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The Number One Ghost
The Number One Ghost
The Number One Ghost
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The Number One Ghost

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Steffy Muller is a beautiful US journalist from Germany who fell victim to a sadistic murder in a hotel in Cirebon, a lovely small town in West Java, Indonesia. An incident that makes her beloved co-partner be the alleged perpetrator of the murder.
When beginning an investigation, Roy DaPalawi, her co-partner who also loves her, experienced many strange and mysterious things. Start with his suspicions of a shaman known to have the power of The Number One Ghost. Then the arrival of Adeline Muller, Steffy Muller's twin sisters, informed him that Steffy Muller had died two years ago while working as a journalist in Penang Malaysia.
A psychic in Malaysia confirmed Roy's suspicions about the link between shamanism and drug cartels in the case of the murder of Steffy Muller.
The atmosphere in this novel is not only like a detective novel. But also will leave the readers with a feeling of a horror sensation. So, it is a multi-genre novel only for you, a brave Reader.
It is the story of a humble journalist in the little town who teaches the Drug Cartel not to rely on ghosts or dark powers.

Release dateFeb 1, 2022
The Number One Ghost

Yusak Kantadjaya

I’m Indonesian author.I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, and work also as script writer, producer and director tv programs.

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    Book preview

    The Number One Ghost - Yusak Kantadjaya


    Death is a scary mystery because it is indeed God who creates the human being. Humans had created for life. Not to turn it off.

    Death is also a scary mystery because it is like a dark tunnel full of secrets, which we have never entered. And we should enter alone.

    But what happens when the secret world of the dead is present in our world, who are still alive? The experience, that may never happen in your life.

    However, not a few of us have experienced it. Some are through dreams. Some else are through scary experiences.

    This novel The Number One Ghost, which is in the hands of you now, is a story about that, and the story begins with the tragic death of Steffy Muller, a beautiful US journalist from Germany, who becomes a victim of homicide. One occurrence that makes everything change.

    The hotel where he was murdered changes, along with many terrifying events.

    The life of Roy Da Palawi, a local journalist, a co-partner with whom Steffy loves, also changes. He often experiences the fact that the mysteries of the dead's world are present in his daily life. Then how does he deal with it?

    Hopefully, this novel will inspire you not to be afraid of adversity. Even not fear ghosts or the mysteries of the underworld that may be coming into your life as well.

    Happy reading.

    Warmest regards,

    Yusak Kantadjaya.


    Chapter One

    "The difficulties that are in front of us actually are not comparable with the power of God that exists in ourselves."

    Cirebon is in an uproar! German Journalist Killed in Hotel!

    A journalist of gorgeous German origin was found dead pathetic in her hotel room, on the outskirts of the city of Cirebon, a small city that's beautiful and bustling on the border of West Java and Central Java, Indonesia. The victim, who was lying covered in blood, wearing a beige tank top, was first discovered by the hotel cleaning service.

    Observed the condition of the victim's body, there were bruises and wounds on the forehead, cheeks, and under the eyes, as well as stabs in the abdomen, chest, legs, and fingers, it is reasonable to suspect that this was murder, and the victim fought back. However, we will still carry out a deeper investigation, and to determine the exact cause of death, wait for the autopsy results, said a police officer at the scene, after examining the victim's external body, and also examining the entire contents of the room, to collect evidence. (Writer: RDP. Update Radar News Cirebon's contributor).

    RDP (Roy Da Palawi) quickly typed and sent the initial report of that murder case, because right now he wanted to soon go to sleep. But, instead can soon sleep, Roy, who is a partner of work the victim, even must undergo an examination marathon at the office of the Police.

    Full name? asked a police officer when he started the examination of Roy.

    Roy Da Palawi, sir.

    Age, 33 years. Right?

    Right sir.



    Just like the victim?

    Yes, sir.

    You know who this red umbrella belongs to?

    "I don't know who owns it, sir. Maybe it's the property that was prepared by the hotel because I saw the red umbrella in Steffy's room before Steffy became the victim of murder.

    If this is the property of the hotel, usually there is a hotel logo. Something that is not on this umbrella, said one of the police officers while examining the long red umbrella.

    Brother Roy Da Palawi. We have evidence to be able to hold you, but out of respect for the presumption of not guilty, then through examination of this, we want to help you to honestly tell who is well- informed about your relationship with the victim, so that if you are not guilty, will reveal the truth, that you are indeed not guilty.

