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Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment
Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment
Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment

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Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment is a fictitious recount of the true story of Africa. Conveying multiple mixed emotions, take a moment to explore the continent in ways that have not been seen before. It’s a magical experience of friendship, family, love, religion, politics and humour through the eyes of Africa.

A first-hand view of the sights, beauty splendour and exactly where to find some of the scum of the earth. Like nothing that has ever been written before, Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment offers a thought-provoking way to connect familiar concepts that normally have no connection. This is fiction, or is it?

Release dateFeb 21, 2022
Kin Magic: Journey to Enlightenment

U. S. Obilor

When an engineer writes a novel, you can expect one thing: a complex weave of creativity, science, and an attempt to solve a problem. Uchechukwu Samuel Obilor is a Nigerian-British, father, husband, engineer, and writer who is currently serving Her Majesty’s forces as a Marine engineer. He is committed to bringing about development, exposure and improvement to areas of Africa yet unreached. U. S. Obilor has engineered a creatively complex whole other angle to facts, fiction, mysticism, history, religion, love, humour, family, politics, and life. He certainly does not write like a writer, so brace yourself. Links to social media: Twitter: @US_Obilor Instagram: us_obilor Facebook: /obilor.samuel 

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    Kin Magic - U. S. Obilor

    © 2022 U. S. Obilor. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/19/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9592-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9593-3 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    To my lovely

    wife and daughter


    About the Author


    Chapter 1 Ancient History I

    Chapter 2 The Current State of Affairs

    Chapter 3 Visit to Europe

    Chapter 4 Safe and Sound

    Chapter 5 Back to Reality

    Chapter 6 Forest Keepers

    Chapter 7 Mujaji’s Descendant

    Chapter 8 Messenger of Thunder

    Chapter 9 Desert Homecoming

    Chapter 10 All Hope Lost Again

    Chapter 11 Tears Galore

    Chapter 12 Necromancer

    Chapter 13 Liberation

    Chapter 14 Cloaking

    Chapter 15 From Frying Pan to Fire


    W hen an engineer writes a novel, you can expect one thing: a complex weave of creativity, science, and an attempt to solve a problem.

    Uchechukwu Samuel Obilor is a Nigerian-British, father, husband, engineer, and writer who is currently serving Her Majesty’s forces as a Marine engineer. He is committed to bringing about development, exposure and improvement to areas of Africa yet unreached.

    U. S. Obilor has engineered a creatively complex whole other angle to facts, fiction, mysticism, history, religion, love, humour, family, politics, and life. He certainly does not write like a writer, so brace yourself.


    S pecial thanks to my wife and my sister, without whom this work would not have been possible.



    Ancient History I

    I n a classroom at Obodoma School of Miracles, several cliques of senior-year students, in groups of five, are chatting about how they have been in this school for too long as they wait around for the teacher. A couple are sitting on tables while chatting, another set is standing on chairs while chatting, and one guy is even hanging off a window while chatting.

    A tattered-looking brief-heighted chap decides to use the teacher’s desk to demonstrate whatever he has to say. The chap’s name is Taju Olamilekan. He is a loquacious one, with a distinctly dark complexion even for the average African. A unique loudmouth, not-good-for-much guy, Taju is not the kind to win at anything, simply because he is plainly bad at all things. He is so unfortunate that if he had to compete at his only talent—talking—he would still lose. He has a reputation for being the most hated person everywhere he goes. You might say his big mouth puts him in too much trouble, or you might say his bad luck makes people avoid him like a plague. Some people even avoid him for fear of being infected by misfortune syndrome. He is the guy people laugh at easily but never with, and to be honest, he brings it upon himself. If only he would shut his mouth more often!

    But Taju has reason to be happy. He has a circle of people who rely on him for their survival, and he in turn needs them to survive. I suppose to Taju, the circle is one good thing that comes from the curse of Ra. The members of the circle are bound to one another, and there is no turning back. They all have to find ways to love Taju. And believe me, to some, caring for Taju does not come easily, but to the likes of Ebere Okafor, Taju is a highly valued member of society!

    The truth is that Ebere does not have special affection for Taju—she simply loves everyone. Taju, however, has a special liking for Ebere. Not that he is in love or something, but he just is not familiar with having anyone watch his back as she does. There are two other people who care for Taju: Mama Dotun, the owner of the motherless shelter where Taju lives, and Ayomide, a boy at the shelter who uses a wheelchair. Sometimes, it feels as if the professor, Albert, a teacher of ancient history and head teacher at Obodoma School of Miracles, might care, but he has a strange way of showing it.

    The members of Taju’s circle are Ebere Okafor, the caring one; Imani Ibiyome, the bookworm; Kali Chabane, the badass; and Shaka Zuma, the not quite sure why he is a part of this clique one.

    While they are waiting for the teacher of ancient history, a little bird flies into the classroom from the right window by the front desk and perches on the teacher’s table, but no one takes notice of it. Chatting continues.

    The little bird makes its way to Taju’s desk, which happens to be in the front row. And still, no one notices.

    Taju, the ordinary guy, superiorly lazy, usually resorts to astral projection for most simple tasks. He likes the idea of lying in bed while his spirit goes to school to learn. It is a school of magic, so such an

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