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Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne
Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne
Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne
Ebook38 pages21 minutes

Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne

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Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne


Conventional acne treatments like salicylic acid, niacinamide, or benzoyl peroxide are proven to be the most effective acne solutions, but they can be expensive and have undesirable side effects, such as dryness, redness, and irritation.


This has prompted many people to look into remedies to cure acne naturally at home. 


That's where this remedie-packed book comes in to help. We have a whole range of acne busting otopions for you to try out and the feedback has been amazing.


Many people have written to me commenting on how well these various home remedies have changed their lives.   


This book includes: 


1. Introduction to Acne

2. What is Acne?

3. How To Tackle Acne

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

5. Fresh Orange

6. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

7. Fresh Lemon Juice

8. Aloe

9. Eggs Whites (yes really!)

10. Honey and Milk

11. Tea Tree Oil

12. Mint

13. Honey and Oatmeal

14. Banana Peel

15. Green Tea

16. Garlic

17. Treatments for Scars

18. Time and Patience But Always Be Positive


Get this book now to help you fight ance! 

PublisherM Laurence
Release dateFeb 22, 2022
Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne

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    Amazing Home Remedies for Acne, Symptoms Causes and Remedies For Acne - M Laurence

    Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

    1. Introduction to Acne

    Your skin is your best buddy. We like our skin and our skin likes us. It literally keeps us together and protects us from every external element. We in turn do your very best to protect it from any kind of damage. Then one day acne attacks from within and knocks us sideways as a thanks for all our hard work. Suddenly we don't like our skin. Now we have become enemies!

    Okay so it's not quiet that bad. But acne can cause us not only pain, discomfort but also psychological pain. We can try desperate measures to get our friend back, scrubbing with harsh chemicals, using over the counter drugs, washing with weird expensive scrubs all in the aim of getting rid of the acne. But as you have probably found out acne is much more complex than a simple scrub and we have to work with our friend to figure out what's happened, and what we can do about it.

    Acne is actually a common skin condition that affects most people at some point in their lives with varying degrees of severity. It causes spots which develop on the face, back and chest. These spots can range from surface blackheads and whiteheads which are often mild to deep inflamed, and in some cases pus-filled pustules and cysts. These can be nasty and long-lasting and lead to scarring if handled in the wrong way.

    What to do?

    However there are a number of remedies and procedures to do when acne comes to visit. The number one thing to do is to keep your skin clean, although this will not prevent new spots developing. Wash the affected area twice

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