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Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color: Illustrated Tao Te Ching, #1
Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color: Illustrated Tao Te Ching, #1
Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color: Illustrated Tao Te Ching, #1
Ebook173 pages28 minutes

Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color: Illustrated Tao Te Ching, #1

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About this ebook

The aesthetics of 81 full-color mandalas and the subtle power of the Tao blend to create a unique, transformative alchemy. This synergy of sacred circles and text is a potent tool for holistic meditation - creating a book that at once soothes the mind while feeding the soul!

Release dateFeb 23, 2022
Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color: Illustrated Tao Te Ching, #1

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    Book preview

    Tao Te Ching with 81 Mandalas in Full Color - David Petersen

    Chapter 1

    Paths can be taken; not so the enduring Way

    Terms can be cited; not so the enduring Word

    The absence of names is the origin of all creation

    For the presence of names is the mother of all creation

    It follows that detachment always highlights the mystery

    While attachment always highlights the form

    Both of these appear together

    Different names for the same subtle sense

    The subtlety of subtleties

    Gateway of all mysteries

    Chapter 2

    When all under heaven know the beauty of being beautiful

    That is ugly

    When all know the goodness of being good

    That is not good

    Presence and absence beget each other

    Problems and ease fulfill each other

    Length and brevity contrast with each other

    Nobility and baseness rely on each other

    Music and voice harmonize with each other

    Front and back accompany each other

    This is why sages economize action in managing their affairs

    And practice their doctrines without words

    All of creation arises from this with no explanation

    Cultivating without ownership

    Acting without dependence

    Succeeding without dwelling

    Because there is no dwelling

    There is no leaving

    Chapter 3

    Do not praise talent

    And the people will not quarrel

    Do not esteem goods that are hard to obtain

    And the people will not steal

    Do not showcase your desires

    And the people will not be disturbed

    Sages govern by emptying the heart

    And filling the belly

    Weakening ambition

    And strengthening physique

    Keeping the people uninformed and free of desires

    So that even the clever think twice before acting

    Act to economize action

    And there will be no lack of leadership

    Chapter 4

    The Way is empty

    Yet in application seemingly inexhaustible

    How vast! Like the antecedent of all creation

    Blunting sharpness, untangling knots, softening lights, equaling dust

    How deep! Like a tentative presence

    I have no idea who sired it, for it precedes the appearance of the Gods

    Chapter 5

    Heaven and earth are not benevolent

    They treat all creation as straw dogs

    Sages are not benevolent

    They treat everyone as straw dogs

    The gap between heaven and earth

    Is it not like a bellows?

    Empty, yet never exhausted!

    The more it acts, the more is produced

    Long discussion is pointless

    Unlike staying centered

    Chapter 6


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