a substitute.
According to author Steve Deace, our Constitution was created to prevent individuals like Anthony Fauci from gaining too much authority. They were well aware that many in the government would strive to do the same. For those with the tools and backing to attain it, a hunger for ultimate power has been as universal as a thirst for water throughout history.
According to Deace, Fauci is not the genuine leader of the fascists who grabbed control of our country via COVID19. He deceives us by posing as a member of one or more powerful groups, of which Fauci is a puppet.

Ben Franklin walked out of the rooms where the world's most important single document had just been chiseled into existence. When asked what sort of government the newly enacted US Constitution would provide for its citizens and supporters, Ben Franklin famously answered, "If you can hang on to it, a Republic."

Independence, it appeared, necessitated ongoing defensive actions, as if someone was constantly trying to take it away from whoever grabbed it.

Deace emphasizes the importance of the Bill of Rights' last twenty-eight words. Those powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, or forbidden by it to the States, should be reserved for the States or their people.

The United States Constitution exhibited the characteristics of a text intended to restrain the government itself rather than the freedom of the governed.

Deace also mentions Cato's Letters, which the Found Fathers used to gain some insight. The letters expressed what we see every day: the inherent need and thirst for power, which never ceases to be insatiable, and the more power is attained, the more it is desired. Self-absorption, arrogance, and rash ambition go hand in hand with power.

In Cato's Letters, which were essays, Deace points out a great forecast of human nature, and a depiction of Anthony Fauci's visage would fit right in as an example.

The Founding Fathers had to tread carefully. Overthrow the English King, but not with a homegrown version of the despotic tyrant they detested. The Founders desired several insurance plans against the loss of liberty; they reasoned that checks and balances dispersed across many political branches would protect them against totalitarianism.

Assume that no one, even the Supreme Court, stands up to "Unconstitutional" activities, which has a strange and unsettling history of declining to hear critical cases. The Constitution loses its meaning, and individuals like Anthony Fauci start telling us what we can and can not do based on whims that appear to create a web that traps both money and power.

According to Deace, Fauci, who often changes his mind— or is a flat-out liar—emerged as the most dangerous and powerful bureaucrat in American history during the COVID19 crisis. He may have helped to create it by sponsoring the researchers in Wuhan.

Federal funds controlled the direction and accomplishments of scientific research.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, rather than being the illness, becomes one of the key symptoms, according to Deace.

Deace enumerates how we have been shackled in our conduct, many of which are religious and customary. Deace thinks that information is the weapon to be grasped and honed for war. Whoever has authority over the spread of information, whether accurate or fraudulent, has ultimate influence over everything, including the government.

Deace believes an army of "Faucis currently besieges us." Reading his book will help us prepare for the struggle against the ultimate oppressors if we want our freedom back.

PublisherQuick Savant
Release dateFeb 9, 2022
Summary: Faucian Bargain: Steve Deace: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History

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    Summary: Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History


    Steve Deace launches Faucian Bargain with an intriguing introduction that addresses the dangers of elite influencers and despots. Our Constitution, says Deace, arose to prevent people like Anthony Fauci from acquiring too much power. They assumed the quest for excessive power arose from human nature, and many in government would seek to do the same.

    Throughout history, a thirst for ultimate power seems, for those who have the resources and support to obtain it, as ubiquitous as the thirst for water.

    Deace states that Fauci is not the true leader of the fascists who seized our nation’s control via COVID19. He deceives us as a member of one or more organizations even more potent in which Fauci is but a dedicated puppet.

    Ben Franklin strolled out of the chambers where the most important single document in the world’s history had just been carved into creation. When questioned about what type of government the just-born US Constitution would pillar for its home and followers, Ben Franklin replied something akin to: If you can hold on to it, a Republic.

    Independence, it seemed, demands constant defense acts—somebody always wants to take it away from whoever latches onto it.

    Deace cists and stresses the ultimate significance of the last twenty-eight words of the Bill of Rights. Those powers that the Constitution did not delegate to the United States, or prohibited by it to the States, should be reserved to the States or their people.

    Rather than the freedom of the governed, the United States Constitution bore the marks of a document meant to constrain the government itself.

    Deace also cites Cato’s Letters which the Found Fathers consulted for some of their wisdom. The letters stated what we witness daily, the desire and love for power arise naturally, never strays from being insatiable, and the more gained, the more it is wanted. Power agrees with self-absorption, arrogance, and wanton ambition .

    Deace points out an uncanny prediction of human nature in Cato’s Letters, which were really essays, and a drawing of Anthony Fauci’s face would fit right in as an illustration.

    The Founding Fathers walked a fine line. Overthrow the English King, but not replace him with the same despotism they despised in some home-grown version. The Founders sought multiple insurance policies against the losses of liberty; Checks and

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