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The Lost Metal Library: Ancient Quest Mystery, #2
The Lost Metal Library: Ancient Quest Mystery, #2
The Lost Metal Library: Ancient Quest Mystery, #2
Ebook217 pages2 hours

The Lost Metal Library: Ancient Quest Mystery, #2

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Deep within Ecuador's rainforest lies a vast subterranean world, and an incredible, yet dangerous secret…

The Tayos Caves System in Ecuador is one of the most astonishing, yet mysterious places on earth. It hides wondrous secrets, both ancient and deadly.

Rick Braeden has heard rumors of what treasure these hidden caves might hold, potentially one of the greatest discoveries of all time. Driven by a desire to prove himself and write his name into the history books, he hopes to uncover the truth of The Lost Metal Library and bring this discovery to light.

However, a shadowy enemy also seeks to possess this discovery and will let nothing, and no one, stand in their way.

Seeking this place of untold wonder may give Rick everything he ever hoped for, or cost him everything, even his life…

Fun Fact about The Lost Metal Library:

In 1976, astronaut Neil Armstrong was part of a British expedition, led by an explorer & civil engineer from Scotland, Stan Hall, to the Tayos Caves System in Ecuador. Over 100 people, including those from multiple scientific disciplines, members of two militaries, skilled & experienced cavers, as well as a film crew, participated. It was a massive undertaking; one of the most extensive & costliest of its kind in history. They were not only mapping the extensive region, they were in search of hidden passageways, & lost ancient artifacts, including a metal library. They didn't find it. However, Neil Armstrong described the adventure as "right up there with the moon landing."


The Lost Metal Library is a standalone novel and is the second book in the Ancient Quest Mystery Series, by Rai Aren, the co-author of The Secret of the Sands Trilogy, which explores the mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza and so much more!

Author's note: You can get a complimentary copy of the first Ancient Quest Mystery, the novella Lost City of Gold, by signing up to my mailing list at: raiaren(dot)com

Come along on this unforgettable archaeology adventure today!

PublisherRai Aren
Release dateFeb 22, 2022
The Lost Metal Library: Ancient Quest Mystery, #2

Rai Aren

RAI AREN and TAVIUS E. have been friends since college. Their common interests in ancient Egypt and archaeology, as well as fantasy and adventure stories, led them to pursue their passion in storytelling. Secret of the Sands was their first novel. You can visit them at: or send them an email at: For news on upcoming releases and exclusive bonuses, sign up for Rai’s newsletter:

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    The Lost Metal Library - Rai Aren


    High adventure, past and present, merge into a multi-leveled tale of epic proportions in this triumphant sequel to the best-selling novel, Secret Of The Sands!

    – Gary Val Tenuta, author of Ash: Return Of The Beast and The Ezekiel Code



    This is my kind of book. Please, please make a continuing series and a movie! The authors are extremely talented. I cannot praise this book enough. Fast paced, page turner, character development, fascinating plot…what more could I ask for.


    Their detailed storytelling paints a picture of ancient Egypt in all its glory. The reader feels they are a part of the book, living amongst the Kierani people. The end of the novel leaves the reader curious and wanting more. This reader can hardly wait for the sequel, Destiny of the Sands.

    – Authors on the Rise Book Reviews

    This is a WOW of a book!!...For those of us who are lovers of the ancient worlds, Egypt, present and past, archaeology, the metaphysical, and mystical happenings, this is a great choice for you.

    – Ellen in Atlanta, Amazon Vine Voice, Top 1000 Reviewer

    This is a beautifully written book and I enjoyed reading it very much, and I would readily recommend it to anyone looking for a good story to read.

    – Jym Cherry, reviewer, Sonar4 Science Fiction & Horror eZine

    This novel is innovative, concise and enthralling. Fluctuating between present day and ancient Egypt, the pace never decelerates. The reader is treated to plausible theories regarding many riddles of this mysterious civilization. This time-honored culture is so clearly portrayed with characters which are so skillfully brought to life that one can easily imagine they are actually present as events are unfolding. The story comes to a clear conclusion yet leaves the reader desperately hoping there will be a sequel…. or a trilogy…. or even better yet, a whole series of these phenomenal books!


    The authors have successfully woven a story based on archeological events mixed with their own ideas of what happened to the Sphinx and the mysteries surrounding it.


    Rai Aren & Tavius E. write a spellbinding mix of mystery, history, fantasy, and adventure in this tale of two histories – one told in the present, the other told from the past – telling a story of misused power, learning how to trust, and the fate of civilization.


    A deep probing mystery riddled with prophecy and danger, Secret of the Sands uses Egypt and her mythology as a backdrop to delve into the meanings of life and religion.

