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Liquid Brainpower: Vegan Smoothie And Soup Recipes For A Faster Brain
Liquid Brainpower: Vegan Smoothie And Soup Recipes For A Faster Brain
Liquid Brainpower: Vegan Smoothie And Soup Recipes For A Faster Brain
Ebook91 pages31 minutes

Liquid Brainpower: Vegan Smoothie And Soup Recipes For A Faster Brain

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About this ebook

If you’re Vegan (or even if you’re not) the chances are you want to be better..

You want to feel better, look better and think faster, right? Who doesn’t?

Well, there’s actually a fairly easy thing you can do to start doing all of those things, and that’s drinking Vegan smoothies and soups.

Why Vegan?

Because the Vegan diet can literally give you ‘superpowers’ (compared to your non vegan peers) by making you stronger better and faster than non vegans, and smoothies are a very easy way to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need with VERY little effort.

You just have to blend the stuff, and drink it! It’s so easy, anyone could do it and the best part is smoothies actually taste good! They’re enjoyable and so even if you’re not Vegan, you enjoy a smoothie!

Why should I drink Vegan smoothies and soups?

They’re a very easy way of getting the calories you need to grow stronger, and also the vitamins and nutrients your brain needs to work better and think faster.

When you blend things, you make them more bioavailable, meaning your body can more easily digest them and turn them into things you can use to get stronger!

What’s included in Liquid Brainpower?

Liquid Brainpower is a complete guide to smoothies and soups for the Vegan diet, and how you can use them to grow stronger. It’s focused mainly on two things: Improving your brainpower (so you can think faster and DO more), and Getting stronger and staying in shape..

Inside the guide you can expect to to find/learn:

Over 63 unique smoothie and soup recipes designed to boost your brain and make you stronger, along with an explanation of how the ingredients work and what they’ll do for you

A beginners guide to Vegan shopping and getting the right stuff, and not falling for the marketing scams of many Vegan oriented companies trying to get your money

The types of food you should never eat if you want to be healthy, and what to NEVER put in your smoothies

Plus loads more!

Release dateFeb 17, 2022
Liquid Brainpower: Vegan Smoothie And Soup Recipes For A Faster Brain

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    Liquid Brainpower - Publishdrive


    Firstly, thanks for getting a copy of Liquid brainpower.

    This should provide you with a huge amount of knowledge and many ideas for how you can improve your health, think faster, and feel better on a Vegan diet through drinking smoothies and soups.

    Since going Vegan, I’ve never felt better, and that seems to be the fairly common theme among new Vegans, you just FEEL better.

    Not only that, I feel more awake in the mornings, (and throughout the day) and I can just DO everything I want to do, when I want to do it.

    No more feeling sluggish etc, no more energy dumps and crashes after lunch or a meal.

    But enough about that, chances are you know being Vegan is better for you, you’re here to learn awesome smoothie recipes, right?

    Well, we’ll get to those, (along with lots of bonus recipes) but first, let’s just touch on some important points about the Vegan diet. If you just want to skip to the smoothie and soup recipes, that’s fine too!

    You probably know that the vegan diet is easily one of the healthiest diets in the world, and for good reason..

    Not only does it help in cutting down on the existing fat in your body but it also enhances your disease fighting capacity. It pretty much makes you ‘immune’ to most of the illnesses and diseases that plague non vegans.

    Just to clarify, a vegan diet refers to a plant-based diet where meat and animal products are completely eliminated.

    The Vegan diet is extremely nutritious and will eliminate the need for supplements almost completely (although it never hurts to take a daily multivitamin, just to be safe).

    However, you might have to consult a physician before taking it up to ensure that you do not need any calcium supplements, and that it’s right for your health. 

    The recipes in this book are simple to make and will inspire you to keep going. But you need not limit yourself to just these ideas. Feel free to come up with some recipes of your own.  As long as you make use of the core ingredients, you can experiment to your heart's content! 

    QUICK DISCLAIMER: The information in this book is not certified by a medical professional and this is not intended as medical or nutritional advice, please consult with your GP or physician before following any of these ideas or tips.

    Introduction to the Vegan Ketogenic Diet


    The Vegan diet has been around for many decades; likewise, ketogenic has been around since the mid-90s’. However, the Vegan Ketogenic diet is a fairly new concept.

    The idea became popular few years back when people understood that Keto is not only helpful for people suffering from

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