    You may wish to have a lawyer present? Asked another cop.

    No sir.

    You smoke?

    No sir.

    You like liquor?

    No sir.

    Good. Brother Roy Da Palawi, we hope you honestly and cooperatively so that we can continue to assist you in uncovering cases of murder of partners working brothers.

    Now, try you tell us anything that you see, hear and experience when you had the morning to come to the Hotel DW? Asked another cop, who was paying close attention to Roy's body language, such as his eye contact and gestures.

    When I got there, it was still a bit dark, but from the hotel lobby, I saw Steffy's room light and the room to her left, already lit up.

    You see that as something odd?

    I don't think so, because Steffy was planning to go out early with me and the occupants of the next room might have plans to go out early too.

    Early in the morning? Do you remember what time it was?

    I don't remember exactly, but as far as I remember, the call to prayer was heard at dawn from the mosque.

    What time did you leave the house so early in the morning you arrived at the hotel?

    I left my friend's house early morning before dawn, sir.

    Leaving from a friend's house before dawn? How come you are leaving from a friend's house?

    When I come home late at night, I usually sleep at my friend's house, sir.

    That means the night before the incident, you came home late?

    Yes sir.

    You often come home late lately?

    Sometimes, sir.

    And your wife is jealous and makes a lot of noise?

    Maybe it's because my wife gets annoyed when I come home late at night, sir.

    Why not sleep in the DW Hotel with the victim like a few nights before?

    I have writings that I need to finish and it won't be finished if I sleep in Steffy's room. So, I slept at a friend's house, sir.

    Who is your friend?

    His name is Dawi Hasan, sir.

    You're very good at making alibis.

    I'm not making it up, sir. I'll tell you what happened to me.

    You often sleep at Dawi Hasan's house?

    Often, sir.

    What is it that makes you often sleep and work at his house?

    I can use the computer, and there is a wifi facility in the house, sir.

    You don't feel like intruding on his privacy? Come at night, leave before dawn.

    He's never bothered, sir.

    That's very good, isn't it, your friend, Dawi Hasan, is that?

    We've been friends since high school, sir.

    But now you're dragging him into this case through the alibi you created?

    I didn't mean it that way at all, sir.

    When dawn arrives at Hotel DW, didn't you ask the hotel receptionist to tell Steffy that you were here?

    I don't feel the need because Steffi is very disciplined about timing, sir.

    In addition to being good at creating alibis, you are also good at playing drama because by being seen sitting in the lobby, everyone sees you clean when your partner is a victim of murder.

    Brother Roy Da Palawi, what did you do after arriving so early at Hotel DW? Just sitting daydreaming in the lobby, or?

    There was a commotion outside the hotel, sir, which caught my attention because it might be news.

    What commotion?

    Clashes between residents, sir.

    How long have you been out of the hotel, to see the commotion?

    Not long, sir. I immediately returned to the hotel because there was a commotion inside the hotel, so all the lights came on.

    What commotion?

    A room boy screaming in terror saw in room 103, Steffy Muller, lying covered in blood.

    Brother Roy, is it true that you are Miss Steffi Muller's partner?

    Yes sir.

    As a partner of work, of course, you know who these things are?Asked the Police, showing a photo of a laptop device.

    Know, sir. That Apple MacBook Pro belongs to Steffy.

    Can you open and operate it?

    Only Steffy can open and operate it, sir.

    You can't?

    No sir. Only Steffy knows the password.

    Steffy didn't tell you the password?

    No sir.

    Apparently Steffy doesn't really trust you, as a co-worker.

    What are you doing as a partner of the victim?

    I became her photographer, guide, and translator in helping her complete her journalistic tasks.

    When did you first meet the victim?

    About two and a half months ago. When helping her, those became victims of the crime of thugs at the port.

    Then, when did you guys start a relationship as co-partner?

    Since the first time we met, sir. She asked me to take her picture, then after he found out I was also a journalist, he asked me to be her co-partner.

    The news about what she is most interested in? Political, criminal, or?

    About arts and culture, and social issues, sir.

    You had sex with her?

    What do you mean?

    You had sex with her?

    I have a wife, sir.

    Wati Sulastri, your wife gave testimony that you and your wife have already separated beds.

