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The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner
The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner
The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner
Ebook139 pages2 hours

The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner

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The Rebellious Child is a story about a troublesome individual who feels as if society and the world as he knows it has failed him. After a few reckless choices that leads to a heart full of pain, he comes to realize that life in itself isn't only about one's and zero's. He also learns that everything isn

Release dateFeb 13, 2022
The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner

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    The Rebellious Child, The Story of a Sinner - Christian Wornum

    Copyright Christian Wornum

    The Rebellious Child

    The Story of a Sinner

    Chapter 1


    There were moments like this, where he would find himself pondering, in search of a good reason why. Why would his father create such an oblivious species with equal power to himself? Why does his father want him and his brothers to look at them with admiration and approval as if they were one of them?

    What is Father really thinking? the Dark Watcher wondered as he sat on his favorite plush cloud, observing the animal-like species his father called human beings. It would eat him up slowly inside to see their frivolous behavior amongst their similar animal-like peers. He wasn’t the only one who thought in this way. He remembered a time when his celestial brothers couldn’t stomach the weeping cries, or see agony plastered on their faces after making a poor decision during their life span on his father’s doormat.

    It was then and there when suffering became a mutual feeling. At first, he would feel no sympathy towards the little creatures growing and scurrying around his father’s farm. To him, it was just another time for him to watch his father plant apple or orange seeds during the warm fertile seasons. His father would tell him to just observe and admire the special lives he had created on that beautiful land of his. Maybe the man is finally losing it, he would silently say to himself.

    His father was so proud of each and every one of them he acted as if he didn’t even notice the mistakes they would often make. Nonetheless, when it came to his father, there was no such notion of a devastating mistake or even a small tragic one, which confused the Dark Watcher altogether. If it was him, on the other hand, he was sure he would be severely punished for whatever crime he had committed.

    So, he would ask his father, Why do you want us—his brothers and himself—to follow certain rules that you supposedly already installed in us? What makes those insignificant creatures you call humans so great? But time and time again, the only thing his father would say is that he loved all of them the same way.

    The Dark Watcher would just shake his snow-white dreadlocks and continue his observing. As he watched humans develop, he would see them put themselves in these exceedingly small boxes as the sun went on his morning walks. And by the time Ms. Moon went on her late-night runs, he would hear the loud wails and soft weeping.

    One of the Dark Watcher’s brothers worked out the reason why their father had given them those huge wings that sat on their backs. It wasn’t just to stay in the air or fly around in the sky to watch from a great distance. Quite the contrary. There was more to it.

    So, the Dark Watcher’s brother said, What if Father wanted us to help them? Most of the brothers looked suspiciously around at one another before the one who spoke continued. He gave us this supreme wisdom to fix what we believed to be broken. And the esoteric ability to enlighten those who couldn’t see the road to our father in the dark. Maybe that’s the reason why we can hear their cries. Even though some of our brothers had, and sometimes still have, alternate reasons for making those trips down there. We should utilize what we have for good purposes, even if it goes against what our father said.

    When the Dark Watcher’s brother finished speaking, he couldn’t help but look at him sideways as if he were a dog looking at his master in puzzlement. However, he knew what his brother was getting at. So, he told his brother, I believe you’re right! We should help guide and teach those animal-like creatures our father calls humans how to be resilient in the midst of suffering. It would stop that eternal screaming and calling we hear every minute of our hours.

    As he stood his massive frame up from his favorite comfortable cloud, his celestial brother looked on and found it amazing to see such a well-built physique floating on what appeared to be a thin feeble gust of smoke. He himself had big beautiful white wings their father had given him, but not the Dark Watcher. His eagle-like wings were pitch-black with hints of gray. Even his iron breastplate was dark as midnight. To the Dark Watcher, he didn’t know why they were different from most of his brothers, but he didn’t let it worry him too much either. To him, he liked his wings blending into the dark glory of outer space.

    Anyway, it was time for him and his brother to take an oath that would tie them to their deed. They swore to find a human that was worthy of receiving their father’s cryptic message. They believed with their guidance, protection, and unconditional love that the chosen human would make it to their father’s tranquil kingdom. So, they did their secret handshake with an embrace and a solid stare to seal their pact. With that stare, they knew they were going against their father’s wishes. But they were rebels. It was just in them to do what they felt was right. After that look of confirmation, they went on their separate ways to find that unique candidate they would assist in their father’s world.

    After soaring through his father’s desolate land for what seemed to be a demigod’s life span, the Dark Watcher was beginning to believe that none of these wimpy human beings were worthy enough for his guidance. He looked around the highest mountains to the lowest valleys. Yet still, he came up with nothing. He even searched from the east region of the lands to the west, but couldn’t find a light bright enough to be seen on his willful radar. His first thought was to head back up to his father’s kingdom, but something in the far south region caught his attention. How did I miss that? he wondered.