    – McNally Robinson

    Rai Aren and Tavius E. have crafted a fast-paced, exciting novel overflowing with mystery and intrigue. The tension is constant. The characters fully developed. And the plot gripping. Ancient history and present day relevance are so expertly intertwined, that you might forget you are reading a work of fiction.

    – Thomas Phillips, author of The Molech Prophecy

    Secret of the Sands has BLOCKBUSTER written all over it! …Fans of what might be called the Indiana Jones genre of fiction will be thrilled with Secret of the Sands. Like a race horse on steroids it blasts out of the gate in the opening prologue and doesn’t stop running until it reaches the finish line. This remarkably well conceived and well executed first-time novel by Rai Aren and her co-author, Tavius E. is loaded with adventure, prophecy, mystery, secrets, deception, epic-scale battles, romance, good guys, bad guys, liars, cheaters, scoundrels, and, of course, heroes…Secret of the Sands is a thrill-ride…

    – Gary Val Tenuta, author of The Ezekiel Code

    The description that initially comes to mind is Indiana Jones, with a bit of Stargate, Mummy, and 5th Element, yet remaining completely unique. Secret of the Sands is an excitingly vivid, page-turning adventure infused with history, humor, and excitement. Rai Aren and Tavius E. have created a spectacular story with characters that I just love or simply love to hate. Like National Treasure, there is just enough historical and scientific fact mixed in to make the fictional story plausible and fun. And what a wonderful way to spotlight archaeological theories that have lost the public eye. I kept wanting to read and, by half-way through, I didn’t want to put it down. Secret of the Sands was a thrill ride until the very end and I loved every minute of it!

    – Marauder, Deputy Headmistress of the Official Potterholics Annonymous

    Secrets, deceit and lies can make almost any novel exciting. But, add to that, two stories simultaneously told then throw in some romance, science fiction and a power struggle and what do you get? A true page turner that takes you on one heck of a journey.

    – Michael Balkind, author of Sudden Death & Dead Ball

    The pacing is flawless, the characters well-defined, the history thoroughly researched. The authors have done their homework, and I can’t wait for the sequel. I would enthusiastically recommend this novel to anyone who wants a real page-turner!

    – Norma Beishir, author of Chasing the Wind & the bestselling novels Angels at Midnight & A Time for Legends

    This book bounces back and forth in a fascinating balance between modern day archeologists and a theoretical civilization from 12,000 years ago…The story is told in a deft, yet casual style that makes it accessible and fun for any reader.

    – Donald Gorman, author of Paradox & The Red Veil

    The authors take us on a wild rollercoaster ride full of secrets, romance, lust, seduction, loyalty, royalty and deception that takes place 12,000 years ago where all is not as it seems. Two modern day Indiana Jones type archaeologists discover the secret of the sands and unravel the mysteries and dangers the secret holds.

    – Mike Monahan, author of Barracuda

    I’d recommend this to anyone who is enchanted by ancient civilizations and the mysteries of how things might have come to be, such as why and how the Sphinx was constructed.

    – Ruth Ann Nordin, Historical Romance Author

    Secret of the Sands is far from your typical archaeologist-finally-finds-ancient-archetype scenario. It is much, much more. Definitely a book that one can say ‘satisfies your thirst, yet leaves you quenching for more...’

    – J.R. Reardon, author of Confidential Communications & Dishonored

    While I’ve certainly enjoyed my share of novels, few of them have left me wanting to rush out and by the sequel as much as this one does.

    – Debra Purdy Kong, author of Fatal Encryption & Taxed to Death

    Have you ever wondered how old the Sphinx really is? Have you been intrigued by the mysteries swirling like the desert sands around this awesome ancient monument? Rai Aren and Tavius E. have written a mesmerizing story in which two young archaeologists discover an artifact that could provide all of the answers. But they are not the only ones who are interested in this relic, for it holds a power unlike anything seen on Earth before... This novel is packed with adventure and suspense, and the style is fast-paced and filled with vivid description.

    – Susan Jane McLeod, author of Soul and Shadow & Fire and Shadow

    It is my belief that Rai Aren & Tavius E. fit as Master Storytellers and Great Authors.

    – Lance Oren, author of Chances R & Huracán

    A wonderful, exciting story!

    – Lila Pinord, author of Min’s Monster, Skye Dancer & Evil Lives in Blue Rock

    The mark of a truly good story is one that transcends the ages. Although the writers may base some of their novel in the past, a good yarn echoes into the present and future, as well. Secret of the Sands cherishes love, family and honor, condemns evil and treachery and presents us with a tantalizing theory of what lies beneath the great sphinx.

    – Ann B. Keller, author of The Devil’s Crescent & Crenellations

    Secret of the Sands mixes mystery, ancient Egypt, romance, and as well as paranormal elements to make a fascinating novel.