    Roy was surprised that his wife had been questioned.

    Have you ever had sex with Steffy, Brother Roy?

    No sir, answered Roy, who was uncomfortable with the question.

    Miss Steffi Muller, recorded the entrance Hotel DW, twenty days ago, and you have seven nights stay in room 103. What course are you doing every time alone in the hotel room?

    Four nights, sir, I slept in Steffi's room because it was too late to go home, and I always asked for an extra bed so that Stefy wouldn't be disturbed.

    You don't seem like a normal man.

    What do you mean, sir?

    Miss Steffy Muller is very beautiful and sexy. Are you not at all tempted even though you are both in the room?

    Steffy is true to her beliefs.

    And you, a man half god, who is not easily tempted.

    You know, the reason he moved from a four-star hotel to Hotel DW?

    For savings, sir, because she will be in Indonesia longer.

    Whose idea was that?

    Ideas for moving hotels, sir?


    My idea, sir.

    Also, the option to stay at Hotel DW, was that your idea too?

    Regarding the choice to stay at the DW Hotel both of us agreed, sir.

    She couldn't possibly know DW Hotel. You were the one who brought her there, weren't you?

    Yes sir.

    Besides being a guide for Steffy, you were a guide for others?

    Never, sir.

    Do you receive a fee or commission for bringing victims to stay at the DW Hotel?

    No sir. Just helping a friend.

    Help a friend?

    Yes sir. DW Hotel owner, my best friend since Senior high school.

    But now you're giving your best friend even more trouble.

    I didn't mean to make it difficult at all, sir.

    Then when you come back to the hotel because you are telling you there is noise in the hotel, will anyone who you see enter or be in room 103?

    There are people crowding in there, sir.

    Specifically, who do you remember being in Steffy's room at that time?

    There was a moment of silence as Roy took a while to remember everything he had seen.

    There was an elderly hotel employee, and there was a man my age. A hotel guest staying in room 104, sir.

    This guy? asked the police while showing a photocopy of the ID card in Baskara Wigana's name.

    Yes sir. He's staying next to Steffy's room, Roy replied after having read the person's name.

    Who else is there in the room or around the room, and what just happened around you when it? Is there anything that raises suspicions about you?

    A bit far in front of the door there is a gentleman, friends from Baskara earlier, sir, said Roy, who seemed to be concentrating on being able to reconstruct in chronological order the things that had happened that morning.

    Then, Roy told me that starting from when he heard a commotion in the hotel lobby, then all the lights were turned on and he saw near the reception desk there was a cleaning service officer while sitting down, and was comforted by another.

    "I seemed to hear a voice from inside the room, please come in. Please come in.

    So, I ventured to open the door, and it turned out that the guest in the room was already lying on the floor, and I reflexively pulled the bed cover to cover her body because I saw that she was only wearing a thin, torn nightgown," he said.

    Next time, call security immediately! Don't do anything! Another employee said.

    Please come in. Please come in. Maybe Steffy thought I was the one in front of her bedroom door, thought Roy, who was a little sorry, why he didn't immediately go to Steffy's room when he just arrived.

    As the crowd gathered in front of Steffy's room, Roy remembered how a hotel security guard tried to block him and people who wanted to get closer to room 103. However, the occupant of room 104, which had his name on their identification card listed Baskara, was freely located in the room of Steffy.

    Roy told everything he remembered before he was returned to the cell where he was being held because according to the Police's assessment, he was suspected of being involved in the case of the death of Steffy Muller. One fact that made Roy start to think about what he should do, to break the conjecture.

    Roy tried to remember all the events that he and Steffy had in the last few days. He thinks hard about the various possible motives behind the murder of Steffy.

    Rapper or robbery? Or both?

    If it's really rape or robbery, who has the potential to do it? Was it a hotel employee or was there a guest sneaking into Steffy's room? Then, did the occupants of the next room not hear the noise or Steffy's screams for help?

    Many questions appear at the heart of Roy, and Baskara Wigana, the name on that ID card, now dominates the mind of Roy. A man of short stature and fat, who was his age. He is often seen with a man, who is like his superior because Roy has seen Baskara being ordered by that person several times. Then, because there was not enough preliminary evidence, Roy was allowed to go home after going through a grueling investigation process, including urine testing, taking fingerprints, blood samples, and hair examination, for forensic laboratory testing purposes.