    There was an immense radiance trying to force its way through what appeared to be a suffocating little box. From his observation, the light was shining through some material called concrete and steel. As he got closer to the closed object, he mused, why would such a being would want to be in such a brutal confinement? What did he gain by closing himself off like that? The stupidity of the human species….

    As he was considering all of this, he noticed how small this creature really was. He was a small black thingamabob, the Dark Watcher observed. Instead of claiming them to be animals, he should’ve just related them to insects as he amused himself. So, he said out loud, If I face him in this form of mine, he would surely think I was there to kill him. Or maybe something worse, eat him alive.

    The thought of eating him had the Dark Watcher shaking his head in disgust. So, he decided to keep his distance for now but would appear to the creature in a pragmatic dream while he was sound asleep. He figured that with this method on hand, this could and would be his very first lesson. Learning how to use his senses to create a perception that would free his light. He would call this session, extrasensory perception!

    Chapter 2


    (Three days before the Dark Watcher discovered him)

    Mr. Israel Black, is it? Now, it says here, Mr. Black, that you have been having some complications with the medication we prescribed to you? asked the doctor in a skeptical tone. What do you believe is the problem with them?

    Well, for one, why do I always feel sleepy after taking these pills? You told me you were putting me on some kind of multivitamins. Which I’m starting to doubt is the case here. Now, I know I may not know much about every kind of vitamin known to man, but I do know about drugs. I’m not going sit here and let you piss on my head and tell me it’s just a brief sun shower!? That was never on my forecast, so what the hell do you take me for? said Israel in a harsh tone.

    He knew they were trying to drug him. He just didn’t know why. Ever since they brought him to this institution, they had been trying to put him on different kinds of medications. They were treating him as if he were some kind of sick patient or something, but none of the psychoactives were working.

    Calm down, Mr. Black, nobody is urinating on your head. Now, you say you feel sleepy after taking the medication? Well, to be completely honest with you, that’s just only one of the many side effects after taking them. You see, the vitamins inside the supplements aren’t actually making you feel tired. It’s only cleaning out your system by thinning out your blood, and that alone could make anyone feel a little dizzy, lied the devious doctor. They have been trying to sedate Israel for months now. Even though he was a short man standing at about five feet and six inches. He had been a menace to their institution since he’s been there. It wasn’t as if he was your average criminal. The things he was doing/causing were way above the common hooligan’s pay grade. It was like every time they thought he was under their control, he would surprise them with his belligerent behavior. He was definitely a rebel for sure.

    So, the pills are just thinning my blood, huh? remarked Israel with a sarcastic puzzled look on his face. Israel thought, This doctor must think I’m one of his Barbie dolls he goes home to play with every night. This child-diddler is trying to play me. So, Doc, you’re telling me, that in time, this feeling of mine will just go away because my body will have adapted to them? If that’s so, then tell me this—why are the mental health inmates taking multivitamins also?

    Well— Poooww!

    Before the doctor could find the words to produce a significant idea of a lie, Israel slapped some good sense in him to help get his mind right. He hit the floor faster than a dropped sack of potatoes. Israel hit him so hard that it instantly left a red handprint on the side of the doctor’s pale cheek.

    Before the doctor could register where he was, Israel was on him like a manic dog suffering from rabies. He put him in a chokehold so fierce and tight that it would only take one more ounce of pressure to crush the doctor’s windpipe.

    Israel said in a calm whisper to the doctor, Now that I have your attention, this is what I need you to do. I want you to up the dosage on those Elavils you claim to be multivitamins. Oh yeah, I also don’t want you to think this is personal, but my new customers are complaining about them pills not being strong enough. Who knew I would be moved to a dorm of pill-popping zombies? So, if I’m gonna be there, I want zombie drugs to sell. As he loosened up his near-death chokehold, the doctor saw his door of opportunity and ran for it. He used what remained in his practically empty tank of energy to scream for some urgent assistance.

    "Guuarrds, Guuarrds, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" The guards outside of the doctor’s office heard the commotion and immediately rushed in, but it was too late.

    What they saw was a small, wild-haired lunatic, viciously manhandling a doctor that was twice his size. Inmate twelve seven two! Let go of Dr. Mackenzie and put your face on the ground. Now! yelled Officer Jackson.

    Screw you and this punk doctor. You must think I won’t put this fool to sleep for life? spat Israel. I’m tired of y’all trying to play me.

    As the guards were moving in closer, Officer Jackson had a chance to see who he was speaking to. Now he had to consider who he was talking to for a minute. Nobody is playing nobody. We just want you to let the doctor go; that’s all, Officer Jackson said in a more level-headed tone. He knew in a situation like this, things could get extremely drastic.

    Israel really didn’t have plans on killing the doctor, not that he wouldn’t. It was just at this moment, all he wanted was more pills to make his money increase in size. He had clients asking for his dope from dorms he’d never even been in, which was a plus in his book. They said he was getting top-shelf narcotics that only the real psychotics could get their hands on. To Israel, drugs were only for the escape artist. Somewhere in their lifetime, their bodies became prisons for their soul. And every day they would try to find ways to break out of it. Israel just wanted

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