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Portal To A Free Use World #2
Portal To A Free Use World #2
Portal To A Free Use World #2
Ebook44 pages28 minutes

Portal To A Free Use World #2

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A portal opens up in our reality, and it leads to a place where men and women CAN'T get ENOUGH OF EACH OTHER. In a world where people make love and not war, two ordinary guys find themselves unable to resist being thrown into the middle of a FREE USE WORLD!

Seven people are chosen to be acclimated into the Free Use Society, While most of them take to the rules of Free Use like fish to water, there are two women who find themselves wondering if they are cut out for a new reality where lust and debauchery reign supreme!

Stephanie is mindful of the things she has come to know about this new Free Use World... But while she does have her concerns with what the new reality will do to her, she can’t help but feel the pull of using other people’s bodies to fulfill her own needs. Will this new urge change Stephanie from who she actually is, or has she been this way the whole time? Celeste is trapped between who she thinks she should be and who she wants to be, as the allure of this existence keeps on telling her that she should give in, and when she sees a novel group activity going on in the park, she feels like she may be having a sudden change of heart, but will she be able to handle the new her? Will they both be able to handle living in a FREE USE WORLD?!

Release dateFeb 18, 2022
Portal To A Free Use World #2

Daniele Deviant

Daniele Deviant is an author from Arizona who loves good books, good conversations, and steamy stories. You can find all of her work at

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    Portal To A Free Use World #2 - Daniele Deviant

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    The seven of them were lined up in the bright, gray room. They wore no clothing. That was the first thing to go when they arrived. They had been taken through the portal and told to strip down and get lined up. The group had hesitated as a whole at first. They looked at one another and wondered who would be the first to unrobe. April, a short redhead with bangs that hung over her forehead right above her eyes, was the first to start. She took her shirt off and then undid her bra. She wondered if she would ever wear it again. Daniel followed after, and then Pete. The rest of them followed suit and Celeste was the last one to be fully nude. She had hung onto her black bra and bottoms as long as she could before slipping out of them and hugging her chest, trying hard to not appear embarrassed while still covering up.

    A young blonde by the name of Natalie was the one who came into the room. She also was completely removed from her clothing. She was elegant and tall, and the males of the group had their appendages begin to stiffen at the mere sight of her. She smiled at the group and introduced herself before explaining how the rest of the initiation would proceed.

    You all have been chosen for your intelligence and wit, Natalie said. You all will be expected to provide us with information from your dimension, your reality, and in exchange for that, you will live here, comfortably and happily, among our civilization. That is if you can handle the transition. Not everyone who comes through the Portal is able to last long here. If you feel the need to 'tap out', just let us know and we will arrange for you to head home ASAP. Now follow me into the next room.

    The group understood what she had said. They had already seen people who had come back from attempting to cross over into the Free Use Dimension. The epics they shared varied, depending on who it was who had told the tale. The general story had been that someone showed up in front of them, completely nude, offering them a place in a society where there was no war, no suffering, and no stresses that they endured in their own life. The people were always single, with no family, and typically very intelligent, though there were some people who seemed to contradict that theory. They were then whisked away to a far-off world where people... Well, the people made 'love’ to one another, but in a way where it was vastly different from what they had experienced in their lives before. The barrier to sex was completely non-existent, and the people who had rejected it found themselves scarred from the episode, while others stayed behind and lived in a world that some referred to as a utopia.

    The events had been going on for so long that the seven people who had been transported didn't even need a full briefing from the people who

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