    Arriving at home, Wati, Roy's wife, welcomed him with long and hurtful tirades.

    If there is free time, you should immediately take care of the divorce us, and now begin to pack all the stuff you. Then, quickly take out all your belongings. Also, goods belonging to your Caucasian Germany adulterous friend! I don't want any of your illegitimate items to be left in my house, and bring bad luck in the future.

    Without responding to the talk of his wife, Roy packed his belongings, although regret appeared in the hearts of Roy. Why was the house that he and Wati bought made in the name of his wife, even though it was bought with their money? But without saying much, Roy put his things in one big box. Including goods awarded Steffi to him, namely books, gadgets, and a photo camera digital that Roy saved very hidden in the back of the cupboard teak containing clothes, documents, and personal belongings.

    After placing his suitcase and boxes of goods on the trolley, Roy pulled him out of the house, towards the house of Dawi, his good friend, who is also a neighbor.

    Wow, like a flood victim, joked Dawi Hasan, when he saw Roy coming.

    More like a tsunami victim, here, Wi.

    Well then, I'm ready to open a refugee's post, bro.

    Wi, I'm staying here for a while, okay?

    Of course, Roy. Have the police released you forever, Roy?

    From time to time, the police will call me again, Wi, if additional investigation is needed. So, if I may stay here, yes, Wi, for a while.

    You can stay here as long as you want. Anyway, on Friday I will also be called by the police, Roy, said Dawi, whose house has often been Roy's place to sleep.

    Sorry, I'm so troublesome and involve you, Wi.

    It's all right, Roy. Said Dawi. Then their conversation stopped when Dawi's cell phone rang, and he read the WhatsApp message.

    Excuse me, Roy. Message from Wedi. Now the hotel is quiet. All guests check out now.

    Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow if you're not busy, let's go there, shall we, Wi?

    I really don't want to go there again. Creepy, said Dawi.

    When Roy took himself to come to the Hotel DW, he had to admit the truth of the words Dawi, namely that the Hotel DW now changed so creepy.

    When he enters the lobby hotel, Roy smells the smells that give the impression of a stranger. Roy greeted Diah, Wedi's beautiful sister, who was sitting with a new employee at the front desk, whose lighting looked to be dead and alive by itself.

    [Mas] [1]Wedi is behind, Mas Roy, said Diah, whom Roy knew very well.

    I'm sorry to go there, yes, Diah, said Roy, who when he headed to the back room of.

    Wed, why is the atmosphere here so haunted like this?

    Probably the impact of killing Steffi, Roy. Guests immediately checkout.

    Turn on all the lights, Wed. Don't be dim, which gives rise to spooky suggestions like this.

    Some of the light bulbs have been scorched many times, Roy, and some of the lights often go out on their own.

    What could I help, Wed, so that your hotel occupancy rate doesn't drop like this?

    Just find the Shaman, Roy.

    What? Shaman, Wed?

    Yes, Roy. Yes, and now I will make a special fried red rice, for both of us, said Wedi while rushing towards the rear. Meanwhile, Roy flashed as if he saw Steffy's appearance which surprised him. Moreover, there was the thundering sound of thunder, which was followed by the sound of heavy rain.

    Help me, please! Help me, please. Roy likes to hear the sound of Steffy from the room next to the room Wedi, which lights seen life and death itself. Roy took a breath to calm his mind, then prayed in his heart.

    After a few minutes, there are no signs Wedi reappears, which makes Roy move to want to catch up to the back. But Roy saw in the stairs near the back door, there was a small child that looked on his face and showed an expression of fear, closing her eyes with both hands whose fingers were not there. An apparition that made Roy shocked and even more surprised because look at the emergence of Wedi is very abrupt with two plates of fried brown rice in a tray. Then, the little kid vanished from Roy's sight.

    You look at me like you've seen a ghost, Roy.

    Just a moment ago I saw Steffy enter that room, and I saw the little girl, at the end of the stairs, Wed.

    That's why I quickly found the best Shaman, Roy. It's like being presented to us here in the world of the dead, Roy, and we don't know how to deal with it.

    Has there ever been an incident in this hotel where a little child died with severed fingers, Wed?

    Never, Roy, but you're not the only one who tells the story about the appearance of a child.

