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The Anatomy of God
The Anatomy of God
The Anatomy of God
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The Anatomy of God

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What does God (eeshwar, allah) look like exactly? What is the structure, shape, color? How many forms does God have? Or is God formless? Does God look like air/fire? Does God live in space? Is Jupiter the address of God? Does God live in another galaxy? Is God an electron, proton or magnetic force? How is God able to control the universe without being seen? All questions answered with proof.

Many religions preach that God looks like a man. They say that God or eeshwar or Allah or rabbi or guru or pagan etc. beautiful, true and divine. Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. They postulate that God is the first and the only truth. That He is in all and all is in Him. But some others say that God is formless. The power which rules this universe is thought of as a shapeless, colorless, formless entity. It is thought that God is invisible. What is the actual truth? Does God really exist? Is God a nuclear force or electromagnetic force? Is God a gravitational force? Or does God have electrical forces within himself? Is God female or male? Black or white? How does God manage to control the universe without being seen? Does God obey scientific principles or is God independent of science? Is God defined by mathematics? Or does God lean towards the philosophy? If God is light, is God made of photons then? Does God obey Einstein's theory of relativity?

Why must we know the truth? Because this is the foundation on which we stand. Every child, when he reaches 4 or 5 is taught about God. Before he goes to school the child learns about God. His parents and other family members train him subtly about God and his kindness. As he grows he keeps on hearing about God from multiple sources, his home, shrines, school, friends, TV, society, newspapers etc. So this belief keeps on growing unconsciously within himself and makes strong roots. These are the origins of a human being. They spread wide and tall and become a strong big tree all without the apparent knowledge of the person. However man does not question these subconscious thoughts and notions because questioning them would mean questioning himself. These theories and notions are the foundation of his being, his psychology, and self. Unknowingly he feeds on a lot of philosophy which he has no way of validating. His thinking, intuition and logic are modified by this subtle psychology. It impacts all his decisions without his knowledge. He stands on this groundwork and makes all resolutions about life never realizing the seriousness of this subconscious control.

Understanding God is the first step. It is the alphabet. How can you read the book without knowing the alphabet? The world jumps on from book to book without ever knowing the alphabet. The world is in a great hurry. It is dashing like a supersonic jet, without ever realizing that its foundations were never ever made.

This book talks about all these factors and the truth about God. About god, eeshwar, Allah, rabbi, guru etc. It reveals the truth about mind and soul, spiritual journey and reincarnation.  It dissects the truth and presents all facts in a plain language so that everyone can understand it. It is straightforward, surgical and precise. It answers all questions without leaving any doubts whatsoever. This book explains the truth of Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhists, Sikhism, religious philosophy and spirituality of Jesus Christ. It reveals the truth of Bible, Quran, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vedas, Upanishads, Gurugranth sahib etc. It also expoundes the mystery behind Deeksha bhoomi,  Evangelism,  Swami and babas, Gurus and secret of miracles from heaven. There is a chapter which investigates the murder of rationalists in Asian countries.

Release dateJun 10, 2020
The Anatomy of God

Susamma Verghese

I was born in 1967 to Indian parents. I have done Ph.D. and Postdoctoral research work. I have several international papers to my credit. I am a non-religious, non-political rationalist. My other interests include reading, writing, painting and photography. I am not a fan of social media. I have written two books. The first is “Is someone spying on you? Harassing you?” This was published in 2017. My second book is “The Anatomy of God.” This was published in June 2020. My eBooks are available in various websites. I am a targeted individual (T.I) since birth. Since last 10 years I have spoken aggressively against gangstalking and microwave weapons both offline and online. I am not against any country, race, community, religion etc. I do not advocate violence and hatred against anybody. I am not against Muslims, Chinese, Americans, blacks, homosexuals or Jews. All I am against is secret advanced technology which is used against innocent unsuspecting citizens and converts them into mad, criminals, rapists or terrorists. I want RNM, DEW and V2K to stop immediately. I want all such hidden technologies and methods to stop at once, whether psychological, electronic or neurotechnological.

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    Book preview

    The Anatomy of God - Susamma Verghese

    The Anatomy of God

    Dr. Susamma Verghese

    To Sir with Love

    Prof. H. F. Daginawala

    Greatest teacher, role model, mentor

    and a gem of a man.

    All rights are reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.

    Copyright: SUSAMMA VERGHESE, 2020

    Cover Design: Dr. Susamma Verghese

    One man’s truth is another man’s fake news.

