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Out of Chaos, Shapes
Out of Chaos, Shapes
Out of Chaos, Shapes
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Out of Chaos, Shapes

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What is “Beyond the Edge of Being”? Is there something ‘out there’, whole and entire, yet beyond our comprehension? If I feel something out there, does that feeling put it there? Or, does what I feel bring itself to my conscious awareness? When we read what humans have thought, no matter how far back we go, those thoughts are comprehensible to today’s minds. Even thoughts about beings we have never personally known. Among our earliest constructs were thoughts about our ancestors. Those thoughts, like all thought, traveled their own paths before written words, and the thoughts they created moved us from the contemplation of ancestry to thoughts like spirits within us, who give us life, then leave when we die; and, further, to other spirits who connect us to that other world where the ancestors live, and will transport there where we die.

From ethereal mists to cadres of entities who oversee our lives, we have thought and dreamed about who we are, what we are, and why. While our visions vary, have led to wars, they have also stimulated thoughts about our similarities, our increasingly common navigation toward recognition that we are all people, just people. Quite a feat for a recently evolved Primate, living on a large rock in a solar system. We have emerged from the open Savannah, and over a long period of time, discovered that, while we are spread across the planet, we are one people. All from our experience with small shapes which, with our words and feelings, have merged to generate a concept which tells us with certainty, that yes, we are people, and we have sensed a larger world beyond us. This, I find a marvelous triumph for living beings, on a small planet in the middle of an enormous universe.
Release dateFeb 21, 2022
Out of Chaos, Shapes

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    Out of Chaos, Shapes - Jim Martin

    © 2022 Jim Martin. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/21/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4366-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-4371-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021923071

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    Prior Babble: Beyond the Edge of Being

    Words and shapes

    The Edge of My Words

    Words Emergent

    Eye of the Storm


    The Ancient Ones



    Do Words Mean?

    Is Life a Peripheral Consequence?

    Hopeful River


    Where is our place?


    Thought Genesis

    Do We Move Forward?

    Eye and Hand, Apart

    Do Dreams About Art Generate Science?

    Simple Miracle

    Eye and Thumb Speak

    Quorum Sensing

    Air has Rhythms

    Quorum Sensing as Language

    Art, Antecedent

    Life as Dance

    Does Choreography Think

    Beautiful Decay

    Do Words Dance

    Outside, Looking in

    Inside, Looking Out

    Outside Inside




    Over the past few years, I’ve been setting my overt assumptions about life aside, and seem to be seeking my covert assumptions, those I subconsciously take for granted, but never articulate or consider. Like, there is no comparison between me and a supernova. So certain, that it doesn’t come to conscious awareness, although once brought to thought, perhaps it should. In the light, that thought, my self is not like a supernova, may not be a slam dunk. I’m navigating my poetry and commentary into that veiled place, where assertions may be no more than mere unfounded assumptions. Sailing through them, like an iceberg field we navigated south of New Zealand in 1958. Tips of the bergs, we took for the icebergs themselves. Sonar told a different story. Below the overt surface of the sea lay a world different, covert, but comprehensible. A very strong attractor.



    I get them to think about that — which is at the edge of speech — it’s a place for me, like a bay, where the land ends and the water begins. What can we not articulate in everyday language and official discourse? I get them to think about poetry as wild imagination, the edge of the imagination. What can best be explored in poetry’s precinct, with the precision, imagination, craft and reading that it demands?

    Christian Campbell, Oregon Elegy¹



    what is at the edge

    of my words

    there    where they would babble

               within me

                       cannot yet express nor quite



               where lie our

               collected lives

               the shared knowledge


    that emanate from them

    the edge of my words

    like a shore

               edge of the land

                           land I am adapted

                           to live within

               limits my being

    places an edge on

    my words

    the sea

    beyond the land


    but not experienced

    a barrier

    against my quest

    for what is out there

    the fields of my thoughts

    and I

    sensing them

    flitting images

               of thought


    but not articulated

    when do I name them

    move my words

    beyond the edge

    to where they

    dance their lives

    How can I say that our collected lives reside within me? I’ve felt it, and accommodated it during my life. As I grew, and seem to still be growing, I’ve collected bits and pieces of many of the people I have known. Some only briefly. They lie throughout the neurons in my brain, held in proteins and connections there, ready to spring out and surprise me when they sense the moment. So I know, components of my brain cells, they, the people I have known, do most certainly live within me. A simple miracle of the Universe.

    Can it, my thought, travel beyond my words? I know that words, like nails, can fasten meaning. New meanings, words seen anew, have the capacity to allow my thoughts to move, to travel beyond my recent words; to find more juxtapositions to assist old words to comprehend new meanings. To feel them, and express them. To you and to me. When my thoughts become components of others’ neurons, those thoughts travel beyond the words which transported them. Doing so, I slowly begin to understand. At the edge; beginning to sense what is beyond.





    from short        chosen


    efficient            independent

    precinct                    and strategy

    of poetry

    define the edge

    and meaning

    of human discourse

    surgically remove ambivalence



    with precise    exactly meaningful


    My words,

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