    "Yesterday a security guard told me his experience while on night duty. He who feels tired of work duty around in the area outside the hotel tried to retreat behind well, near the gazebo. However, when he got there, he heard a little girl's voice crying and asks for help.

    Then, pinched slowly the back of his waist. So, he was so shocked immediately fled, without brave a view to the rear. And today, his wife told him that he was sick, and often chatted to himself. Oh, yes, Roy, Steffy is good at playing the violin, isn't she, Roy?"

    Yes, Wed. That's her hobby other than photography. Why, Wed?

    In the former room to her, 103, if the middle of the night often hears the fiddle, Roy. Last night the sound of someone playing the violin approached my room. Then, knock on the door, but when I open the door, there's no one. Diah also heard several times like someone was typing in the room, which is now empty, and often smells strange in the room.

    You and Diah are incredibly brave, Wed.

    We have to be brave, Roy. My mother is also sick.

    Your mom is seeing ghosts too?

    Yes. Seeing a Caucasian woman and a little child, pushing the cardboard into the kitchen, then crying near my mom, she was surprised to see the child's left eye, which is almost free.

    Maybe the little kid I saw was crying on the stairs, Wed?

    Maybe it's different, Roy. Here now, there are ghosts of children, there are ghosts of grown women. That's why please quickly find a great shaman, okay, Roy. By the way, yesterday a washerwoman here found a small purse in the pocket of Steffy's shorts that she was washing. Wait a minute, okay, Roy. I'll get it, Roy, said Wedi who rushed to the back.

    [1]Mas is a respectful calling for an older brother or who is considered older. And a respectful calling for men, regardless of age.

    Roy now saw what those Wedi's mother saw was a little child. Not who had himself seen, but another little girl looked, skipping happy, even though his left eye was nearly off. Then, Wedi came and led her to the back, then the situation became very quiet.

    The only sound was the howling of a dog in the distance. Then, Wedi appeared again and seemed to have washed his face.

    You take her to where, Wed, little child earlier?

    Bring the little ones?

    Yes, that child, whose left eye almost fell out, who just obeyed when you just led her behind. Whose child is that, Wed, and where are you taking her?

    What ghosts did you see again, Roy? I was behind, waiting for Ijah, our servant, to take Steffy's little wallet, then I washed my face, Wedi said very seriously.

    So, it's not you, Wed, that I saw leading the little girl?

    No! Here, Roy, the little purse in the pocket of Steffi's shorts.

    I'll just take this, okay, Wed?

    Yeah, you just take it. Maybe there's something useful for you, Roy.

    Yes, Wed, I want to do an investigation, but I don't know where to start? Thank you, Wed. This might help me. But I saw you show up, Wed, and lead the boy back. I'm not lying, Wed, said Roy seriously and confused by what he had seen.

    I trust you're not lying, Roy. You never lie.

    So what did I see, Wed?

    Ghost, Roy.

    How come he seems like you, Wedi. You're not dead, yet, Aren't, Wed. But you have become two, Wed?

    This is the condition of our hotel now, Roy. So, please find the Shaman, Roy. But please you have to try the fried red rice first. My special dish, Roy.

    Suddenly there was a flash of light, then the lights went out, so Wedi immediately turned on the emergency light.

    Please continue eating it, Roy. It's not good when it's too cold. I want to check the meter switch, front, and side for a second.

    Roy quickly finished a plate of fried red rice that Wedi prepared for him. Then, suddenly the drinking glass beside Wedi's plate of fried red rice fell without anyone touching it.

    Fy, are you here now, Fy?

    As if someone wanted to answer Roy's question because someone's voice was heard sobbing. Then again Roy was surprised by the appearance of Wedi, and a hotel guest whose appearance was a bit strange. A middle-aged woman, who wears a loose-fitting shirt and a skirt that hangs down to the heels, and wears accessories such as necklaces and bracelets, with the symbol of peace.

    What other ghosts did you see, Roy?

    All of a sudden your drinking glass fell without anyone touching it, Was. Then, who is that guest, Wed? It looks unique, and seems mysterious.

    Oh, that's Mrs. Zezah, from Malaysia. She really is a loyal customer, Roy. She looked like a backpacker and crude, whereas she has a very good heart.

    Like mysterious, Wed.

    We are indeed often called her Mysterious guests. How about my cooking, Roy? Do you like my fried red rice? asked Wedi, while eating his homemade fried red rice.

