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Prayer for Tomorrow's World
Prayer for Tomorrow's World
Prayer for Tomorrow's World
Ebook193 pages1 hour

Prayer for Tomorrow's World

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About this ebook

Today’s world has brought awareness of where we are going and with it anxiety. Thinking people advocate looking for a new direction to take. Ordinary people feel that their lives could be much better.
We see need and inequality on our doorstep and everywhere. Public conscience is pricked, but people feel unable to do anything. Politicians struggle to balance conflicting demands and policies. Quality of living has gone out of our lives.
People ask, where is God? A better question is, where are we, in relation to God? Prayer for tomorrow’s world brings out fundamental things to rethink and put right. It looks at what the Bible has to say. The book stimulates our thoughts, as we seek God’s way into a future that he can bless.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 17, 2022
Prayer for Tomorrow's World

Jim Prestidge

Jim has behind him a lifetime of Bible reading. He uses a variety of Bible translations and computer technology. Jim has travelled extensively in most of the continents, worshipping with christians of differing christian traditions and cultural environments. He draws on his wife’s studies of Bible background. Jim and his wife spent time in Israel, the land of the Bible. It was a prayer and study tour, with other christians and Messianic Jews. They visited the places of the Bible, reading what happened there, and praying peace on Jerusalem. Jim wants the Bible to speak for itself. He wants to revive Bible reading. He wants Bible study to be guided, not by church doctrines, nor by commentators, nor by videos, nor by Jim, but by the Holy Spirit. Jim aims to expose the real Jesus and his message: God enters our understanding of his world and how to fit in.

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    Prayer for Tomorrow's World - Jim Prestidge





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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5480-0 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-5479-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022901814

    WestBow Press rev. date: 02/15/2022

    ‘No, set your minds on his kingdom,

    and the rest will come to you as well.’

    (Luke 12:31)



    1     All to be One

    2     The blessed

    3     God’s message to the world

    4     Loving one’s neighbour

    5     Limitless goodness

    6     Repentance

    7     Gifts of the Spirit

    8     Being together

    9     Paul to the Romans

    10   Humility

    11   Be an angel

    12   My bad angel

    13   The Seventh Trumpet

    14   Plain ‘yes’ or ‘no’

    15   Parables

    16   Possessions

    17   A call to abandon wickedness

    18   How many countries in Africa?

    19   The Peace of God

    20   Paul’s imprisonment

    21   Noah and the Ark

    22   The Rainbow

    23   Generation gap

    24   The Lord is my Shepherd

    25   Rich and poor

    26   Psalm 139

    27   Hunger

    28   Kiwis

    29   International trade

    30   God’s thoughts, the world’s thoughts

    31   The Woman at the Well

    32   Psalm 96

    33   Gifts to the Lord

    34   Wash each others’ feet

    35   Your Need is our Concern

    36   Let it drop

    37   Forgive and forget

    38   Man proposes, God opposes

    39   Love Me

    40   Peace to this house

    41   Luli

    42   God’s law in our heart

    43   Love your Enemy

    44   The oil of nard

    45   The way of truth and life

    46   Christianity Spreads

    47   The Sabbath

    48   Wind of change

    49   Equality

    50   Gods, ancient and modern

    51   Little brown scorpions

    52   The Lord’s prayer

    53   Garments for God’s people

    54   Sodom

    55   The name of Jesus

    56   The important people

    57   My pop star

    58   Do not fret

    59   The two trees

    60   A new created world


    The world is entering a new stage in its history. People are recognising the interdependence of all peoples and the fragility of the pillars which support our civilisation. The future we build has to be different. Building it needs careful thought and informed prayer. We should live peaceably and cooperate, one planet, one world.

    Prayer for Tomorrow’s World aims to stimulate thinking. It is a collection of reflections. Each one ends with discussion points. These prompt further thought, either by the reader or in a study group. They are not necessarily true.

    Prayer for Tomorrow’s World does not make suggestions. It does better. It helps us to find answers together. Many heads are better than one. Then, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we shall arrive at our true destination, which God planned before the world began.

    In tomorrow’s world we will share ideas, discuss our differences, learn from and help each other—all without fear or reserve.

    The book draws wisdom from scripture. Some passages have been shortened so as not to take up too much space. The reader can read the full passages in their own Bible and check them in context. Square brackets indicate a parallel text.

    The stories in the book are all actual happenings, to me and my wife, and so I tell them in the first person.

    Jim Prestidge

    Christmas 2021


    All to be One

    Jesus came to earth to put God’s chosen people back on track. The Jews had drifted away from God. They had lost God’s way for the world, the world which he had designed. As Jesus’ ministry unfolded it took in other peoples, in fact his teaching was for all of us, then and now.

    Looking round the world we see so many things which are not right. We find problems at personal, family, national and international level. We see people trapped in circumstances over which they have no control. People need help that does not come. We see world leaders judging each other, rather than working together for the good of all.

    We also see progress, but not nearly enough, and too slow. No one can tackle all the problems. We need a super intelligence. And there is God, trying to show us our part to bring the system together. With his thought and guidance our efforts coordinate, controlled by his wisdom.

    As everyone does their bit, then our world returns to what God planned in the beginning. Surely that is the best for everyone.

    We have to work together. We have to be one, a unified effort under God. We have to come back to him.

    As Jesus came to the end of his time on earth he set his face towards Jerusalem and prepared for the ordeal of the crucifixion. Before going to Gethsemane, where he was to be arrested, he prayed.

    Then Jesus looked up to Heaven and said:

    ‘Father, the hour has come…

    ‘I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work which you gave me to do…

    ‘I have made your name known to the men whom you gave me out of the world…

    Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name…that they may be one, as we are one.

    ‘… the world hates them because they are strangers in the world, as I am. I do not pray you to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one…

    ‘It is not for these alone that I pray, but for those also who through their words put their faith in me... The glory which you gave me I have given to them, that they may be one, as we are one; I in them and you in me, may they be perfectly one.

    (John 17:1–23)

    We too should look up to Heaven. In that prayer Jesus prayed for us. The prayer made quite

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