    – Cheryl Koch, Amazon Vine Voice


    Lost City of Gold

    Secret of the Sands (with Tavius E.)

    Destiny of the Sands (with Tavius E.)

    Revelation of the Sands

    The last three e-books are also available in a discounted box set:

    The Secret of the Sands Trilogy

    Click on the links below to learn more!

    The Secret of the Sands Trilogy

    You can also click here for the paperbacks on The Book Depository

    For news on upcoming releases and exclusive bonuses, including a complimentary copy of Lost City of Gold, signup for my newsletter:

    The Lost Metal Library

    By Rai Aren

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination (excluding references to actual historical figures and events) or are used fictitiously and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    THE LOST METAL LIBRARY. Copyright © 2021 by Rai Aren. All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address:

    FIRST EDITION – Published by RFS Publications, May 2021

    Aren, R.

    The Lost Metal Library: a novel/Rai Aren

    Visit Rai Aren on the World Wide Web at:

    Cover design by Gary Val Tenuta, GVTgrafix:

    Editing by Janet Bessey of Dragonfly Editing:

    Book formatting and design by: Maureen Cutajar,

    For Indy,

    If forever could be described as a feeling, you felt like forever…

    The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

    – Joseph Campbell



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24


    About the Author

    Other Works


    Amazon rainforest, Ecuador, present day

    W e’ve got to get these hidden, fast! the young man said breathlessly, as he ran over to the small group of three fellow believers, two other young men and a young woman. Sweat poured down his face and back in the warm, humid chamber. He gazed up in awe at the massive, subterranean cavern, a stunning natural formation shaped like a cathedral. Its vast size, unmatched natural grandeur, and unusual features held many secrets, including housing some of the most extraordinary and powerful ancient artifacts on earth. It was a place of solemn reverence for their people.

    This place was not on any map. It had never been photographed. No one else on earth knew of its existence, and they needed to keep it that way. At any and all costs.

    They’d been forced into this position by foreign intruders who were now on the hunt for the priceless treasures they were desperately concealing. The intruders were clearly determined and getting far too close in their searches of the area. Members of their community had recently been reported missing under mysterious circumstances. They were certain the disappearances were related.

    The consequential and transcendent exploration they were undertaking here, exploration that could change the very nature of their existence, would have to wait. It was now too dangerous. They could not risk losing control of this place or these artifacts. Far too much was at stake.

    Their journey deep underground to this chamber had been a treacherous one. They had been forced to travel in the dark of night, separately, amongst predators of many kinds, in the dense and unforgiving Amazon jungle. A place that could swallow a person whole, never to be seen again by human eyes.

    Inside the cavern, beams from their flashlights made the entire space seem alive with movement. The reflections off the artifacts and the chamber’s strange features were shining and glistening with the promise of the miraculous. The very air felt different in here. The energy emanating from this place was palpable.

    He was tempted for a moment to once again experience the artifacts’ true power, before they hid them. It could happen so fast and it would allow him to experience the divine. His hand reached for one of the artifacts. It was so mysterious, so compelling, so powerful... and not yet fully understood. That lack of understanding had led to the terrifying deaths of those who did not respect just how dangerous the artifacts, in this place, could be.

    He stopped himself. He pulled his hand back and took a deep breath. He was devoted to their protection and any delay would put them in jeopardy. He could not risk it. He also knew the danger that he could lose himself in the artifacts’ ancient promise. The warnings were clear. He backed away, agonizing over how close he was to deepening his understanding of some of life’s greatest secrets. But it would have to wait. He prayed he would return.

    Finally, they finished what they had come here to do. They looked around. There was no trace of the artifacts for anyone to spot should they ever stumble into this space, though that had never happened. It was exceptionally well-hidden, the secret of its location well-guarded since time immemorial.

    We all know what to do, the young man said to the others.

    Yes, the young woman answered. We all take our individual routes back. We meet once we are back in the city. They had each mapped out and memorized their own solitary return paths. They knew the jungle well.

    He nodded, his expression grave. And you understand that if any of us does not make it back, by the time we realize it, it may be too late. They were forced to travel separately to ensure that if anyone was spotted or captured, the others could escape.

    With somber expressions, they nodded.

    He took out the ornate compass. It was no ordinary compass. Its hands spun wildly in response to the nearby artifacts. It was crafted by a member of their secret order, an order sworn to protect these artifacts, a vital part of their heritage. It was made to resemble a compass to disguise its true purpose.

    He pocketed it and zipped the pocket closed. It had been entrusted to him. He would give his life to keep it safe. To keep all of this safe.

    Then, let us pray for our safe return.

    They all bowed their heads in silent prayer.

    Without looking back, each brave soul made their way through the expansive, twisting, and perilous subterranean tunnel system, and then out into the dark and deadly jungle that lay beyond. Hope and prayer were now their guides through

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