    Table of Contents


    Ch. 1-Introduction

    Ch. 2-The Anatomy

    Ch. 3-Manipulation of Mind

    Ch. 4-Corruption

    Ch. 5-Crimes and Wars

    Ch. 6-Power and Politics

    Ch. 7-Controlling Women

    Ch. 8-Accept that God is great

    Ch. 10-Miracles

    Ch. 11-Edicts of Faith

    Ch. 12-Inherent Inequality

    Ch. 13-The Corona Crisis

    Ch. 14-The Biggest Loss

    Ch. 16-Truth Versus fake News

    Ch. 17-Some Positive Aspects

    Ch. 18-Death of Rationalists

    Ch. 19-References

    About the Author



    Humankind has been venerating God since ages. When the first civilization was established, the concept of God was also conceived. Since the stone ages men have been deifying God. Trusting, adoring, and fearing Him always. History is replete with the names of thousands of primitive gods. Very old civilizations had a variety of gods for each and every aspect of their life. As humanity evolved so, also the definitions of God changed. Different Gods originated at different points in history. Now after a million years we have several major religions: Judaism Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and a hundred others. All these philosophies presume that a God exists who created this universe and everything in it. From the galaxies to the planets, from human beings to the ants, the plants, animals, air and water. Believers of God say that the universe did not evolve by itself. God created everything. Nothing exists which was not created by God. Such people believe that all acts and all objects in the universe are because of god. This is the common and central theme of all religions and gods.

    The disparity between the different faiths is with respect to the name, region of origin and capabilities of their Gods. For example Judaism started in Israel region somewhere near the bronze ages. Christianity began in Rome around 2000 years ago. Islam is said to have originated in the gulf region in around 3rd century. On the contrary, Hinduism is said to have originated about 1st century in India. Buddhism originated in India and Gautama Buddha is considered the founder by its followers. Sikhism took birth in India in the 15th century and Guru Nanak was the first guru.

    There are thousands of other religions, faiths and spiritual philosophies each having its own specific region of origin, rules and textbook. Each proclaiming its own path, method and idiosyncrasies. There are disparities between religions about the nature of God and what His main philosophy was. Some opine that there are many gods who all resemble man. Others hold that there is only one god who resembles man in shape. While some others presume that the Supreme Being does not have a shape or form. Some religions also have apostles who are thought to have been close to God and work to spread His message among the people.

    There are widespread disputes between religions. Each claiming to be superior to the other. Each claiming only their god is grander. Each claims that except its own, all other faiths are sham. Often people are busy clashing with others on the basis of faith. Murder and loot go on indiscriminately in the name of God. Millions of dollars are spent every year for constructing religious shrines across the world. Similarly huge amount of money is wasted in fighting religious wars, also causing damage to lives, property, time etc. A million books have been written about religion and the Almighty.

    Most of the public spend a substantial amount of time and energy in adulating their Gods, buying items that are associated with religion for example books, statues, religious jewelry, clothes, photographs, trinkets etc. Religion contributes to huge amount of money in terms of business. Religion is also an arm of governments in many countries. Religion exerts its influence through power and politics. Religion is also the cause of many serious crimes. Religion is the hidden hand in all affairs of men. Even the judiciary is constructed on the backbone of religion. In short, religion and God wield influence in all spheres of life. Nothing is immune to them.

    The major religious books like The Bible, Quran, Guru GranthSahib, Geeta, Mahabharata, Vedas, Ramayana’s, and another million books were written to explain in detail the religious rules and biographies of gods. Though these books differ in their gods, they more or less talk about the same thing: peace, love for all, justice for all, moral values, obedience to rulers etc. Most of the countries in the world run on the basis of religion. Very few countries have proclaimed independence from religion. Some of these are Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, etc.

    Religion and god are part of tradition and culture in all countries. The difference in countries is due to religious cultures and traditions. This percolates into food culture, practices, and determines what we eat and what we should not. Many foods loved by one religion are abhorred by another. The way we dress, talk, walk etc. also is influenced by religion. Religion and god have a major hold in all aspects of life.

    Major philosophers have emerged throughout centuries who have either supported or rebelled against religions. Many philosophers like Socrates, Galileo, Bertrand Russell, Tasleema Nasreen, Salman Rushdie etc. have enlightened the public about the falsities of religious beliefs. Many great people have revolted against religion and charted their own different paths. The prominent amongst these was B.R. Ambedkar who in the 1960s, renounced Hinduism publicly and said that no Hindu priest would visit his house for any purpose whatsoever. Nor would he approach any Brahmin for any work religious or otherwise. This led to a mass exodus of lakhs of followers of Hinduism and conversion to Buddhism. This again caused a lot of political turbulence in India and continues until today. Millions of people around the world convert from one religion to another due to various factors. Many women upon marriage adopt the religion of their husband who may belong to a different faith. Even though philosophers and educated men have explained the untruths of religion repeatedly, even today the common public is deeply infected with blind belief and superstitions. Suppression and repression is a major fallout of this disease. Social and political repression continues until this day in the name of god and religion.

    On the other hand, god and religion have also positively inspired many great men. Mahatma Gandhi, a great political and social leader who achieved independence of India through nonviolence was a Hindu. Similarly, the great missionary Mother Teresa was a Christian. Both these leaders advocated respect and love for all religions. Their secret of success was hard work and love for all. Religion is said to have inspired great works of art. Great painters like Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo, have created masterpieces about gods and religion. The great religious shrines have been made extremely beautiful by remarkably beautiful pieces of paintings and sculptures. Millions of people throng the religious monuments to see great works of art. You can see diverse views of

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