    Ooh, great, Wed. Very delicious. Thank you, Wed. But, sorry, I'm leaving now, yes, Wed. As long as the rain has stopped.

    Yes, Roy. But I'm sorry, I didn't take you out, okay?

    It's okay, Wed. Have a good meal, okay?

    Please, don't forget to find a shaman. OK, Roy.

    Steffy also once asked me to take her to shaman number one. But, if later the shaman asks for something as a condition, Wed?

    If it's money, I'll definitely prepare it, Roy.

    If he wants something weird, Wed?

    If it's not too difficult I'll try.

    The rain had stopped by the time Roy left the DW Hotel. Then he stopped at a deserted coffee shop so he could open Steffy's little wallet. It turned out that the wallet contained ten tens of thousands of rupiah notes and a receipt from a gold shop in Cirebon for the purchase of a ruby pendulum pendant with a purchase date of seven days before Steffi's murder. One item of jewelry on the receipt said the buyer's name was written: Mr. Dh; for S.

    Roy was a bit surprised to find a small twisted note, with Steffy's handwriting: Pondok Hening, Sunyaragi Cave, Schamane nr. 1. One German word, which Roy now remembers was ever spoken by Steffy so that Roy understood what Steffy meant was, that's Shaman Number One because Steffy ever had asked him to accompany her there.

    This information about shamans might be useful for Wedi. But, what does that have to do with Steffy's death? Then here is the receipt of Mr. Dh.for S. pendant purchase receipt for Steffy. Is this from the number one Shaman? What Dh.S. Those are the Shaman's initials? Thinks Roy in the heart.

    Hopefully this can be an early clue that will unlock the mystery of death Steffy, inner Roy who feels very uncomfortable with the fact that the police suspect him as the perpetrator of the murder.

    When Roy called the police again, to re-investigate, he felt rather surprised and pleased, even though Baskara, who stayed in the room next to the room Steffi, currently seen will undergo police checks, also a man, who seemed to be the boss of Baskara.

    That is not just me, the suspicion, thought Roy, who also was surprised to see the arrival of Wedi and Diah, brother gorgeous. When hugging Wedi, Roy whispered something that made Wedi look happy.

    If possible, we will go home together, Wed. There is a Shaman in [Pondok Hening][2], Sunyaragi Cave that I want to go to start investigating the mystery of Steffy's death."

    Ready, Roy. Said Wedi.

    Mas Roy, we also have good news. Our hotel has a guest from the Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany, whose statement regarding Steffy will be very, very surprising, Roy. Said Diah, Wedi’s younger sister, who is pretty.

    Their conversation did not continue and Roy and Wedi's intention to go to the shaman together also failed to materialize because Roy had to go through a long examination again.

    I am sure, Mas Roy is not guilty at all, said Diah who carried on the journey back with her brother.

    I also believe Roy is innocent. Anyway, I want to go to the place of the number one shaman. With or without Roy.

    But don't go alone, Mas, and pray first before leaving.

    Yes, later I will ask for help accompanied by Mr. Mukri.

    Shouldn't it be better tomorrow morning, Mas Wedi?, suggested Mr. Mukri, the oldest and most loyal hotel employee.

    Why not now, Mr. Mukri, so that the ghosts here don't run rampant.

    Yeah, really, was Warno trance, when clean-up storage rear. His lips were dry, but the sound that came out of his mouth was like the sound of two cats fighting, said Mr. Mukri, who after adjusting the robe he was wearing, immediately followed Wedi.

    What do you know about Sunyaragi Cave, sir?, Wedi asked while driving his car.

    As a tourist destination, Sunyaragi Cave is a relic of the Sultans of Cirebon. Some say it was built as a resting place, but some say it was a meditation place for the Sultans. Therefore, it is called Sunyaragi from the words which mean quiet and 'yeast' which means body.

    I have never, you know, sir, come to Sunyaragi Cave. This is the first time, sir.

    Building in Cave Sunyaragi, according to me, is more like the temple of rock. But people have always called it a cave, maybe because there are many caves in it.

    Oh, there's not only one cave, is it, sir?

    Not just one. There are many and what we see now is said to be award. The place where the Sultan gives direction or advice to his followers.

    People say in this place mystical and supernatural things often happen, sir?

    Yes, Mas, said

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